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MTR: Local trains will operate all night on New Year’s Eve.

  The Hong Kong SAR Government has previously announced that the Shenzhen Bay Port will operate 24 hours a day from New Year’s Eve to the fourth day (February 9-13); The opening of Luohu Port was extended to 2 am on New Year’s Eve and the second day of the second day (February 9 and 11). The MTR Corporation announced that on New Year’s Eve, all seven MTR local railway lines (except Airport Express and Disney Line) and light rail lines will run overnight, while three MTR bus routes will extend their service hours. In addition, the cross-boundary train service between east rail line and lo wu station will be extended on New Year’s Eve (9th) and the second day of junior high school (11th) to tie in with the customs clearance time at Luohu Port, but there is no extended service at Lok Ma Chau Station. During the Spring Festival, the MTR is expected to add about 1,850 buses to serve passengers.

  According to the MTR, the last train from east rail line to Lo Wu will leave admiralty station at 12: 56 midnight and arrive in lo wu station at about 1: 46 am, about 14 minutes before the port is closed. Passengers should pay attention to the closing time of the port and seize the time to pass the customs. The last east rail line-Admiralty train from lo wu station will depart at 2: 30am (about half an hour after the port is closed) and arrive in admiralty station at about 3: 20am.

  MTR reminded that other local railway lines did not extend their services on the evening of the second day (11th), and the normal last bus time will be maintained. The Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point will be closed at 10: 30 pm as usual, and there will be no extended service at Lok Ma Chau Station in east rail line. Train service to and from Lok Ma Chau Station will be maintained, and the last train to Lok Ma Chau Station will leave from admiralty station at 9: 29 pm.

  According to the MTR, after discussion with the mainland railway authorities, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed rail service will increase 11 pairs (22 shifts) of high-speed trains between Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Futian Station every day from the second day to the fourth day (11th-13th), and the daily train frequency will increase to 105 pairs. Tickets for new train shifts will be put on sale from now on (3rd). The relevant tickets can be changed on the same day by using Fukuda "Flexible Travel", making it more convenient and flexible for passengers to travel on holidays.

  MTR appeals to passengers to use their mobile phones to use MTR Mobile or MTR website to check the last bus information of each railway line, plan their trips in advance and reserve sufficient time for their trips. During the Spring Festival, the MTR will strengthen information dissemination, station instructions and broadcasting to help passengers understand the relevant arrangements.

  GDToday reporter chenchen is from Hongkong.

Put away this swimming guide while it is hot.

In hot summer, swimming is one of the favorite recreational ways for parents and children. The week of July 16th every year is "July 16th National Swimming Fitness Week", and all kinds of swimming activities will be carried out all over the country. So, how to choose a healthy swimming pool? How to protect yourself from swimming in summer? Please keep this guide.
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
As a public place,
Consumers will inevitably worry,
Is the water clean or not?
Whether the bacterial content exceeds the standard,
Is the disinfectant put in enough?
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
Both summer heat and health?
Keep these details in mind.
01 see documents
According to "Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places", "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places" and other laws and regulations, the operators of swimming pools need to publicize the hygiene license, annual inspection report and hygiene reputation grade mark in the eye-catching position of swimming pools.
Operators of swimming places must obtain the hygiene license of public places before they can open their business to the outside world, and should show their business license and accept social supervision.
Before entering a public swimming pool, consumers should pay attention to whether the public health permit and the health certificate of employees are publicized in a conspicuous place in the swimming place.
02 Look at the water quality
Before entering the swimming pool, you should observe whether the water quality is good. There are two tips,
Splash the water slightly in the swimming pool. If the foam dissipates by itself within 10 ~ 15 seconds, the water quality is better. If the foam continues to float on the water for a minute or even a few minutes, it proves that the water quality is relatively poor.
Look at the situation that the bottom of the water leans down through the water to see the underwater swimming lane. The farther you look, the clearer the pool is. If the water quality is poor, you can’t see so many lanes clearly
03 Look at the sanitary facilities
See if the swimming place is equipped with dressing rooms, shower rooms, toilets, closed garbage bins and mechanical ventilation facilities that meet the hygiene requirements.
Check whether the water temperature, residual chlorine concentration, pH value and other indicators of the swimming pool on that day are qualified through the electronic bulletin board or text bulletin board of the swimming venue.
Be careful of "swimming sickness" when you have fun.
First, cramps
The supercooled water temperature will stimulate the contraction of blood vessels, so the blood flow will decrease and slow down, which can not meet the muscle activity, thus causing cramps. Lactic acid accumulates in a large amount in muscles, which leads to muscle fatigue and cramps.
Prevention tips:
If you have leg cramps underwater, don’t panic, you should call for help immediately. Straighten the cramped foot after landing and repeatedly pull the sole of the foot to recover as soon as possible.
Second, otitis media
Choking occurs when swimming, and the bacteria in the water will spread to the mucosa of the middle ear cavity along the eustachian tube, causing effusion and obstruction in the middle ear, and then causing inflammation.
Prevention tips:
Protective measures such as swimming cap, goggles and earplugs should be worn as much as possible during swimming to reduce the erosion of hair, eyes and ear canal by pool water.
Third, pinkeye
If the swimming pool is not disinfected properly, a patient with pink eye can easily cause pollution, and everyone in the swimming pool may suffer from epidemic conjunctivitis.
Prevention tips:
After swimming, you should bathe and wash your body in time, and use artificial tears or antibiotics to drop your eyes. Avoid rubbing eyes to prevent damage to conjunctiva and cornea.
Four, diving injury
If you are not careful when diving, it is easy to hit the edge of the pool and cause injuries. The collision between the body and the water surface may also lead to visceral injury in children during development.
Prevention tips:
Keep the correct posture of entering the water, prevent the soles from slipping, and avoid unnecessary injuries caused by excessive strenuous exercise.
Remember the safety knowledge
1 Warm up fully before swimming
It is best to experience the water temperature before entering the water. If the water temperature is too cold or too hot, try not to rush into the water. Before you go into the water, you should do warm-up activities on the shore, warm up for 10 to 15 minutes, and exercise your joints and muscles in all parts. Otherwise, it is easy to cause muscle injury or other accidents if you suddenly engage in more intense activities. Leg-lifting, squatting and standing up can be used.
Pay attention to safety and stay away from wild swimming.
Do not swim without permission, do not swim in waters without safety measures and ambulance personnel, and do not swim in unfamiliar waters. It is necessary to have a physical examination to make sure that you are in good health. Grasp the swimming time, generally no more than 1 hour.
3 Don’t leave the "comfort zone"
Polluted rivers, reservoirs and places with rapids may all lead to drowning accidents. If you encounter bad weather, such as thunderstorms, strong winds or sudden changes in weather, it is not suitable to swim. It is recommended to choose an indoor swimming pool as much as possible every day.
4 replenish water in time after swimming
You will sweat when swimming, but because your body is wet, you often can’t feel the loss of water in your body, resulting in dehydration. Nutritionists suggest drinking 600 ~ 800 ml of water before swimming, and replenishing water in time after swimming.
Swimming has many benefits for the body.
Adhere to exercise and protect health.
There must be unexpected surprises.
Source: CCTV News

Innovating the recruitment mechanism of civil servants’ examination

  In recent years, open recruitment examination has become the most important channel for state organs at all levels to select and employ public servants. However, practice also shows that there are still some defects in the civil service examination and employment system, which directly affects the fairness of examination and employment. In this year’s government work report, Premier Wen Jiabao clearly stated that it is necessary to further improve the National Civil Service Law and accelerate the establishment of a scientific, fair and just civil service examination and employment system. To this end, reform and innovate the civil service examination.

  The employment system has become an important task at present.

  Fairness is an important prerequisite for the civil service examination and employment system to gain wide social recognition and social credibility, but some problems existing in the system design and specific operation of civil service examination and employment have weakened this fairness to some extent. This is mainly manifested in: first, the rule defects, and second, the operation defects. The former mainly refers to the unreasonable conditions set by the management department in the qualification of social members to apply for the exam, which restricts and prevents some social members from joining the ranks of civil servants, thus causing unfairness in the entrance examination threshold. For example, Article 16 of the Regulations on the Employment of Civil Servants stipulates that with the approval of the competent department of civil servants at or above the provincial level, the age and academic qualifications of applicants may be appropriately adjusted; However, at the same time, it is stipulated that the competent department of civil servants and the recruitment agency shall not set qualifications unrelated to job requirements. As a matter of fact, in the examination of civil servants at all levels, civil servant management departments and recruitment agencies at or above the provincial level often use the power of "appropriate adjustment" to set many unreasonable conditions on qualifications such as academic qualifications, age and household registration. The latter mainly refers to the fact that some specific circumstances that the management department should consider when formulating the civil service examination and employment system have not been fully considered, which leads to the deviation of the examination and admission work from the expected goal and the unfairness of the results. For example, in the interview stage of the civil service examination, most of the examiners who participate in the interview evaluation (that is, examiners composed of organizations and personnel departments) are still from the local area. As the traditional society in China is an "acquaintance society" and the narrowness of the region provides low cost for the humanization of the relationship,It enables candidates to get to know, woo and even bribe examiners through various channels, so as to achieve the purpose of obtaining high interview scores. In the investigation stage, because the family, neighbors or colleagues of the object of investigation are unlikely to talk about the "acquaintances" who are about to leave themselves for human reasons, this often makes the investigation a mere formality.

  In view of some disadvantages in the current employment mechanism, we believe that it is imperative to innovate the mechanism. When innovating the mechanism of civil servant examination, we should truly follow the principles of fairness, procedure, transparency and economy.

  The first is the principle of fairness. The civil service examination should put fairness in the first place. Everyone who enters the exam must take the exam, and everyone who takes the exam must achieve equal opportunities and equal rules. In terms of equality of opportunity, it is mainly reflected that all People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens, regardless of gender, nationality and occupation, have the equal right to register for the examination as long as they meet the requirements of the post’s ability to perform their duties. In terms of equality of rules, it is mainly reflected in determining the recruitment conditions, examination types and examination contents according to unified standards and procedures, and conducting qualification examination, physical examination and merit-based recruitment according to procedures.

  Secondly, the procedural principle. It is not only the need to simplify the operation, but also an effective means to prevent human operation to carry out the examination and recruitment of civil servants in a programmed way. The proceduralization of the examination work should be reflected in three aspects: First, the procedure is legal. That is, the steps that need to be taken in the examination and admission work: publishing the recruitment announcement, qualification examination, written examination, interview, investigation, drafting personnel, publicity, employment, etc. must be determined through legal channels. Second, the program is rigid. The legislature should conduct in-depth research and analysis in combination with the actual situation, formulate practical and rigid operating procedures, prevent artificial manipulation of examination results, and ensure that the candidates are determined in the order of high and low comprehensive scores to the greatest extent.

  Thirdly, the principle of transparency. Recruitment of civil servants should be announced to the public as soon as possible, so that every citizen who meets the conditions and has the intention to apply for the examination can take the public examination; Announce the number of candidates for each position in time when applying for the exam, and rationally allocate and optimize the resources for the exam; Written test results, interview results, inspection results, ranking and employment status are published in a timely manner; The reasons for changing the ranking of civil servants must be announced.

  On the basis of the above principles, it is necessary to innovate the operating procedures of examination recruitment and refine the operating procedures to ensure the fairness of the examination system. At present, the main process of civil servant recruitment by examination in China is: publishing recruitment announcement-registration and qualification examination-examination (including written examination and interview)-inspection and physical examination-public approval or filing. Among them, after the written test, they will enter the interview according to a certain proportion, and after the interview, they will enter the inspection and physical examination according to a certain proportion. After the inspection and physical examination, the personnel department and the employer will determine the candidates to be hired from the top candidates. There are two links in this process that are flexible: one is interview, and the other is inspection. Due to excessive flexibility, the fairness of the exam may be reduced. Therefore, we should improve these two links in detail, and we can put the physical examination before the inspection. After the written test, you can enter the interview according to a certain proportion, enter the physical examination according to a certain proportion after the interview, and conduct an inspection according to a certain proportion after the physical examination. In this way, it is easy to model operation, reduce the cost, and more importantly, it embodies the principle of fairness and puts an end to the disadvantages of human relations to the maximum extent.

  It is necessary to improve the management mechanism of interviewers, organize exchanges in different places, and ensure the fairness of interview results. Interview is an important link in the examination and registration of civil servants. It is beyond doubt to strengthen the management of interview and establish a scientific interview mechanism. To improve the interview management mechanism, we can mainly start from the following aspects: First, implement the information base management of interview examiners. A certain number of professionals are transferred from relevant fields and departments and entered into the examiner information database according to a certain structure. When there is a recruitment task, they are randomly selected, and the drawn examiners are managed in a centralized and closed way until the end of the examination. The second is to establish an examiner’s exchange system in different places. The third is to establish a double lottery system for pre-test interviews: the examiner draws lots to determine the positions to participate in the evaluation, and the candidates draw lots to determine the interview team to be evaluated. The fourth is to establish a rotation training system for examiners.

  It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and restriction mechanism to ensure the fairness of examination and employment. A good supervision and restriction mechanism should have a perfect internal supervision and external supervision system. Internal supervision is mainly a way for the management department to supervise the whole process of civil servant examination and registration through its own deployment of certain material resources and manpower. It is mainly realized in two ways: first, a supervision working group composed of cadres from the organization, discipline inspection and personnel departments at the same level supervises the whole process of examination. Second, representatives from people’s congresses or CPPCC members at the same level sent representatives to supervise. In addition, it is more important to strengthen external supervision, establish an effective external supervision system, and standardize the examination process through the system. For example, you can let the news media follow the whole process, including entering the interview examination room; Establish a monitoring system for the whole process of the interview site, and the examiner at the interview site will show the points on the spot and elect representatives of the masses to supervise in the monitoring room; Establish a complaint system for candidates. Students think that the examination process is unfair and have the right to make a complaint within a certain period of time or ask the discipline inspection department to intervene. (Ai Lisheng/Party School of Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China)

Editor: Liu Li

Zhejiang Sports Lottery held 2024 Spring Festival travel rush Public Welfare Activities.

    On January 30th, 2024 Zhejiang Sports Lottery launched the charity activity of "Love Small Bench Warm Home Road", which added warmth to the homecoming people’s way home.

    The theme of this activity is "Love Small Bench Warms the Way Home", and 20,000 Zhang Aixin small benches are distributed free of charge in 13 key transportation hubs in Zhejiang Province, such as hangzhou east railway station, Hangzhou West Railway Station, Ningbo Railway Station and Wenzhou South Railway Station, for passengers with standing tickets and children when traveling.

    This is the seventh year of the charity event of "Love Little Bench" in Zhejiang Sports Lottery. This year, the activity of free family photo shooting has been added: in the designated area of the above delivery point, passengers can participate in the family photo shooting with the theme of the Spring Festival and get a beautifully customized photo frame.

    "This small bench was delivered very timely and thoughtful, and we also took a family photo. I think it is very memorable. Go back and cherish this photo. Hangzhou is really a warm city." Ms. Wang, who is waiting for the bus, gave a thumbs-up to this charity event.

    "This small bench is very practical. It can be used when waiting for the bus. It can also be used on the high-speed rail later. It can also be taken when taking children out to play. It is quite light." Passenger Li said.

    It is understood that in 2023, Zhejiang Sports Lottery launched a variety of public welfare activities in various parts of Zhejiang Province, covering sports, education, health and other fields, adhering to the concept of "public welfare sports lottery is good for life", practicing the responsibility and mission of Chinese sports lottery, and sending care and warmth to the needy groups. (Zhang Lu/Wen Zhejiang Sports Lottery Management Center/Photo courtesy)

Used cars usher in a big market (new economic orientation)

  Not long ago, Mr. Jin, who works in a chemical company in Yangzhou, successfully completed the registration procedures for the transfer of used cars. "I found a joint venture brand car with Qingdao license in 2015 on the second-hand car trading platform, and the hand price was 33,500 yuan." Mr. Jin said that in Jiangsu, from June 17, foreign used cars that meet the national five emission standards can move in normally.

  Mr. Jin is just one of the many beneficiaries of the favorable policy for used cars. On June 22, the executive meeting of the State Council decided that the restrictions on the moving-in of small non-operating used cars will be completely lifted from August 1, and the automobile sales enterprises will implement separate endorsement management and issue temporary license plates when applying for transfer registration from October 1. Luo Lei, Deputy Secretary-General of china automobile dealers association, said that favorable policies will further enliven the used car market, promote the renewal of automobile consumption and release the consumption potential.

  Favorable policies help the market to accelerate development.

  "The circulation of used cars is actually convenient and smooth." Chen Ji, general manager of Suzhou Lexuan UCAR, told the reporter that the company has collected more than 10 used cars with foreign licenses after Jiangsu province lifted the relocation restriction in mid-June. "The cancellation of the relocation restriction not only allows more foreign car sources to enter Suzhou, but also the second-hand cars with the national five emission standards that cannot be digested locally can be sold to various places more conveniently." Chen Ji said.

  Wang Xiaoyu, co-founder of Guazi used car, believes that the cancellation of the relocation restriction policy has opened up the blocking points and card points in the circulation of used cars, which will activate the trading of used cars in different places and drive the continuous growth of the trade scale. "Since June 1, Hebei, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places have successively implemented the policy of canceling the national five emission standards for second-hand cars. The range of optional car sources for users in these places has expanded by about 6 times, and the proportion of off-site car sources on the platform has also increased from the previous 35% to 80%, which has driven the growth of platform car dealers’ sales." Wang Xiaoyu said.

  "The policy of separate endorsement management and issuance of temporary number plates for second-hand car transfer registration implemented nationwide since October 1 is a big plus for second-hand car circulation enterprises in cities with limited purchases." Guo Jian, general manager of the famous car in Beijing No.1 Station, said, "In the past, in order to transfer and register used cars in Beijing, it was necessary to occupy the index of car purchase, and circulation enterprises could only rent number plates. After Beijing promoted the temporary license plate policy in advance, it reduced the company’s operating expenses, and the acquired used cars entered the company’s name, which can be treated as ‘ Inventory goods ’ Accounting has also opened the door to social financing. "

  Feeling the huge development potential of the used car market, SAIC-GM launched a brand-new "Buick officially certified used car" brand last year. "Since 2020, especially since the first half of this year, a series of policies and measures to encourage the development of the used car market have been intensively introduced." Yao Fu, head of the marketing department of SAIC-GM Buick, said that the favorable policies cover all aspects such as encouraging to speed up the elimination and renewal of old vehicles, completely canceling the relocation restriction policy, and lowering the value-added tax rate of used cars. Combined with the implementation of the new policy, the company will open up the new and used car business chain through active car source repurchase, realize the three-dimensional sales model of national circulation, and gradually plan a standardized service system equivalent to the new car type to enhance the service experience of used car owners.

  Branding and digitalization to enhance the transparency of transaction information

  At the beginning of July, Mr. Ju, the owner of a restaurant in Shanghai, bought a Buick Angkewei in 2019 through the "Buick Official Certified Used Car". "I bought a new car with a car age of 3 years in the early 100,000 yuan, and I have been driving for more than 20 days. It feels really good." Mr. Ju said that he considered a new car, ran through the used car market, brokerage companies, and saw the online platform, and finally chose an officially certified used car.

  "Quality and service are the two core competitiveness of used car distribution enterprises, and they are also an important way to build consumer trust and enhance consumer experience." Luo Lei believes that the official certification of used cars by car companies is guaranteed by high-quality first-hand car sources, standardized testing and evaluation processes, original factory warranty, after-sales service, etc., plus the endorsement of car brands, which solves the pain point of information asymmetry of consumers buying used cars.

  In recent years, the booming second-hand car e-commerce platform has also contributed new solutions to improve the transparency of second-hand car trading information.

  "Entering the platform and empowering the platform digitally is an effective way for traditional used car circulation enterprises to enhance their competitiveness." Chen Ji said that platform enterprises can carry out digital and standardized management of used cars in different ways. Consumers can see at a glance whether the vehicles have collided, to what extent, and which side has been painted, which is what most used car circulation enterprises cannot do. In addition, remote delivery, door-to-door delivery, seven-day unreasonable return, etc. are inseparable from the platform enterprises’ strong logistics system, financial support and remote after-sales maintenance.

  "Digital means allow enterprises to reach potential customers nationwide." Wang Yong, general manager of Nanjing Qihang Famous Car, said that today, they have sold local car sources to more than 20 cities outside Nanjing, and the turnover efficiency of car sales has increased by three times.

  Take precautions and standardize the development of new energy used car market

  "In Shanghai, buying new energy used cars is not restricted by licenses, but I gave up after thinking about it again and again." Mr. Ju said that consumers have no way to verify the data related to safety and directly affecting the charging and driving performance of vehicles, such as the number of times of vehicle charging and discharging, the degree of battery attenuation, and whether the batteries are overheated and out of control.

  "Since last year, China’s new energy vehicles have continued to double, and the annual sales volume this year is expected to exceed 5.5 million. How to standardize the development of the new energy used car market has become a problem that the industry must seriously face. " Luo Lei said that last year, the Technical Specification for Appraisal and Evaluation of Second-hand Pure Electric Passenger Cars, which was researched and compiled by china automobile dealers association for three years, was released, providing a set of scientific and practical appraisal and evaluation standards for second-hand cars suitable for new energy vehicles for the domestic market.

  "Since the second half of last year, the market price of pure electric used cars factory in 2017 has almost doubled. This not only shows that the market’s recognition of new energy used cars has greatly increased, but also means that the previously underestimated hedge ratio is returning rationally. " For example, Shen Wenjun, the founder of Beijing Che Yi De New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said that the EV150 of Beiqi New Energy, which has a driving range of about 100 kilometers and is six years old, sold for about 10,000 yuan last year, and now it is close to 20,000 yuan.

  The second-hand car industry of new energy not only undertakes the replacement of new cars in the upstream, promotes the sustainable development of the new energy vehicle market, but also connects the cascade utilization and recycling of waste power batteries in the downstream, which is an important link in the whole life cycle management of new energy vehicles. Although the current appraisal and evaluation standards, new testing equipment, etc. have made quality identification no longer a problem, in Shen Wenjun’s view, the sustainable development of the industry is still facing challenges without a breakthrough in traceability management of power batteries.

  All new energy vehicles are equipped with power battery monitoring system, which can monitor and upload key data in use, and even notify the owner in advance before the battery thermal runaway occurs, but this information cannot be shared. "We have been discussing whether to install a set of similar equipment on the used car for sale and record the operation data of the vehicle’s three electric systems." Shen Wenjun said that this move not only improves the safety of vehicles and user stickiness, but also contributes to the later cascade utilization and recycling.

  "The standardized start of the new energy used car market is conducive to the healthy development of the entire used car market." Luo Lei introduced that in 2019, China’s used car trading volume exceeded half of new car sales, and in 2021 it reached 2/3 of new car sales. "With the obvious effect of the policy, in 2025, the transaction volume of used cars will be expected to be the same as that of new cars." Luo Lei said.

In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Original title: Winter, let us slowly mature.

In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Author: Qingxi

When I said goodbye to autumn, I held a cup of warm tea in my hand, counting the little rays of sunlight leaking from the leaves … When I was leaving in winter, I gave my thoughts to the snow, hoping that the swirling snowflakes would cover the whole autumn world … In this way, autumn became a story and winter became a landscape.

"Cold" is a key word that cannot be avoided in winter. Perhaps, the meaning of cold is to remind us of some warm things! ——

When I was a child, in winter, I could see roasted sweet potatoes everywhere in the streets. An iron barrel with charcoal burning inside, and hot sweet potatoes roasting on the top of the iron barrel, the street is full of sweet smell … At that time, I always liked to buy a sweet potato that was neither too big nor too small to hold in my hand. Hands, warm; When eaten in the mouth, it is fragrant and sweet; Heart, warm …

When I was a child, popcorn was not like popping a bunch of popcorn at once in front of kindergartens and cinemas. Instead, I needed to find the popcorn with corn kernels and saccharin myself-put the corn and saccharin in a magical container, and then turn around and turn around. When the pressure arrives, the popcorn man will shout, "Open the pot!" " Then, boom, a big pot of popcorn comes out. Although I get a fright every time, I also enjoy it …

Ice window grilles have carried my childhood longings and dreams-there is enlightenment, which often inspires the truth of life and the light of loving nature; There is inspiration, short-lived dreamlike reverie and short-lived dream realization, which edifies my sentiment of fearing nature; ….. The life of ice window grilles is only so short from dawn to sunrise, but it leaves a beautiful picture on earth. It dedicates a colorful and perfect painting world with monotonous colors; It’s a world painted with a crystal thin posture, which is worth my time-consuming standing stupidly …

Although there will be cold wind, freezing rain and snow in winter, as long as there is love in my heart, my heart will not be cold. Life is not easy, you should know how to please yourself and look for some fun with your heart; Heaven and earth are dead, as long as you calm down, there are many touches in ordinary winter-

Look at the tassels of reeds. The white catkins are glittering and translucent by the sunshine of one meter, and they are lingering. The heads of the reeds that have been completely yellow are covered with clusters of silver-gray reeds. Time has brought the life of every reed to the final limit, showing a soft shape ―― fluffy, fluffy, as light as cicada’s wings, fluttering with the wind … After this winter, the reed will be reborn! The recurring laws of nature make us feel the time and life in loneliness and bleakness.

In the bleak, clusters of honeysuckle fruits hanging on the branches are very eye-catching. Honeysuckle, what a strong and poetic name. In winter, it has lost its pink and tender flowers and changed into a more red and colder posture, telling the beauty of life. Winter is irresistible, but if you can "endure", you will have glory and hope.

The sky is quiet and distant, the ground is cold and empty, and there will be pieces of residual leaves falling with the wind on the bare trees. Among the branches of the tree, there are bird’s nests quietly facing the wind. They are held high by the tree, just like a overlooking eye. Their eyes are full of loneliness and coldness, as well as the hope for spring …

Winter is a black-and-white sketch. The lines are simple, but they contain profound meaning of life. Winter is like an elegant classical music, quietly telling; Winter is like a little sunshine on the lake, and it is like a note hanging on the branches. In the quiet flow, the silence and purity of the bottom of my heart are precipitated …

Yes, the feeling that winter gives people always has different connotations because of different moods and different things. When the cold and bleak winter is always beautiful, and our soft hearts are finely covered with warm colors, we will also open all our moods outside our dreams …

The power of winter is everywhere, especially winter, which fills the shortcomings of the three seasons of life and keeps the four seasons charming forever! Silent in winter, like a philosopher. In winter, let’s gradually mature.

Brief introduction of the author

Tian Xiangru, pen name,clear stream, member of Tianjin Writers Association.

In my spare time, I write some words and leave every bit of my daily life in the memory space. I don’t want to ask for anything, I just want to fly my mood in the free sky … I like dancing with my fingertips, recording the joys and sorrows in my life, feeling my life with my heart, talking with my soul, and letting the space convey my true feelings and thoughts …

primary work

Editor in charge:

"Japanese Tony Leung Chiu Wai" learns Chinese word for word and wants to play golf with Wang Baoqiang.

Since its release on the first day of New Year’s Day, the box office of the film Detective Chinatown 3 has exceeded 4.4 billion yuan, ranking fifth in the history of film in China.

A few days ago, "Tang Tan 3" announced the extension of the key, which will be extended to April 10th.

Watching "Tang Tan" in the Spring Festival seems to have become the habit of many people. Although the release of "Tang Tan 3" was delayed for one year due to the epidemic, it did not affect the enthusiasm of movie fans at all. It is just a little surprising that the biggest winner of "Tang Tan 3" is not Chen Sicheng or Wang Baoqiang, but Tsumabuki Satoshi, the actor who plays Japanese detective Noda Hao. Many female audiences fell in love with Tsumabuki Satoshi because of "Tang Detective 3" and called him "Japanese Tony Leung Chiu Wai".

Before the epidemic, when interviewed about "Tang Tan 3", Tsumabuki Satoshi said that he hoped that "Tang Tan 3" must be released in Japan, so that Japanese audiences could also know the story of "detective chinatown".

"This is a very pleasant thing. Tang Ren and Qin Feng’s partner will never get tired of watching it. I hope this series can continue."

Many female audiences praised him for being handsome, but he didn’t think he was handsome.

"Noda Hao is a very good detective in Japan, very rich and very gentlemanly. In fact, I don’t think I am handsome. The director’s setting made me very scared, but this time I tried my best to be handsome. "

Tsumabuki Satoshi said that if he can choose by himself, he wants to be a good boy like Qin Feng, and he is considerate.

Different from the previous two films, the story of "Tang Tan 3" took place in Tokyo, which made Tsumabuki Satoshi very happy.

"This time, the whole of Asia became an organic whole, and an event was solved with Tokyo as the stage. In Japan, there are few opportunities to work with people from other countries. It’s really fun to work with people from many different countries through’ Tang Tan 3′. Through this film, I hope that people from China, Japan and other Asian countries can deepen their communication with each other. "

When filming "Tang Tan 2", Tsumabuki Satoshi didn’t know Chinese very well. For this reason, when filming "Tang Tan 3", he learned Chinese word for word on the set whenever he had time. He said that although Chinese pronunciation is difficult, he will study hard.

What makes Tsumabuki Satoshi feel particularly interesting is that there are various languages on the set when filming "Tang Tan 3".

"If the other person’s lines are in Chinese, you don’t have to answer in Chinese, but you can answer in Japanese instead. In this way, different languages answer each other. The dialogue part is difficult, but it is also very interesting. Everyone looked at each other’s faces and wondered if they were finished, so the performance was particularly funny. "

Although he doesn’t know much Chinese, Tsumabuki Satoshi still insists on chatting with Wang Baoqiang and Haoran Liu in Chinese on the set.

"I remember a little Chinese, although only a little, but I can chat with them in Chinese, which was impossible in the last cooperation, so this time we exchanged more with each other. We drink and eat together, and I want to play golf with Baoqiang. He said he plays golf well and likes it, so when he was in Japan, I thought it would be nice to play with him once. "

The filming of "Tang Tan 3" made Tsumabuki Satoshi feel the superb technical ability of China staff, especially the theme of transcending language and culture and integrating Asia, which made him feel very happy.

"I always wanted to participate in such works before, and this time I just had such an opportunity, so I was very happy. In the actual shooting, the director’s views on culture and various countries are skillfully expressed. I feel that the world of "Tang Tan" is getting bigger and bigger. I hope everyone can go to the cinema to see this wonderful film. "

Source: Harbin News Network

Reporter: Feng Jiao

Original title: "Japanese Tony Leung Chiu Wai" learns Chinese word for word and wants to play golf with Wang Baoqiang "

Waist flag football: the next place where Su Yiming was born.

China Daily, May 8 th, Su Yiming, an 18-year-old boy who won a gold and a silver for the first time in the Winter Olympics, not only created history, but also made the public curious about more sports that were unfamiliar in the past-after Su Yiming brought snowboarding into public view, what would be the next sports that gave birth to Su Yiming; What new events are worthy of attention in the next two Olympic Games? Flag football may be the best answer to the above two questions.
Flag Rugby: Next Stop, Olympic Games
In the mid-19th century, American football rose in the famous Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, etc. Later, this sport quickly swept across the United States and became one of the most popular sports in the United States. Flag Football, which was born out of American football, is catching more and more participants all over the world because of its many advantages, such as easy to learn, zero equipment, no collision, and small space demand. In 2020, the World Games decided to accept flag rugby as its official competition in 2022.
"In 2021, the Olympic Channel broadcasted the final of the 2021 Rugby World Cup in Jerusalem, Israel to the global audience, and this summer, the world’s best men’s and women’s eight rugby teams will be on the field of the 2022 World Games for the first time, and they will make history in front of the global audience." Andy Fuller, managing director of the International Football Federation (IFAF), said: "The flag football will continue to flourish."
"Waist flag football is full of vitality and passion. In the folk, it is suitable for all ages to participate in this sport." Pierre Trochet, president of the International Football Association (IFAF), said: "We hope that the flag football will become a catalyst when it enters the 2022 World Games, so that the sport will usher in a new growth period around the world and more talented people who love the sport can join it."
But for flag football, becoming the official event of the 2022 World Games is only the beginning. For this sport, the bigger stage is the Olympic Games.
The entry of flag football into the Olympics is something that the NFL has been actively promoting, and becoming the official event of the 2022 World Games has added an important weight to the entry of flag football into the Olympics. In the past Olympic history, badminton, beach volleyball, rugby sevens, trampoline, triathlon and other events all became the events of the World Games first, and then knocked on the door of the official events of the Olympic Games.
"The International Football Federation is working hard to promote the establishment of the flag football project in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games, and the NFL is fully supporting them." Jia Hengxuan, senior director of NFL China, said: "Although the Olympic addition is a huge project, for now, everything is going well."
Also worthy of attention is the statement from the Chinese Rugby Association. According to the Ten-year Development Plan of Rugby in China released in 2019, "By widely popularizing all kinds of rugby in primary and secondary schools across the country, the number of rugby participants in China is expected to exceed 5 million, and the number of people who pay attention to rugby will reach 50 million."
Just as American football was born in an Ivy League competition in the United States, waist flag football became more and more popular in China with the participation of some well-known universities. More than 40 universities, including Tsinghua, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Wuhan University, Guangzhou University, and Shandong University, have participated in the national flag football tournament held by the NFL in China since 2008. With the increasing popularity and popularity of football, teenagers have become one of the largest participating groups. In China, competitions for all ages including primary school group, junior high school group and senior high school group have also been held. Waist flag rugby has become one of the sports widely participated by teenagers in first-and second-tier cities.
When the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics made a young teenager represented by Su Yiming, and when the flag football officially joined the Olympic family and became the official event of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games, those teenagers who are running on the court now may be the next Su Yiming to create Olympic history on behalf of China.
Flag football: not just the Olympics
The Olympics represents a height, but for those who love flag football, the real value of this sport is far more than just boarding the Olympic Games. Participating in flag football can comprehensively shape the participants from many dimensions, such as strengthening physique, exercising mind, cultivating leadership and team spirit, and cultural exchanges between the East and the West.
As a safe, zero-contact and small-venue football game, flag football has no requirements on the number of participants, age and physical fitness. Even if it is based on zero sports, it can quickly integrate into the team, and men and women can mix teams and compete in the same field.
With these characteristics, the flag football has quickly gained popularity among the public since its birth. Take Japan as an example. After the rise of flag football in Japan in the 1990s, the Japanese Rugby Association quickly established a flag football tutorial class with the NFL in eight regions in 1998. In October of the same year, flag football became a promotion course for primary and secondary schools.
The data shows that more than one-third of primary schools (6,700 schools) in Japan have carried out flag football. Since 2011, flag football has been raised to the level of learning guidance for students in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Japan. Since the flag football was declared to be the event of the World Games, Japan has taken precautions to promote its talent reserve and selection in its own country from the perspective of Olympic strategy.
The achievements made by neighboring Japan in flag rugby fully show that rugby is not only suitable for Europe and America. Broadly speaking, modern sports originated in Europe and America. However, since the founding of New China, Chinese athletes have made remarkable achievements in various modern sports, which has already fully demonstrated that sports can never be defined by cultural differences and ethnic differences. Just at the just-concluded Beijing Winter Olympics, Z-generation teenagers, represented by Su Yiming, won gold and silver for the China Legion in ice and snow projects and made history, which is the best proof.
With China becoming the second largest economy in the world, the per capita GDP reaches 12,500 US dollars, which is close to the threshold of high-income countries. Many sports that were once restricted by economic factors and could not be popularized and developed in China now have excellent development conditions, such as ice and snow sports, and American football.
NFL China: Let more people experience the charm of flag football.
The NFL is the most influential professional football league in the world. NFL China is committed to promoting flag football, and at the same time, it is actively promoting the work of building an upward channel for domestic excellent rugby players, so that potential China players can enter American high school leagues and NCAA famous football schools for further study, or directly enter professional leagues through IPP international player program.
Since 2021, various girls’ flag football teams and organizations have sprung up all over the country, including more than ten cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing and Zhengzhou. In these cities, white-collar workers, college students and other female groups gather for training and competition after work or on weekends. In order to better popularize flag football and prepare for the flag football to become an event in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games, NFL China decided to carry out extensive cooperation with national and local organizations and increase the incubation of rugby institutions from this year.
NFL China will empower the brand effect of partners and promotion agencies, provide teachers, advanced flag football training methods, operate and organize competitions, and provide strong software support for cooperation agencies to enter the campus; Carry out NFL flag football league and local school-level league on campus, create an upgrade channel for the event, provide new sports for the school, and help the school establish a school with sports characteristics; And provide a certificate of completion for students who have participated in a certain number of class hours.
At the same time, the NFL, together with local partners and the Education Bureau, held flag rugby leagues in six cities in China, and invited China, the representative of the national champion team, to participate in the flag rugby World Cup.
NFL China will also use various NFL publicity platforms to help institutions publicize the construction of campus flag rugby courses, leagues and clubs, and add novel rugby study tours for institutions and schools in light of actual conditions; Enhance the sports cognition of institutions and students, and feel the charm of American football at close range.
Source: China Daily.

Cross-country skiing: a cool sport known as "marathon" on snow.

[Historical Origin]
Cross-country skiing is a sport that glides in the mountains and snowfields with the help of skiing equipment, using basic techniques such as climbing, downhill, turning and sliding. Cross-country skiing originated in northern Europe, also known as Nordic skiing, and is one of the oldest sports in the world sports history. It was first included in the Winter Olympic Games in 1924.
The reason why cross-country skiing is called "snow marathon" is that the main competition is the endurance and physical strength of athletes. Cross-country skiing in the Winter Olympics has set a distance of 10 km, 15 km, 30 km, or even up to 50 km, which is equivalent to skiing a marathon. Because cross-country skiing is one of the events in nordic combined and Biathlon, it is also an important support for nordic combined and Biathlon.
As a routine of the Winter Olympics, the men’s 50 km and women’s 30 km cross-country skiing awards ceremony was held at the closing ceremony.
[Site facilities]
The cross-country skiing competition of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be held at the National Cross-country Skiing Center in Zhangjiakou Division, and a total of 12 gold medals will be produced.
Cross-country skiing uses two techniques, and snowboarding is the most important: freestyle board is relatively short, the tip of the board is relatively small, the bottom is smooth, and all the wax needs to be slipped.
The traditional board has obvious bow-shaped arc, the sliding part needs sliding wax, and the middle pedaling part needs anti-slip wax.
Traditional snowboard
[rules of the game]
Cross-country skiing competition involves two technical rules: traditional technology and free technology.
Traditional techniques include alternate sliding, double-stick sliding, eight-step without sliding stage, sliding down and turning. It is not allowed to push the ice with two feet or one foot. The snowboard must be placed in the pressed snow slot, and the two skis should be kept parallel to the sliding direction. The athletes can move forward by swinging their legs back and forth and using snowball fights. The athletes’ "stepping" forward is similar to walking, except that they use snowball fights to generate thrust when skiing, and they will slide for a certain distance every step. During sliding, they feel like sliding on a marble surface in smooth shoes. When overtaking the front athlete, you can jump out of the snow chute and slide in another direction, especially downhill and peaceful snow trail is the golden stage of overtaking your opponent. When the back athlete wants to overtake, he can step on the front athlete’s snowboard to remind him, and the front athlete must give way to the snow trail after being reminded, otherwise it will be considered a foul.
Free technique has no restrictions on technical movements, and athletes can adopt any technical movements.

"Go skiing to the west and welcome the New Year in Youlong" Inner Mongolia ushered in a wave of parent-child groups

On January 20th, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region opened the theme activity of "Going West to Ski and Welcome the New Year in Youlong". With the smooth arrival of 26 passengers from Guangzhou parent-child tour group at Hohhot Baita International Airport, a cheerful and dripping ice and snow experience tour began.

Punch in the old street

Taste "boiled sheep in ice"

According to reports, the parent-child group is organized by Guangzhou Guangzhi Travel Agency, and visitors will have a winter trip to Inner Mongolia in Hohhot, Baotou and Erdos. It is planned to visit Taiwei Ski Resort in Hohhot, Saishang Old Street, Inner Mongolia Museum, Xiangshawan Scenic Area in Erdos and other places, to see historical and cultural cities, taste special food, play winter ice and snow, and enjoy the wonders of desert ice and snow.

Li Li, head of Kaiser International Travel Service in Inner Mongolia, said that ice and snow are very attractive to southerners. The fun of ice and snow outlined by Inner Mongolia prairie, big desert, big ice and snow and unique culture is exactly what they want to let tourists experience during the 4-day and 3-night parent-child tour, so that more tourists can enter Inner Mongolia, fall in love with Inner Mongolia and feel the diversity of Inner Mongolia.

In order to make high-quality tourism in winter get together, get hot and live, this year, Inner Mongolia has given full play to the advantages of ice and snow tourism with the characteristics of "Northern Xinjiang Culture" and launched such formats as "ice and snow+annual customs", "ice and snow+intangible heritage", "ice and snow+health care" and "ice and snow+holiday" to promote the consumption upgrade of winter tourism industry. Inner Mongolia will take the "Fourteen Winter" as the starting point, create more ice and snow tourism products, release the charm of ice and snow, and attract more tourists to experience while creating an orderly market environment and providing quality services.(Prairie All Media Zhengbei Net reporter Ma Lixia)