标签归档 西安耍耍网

China’s takeaway market size exceeds 650 billion yuan, covering 460 million consumers

  The phone rang, "The meal is downstairs, please come and pick it up!"

  The weather is hot and I don’t want to cook. I touch the screen of my mobile phone to order a meal. Soon, the call to pick up the meal is called – ordering takeout has become an indispensable part of contemporary urban life. The "China Takeaway Industry Development Report for the First Half of 2019 and 2020" recently released by the China Hotel Association and Meituan Research Institute shows that the scale of the domestic catering takeaway industry has gradually expanded in recent years, and it is expected that online catering will account for more than 20% of the entire catering industry in 2020.

  The food delivery market is still not saturated

  Under the wave of "Internet +", a variety of life service formats are undergoing subversive changes, and the booming development of food delivery is particularly noticeable.

  According to iResearch survey data, the scale of China’s catering takeaway industry in 2019 was 653.60 billion yuan, an increase of 39.3% compared with 2018. By the end of 2019, the number of takeaway consumers among China’s 900 million netizens was about 460 million, an increase of 12.7% year-on-year. Orders and transaction amounts also maintained rapid growth.

  Under the impact of the epidemic this year, food delivery is even more critical to the catering industry. The epidemic has a wide range and long duration, and the prevention and control measures are strict. Consumers are "home", and the dine-in business of the catering industry has been greatly impacted. In this context, the habit of more users ordering takeout has also been cultivated and strengthened, and takeout has become the most important source of revenue for many merchants.

  Zhao Ping, director of the International Trade Research Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that the contribution rate of catering takeout to total revenue has increased year by year, which is changing the profit pattern of catering enterprises, enabling catering enterprises to create a new profit growth engine in addition to dine-in.

  Some experts also pointed out that the current market situation of China’s catering takeaway industry is stabilizing, but the market is still not saturated. The takeaway industry is expected to develop into a trillion-dollar market in the next 1-3 years.

  Healthy takeout is gaining popularity

  The demand for takeaway mainly comes from residential areas, corporate office buildings, schools and other scenes. Among them, "post-80s", "post-90s" and even "post-00s" have a higher acceptance of online consumption. As the main consumer, they have created a more diverse consumer demand. Breakfast, lunch, and evening meals can no longer meet the increasingly fragmented dining needs. Extra meals have become an important part of food takeaway. Meituan data shows that 20% of users will choose afternoon tea and supper outside of dinner.

  In recent years, policies such as the "Healthy China 2030" Plan Outline have been introduced one after another, and consumers’ health awareness has been continuously improved. With the continuous expansion of takeaway boundaries and the continuous enhancement of delivery capabilities, food flavors can be better preserved, and more categories of products and OurHours delivery have become a reality. In this context, many users have long gone beyond the simple needs of food, and ordering takeout is no longer synonymous with living, but pays attention to reasonable matching and rich nutrition like dining in a restaurant.

  For merchants, the competition model of takeaway has changed from "dividend-driven" to "efficiency-driven" and "quality-driven". That is to say, under the premise that it has been accepted by more people, retaining customers is more important than obtaining traffic. Takeaway has grown from the early stage of red envelope subsidies to a more mature stage of competing for delivery efficiency and food quality.

  At this stage, the ability to provide consumers with better quality products and more timely delivery will be more tested, rather than the simple and crude "burning money" ability. The new trends of "explosion", "quality", "chain" and "health" presented by food and beverage takeout are the latest response to consumer demand.

  Some experts said that since the competition in the industry, the Internet catering takeaway industry needs to jump out of the limitation of "catering takeaway", focus more on the deployment of the ecosystem, and make more efforts in the coordination of local life service full scene business lines, the digitalization of merchants, and the improvement of distribution logistics networks.

  Join forces to provide quality service

  At present, there are about 9 million restaurants in China. In April this year, a survey of merchants by Meituan Research Institute showed that nearly 80% of the surveyed catering enterprises are or will carry out takeaway business. However, most of these merchants operate on a small scale, lack self-innovation awareness, cannot effectively link people, money, things and customers, and operate inefficiently.

  Compared with the fragmentation of catering supply enterprises, food delivery platforms are highly concentrated "two worlds". According to iiMedia consulting data, Meituan and Ele.me two giants occupy more than 90% of the food delivery market share in first- and second-tier cities. The industry barriers are high, and the competition between the two is becoming increasingly intense. For the platform side, it is crucial to improve the stickiness and active level of merchants and users.

  On the basis of the platform, the food and beverage takeaway market has formed a complete ecosystem that connects users, merchants, and distributors, radiating supply chains, shared kitchens, and takeaway operations. The industrial development has risen from the primary stage to a more mature stage, but the ecosystem still needs to be improved. Issues such as platform overlord terms, malicious fines for delivery riders, delivery timeouts, food safety, and refund difficulties need to be addressed urgently.

  In terms of food safety, some places have already made useful explorations. In July this year, the Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province issued a local standard "Specification for the use of one-time sealing labels for catering takeaways". The sealing labels are made of special materials. Once the sealing labels are opened or the outer packaging is damaged, they cannot be restored to their original state, reducing the possibility of pollution during the delivery process. The standards were first issued in the province, and detailed regulations were made in four aspects: classification, material, information and use.

  The overlord clause forces merchants to choose one of the two, and high commissions are also very troublesome for merchants. In April this year, with the intervention of relevant departments, Meituan Takeaway decided to increase the rebate ratio to 3% -6% for high-quality catering takeaway merchants in Guangdong to expand its coverage. It also said that it respects the independent choice of online platforms by catering merchants and supports the multi-channel development of private domain traffic by catering merchants. Meituan will fully open the delivery platform services to connect.

  The relevant person pointed out that the takeaway platform and the catering industry have formed a symbiotic relationship, and will strengthen cooperation in the future to jointly provide consumers with better services.Reporter, Kang Park)

Can the power bank be used forever? Beware! It can’t be used like this.

First, look at the identification information

Pay attention to check the product identification information and the information on the product manual, and after August 1, 2024, power banks that have not obtained the CCC certification certificate and marked the certification mark shall not be allowed to leave the factory, sold, imported or used in other business activities.

Second, look at the rated capacity

In order to display the large capacity of the power bank, merchants usually mark the rechargeable battery capacity (such as 1000mA · h) in a conspicuous place, but during normal charging, the power bank’s output capacity cannot actually reach the battery capacity due to energy loss such as voltage conversion and heat generation.

The rated capacity is the effective discharge capacity of the power bank calibrated by the manufacturer. The higher the rated capacity, the more power the power bank can charge for the mobile phone!

III. See if the fast charging protocol matches

PD protocol refers to the USB-PD protocol. It is a fast charging protocol proposed by the USB-IF organization, which aims to provide high power transmission and faster charging speed. The fast charging protocol can be understood as a password between the mobile phone and the power bank. If both the mobile phone and the power bank support the PD protocol, it can be charged faster.

Fourth, pay attention to the rated capacity when taking the plane

According to the relevant regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration, the rated capacity of personal power banks does not exceed 100Wh, and the rated capacity exceeds 100Wh but does not exceed 160Wh. They can only be carried after being approved by the airline.

Another Chinese star in space! Do you know this scientist?

In the vast starry sky

Another Chinese star

Recently, the International Asteroid Nomenclature Committee released an announcement

Discovered by the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

International asteroid number 347336

Officially named "Zhang Miman Star"

Zhang Miman

I’m 85 years old.

Chinese paleontologist

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Long engaged in comparative morphology, paleoichthyology,

Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata,

The study of paleogeography and biological evolution.

As the founder of the study of the origin of tetrapods in China

Made important contributions to the study of early vertebrate evolution

She has served as the director of the Institute of Paleontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the chairperson of the International Paleontological Association, and the chairperson of the Chinese Society of Paleontology. She has also been elected as a foreign member of the Linnean Society in London and an honorary member of the North American Vertebrate Paleontology Society.


She was obsessed with fossils.

No matter how hard or tired I am, I will never look back

Zhang Miman’s dream since childhood was to become a doctor

Since China was moving towards industrialization at that time

The state calls on young students to actively participate in geological research

This is an almost blank subject in China

Therefore, Zhang Miman, who was determined to serve his motherland

Apply for the Beijing Institute of Geology

In the decades that followed

She threw herself into this for ordinary people

Mysterious and boring subject

At that time, Zhang Miman had several months of time every year

Searching for fossils across the country

One person, one pole.

Carrying a quilt, hammer, fossil paper, glue

Trekking through the barren mountains

The heaviest bag on the body reaches 35 kg

"I’ve always insisted on collecting my own fossils

Repair the fossils yourself, take pictures of the fossils yourself, and study them yourself "

Fossils for her

It seems to hold a huge attraction


Shaking traditional views

Her discovery shocked the paleontological community around the world

In 1980, Zhang Miman served as a visiting scholar

To work at the Swedish National Museum of Natural History

Without CT scanning technology

She used the method of continuous grinding discs and wax models

The structure of Yang’s fish and exotic fish in Qujing, Yunnan was studied

And boldly point out that they have no inner nostrils

This is a primitive lungfish.

This conclusion contradicts the authoritative views of the academic community at that time

Shaken directly

The traditional view is that "total-finned fish are the ancestors of tetrapods"

Zhang Miman’s discovery shocked the paleontological community around the world

A new round of exploration of the origin of tetrapods began

Some famous paleoichthyologists carried their own specimens

And traveled from all over the world to talk to Miman Zhang.

A colleague of Zhang Miman once said: "She never speaks beyond the evidence

So when she says something, you believe it. "


At the awards ceremony

She conquered the audience with one mouth…

In 2016, Zhang Miman won

The highest award in international vertebrate paleontology

Rommel Simpson Lifetime Achievement Award


She also won the "World Outstanding Women Scientist Award"

At the awards ceremony, the 80-year-old scientist

Conquer the audience as soon as you open your mouth

5-Minute acceptance speech

Zhang Miman used French, English, Chinese and other languages

The whole process is unscripted and the rhythm is smooth, and the pronunciation is clear

Received several applause

On May 19, 2021, the research team of Xu Guanghui of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered a new fossil of a large ancient fish in Luoping, Yunnan. The latest research believes that the fossil is a new species of radiolefin fish genus, and it is also the largest known basic radiolefin predator in Luoping biota 244 million years ago. The research team named the new genus fossil "Zhang’s winged cod", and the species name is dedicated to Academician Zhang Miman.

The picture shows the normal specimen (top) and the largest individual specimen of the "Zhang’s wing cod" fossil. Photo by Sun Zifa, reporter of China News Agency

In addition to "Zhang Miman Star", there have been several asteroids named after Chinese scientists before. For example:

In October 1999, the Chinese Academy of Sciences National Astronomical Observatory (formerly the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Observatory) named the asteroid it discovered with the international number 8117 as "Yuan Longping Star".

In October 1999, the National Astronomical Observatory named the asteroid it discovered with the international number 7681 as "Chen Jingrun Xing".

In August 2001, the Purple Mountain Observatory named the asteroid it discovered with the international number 3763 as "Qian Xuesen Star".

In October 2003, the National Astronomical Observatory announced the naming of asteroid 25240 as "Qian Sanqiang".

In June 2012, according to the International Astronomical Union’s "Asteroid Bulletin" No. 77508, asteroid No. 148081 was officially named "Sunjiadong Star".

In January 2016, the asteroid with international permanent number 31230 was named "Tu Youyou Star".

In September 2018, the asteroid with the international permanent number 79694 was officially named "Nanrendong Star".

In September 2020, the asteroid with the international permanent number 281880 was officially named "Wu Weiren Xing".

Source: Chatterbox

The original title: "Another Chinese star in space! Do you know this scientist?"

Read the original text

BYD Song L: A One-step Choice for Quality Family

On December 15th, Song L, the B-class pioneer hunting SUV—— of BYD Dynasty Network, was officially launched. The new car has launched four rear-drive models and one four-wheel drive model, and the official guide price is 189,800 yuan-249,800 yuan. In addition, there are six listed rights and interests, including the pleasure of enjoying financial gifts and the pleasure of rejuvenating new gifts.

As a high-end model of the Song family, Song L is "fully equipped at the beginning", with full face value, control, space, safety and intelligence, and a very competitive listing price, which leads the new value standard of B-class pure electric SUV.

With a full face value, you can enjoy the most beautiful hunting SUV.

Yan value is justice! Song L won the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV" as soon as he appeared. The moderately advanced style accurately hits the aesthetics of mainstream quality families.

You want a low dive posture, yes! The dragon face design you want, there is! You have all the frameless doors, adaptive electric tail fins and wide tires! It is a visual feast!

Too high a face value often makes people ignore their strength, but Song L perfectly combines avant-garde design and functionality to truly achieve "beauty" and "material": the frameless door adopts double-layer laminated glass, and Fuyao’s top-grade steel glass technology brings better airtightness and quietness; The adaptive electric tail can rise and fall with the speed, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, which is of great significance for improving endurance and handling performance; The standard tires with narrow front and wide back make it difficult for Song-L expressway to swing its tail when changing lanes, ensuring the safety of emergency avoidance.

It is both a Yan value school and a strength school. Wherever Song L goes, it must be the focus of the audience!

Control is full, and the three stars are full of technology.

Not all B-class SUVs can be called Song L! Once upon a time, the car circle defaulted that cars under 200,000 were not worthy of handling, and the listing of Song L made this sentence history!

You want to speed up super fast, yes! You want ultra-low energy consumption, yes! You want e-platform 3.0, CTB, and Yunqi -C, all of which are available!

Song L is based on E platform 3.0, with a maximum output power of 380kW, a peak torque of 670N·m and a zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds. The efficient eight-in-one electric powertrain makes the energy consumption of Song L’s 100-kilometer driving as low as 12.8kW·h, and the longest cruising range can reach 662 km, which not only drives fast, but also saves energy.

What really makes Song L leave the same class far behind is its ultimate control. CTB battery body integration technology makes the body torsional stiffness reach 40,400 N m/,which is comparable to a million-level luxury SUV;; Yunqi -C breaks the long-standing monopoly of luxury brands on active body control system technology, allowing drivers and passengers to enjoy driving while taking into account comfort; Coupled with iTAC intelligent torque distribution system, it helps Song L’s upper control limit to be further improved.

Song L met the strict requirements of users "both necessary and desirable" with hard-core power, high efficiency and energy saving, and extreme control.

Full space, luxury, width and five seats.

Comfort is the "hard currency" of B-class cars, and Song L is also the ultimate.

You want the big five seats, there are! The long wheelbase you want, there is! You want the soft interior, fragrance, massage chair, panoramic canopy, HiFi-class Dana audio, all of which are available!

What is the concept of wheelbase of Song L 2930mm? Better than the popular player Model Y, the vertical size can be called a B-class ceiling. The spacious and comfortable five-seat space supports 4:6 leveling in the back row, and the volume of the front trunk and trunk can be expanded to 1101L, which can hold the happiness of a quality family.

Not only the space is large, but also the materials are sufficient. Electronic unlock door button, double-layer silver-plated panoramic canopy, ventilation and heating of front seats become standard, which is easy to get started and full of advanced feeling; The leather steering wheel is equipped with heating function, the main and co-pilot seats are integrated with electric adjustment and massage function, and the intelligent interactive atmosphere lights can change colors according to different scenes, creating a unique riding experience; In addition, high-end configurations such as dual-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, co-pilot boss key, active fragrance system, 12-speaker HiFi-class customized Dana audio and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging have also reshaped consumers’ expectations and cognition of this price segment.

Safe and fully equipped, protection goes deep into the "bone"

"Safety is the greatest luxury of electric vehicles". When the industry is still addicted to simple stacking and rolling, Song L not only does a good job of active and passive safety, but also starts from the structure and engraves safety into the "bone" to provide a real full-dimensional protection.

Blade battery, yes! CTB, yes! High-strength materials, yes! DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, too!

CTB technology combines the blade battery with the body floor. The battery is both an energy body and a structural part, which provides natural "structural safety" and endows Song L with the underlying logic of structural safety. Song L is built according to the global five-star safety standards, with ultra-safe cage-type passenger cabin structure, three-stage body design, 11 airbags and 83.5% "high-strength steel, high-strength aluminum and composite materials" to ensure the safety of the passenger cabin to the greatest extent; Song L’s active safety is also online. DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system has up to 24 sensors in the whole vehicle, and has more than 30 safety assistance functions such as DMS driver monitoring assistance to prevent problems before they happen.

Enjoy full intelligence, and the whole department is equipped with an intelligent cockpit.

In the digital age, technology is a must for pioneers to travel. Song L is equipped with three intelligent systems: DiLink Intelligent Cockpit, DiPilot Intelligent Driver Assistance System and Intelligent Entry System. With mature technology and pragmatic functions, it creates a more mature and convenient intelligent travel experience for users.

The advanced chip you want, there is! You want to rotate the big screen and head-up display, there is! You have all the continuous voice calls, automatic parking and UWB keys you want!

Song L adopts the industry-leading 6nm process chip and integrates 5G baseband technology, with a running score of over 550,000, and its comprehensive performance is far ahead, allowing the car to experience "longitudinal silky"; 15.6-inch high-definition central control panel, 10.25-inch full LCD instrument, 50-inch head-up display and 5.8-inch rear air conditioning control panel form a "2+1+1" smart multi-screen, allowing users to enjoy intellectual convenience; Full-scene intelligent voice integrates more than 1000 vehicle control functions, which can be said as soon as it is visible, and the wake-up response time is as fast as 400 milliseconds, which can realize accurate recognition of four-tone zone and continuous multi-command recognition, greatly improving driving convenience; Automatic parking, so that the "dilemma" of narrow parking spaces and the "dilemma" of crowded alleys can be removed with one button; Equipped with UWB digital key, it realizes non-inductive entry and completely liberates hands. FACE ID facial recognition, 3D holographic transparent images and other functions have also enabled Song L to gain the scientific and technological charm of the digital age.

What is the most worthwhile B-class SUV in 200,000? Song L handed in an impeccable answer sheet with the beauty of face value, large space, strong technology, stable control and excellent intelligence, so that users can get a high-value pioneer experience from 189,800 yuan.

Song L can be called the most beautiful, strongest, "emboldened" and most worthwhile B-class SUV within 200,000 years. BYD has shot, and the deep-water bomb has been dropped. What kind of reshuffle will the B-class SUV market usher in? We will wait and see.

Source: Correspondent Feng Wei

Editor: Gao Jie

Proofreading: Xiong Xiangning

Audit: Cang Shujun

Sales of new energy vehicles rose 654.1% year-on-year in January.

  On February 1, Cyrus released its production and sales report for January 2024. Data show that Cyrus sold 36,838 new energy vehicles in January, an increase of 654.1% year-on-year.

  "In January 2024, AITO delivered 32,973 new cars, an increase of 34.76% compared with the previous month, of which more than 1,000 were delivered in a single day in 24 days." The relevant person in charge of Sailis revealed to reporters, especially the delivery of AITO’s new M7 reached a new high, with 31,253 new cars delivered in a single month. For the first time, the monthly delivery exceeded 30,000, opening a new chapter in the delivery speed.

  As a vehicle partner with the deepest cooperation with Huawei, the widest range and the largest vehicle loading volume, the AITO series under Cyrus has emerged in the automotive industry since 2023, demonstrating strong competitiveness. Since September 2023, AITO’s new M7 and M9 models have been launched one after another, helping to rapidly increase sales.

  The above-mentioned person in charge told reporters: "At present, the cumulative size of AITO’s new M7 has exceeded 140,000, and the order growth and delivery efficiency will accelerate together."

  The company’s recently released 2023 performance forecast shows that it is expected to achieve operating income of 35.50 billion yuan to 36.50 billion yuan during the reporting period, an increase of 4.09% to 7.02% year-on-year; in addition, although the company expects net profit attributable to the parent to still lose money, it has improved compared with the same period in 2022.

  "Continued high growth in sales performance also means that Cyrus’ profit improvement expectations for Quarter 1 in 2024 have been greatly improved, and with continued revenue growth and supply chain cost reduction, battery cost reduction, etc., it is expected that the company’s Quarter 1 net profit margin will be significantly improved." Market analysts believe.

  The industry also generally believes that, from the delivery data released by Sailis, this wave of sales in January is still based on the large-scale delivery of AITO’s new M7. The M9 listed at the end of 2023 has not been delivered in large quantities, but Dading has exceeded 30,000 units. It is foreseeable that the revenue growth rate of Sailis in the first half of 2024 will be very impressive.

  The latest research report of Cinda Securities pointed out that the further volume of AITO M9, a high-priced and high-margin model, is expected to further improve the profitability of Cyrus. In addition, research reports released by a number of brokerages predict that although the company’s performance is still under pressure, with the help of products and channels, the company is expected to start making profits in 2025.

  In the context of intensified competition in the new energy vehicle market, Cyrus actively explored digital and intelligent transformation when it started its third business in 2016, started the construction of smart factories, and continued to increase R & D investment over the years. It is understood that Cyrus’s three smart factories have a total of more than 5,000 robots, and the automation rate of welding workshops and spraying workshops is as high as 100%. A car can be rolled off the production line in 30 seconds.

  In addition, in terms of integrated die-casting technology, the Sailis Automotive Smart Factory has also achieved the production of 9000T, and the produced rear car body can be integrated into one of 87 parts, effectively improving the vehicle’s endurance, energy-saving efficiency, and body stiffness.

  Regarding the future development of the company, the above-mentioned person in charge emphasized that the company’s positioning is very clear, and it is a technology-based manufacturing enterprise with new energy vehicles as its core.

  "Whether it is a new energy vehicle or a smart car, in the final analysis, it is still a manufacturing industry. Having core technology only completes half of the work, and at the same time having high-quality production and delivery capabilities can be considered a closed loop." The above-mentioned person in charge said that only by establishing a system and capabilities for self-research and manufacturing can it become a "leader" in the transformation of new energy vehicles.

  "The cooperation with Huawei, coupled with the accumulation of its own technology research and development and intelligent manufacturing, is a factor in the sharp increase in sales of Cyrus cars," Zhang Xiang, director of the New Energy Vehicle Technology Research Institute of Jiangxi New Energy Technology Vocational College, told Securities Daily. "If we can maintain stable cooperation with Huawei for a long time, then the future development prospects of Cyrus are still very impressive."

  Our reporter, Feng Yuyao

The cost performance is very high, BYD Han DM is 9.3 fold nationwide, and it is expected that the price will fluctuate next month.

At present, the car ownership tends to be saturated, and the production capacity of the production line that was vigorously laid out in previous years cannot be digested in time, so the supply exceeds the demand. When the sales volume declines and the market is depressed, it will become a common phenomenon for merchants to fight price wars to win over customers, so it will be relatively cost-effective to buy a car this year. Let’s take a look at the national real transaction price of the hot-selling models collected by this website for everyone, so that everyone can understand the car purchase market. Let’s take a look at BYD Han DM recommended for everyone today!

This site collected the real transaction price of BYD Han DM in the past year. The lowest transaction price of BYD Han DM in the country in the past month was 235,300 yuan, the highest cash discount for new cars was 14,800 yuan, and the maximum discount for new cars reached 9.27 fold! The price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

Choose a car to buy a car? The difficulty of choosing a good car is almost catching up with the college entrance examination to fill in the volunteers! But in fact, it is not difficult to choose a car. It really depends on the sales volume. What everyone likes can’t be worse. Byd Han DM sold 9,720 vehicles in the past month, which can be seen from the sales trend chart below that the new car is recognized by consumers in the market.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Han DM’s word-of-mouth score. The comprehensive score of BYD Han DM is 4.76, and the result is not bad, so BYD Han DM can be considered.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Han DM is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of competing products of BYD Han DM. Among the following competing products, BYD Han EV sold the most last month, with 8717 vehicles, so there is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Han DM is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

Huawei is strong and empowered, and the new M7 in the world will definitely exceed 120,000.

In this era, the new energy automobile industry is facing a great change in intelligence, and in this change, the new M7 is undoubtedly a bright star to lead the trend. With the rapid development of science and technology, intelligence is not only a trend, but also an inevitable choice for travel in the new era. With its unique "three-intelligence ceiling" hard-core technical strength, the new M7 has successfully raised the benchmark of intelligent travel to a new height. From intelligent driving to intelligent cockpit to intelligent safety, it has successfully attracted everyone’s attention. On December 26th, it was mentioned in the press conference on the whole scene of the M9 and Huawei that the cumulative number of new M7 in the world has exceeded 120,000, among which more than 60% of users choose the smart driving version, and the monthly delivery capacity will reach 30,000 from January next year.

The top choice in the field of intelligent driving, Huawei ADS 2.0 breaks the imagination of intelligent driving.

For the current users, intelligence is a crucial factor when choosing a car, and the new M7 in Wenjie is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which not only subverts the traditional concept of intelligent driving, but also brings excellent driving pleasure and travel convenience to users.

When the vehicle is running, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 enables M7 to perceive the surrounding environment in real time through the precise integration of 27 sensing hardware, and realize the accurate perception and recognition of the whole scene and all weather. This not only improves the safety of driving, but also makes users feel a more intimate connection with the vehicle.

The power of intelligence is not only manifested in the driving process, but also throughout the entire travel experience. The NCA intelligent driving system of the new M7 can identify all kinds of situations around the vehicle more accurately through various sensors such as laser radar, making travel safer and easier. In addition, the new M7 also introduces excellent intelligent parking capability, which enables vehicles to easily identify various parking spaces and realize automatic parking through innovative technical means, so that users are no longer subject to parking difficulties when driving in cities.

A smart cockpit that breaks through the boundary, Smart Cockpit 3.0 makes travel more convenient.

The smart cockpit of the new M7 is also one of the highlights that will lead to future travel. HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 brings a creative and interesting interactive space for users. First of all, many people admire the fluency of the HarmonyOS car machine system, which makes users feel like they are in a virtual world full of science and technology and interest during driving, especially with the blessing of Xiaoyi’s intelligent assistant, which makes the intelligent interactive experience more advanced and allows drivers to interact with vehicles more conveniently, which not only improves the convenience of operation, but also brings more entertainment for drivers.

The emergence of HUAWEI MagLink? smart car screen system is also a bright spot. It has reached the level of Huawei’s flat panel, realizing the smoothness of multi-screen interaction, making the car a flexible and ever-changing space, allowing drivers to have more possibilities in the car.

It is worth mentioning that HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 can realize a series of functions, such as offline map voice navigation, which improves the practicality to a new height and makes travel more convenient. Through the support, the car has also achieved a smooth conversion with various applications in Huawei mobile phones. Whether you are chasing a drama or playing a game, users can connect seamlessly after getting on the bus and enjoy a more coherent and intelligent interactive experience.

Intelligent safety leads, omni-directional anti-collision safety guarantees lead to new standards of travel safety.

In terms of travel safety, the new M7 is also very careful. The world’s first omni-directional anti-collision system of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 installed in the car can provide users with all-round safety protection. With the help of multi-sensor fusion sensing capability based on lidar, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 has achieved omni-directional anti-collision capability in forward, lateral and backward directions, providing an efficient and accurate collision warning and response mechanism for vehicles. The system can not only identify common obstacles, but also identify road boundaries, so that vehicles can adapt to the changing driving environment more intelligently.

It is particularly noteworthy that in the AEB active safety evaluation of Autolab, the new M7 in the world won all kinds of active safety evaluation champions with HUAWEI ADS 2.0, which shows that its safety performance is high, and it can also stop in time when it participates in the evaluation at 90km/h at night, which also gives feedback on the strength of the new M7 in the world.

At the M9 and Huawei Panorama Conference, it was mentioned that the brand-new super smart factory, with more than 1,000 intelligent devices, 100% automation and integrated die casting process, has the highest production efficiency in the world and a new car is rolled off the assembly line every 30 seconds. With its excellent strength, Wenjie is becoming a leader in the new energy large SUV market, and its "three-intelligence ceiling" strength has been confirmed in many ways. This is not only a car, but also a future journey of intelligence, safety and innovation. I believe that in the future, the new M7 will be able to win the favor of more consumers.

Huawei Changan launched in-depth cooperation, and Aouita earned CHN model evolution empowerment.

At present, the competition of smart electric vehicle track in China is fierce, and the emerging brand Aouita can stand out from it without the deep empowerment of Changan Automobile, Huawei and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. Recently, Huawei and Changan Automobile have carried out in-depth cooperation, focusing on the R&D, production, sales and service of intelligent driving system and incremental components of intelligent networked vehicles through the establishment of a new company by Huawei and the shareholding of Changan. In the future, Aouita will give priority to the technological advantages of the new company and accelerate its step towards an international high-end smart electric vehicle brand.

It is reported that after the establishment of the new company, Huawei will integrate the core technologies and resources of the smart car solution business into the company, and Changan Automobile, as an investor, will join hands with Huawei to support the future development of the company. The company is committed to becoming a world-class leader in the automotive intelligent driving system and components industry, and cooperates with partners to jointly promote the upgrading and development of smart car technology and industry.

As early as before this cooperation, Huawei and Changan had a close relationship. Together with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, they jointly created a new generation of intelligent electric vehicle technology platform CHN, which is the industry leader. Based on this platform, Aouita has successively launched "Emotional Intelligent Electric SUV" Aouita 11 and "Future Intelligent Luxury Car" Aouita 12, bringing users a more technological, advanced and superior product experience.

Specifically, Aouita 11 is the first flagship model of Aouita, which is equipped with HI Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution. It has excellent intelligent driving ability and excellent mechanical quality, and can bring users a better travel experience. It is worth mentioning that Aouita 11 is the first automobile brand in the world to reach Mount Everest by intelligent driving, which is truly out of the circle in the industry and has attracted the attention of many users. In November this year, Aouita 11 delivered 4,080 units, actively implemented the brand promise, and accelerated the response to users’ expectations.

Aouita 12, the second flagship model of Aouita, has three characteristics of "top design, top luxury space and top intelligence", and its comprehensive strength is far ahead of its peers, setting a new benchmark for luxury smart electric vehicles in the world. On November 10th, Aouita 12 officially announced its global listing. In the first month of listing, the number of large orders exceeded 20,000, and the market was very hot. The future is expected.

It can be seen that Changan Automobile and Huawei have a good foundation for cooperation. This time, the two companies will join hands to set up a new company, which will promote the further innovation and evolution of CHN model. In this context, Aouita is expected to enjoy the priority of its new company’s brand-new technology, and create a "top-flow" travel experience for users with top-notch technology.

Fire! Ballets russes danced "Swan Lake" in Zhejiang and then "Subject 3"

  With both hands thrown and feet twisted, the most popular dance at present is "Subject III", which not only caught fire on social media in China, but also attracted many foreign professional dancers to learn to dance.

  On the evening of January 2nd, Russian Tchaikovsky Ballet presented a performance at Deqing Grand Theatre. After the classic ballet Swan Lake, the actors skillfully danced the curtain call of "Subject III", which not only made the audience laugh, but also screened the circle of friends.

  Tide journalists noticed that before that, the Royal Russian Ballet and the world Latin dance champion Christina also performed "Subject 3" in public.

  "Ballet+Subject 3", what is this "cross-border" linkage? How do they relate? On January 3rd, Chao journalist contacted Filippova Polina, head of Russian Tchaikovsky Ballet. The dance troupe has left Deqing and is preparing for the performance in Lu ‘an, Anhui. Before the performance, Filippova Polina was interviewed by Chao journalists through translators.

  "Subject 3 is also very popular in Russia, so we all jump." Filippova Polina said that "subject three" is now the "subject three" in the world, and the rhythm sounds very happy.

  Filippova Polina said that there are two reasons for the curtain call of "Subject 3": First, I want to make a "reversal" at the end of the performance, ending with a cheerful song with the most popular dance, so that the atmosphere at the scene will be more enthusiastic and the audience will leave in joy; Secondly, it’s also a way for Russian ballet companies to express their friendship. They want to thank the audience in China. They danced "Subject 3" in China "when in Rome". I hope everyone will also like Russian ballet.

  "In everyone’s cognition," Swan Lake "is an elegant art, and" Subject III "is a popular art. Both of them are performed by the same group of dancers on the same stage, and the response on the spot is particularly good." Zhou Wangqiang, director of the China Performing Arts Association and deputy secretary-general of Zhejiang Performing Arts Association, said.

  Zhou Wangqiang revealed to Chao News reporter that "Subject 3" is actually an "optional action", and the ballet company will communicate with the theater in advance whether it will be used as a curtain call. "It is not necessary to use this curtain call every time. It is a’ blind box’ for the audience, and it is really not necessary to see it."

Xiaokang shares were investigated by 87 institutions: only about 8,000 SF5s were delivered in 2021, and the reason for the small delivery was mainly due to chip problems (with survey questions and ans

  () The Record Form of Investor Relations Activities was released on January 8th, and the company was investigated by 87 institutions on January 7th, 2022. The types of institutions are QFII, insurance companies, others, fund companies, overseas institutions, securities companies and Sunshine private equity institutions.

  The main contents of investor relations activities are introduced:

  First, introduce the company’s situation. Xiaokang and Huawei create a new model of deep cross-border cooperation in joint business. On April 19th, 2021, we started a mobile phone shop to buy cars. On December 23rd, Huawei released a new mobile phone and our new car at the same time, which was the first time that two smart terminals, a mobile phone and a car, were released at the same conference. The conference was a great success. It cooperated with Huawei and has a strong online digital marketing channel, especially in the core business district, which has a large number of offline store resources and is convenient for users to reach. We pursue quality delivery, adopt experiential marketing, and adopt a new sales model based on our vast offline store resources, which has a good response and strong customer purchase intention. We think this new sales model is the development trend of intelligent electric vehicles.

  Second, explain the company’s current hot topic in the market (1) Xiaokang initiated a new model of joint cross-border cooperation.

  On the question of whether Xiaokang is a foundry, we made it clear that we didn’t do it before and now, let alone a foundry. Eighteen years ago, before we entered the automobile industry, the cooperation with Dongfeng Group realized the first successful cross-border of Xiaokang shares, and Xiaokang shares did not work as a foundry. According to the strategic agreement, joint business cooperation agreement and related agreements signed by us and Huawei, we and Huawei are long-term partners. From R&D to manufacturing to delivery of automobile business, the company is responsible for R&D, manufacturing, delivery, service and creating user experience in the whole life cycle; Huawei is deeply involved in product definition, quality control and channel sales.

  The cross-border cooperation between Xiaokang and Huawei is deeply successful. The teams of the two sides have worked hard day and night and invested huge manpower and resources. Now and in the future, there is no reason for the two sides not to cooperate.

  (2) Regarding whether SF5 is discontinued:

  SF5 and Wujie M5 are both models of Celestial Company, and the company will continue to introduce new models to meet the needs of more users. As far as the company is concerned, we will not take the initiative to stop production. As long as users have demand, we will produce and deliver it. That’s the case with SF5. We will not take the initiative to stop production. The price of SF5 and Wujie M5 are different, so users can choose. We give the choice to users! Orders will be produced, delivered and served, and Cyrus will serve every car and every new and old user! Whether SF5 or M5, we will achieve high-quality delivery.

  (III) Question and answer session of investors

  Q: A new model of cooperation between Huawei and Xiaokang emerged at the end of the 21st century. Can you introduce the cooperation model in detail and how to learn from each other’s strengths?

  A: The cooperation with Huawei is cross-industry cooperation. Huawei Terminal Company is well aware of customer needs. As a mature vehicle enterprise, Xiaokang has experience in automobile research and development, manufacturing, sales and service. The cooperation between the two parties has created a precedent in the industry and produced a lot of valuable experience. This model is also the development trend and future of the smart electric vehicle industry, and it has also achieved some success. Before Xiaokang was engaged in automobile and () cooperation, Xiaokang shares crossed the border into the field of micro-cars. Since we entered this industry in 2003, there were many friends, and now there are only three enterprises left in that year: Wuling, Changan and Xiaokang. This shows that we have experience in cooperation with other enterprises, and we also have a successful experience base. Xiaokang is a modern private enterprise with high efficiency. The cooperation with Huawei over the past year has also proved the success of an efficient and standardized private enterprise mechanism. We launched a new model in March last year, and everyone saw our M5 debut in December last year. I believe that the effect of cross-border cooperation will begin to be reflected in the first quarter of this year, and batch delivery will begin in March this year. We are very confident about the sales data in the second and fourth quarters.

  The monthly sales target of the new energy automobile industry is over 10,000 yuan. We think this is the threshold sales volume of new energy vehicles in 2022, which is our goal, and the threshold sales volume will be higher in the future. At present, it usually takes a certain time for the sales of high-end electric vehicles to climb. We have full confidence and confidence in our products and channels, and hope to achieve the sales scale achieved by others in five or six years within two years.

  Q: The delivery volume of SF5 last year was less than the market expectation. What did the company think?

  A: Only about 8,000 SF5s were delivered in 2021, and the reason for the small delivery was mainly due to chip problems. The chip will affect our delivery mainly because our owner of SF5 is developed in the United States, so he uses more American electronic materials, which has been greatly affected.

  Q: Can you tell us about the follow-up vehicle planning?

  A: We have now launched the M5, and it is expected that a new large SUV will be launched at the end of the second quarter or the beginning of the third quarter in the middle of the year. I’ve been driving the M5 myself for some time, and I’m confident that it’s a car that can’t be separated once I get started. We are also developing a new large-size SUV, which will be released in 2023.

  Q: What is the pace of the subsequent launch of pure electric vehicles?

  A: There will be pure electric vehicles coming out this year. Because in 23 years, Shanghai’s extended journey can’t get a green card. Considering these market demands, we will have a pure electric version of M5.

  Q: When will the M5 be officially delivered? What is the output scale?

  A: There will be small batch delivery in February, and batch delivery will start in March. Wenjie M5 is mainly produced in Liangjiang Factory in Chongqing, which can produce 30 sets per hour, and its automation efficiency is still very high. This factory can produce 15,000 units a month. The models in the second half of the year will be produced in another factory in Chongqing, which will not affect the production capacity of M5.

  Q: Will Huawei cooperate with other car companies?

  A: Although it’s not up to us to decide who Huawei will cooperate with, our cooperation is already deep. As mentioned earlier, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. is a modern private enterprise, and its efficient and flexible mechanism is our advantage, so it is difficult for other manufacturers to reproduce it in a short time. Our cooperation is our common choice.

  Q: Why is Huawei’s self-driving system not reflected in the M5? Will it be reflected in subsequent models?

  A: Huawei’s autopilot is different from Tesla’s autopilot. Huawei’s auto-driving is vehicle-road coordination, which requires vehicle-road coordination. Without road coordination, the auto-driving of the car cannot be played out. Tesla’s auto-driving is self-adaptive auto-driving, and the road is only an aid. The contents of China’s road regulations on autonomous driving are still under study, and we also hope that China’s roads will be opened to autonomous driving as soon as possible. Auto-driving vehicle-road coordination is not only to ensure that my car does not hit the wall, but also to ensure that other people’s cars do not hit me. This high-order auto-driving technology of vehicle-road coordination is very advanced and needs time data verification. Our follow-up models will definitely have Huawei’s advanced autonomous driving.

  Q: What do you think of the present integrated die casting technology? Will you consider using integrated die casting technology for any vehicle model in the future? Is there a die casting factory or die casting machine factory in communication?

  A: It is expected that from the end of this year to the first half of next year, we will realize integrated die-casting body. Now it has entered the stage of comprehensive research and development. This technology will reduce the weight of the car body and increase the output. Because at present, the front section and the rear section are provided for welding, the technology will be integrated aluminum alloy die casting, which will greatly improve the production efficiency;

  Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Group Co., Ltd. is a manufacturing enterprise integrating R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, powertrains and other automobile parts. The company currently has complete vehicle brands such as SERES, Dongfeng Scenery, Dongfeng Xiaokang, DFSK, Ruichi, etc. The main product pedigree includes SUV, MPV, mini-car and core parts. Among them, the whole vehicle products cover intelligent electric vehicles and fuel vehicles, and the core components include powertrain and three electric products with displacement from 1.5t to 2.0t..

  Details of participating institutions are as follows:

Name of participating unit Category of participating units Name of participants Wanjia fund Fund company — CITIC Prudential Fund Fund company — Industrial fund Fund company — Chuang Jin he Xin Fund company — Huaxia fund Fund company — China Resources Yuanda Fund Fund company — Harvest fund Fund company — China Life Security Fund Fund company — Yuanxin Yongfeng Fund Fund company — Yuancheng fund Fund company — da cheng fund management co.,ltd Fund company — Anxin fund Fund company — Rich country fund Fund company — ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Fund company — Guangfa fund Fund company — Investment promotion fund Fund company — Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Fund company — Jing Shun Great Wall Fund Fund company — Yongying fund Fund company — HSBC Jintrust Fund Fund company — Huian fund Fund company — Hongde fund Fund company — Puyin AXA Fund Fund company — Chengtong fund Fund company — Jinyuan Shun ‘an Fund Fund company — Xinyuan fund Fund company — Changsheng fund Fund company — Citic jiantou securities securities company — CITICS securities company — BOC International Securities securities company — Everbright securities securities company — Huachuang proprietary securities company — Huatai Securities securities company — Bohai securities securities company — Western securities securities company — Caitong securities securities company — Tongben investment Sunshine private placement organization — Jianxin fund Sunshine private placement organization — De Rui heng feng Sunshine private placement organization — Yitong investment Sunshine private placement organization — Xiniu investment Sunshine private placement organization — Ruipu investment Sunshine private placement organization — Guanfu assets Sunshine private placement organization — Qingli investment Sunshine private placement organization — Gaoyi assets Sunshine private placement organization — Hongdao investment Sunshine private placement organization — China People’s Life Insurance insurance company — Chinese people’s insurance insurance company — Agricultural bank of China life insurance insurance company — Guotai property insurance insurance company — Allianz insurance assets insurance company — Xinhua endowment insurance insurance company — Xinhua assets insurance company — Taikang assets insurance company — Yingda insurance assets insurance company — Sunshine assets insurance company — Anatole Investment Management Limited overseas establishment — Green Court Capital overseas establishment — Citic jiantou international overseas establishment — Aia insurance overseas establishment — Hanya investment QFII — Wanna assets other — Dongfang jiafu other — Zhongmin investment Ben other — Zhongrong International Trust other — Agricultural bank wealth management other — Dajia assets other — Ningquan assets other — Ningyin wealth management other — Yudi investment other — Cigna other — Zhaoyin international other — Zhengxingu investment other — Fengjing capital other — Haidingyuan — — Chengjin asset management other — Panjing investment other — Sheng quan heng yuan other — Guandao assets other — Heqi investment other — Honghua investment other — Juming investment other — Jinyu investment other — Yinye investment other — Ruitian investment other — Sunshine Tianhong assets other — Hongshang capital other —