月度归档 2024年8月31日

The Rise and Fall of Beijing’s "Yupai Express Village": From Moving to Driving Online

  The pervasive Sichuan sound and the aroma of prickly ash and chili peppers wafting from every household enter Houchang Village in Haidian District, Beijing, which always gives people the illusion of accidentally entering a Sichuan-Chongqing town. Houchang Village, outside the Northwest Fifth Ring Road, used to be famous for "moving". A few years ago, Chongqing residents who lived here occupied almost half of the entire Beijing moving market, which can be said to be a veritable "moving village".

  Over the past few years, Houchang Village’s Chongqing people have come and gone, basically maintaining the scale of 1,000 people. After the rise of online car-hailing, the Chongqing fellow who "first ate cake" on June 7, 2015 made money, and the place gradually changed from "moving village" to "express village". As the "premium" system of online car-hailing platforms gradually tightened and the incentive subsidy was reduced, by November 12, 2016, most of the express drivers in Houchang Village changed careers again. For 524 days, the tea house in the hutong was neglected because drivers were busy making money. Now the sound of mahjong here is louder and longer than before.

  "Chongqing Forest" in Houchang Village, Haidian

  Ding Chaoquan, a 40-year-old Chongqing native, is an express driver in Houchang Village. After a hurried dinner before 5 p.m., Ding Chao dressed in black cotton-padded clothes, carried a pack of cigarettes, and carried a pot of tea. As usual, he grabbed the car keys and turned them out of the hutong in Houchang Village, ready to leave.

  Ding Chaoquan’s car was parked on the south-facing side of the road that turned out to be Northwest Wang 2nd Street. On both sides of the road, there were also dozens of cars of Yu and Jing brands parked. Ding Chaoquan said that these cars are basically online hailing cars.

  At the end of October, according to the latest data from the Institute of Transportation System Science and Engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University, the total number of registered drivers of "Didi Chuxing" in Beijing has exceeded 1.50 million, and Ding Chaoquan and his fellow Chongqing villagers are part of this 1.50 million army.

  In a 24-hour cycle, the amount of orders settled by the express platform showed that Ding Chaoquan earned 547 yuan, excluding 245 yuan of oil money. On this day, Ding Chaoquan earned 302 yuan. But Ding Chaoquan still shook his head: "Compared with last year’s Heat, this number is two or three times worse."

  Ding Chaoquan registered as an express driver in June 2015. Before that, he drove a black car for six years. Earlier, he, like many fellow villagers, did a moving business in Houchang Village.

  In Ding’s memory, since 1993, villagers in Xintian Town, Pengshui County, Chongqing, have been flocking to Beijing’s moving market under the leadership of "pathfinders". In the early 1990s, a group of villagers traveled to Beijing far from their hometown to work as movers. Local bosses had the resources to send cars, and villagers paid for labor. Over time, the first batch of movers who amassed connections and markets became bosses: buy a few trucks and hire a group of Chongqing villagers as workers.

  In the years since then, relying on their hometown relationship, the villagers of Pengshui County, Chongqing have gradually moved out of Sichuan and Chongqing towns and gradually occupied half of the Beijing moving market. And Houchang Village has gradually become the gathering point of Chongqing fellow villagers in Beijing, becoming a veritable "moving village".

  According to the villagers’ own statistics, there are at least 1,000 people in Pengshui County, Chongqing, who are renting in the "moving village" to engage in moving work, and at one point more than 500 trucks and vans were used for moving.

  The first express driver of "Moving Village"

  As more and more Chongqing people flocked to Beijing, the "cake" of the moving market was not enough. Ding Chaoquan intuitively felt that there was a watershed in the moving industry around 2008. Some people made 900,000 in a few months, settled in Beijing, and some people could not get a good job or pay workers. Ding Chaoquan said he belonged to the latter group. Around 2009, seeing the business slump, Ding Chaoquan was forced to start the first "transformation": he sold a minivan for moving, bought a second-hand Buick, and drove a black car full-time.

  "Worry about fear" accompanied Ding Chaoquan for a long time after that. "From the time the passenger got on the bus to the time he got off, the whole process was tense, and he had to be careful to be caught." Ding Chaoquan said that being caught meant being fined. At most, he was fined 6,000 yuan and detained from the car.

  "It was very difficult, and I was afraid of punishment. I hesitated several times whether to continue driving black cars." In 2015, the peers who drove black cars in Beijing had no time to pay attention to Ding Chaoquan’s torn. In May of that year, "Didi Express" went online, which immediately added a new firewood to the increasingly popular online car-hailing industry.

  Data show that since the launch of Didi Express in May 2015, in two months, the order volume of "Didi Express" in Beijing has reached a local peak and the daily average 400,000 orders. At the same time, the number of registered drivers has approached 700,000.

  Ding Chaoquan, who was suffering from fear, seized this "opportunity".

  On a sultry afternoon in June, Ding Chaoquan registered as an express driver under the advice of his buddies. After two days, he decided to stop driving black cars and become an express driver on time.

  "I clearly remember that it was June 7th, and I could really make money." After Ding Chaoquan became an express driver, his income was mainly composed of three parts: the commission income for each order, the reward for completing the order, and the double premium during peak hours. Ding Chaoquan did not deny that most of the income came from the latter two. For each order, the platform charges a 21.77% commission, and the rest of the fare belongs to the driver. " "Order Completion Reward" was also known as the "Charging Reward", which was formulated by the platform to retain drivers who could provide services for a long time. "At the beginning, the reward for running 10 orders a day was 100 yuan, and the reward for running 20 orders was 200 yuan," while the "Premium" reward was calculated for drivers in different periods of time.

  Driving for 10 hours a day and earning more than 1,000 yuan was the norm for express drivers at that time. The news that Ding Chaoquan became an express driver "made a lot of money" quickly spread in the small teahouse in the hutong of Houchang Village. At most, seven or eight fellow villagers came to him to "learn from" a day. People kept asking him: how much money can I earn a day, how many subsidies and rewards can I get, how to join, and which area is easy to run in?

  Yu brand "fast team" that hugs together for heating

  Dou Ming followed Ding Chaoquan’s footsteps closely and rented a car to join the express team of the "Moving Village". Every morning at 6 or 7 o’clock, he would collect the car at night. Dou Ming could earn more than 10,000 yuan every month when the express train "just got popular." But renting a car was also a small expense. "After deducting the car rental fee and gas money, you can earn six or seven thousand yuan at the bottom."

  Ren Chuan rented a house opposite Ding Chaoquan, belonging to the first wave ** fellow villagers who "learned from" Ding Chaoquan. Unlike Douming, Ren Chuan was cautious about the "express", but also eager. After waiting for half a year, after the ****** Festival, he persuaded his parents to take out their savings and buy a new car in the early 100,000. Since there was no ******* license plate, Ren Chuan applied for a license plate for his hometown in Chongqing.

  Buying a new car has almost become the "standard" for young people in the "moving village" to join the express team. Ren Chuan calculated that if he did not buy a car, renting a car would cost 150 yuan a day. "You can run for 13 to 14 hours a day, receive more than 20 orders, and earn 400 yuan. After deducting the money for renting a car and gas, there are only a few dozen yuan left."

  Outside Houchang Village, Northwest Wang 2nd Street, where moving trucks and vans were originally parked, was gradually occupied by the team of cars joining the express train. Here, the number of Chongqing brand cars is the most, followed by the Beijing brand run by Chongqing villagers in the early years.

  From the end of 2015 to the first half of 2016, Mr. Ding and Mr. Ren recalled, "counting the West Second Banner, Software Park and Houchang Village, there were four or five hundred express drivers." In the three alleys near where Mr. Ding lived alone, there were 60 or 70 express drivers he knew.

  The "fast fleet" derived from the "moving village" is still growing rapidly in a group to keep warm.

  According to different regions, the express drivers have formed different "gangs" and divided different areas. Ding Chaoquan and Ren Chuan belong to "Chongqing", and in addition, there are online ride-hailing drivers from Henan and Hebei, all of which have their own WeChat groups. During the morning and evening rush hour, Baidu, Lenovo and Software Park near Houchang Village are "must-fight" for express drivers.

  "Before leaving the car, we will make an appointment. Chongqing will go to Gate 7 of the Software Park and wait. Hebei or Henan will not come over." Ren Chuan said.

  Once a monthly income of 10,000 was "basic"

  After booking a car online, Ren Chuan also added a WeChat group of express drivers with more than 150 people. "The group is full of fellow villagers, and there are often people who post’record ‘." Ren Chuan remembered that someone once posted a "large order" of "35 kilometers, 175 yuan" in the group, "175 yuan, including the 2.6 times reward given by the platform at that time, a tip of 30 yuan, and a high-speed fee of 15 yuan. Excluding the fuel fee, a single order netted 120 yuan."

  This is when, in their eyes, Express is at its "most prosperous", earning 10,000 yuan a month is "basic", and there are fellow villagers around them who "earn more than 30,000 yuan a month". But behind the appearance of this "prosperity" and "prosperity" is the "prosperity" that Didi, Uber and Yidao and other online car-hailing platforms "burn out" with money to occupy the market. Data show that in 2015, China’s entire online car-hailing market "burned" about 20 billion yuan due to the subsidy war.

  "Burning money" will certainly not be the norm, but few online ride-hailing drivers who are immersed in the imagination of "making big money" are aware. Ding Chaoquan has worked "very hard", even registering on multiple platforms at the same time and taking orders at the same time. The reward policies of online ride-hailing platforms have also begun to change quietly.

  After April this year, the reward for Didi Express doubling throughout the day was lowered, "the previous reward of 2.5 times the peak and 5 times the peak was gone, but now it is 1.2 times the peak and 2 times the peak", and the threshold for "rushing orders" has also been raised: "If you receive more than 20 orders a day, you will be rewarded 100 yuan, and if you receive more than 25 orders, you will be rewarded 200 yuan."

  Ding Chaoquan’s idea at the time was that even if the reward was lowered, it would still be no problem to earn three or four hundred yuan after spending fourteen or five hours a day. Compared with the random income of moving, compared with the fear of driving a black car, Ding Chaoquan felt that the "express train" was more like a "career" to ensure the income of drought and waterlogging. And Ren Chuan considered that he could save a "wife book" by working for two years.

  Mahjong sound into the industry "barometer"

  There is no business of moving on weekdays, and groups of Chongqing villagers flocked to the teahouse. In a moment, the sound of mahjong hitting the table rose one after another.

  After the "express convoy" appeared, a group of people left the car around 6 am and came back in the early morning, and another group of people left the car around 5 pm and came back the next morning.

  During the rest of the time, they went home to sleep, eat, and prepare to leave the car again. The business of the teahouse had been neglected a lot.

  "The company is burning money, but what it earns is the driver, and what benefits are the passengers." Ding Chaoquan had an account in his heart, and he slowly realized that the days of "getting rewards and getting soft hands" may not be too long.

  Soon after, the news broke that Didi and Uber China had "reached a strategic cooperation". After upgrading to the "Didi-Uber" platform, Ding Chaoquan obviously felt that "the money received is two or three thousand less per month".

  Since then, the "premium" system familiar to Ding Dynasty has gradually tightened. "It is considered a good order to receive 1.2 times in the morning and evening peaks," but the income is far from the 2.6 times or 3 times the premium before the merger. At the same time, the star reward has become a scoring system, "only rewards above 80 points". A bad review by a passenger will directly affect the overall score, and then affect the driver’s "bonus".

  "When I got out of the car, I always encountered passengers who were’picky ‘, and now the company doesn’t like it either. The two ends are splinted, and the work is boring." On November 3, after a few days of hesitation, Ren Chuan withdrew from the group.

  In just ten days, the "express convoy" in Houchang Village has undergone a "bloodbath". On Nov. 12, Ding Chaoquan said that he counted 60 or 70 express drivers he knew well, and "now there are only a dozen or so people left."

  Those who quit, some return to the old business of moving, and some return to the ranks of black cars.

  The nearly brand-new cars in the hands of many people were parked on the roadside of Northwest Wang 2nd Street, collecting dust, and the sound of mahjong in the hutong teahouse sounded earlier and longer than before.

  The persisting express driver

  In Ren Chuan’s opinion, there are only two types of people who still insist on driving fast: one is "idle and bored", and when they are not alive, they use online car-hailing as a part-time job and go out to earn gas money during peak hours; the other is "helpless" and handles other business and spends money to buy a car.

  Ding Chaoquan is "forced to be helpless". Because he used to drive used cars, Ding Chaoquan was often "given bad reviews" by customers. In September this year, he took out a loan to buy a Dongfeng sedan with a little 100,000. The money for the car "has not been earned back", and then the online car-hailing fell into a low ebb.

  This is Ding Chaoquan, a 40-year-old from Chongqing, in his 14th year in Beijing. For the first 13 years, Ding Chao went around in circles, moved houses, drove black cars, and only became "practical" after driving a fast car. Over the past year, what impressed his wife most was that Ding Chaoquan "didn’t even touch mahjong".

  At the door, there was a refrigerator, a chopping board, and pots and pans on the table. After the stove turned around, there was a square table, and next to the table, two beds were staggered. On the briquettes stove next to one of the beds, the iron kettle was sizzling. This was a bungalow rented by Ding Chao’s family of four in Houchang Village, with an area of less than 20 square meters.

  Two years ago, the monthly rent for the house rose from 420 yuan to 620 yuan now. "Including the electricity and water bills, it will be more than 10,000 in a year." A son and a daughter are studying at a nearby private elementary school. "The tuition fee for a year alone is nearly 20,000 yuan."

  Ding Chaoquan has not returned to his hometown in Pengshui County, Chongqing for the Chinese New Year for three years, and he is preparing to return home for the Spring Festival. "The old father is over 70, and his health is not good, so he has to go back and have a look." Going home means "spending money". "Thousands of dollars to honor the elderly on both sides are indispensable, and relatives have to carry fruit, cigarettes and alcohol during the Chinese New Year. 10,000 yuan can’t stop it."

  Tuition fees, rent, daily expenses at home… Ding Chaoquan set a small goal for himself: not to mention tens of thousands per month, but to earn at least 8,000 yuan. "Take into account all the expenses and living expenses of the family, so that you can save half of the money every month."

  This "goal" was "very easy" last year, but now, Ding Chao has to travel 17 or 8 hours a day, and the only time he can meet the children every day is at the dinner table in the afternoon.

  After taking out a loan to buy a car, his younger brother in his hometown once persuaded Ding Chaoquan to go home and work with him on decoration, but Ding Chaoquan refused, "I stayed in Beijing as soon as I came out in my 20s, and what can I do when I go back, ‘I can’t do your decoration,’ that’s what I told him."

  At 5 PM, carrying his wife’s hot tea, Ding Chaoquan opened a pack of cigarettes, lit one, and walked to the side of the road where he parked.

  "I don’t want to leave a smell in the car." He stood by the door and smoked, moved his waist a little, then got into the car and opened his mobile phone to receive orders until the next morning. This article/This newspaper reporter, Zhang Ya, Zhang Fan

  Photographer/Reporter, Yuan Yi

The new Lynk & Co 03 configuration is exposed, the whole series comes standard with 2.0T, and the price is about 150,000

A few days ago, the car workshop obtained the configuration information of the new Lynk 03, the new car will be listed on September 23, the estimated price is consistent with the current sale, about 150,000 yuan.

The interior of the new Lynk & Co 03 will be upgraded, starting with a 12.3-inch LCD dashboard + 12.8-inch central control screen, and equipped with a Qualcomm 8155 chip, making the car smoother and more responsive.

In addition, the new Lynk & Co 03 PLUS is equipped with keyless start, dual temperature zone automatic air conditioning + rear discharge trend, 6-way adjustment of the main driver’s electric seat, 8 high fidelity speakers, 360 panoramic images and 17-inch aluminum alloy wheels.

The Pro version will add a leather steering wheel, stepless streamer ambient light, front seat heating, and adaptive cruise on top of the PLUS.

Compared to the Jinxing Pro, the Halo adds an automatic parking assist system, a digital key, LED star matrix headlights, and an AR-HUD head-up display system.

At the same time, the new Lynk & Co 03 + also has a wind-powered version, equipped with a steering wheel performance keypad, track driving mode, sports exhaust system, driver’s seat ventilation, memory function, and central control sliding screen.

Compared with the wind version, the performance package version adds a full carbon pneumatic package, 19-inch forged wheels, front cabin aluminum lateral stability reinforcement rods, and automatic parking assist systems.

Compared with the wind version, the Cyan version adds high-performance four-piston fixed calipers, damping adjustable shock absorbers, high-performance track tires, and the co-pilot eliminates the electric seat and heating functions.

In terms of power, the new fuel version will come standard with a 2.0T engine and be divided into low/medium versions, matching a 7-speed wet dual-clutch transmission. The 03 + and 03 + Cyan versions will be equipped with a 2.0T high-power version, matching an 8-speed automatic transmission, and equipped with the sixth-generation BorgWarner four-wheel drive system.

In addition, the new Lynk & Co 03 also has a hybrid version, which will be equipped with a dedicated 1.5T three-cylinder engine, matched with a 3-speed hybrid electric drive DHT Pro + gearbox.

Overall, there are still many places where the new Lynk & Co 03 has been upgraded. It can be said that it has been fully upgraded from the inside out. There are still a few days before the new Lynk & Co 03 is listed. Interested friends should not miss it.

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EditorShu Alu

The glory of the champion family! Lynk & Co 03 + sales officially exceeded 10,000

At the beginning of the new year, the 10,000th high-performance sports sedan of the global new high-end brand 03 + officially rolled off the production line at the Zhangjiakou factory, which not only marked a milestone breakthrough in sales of the 03 + model, but also proved the success of the brand in the field of performance vehicles in China with strength and data.

As the first performance car of a Chinese automobile brand, 03 + represents the brand spirit of automobile breakthrough and upward with a higher-level attitude, and also represents the new trend of double-line upgrade of Chinese automobile culture and automobile consumption, thus opening a new era of performance in China’s automobile industry.

Since its inception, 03 + has brought the strongest product strength of the same level to the majority of automobile consumers with its extraordinary sports characteristics, excellent driving control strength, and ultimate performance, and has comprehensively established a high-value benchmark for Chinese performance vehicles. That night, 03 + also launched the first batch of public sales in the new year, with a total of 100 units (dazzling burning gold), of which the first 99 units were 49 units of the 03 + wind version (driving control kit), 50 units of the 03 + wind version, and the 100th unit (that is, the 10,000th vehicle) was a performance package version.

(1) Performance is a symbol 03 + leads the trend of market development

In today’s automotive industry era, performance cars are one of the few blue oceans in the market segment, and they have naturally become a must-win place for major automakers. With the younger consumer market, in addition to the essential intelligent experience of vehicles, the return of sportiness will become a more concerned factor for consumers. A performance car is not just a cold machine, but a carrier for releasing passion and showing individuality. All the attributes of 03 + can fully interpret performance. At the same time, 03 + not only announces the arrival of the era of Chinese performance cars, but also marks a product that bears the soul of the brand.

At present, the overall development of performance cars in China is still in its infancy, and there is a certain gap compared with the developed countries of performance cars. The appearance of 03 + is a scarce resource in terms of the value of the product to the brand, but at the same time it is a symbol. The purpose is not to focus on sales data, but to maintain the good development of the product series and matrix, and to break consumers’ traditional understanding of Chinese performance cars with 03 + product strength. This value and significance are far more important than price and sales.

As far as the product itself is concerned, 03 + fully fits the current young consumers’ passionate pursuit of power and speed driving, and is supported by the top technical teams from Chinese and foreign competitions. The proud 100-kilometer acceleration of 5.9 seconds is enough to rival the world’s top performance cars. As a Chinese brand performance car, 03 + elevates the 03 family products to a new height. While helping consumers realize their performance dreams, it will also greatly meet users’ demand for speed control preferences with exceptional product strength, allowing more users to have a new understanding of Chinese brand performance cars, and comprehensively lead the development trend of China’s performance car market.

(2) Adhere to the value benchmark and create a unique imprint of performance vehicles

Behind the sales of 03 + this time, it is the unique imprint of the car brand to continue to build performance cars. As a user brand, since its inception, the car has been adhering to the inherent boundaries of traditional car-making to continuously break through the inherent boundaries of traditional car-making, and to continuously meet user requests to build a product concept of "more than cars". At this time, 03 + has been recognized by 10,000 car owners, and a young performance car user circle has been formed. Taking this as an opportunity to focus on the needs of performance car users, not only to create exclusive products for performance car consumers, but also to continue to build an exclusive user ecosystem and interact closely with users to achieve co-creation and sharing between consumers and manufacturers.

User recognition is an intangible manifestation of value. 03 + has crossed multiple obstacles as China’s first performance car, breaking the flat situation of China’s performance car market with its leading product strength, and comprehensively driving the demand and development of the performance car market. In a short period of time, 03 + broke through the 10,000-unit mark. Such a milestone moment is not only a high display of its own product strength, but also a perfect interpretation of its brand spirit.

The brand-new design with high face value and the new M5 will be officially released on April 23rd.

Recently, Huawei officially announced the new M5 series at the HarmonyOS Ecological Spring Communication Conference. This model will be officially released on April 23rd, and the expected value will be fully extended. The new model has a super-high face value. This time, in addition to the appearance, it is expected to bring new surprises to users in terms of internal strength.

According to the information released at the press conference, the new M5 in Wenjie can visually see its unique sports attributes through its exclusive blackened logo and sports kit, as well as blackened double five sports wheels and red sports calipers, which makes people full of driving desire. Moreover, the new version of the new M5 in Wenjie also has its own red appearance, which fully meets the needs of young people for vehicle personality expression and sports attributes. It can be said that the new M5 in Wenjie has been optimized for the needs of young people in terms of design and color matching.

Last year’s series was the first model in the world to be equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which was the first to realize the advanced intelligent driving function without relying on high-precision maps. NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance has been implemented all over the country, and at the same time, it has provided a high-level intelligent driving experience infinitely close to L3 for everyone. With cutting-edge technology and innovative ideas, this car is trying its best to reshape the new pattern of intelligent automobile industry.

Lane Cruise Assist (LCC) of the M5 has also evolved into LCC Plus. When the vehicle is at the intersection, it can "observe" the traffic lights autonomously through the vehicle perception system, which not only improves the convenience of driving, but also adds a new layer of protection for driving safety. Moreover, the omni-directional anti-collision system makes the safety of vehicles no longer limited to the front. For example, when driving at high speed, the construction environment suddenly appears on the side of the road. As a novice driver, he will be very flustered, and the M5 will monitor the side in real time. When the obstacles on the side of the road are detected to have collision risk, the system will automatically trigger the lateral obstacle collision prevention (LOCP) and intervene in the direction, which greatly improves the driving safety.

I believe that the newly launched new M5 will continue the characteristics of strong intelligent driving strength, strong safety strength and solid materials, and at the same time bring more surprises to everyone. I look forward to the performance of the new car after listing!

Technology last night this morning 0426: Lei Jun responded to netizens wanting small size mobile phones, Blizzard responded to being sued by NetEase for a refund of 300 million, Hengda suspended produ

"Technology Last Night This Morning" is a newly launched content format that brings together major and important events in the technology industry for everyone. Today is Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Good morning everyone, and the following broadcast starts:

WeCom recently announced the "external contact size related adjustment" policy, if more than this size, enterprises can continue to use according to the needs of the purchase of a larger scale, 5000 need 500 yuan per year, 20,000 need 2000 yuan per year, and so on, equivalent to every 10 people need 1 yuan per year. > > View Details

From April 25th, Tesla in mainland China will open the charging network to other non-Tesla new energy vehicle pilots. The first batch of pilots will open 10 Tesla super charging stations for 37 non-Tesla models. > > View Details

In response to NetEase’s previous lawsuit seeking a refund of 300 million, Blizzard said, "Blizzard has not received the relevant complaint at this time, but we believe we have not violated any license agreement. The contract terms suspected of dissatisfaction with NetEase involve standard industry practices and have been mutually beneficial to both parties over the years." > > View Details

Recently, some netizens left a message to Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, that he wanted a smaller phone. In response, Lei Jun said: "The consumer group of mobile phones with smaller screens is too small, and the sales volume cannot support the research and development cost of the flagship." > > View Details

Evergrande recently said that after 900 units of its Hengda Automobile were delivered, the Tianjin factory suspended production of Hengchi 5 due to lack of funds. Previously, Hengda Automobile suspended other factories and concentrated resources on production at the Tianjin factory. The suspension of production at the Tianjin factory means that Hengchi has stopped production. However, the official said that production is planned to resume in May 2023. > > View Details

ERNIE Bot has launched a dedicated independent app for closed beta, which is currently only available. Users can type questions through the keyboard or enter questions by voice. ERNIE Bot can also answer questions by voice. > > View Details

On April 25, Academician Wu Weiren, chief designer of the lunar exploration project and director of the deep space exploration laboratory, interpreted the construction plan of the international lunar research station, and completed a complete type by 2040 to carry out the exploration of the sun, earth and moon space environment and scientific experiments, and built the magpie bridge communication and remote comprehensive constellation to serve manned moon landings and deep space exploration of Mars and Venus. After that, an applied lunar research station will be built. > > View Details

On April 25, DJI released the three-camera flagship drone DJI Mavic 3 Pro, which is equipped with a Hasselblad main camera and a bifocal telephoto camera:

Slim quad-core flagship, Huawei P7 telecom version priced at 1880 yuan

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Huawei P7 Telecom Edition

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Rolling wheels out of the changing times

????Behind every old photo lies an unforgettable history.

????On October 29, 1955, the No. 1 well in Karamay was happy to spray oil. With the noble responsibility and mission of winning glory for the country and making the country prosperous and strong, the seniors gathered in the magical land of Karamay, opening the curtain of the construction of the new China’s petroleum industry. The bittersweet years of generations of oil people were sown on this land of life and struggle. The buses that oil people took, the shops and barber shops they walked into… Those familiar and cordial memories that have made generations familiar to generations have witnessed the history of the city from scratch, from start to construction and development.

????The special issue of "City Memory" of our newspaper has opened a new column "Those Days" to review with you the imprints and unforgettable memories of the city.


The shuttle buses used by oil men in the 1970s.


????Karamay’s city buses evolved from the oil workers’ shuttle buses in the 1960s. At that time, the managers and operators of city buses were the transportation office of the Xinjiang Petroleum Administration and some units with cars. In 1961, the transportation office of the Xinjiang Petroleum Administration established a central dispatching room to deploy the shuttle buses and some long-distance buses from the oil field. This is the prototype of centralized and unified management of vehicles.

????After more than half a century of wind and rain, buses have been extended to every corner of the city, witnessing the vicissitudes of Karamay and the glorious journey of Karamay people in the desert.

????This issue’s "Those Years" column takes you through an old photo of the shuttle bus station to learn about the development history of urban public transportation in Karamay.



????Karamay does not have a shuttle bus, and every holiday, all units send cars to meet the basic travel needs of employees. In 1965, Karamay officially opened a shuttle bus for oil workers from the urban area to the outer exploration area, which runs every two hours. At that time, the shuttle bus took the current South Road, passing through the oil refinery, the third oil production plant, and the second oil production plant, and finally arrived at the Baijiantan bus station.

????At that time, there were fewer than 10 buses on this line, and it took two hours to travel one way. The original passenger car was a Jiefang brand short-distance car, with a total of 23 seats on the car, plus the people standing in the carriage, which could pull more than 50 people at a time. The floor of the carriage was paved with wooden boards, and some wooden strips were nailed horizontally to prevent slippage. Because the floor was not tightly sealed, the vehicles ran on gravel roads, and dust and sand would keep drilling up from the bottom of the vehicle during the process of driving. When arriving at the destination, the passengers were often choked to ashes.

????In the early 1980s

????Karamay has city buses. At that time, Karamay had only No. 1 and No. 2 bus lines.

????The starting point of the No. 1 bus is the Long March New Village, and the terminus is the current Research Institute; the starting point of the No. 2 bus is the current Heavy Oil Company, and the terminus is at the current Friendship Bridge. At that time, there were no other motor passenger vehicles in Karamay, but there were many people taking the bus. Each bus was equipped with a flight attendant, which mainly solved the difficulties of employees going to work.


????Citizens usually don’t charge money for taking the bus, only tickets. Tickets are issued uniformly by various units according to the standard timing, and the face value of the ticket is marked to take different distances. The flight attendants prepare tickets and sell them mainly to outsiders who go to Karamay to do business, but this is rarely the case.


????Unknowingly, the lives of Karamay people have undergone earth-shaking changes, and urban buses are no exception. This year, individual minibuses appeared in Karamay, which greatly relieved the transportation pressure of buses. In this year, Karamay’s urban buses began a new situation.


????The Petroleum Administration has centralized the collection of duty vehicles in various units and established a passenger transportation company for unified management. Public transportation is one of the main businesses of the passenger transportation company.

????Year 2004

????The passenger transportation company twice updated and added 54 bus shuttles.

????Year 2007

????All city buses are equipped with bus IC card systems.


????Of the 69 buses in our city, 80% are clean and comfortable Huanghai buses.


????Karamay has opened 29 bus lines in the city center, and each bus line in the city sends buses every 15 minutes on average from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, providing great convenience for citizens to travel.

Positioning city + hardcore SUV, dark blue G318 priced from 175,900 yuan

  Shell Financial News (Reporter Bai Haotian) On June 13, the dark blue G318 was officially launched, with a total of six models, priced from 175,900 yuan to 318,000 yuan. Its two-wheel drive empty suspension version is equipped with air suspension + CDC + double fork arms, priced at less than 200,000 yuan. According to the official, the order channel opened for 60 minutes, and the G318 order has exceeded 3,000 units.

  Dark Blue G318 Picture/Enterprise Official Website

  According to the official introduction of Deep Blue Automobile, the Deep Blue G318 is positioned as an urban SUV with hardcore off-road capabilities and is a dual-attribute product. Its body length, width and height are 5010 × 1985 × 1960 mm, and the wheelbase is 2880 mm. The vehicle is also equipped with an electric stepless differential lock and a rear axle electric drive differential lock, as well as an ET all-terrain mode.

  In terms of power, the vehicle has a 1.5T engine with a range extender, and the power can reach 110 kW. The rear motor power is 185 kW, and the combined power of the 4-wheel drive version is 316 kW. The dark blue G318 is equipped with a lithium iron phosphate battery pack with a capacity of 35.07 kWh. The vehicle has a pure electric battery life of about 140 kilometers, and the fuel consumption for 100 kilometers of feed is less than 7 liters.

  Editor and Proofreader, Yang Xuli

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On the day of Wu Mengda’s funeral, there will be a public memorial for 1 hour, and the public can pay tribute

Wu Mengda Funeral Matters

Wu Mengda Funeral Matters

     According to Hong Kong media reports on the 3rd, Wu Mengda passed away due to liver cancer last Saturday. Today, his family issued a funeral obituary. In addition to the official announcement that the funeral will be set up in the underground worship hall of Hung Hom World Funeral Home on March 7, he also announced that there will be a public sacrifice for one hour on the same day, open to the public to pay tribute. After that, the funeral prayer service will become a private ceremony.

  The obituary stated that in order to show respect for Wu Mengda and respect the wishes of his family, photography and videography are strictly prohibited within the confines of the mourning hall at any time. Due to the pandemic, those who enter the venue must abide by the limit on the number of people in the venue, wear masks and abide by the epidemic prevention arrangements of the funeral hall. The family also reiterated that they did not authorize or agree to any person or organization to collect silk money or hold any memorial service in any way or channel.

  After the ceremony the next day, the coffin was immediately moved to the cremation site for the cremation ceremony, and the farewell ceremony and cremation ceremony were not publicly arranged. In addition, Tian Qiwen said in an interview with Taiwanese media that Zhou Xingchi had not been notified about Wu Mengda’s funeral, and he did not know whether he would be in Hong Kong at that time. He also said that everyone should also consider whether Zhou Xingchi’s presence would bring inconvenience to the scene and leave it to the right to decide whether to go to the funeral.

New retail password: Why does this brand open 8,000 stores a year?

  1month17According to the website of the National Bureau of Statistics,2021Total retail sales of consumer goods440823Billion yuan,increase over the previous year12.5%The two-year average growth rate is3.9%The domestic consumption "stabilizer" played a prominent role, and commodity consumption continued to rebound.

  As the end point of commodity circulation, retail is the leading industry and basic industry of the national economy, the focus of consumption-driven economic growth, and the reservoir of employment absorption.2021In 2009, in a complex situation where the recovery of the consumer market still faces uncertainties,Our country’s retail industry still maintains steady growth, showing a good trend.

  Of which,Xiaomi has created a new miracle of Chinese retail with new retail.2021year10At the end of the month, the10000Home Xiaomi Home store grandly opened in Shenzhen. Why open fast within a year?8000Home offline store? Such speed proves the strength of Xiaomi retail? Feeling the charm of the first-line Xiaomi sales and service integrated store on the spot may be the most convincing.

  Caring service makes customers feel warmer and more at ease

  2021year9In January, the Xiaomi Home in Tangming Square, Guangzhou welcomed a specialist chief doctor, Ms. Zhou. It turned out that Ms. Zhou’s friend gave her a Xiaomi mobile phone, but after receiving the mobile phone, she found a problem –I don’t know how to transfer data from my old phone to my new phone.

  During the transmission process, the staff encountered a problem – Ms. Zhou’s old machine came from another brand and the touch screen malfunctioned seriously, making it even more difficult to operate the guide data.

  "Our store does not have the after-sales authority for this brand of mobile phone, so we cannot solve the hardware problem, so we can only think of other ways. "At this time, the engineer of" Universal "proposed,Can be usedOTGFunction, with the help of mouse operation to solve the problem that the screen cannot be touched,Finally, a solution was found.

  "So we quickly exported the data for Ms. Zhou’s old phone and imported it into the new Xiaomi phone. After nearly4After an hour of hard work, the data transfer was successfully completed. "The staff introduced that during the process of transferring the data, the clerk had been chatting with Ms. Zhou all over the place to relieve the tedium during the waiting process and patiently explain how to use her new Xiaomi phone.

  Even if the mobile phone problem was solved perfectly, the store did not charge any fees, and Ms. Zhou left the store with her mobile phone contentedly, thanking her constantly before leaving.

  And the story didn’t end. A few days later, to the surprise of the store clerk, Ms. Zhou came back, and this time she also brought her husband to the store.They plan to buy a high-end phone from Xiaomi.

  It turned out that after this service, Ms. Zhou was deeply moved by the enthusiastic, professional, meticulous and patient Xiaomi team, and also had full trust in the Xiaomi brand. She couldn’t help but want her lover to use Xiaomi mobile phones.Enjoy the real "after-sales, word-free purchase" service.

  "Sales and service actually have the same purpose, which is to satisfy customers. Only in this way can customers have confidence and willingness to continue to support our products and enjoy our services. At the same time, sales and service are integrated, and both need to be integrated, and it takes time to settle. "In the opinion of Zhong Jiacheng, the store manager of Xiaomi Home in Tangming Square, Guangzhou, Xiaomi Home, which integrates sales and services, better promotes the integration of sales and services.

  Xiaomi Home promotes the "integration of sales and services",

  Make consumers more comfortable

  What is the difference between Xiaomi Home, which integrates sales and services, and traditional sales stores?

  In Xiaomi Home, which integrates sales and services, you can make an online appointment in advance or scan the code on site to get the number and wait for the call in the store. After accepting the "three questions about the fault" from the reception desk, you can test the mobile phone, and you can deal with the maintenance of electronic products in the store.

  "There are many elderly people in the vicinity, and they all like to come to the physical store to consult and solve problems – some people don’t know how to migrate resources after changing their mobile phones, and some people don’t know how to use them after changing their smartphones. "Zhong Jiacheng said that in the face of these customers, the service staff in the store will often provide warm reception services." Even our after-sales reception staff have simple maintenance authority and can handle the simplest maintenance problems for customers. "

  According to Zhong Jiacheng, the store was originally just an after-sales services store, "but there are often some consumers who find that the mobile phone cannot be repaired and have to look for another store to buy a new machine. Since the integration of sales and services is realized, consumers can directly find a new machine that suits them in the store, especially many elderly people like to see the real thing." 

  It is worth mentioning that consumers can also buy their favorite products in the store while waiting for repairs. From all kinds of mobile phones to televisions, from sweepers, speakers to electric toothbrushes, all kinds of good things in life can be "one-stop shopping" in the store.

  In addition, the store has also made a lot of updates and upgrades, such as the previous repair office was closed, but now in order to allow consumers to better experience the repair process and have a better sense of participation in the update and repair of mobile phones, the store has upgraded the repair window to an open window, allowing consumers to better understand the problems of their machines and the repair process.

  "Consumers commonly encounter problems such as broken screens, silent handsets, and aging batteries. Generally, we will repair or replace them on site, and the repair work can be completed in about an hour. And we will provide replacement repair services for eco-chain products as long as they are within the warranty period. "According to Zhong Jiacheng, customers who have been repaired on-site will generally keep in touch through WeChat or phone, and they can keep in touch with any subsequent problems in a timely manner." Even if it is not the problem of the product itself, we will try our best to help solve it. For example, some consumers will not debug the connection network after purchasing a cable TV. We will actively help solve it, and even provide relevant service help on-site if necessary, and do our best to help customers solve the problem. "

  This silent service spirit of moisturizing things is also reflected in the daily services actively provided by the store. It is understood that,monthly1Day~7Day is usually the "service week" of the Xiaomi brand.During this period, "rice noodles" friends can enjoy a variety of benefits, such as membership films
Mobile phone cleaning service, model remodeling and replacement of special festival back film, etc.

  "We can always welcome a lot of’rice noodles’ at this time. "Zhong Jiacheng said that they often organize some customer gratitude and feedback activities, such as the launch of mechanical remodelingDIYIt is very popular, which shortens the distance with customers and enhances customers’ recognition of the Xiaomi brand.

  It is worth mentioning that the Xiaomi Home in Guangzhou Tangming Square is alsoHeld a Mother’s Day Thanksgiving event "Gift Mother’s Day, teach parents to use mobile phones",We received enthusiastic registrations from the nearby elders, and provided them with service guidance on mobile phone use, so that the elders could return with a full load and feel the service and care from Xiaomi. "And we also specially produced" Smartphone Small Picture Book for Parents ", which brings clear and easy-to-understand guidance to uncles and aunts with large text and concise screenshots, which is well received." Zhong Jiacheng introduced.

  Millet new retail ushered in a new starting point,

  Do retail with temperature

  Behind these meticulous services is the active exploration of Xiaomi’s new retail model.2021year10month30This morning, the10000Home Xiaomi Home store grandly opened in Shenzhen Happy Coast. So far,The number of Xiaomi homes nationwide has officially broken through1Wanjia.

  In this regard, Lu Weibing, partner of Xiaomi Group and president of China and International Department, said that "this is a huge milestone for the development of Xiaomi’s new retail, and also creates a new miracle of Chinese retail". This is also the beginning of Xiaomi’s new retail development. After reaching this milestone, Xiaomi Home continued to expand rapidly.

  It all started with2015year9month13Japan Xiaomi’s first offline experience in a substantive senseShop – Xiaomi Home Contemporary Mall store opened in Beijing – this is Xiaomi Home’s offline sales business by1.0towards2.0A leap forward in upgrading.

  At the opening ceremony, the founder, chairperson and CEO of Xiaomi GroupCEOLei Jun put forward the future goals and vision of Xiaomi Home: to transform the traditional inefficient retail industry with the thinking of the Internet, break the asymmetry of information, and achieve the integration of online and offline. Ultimately, users can buy with their eyes closed.

  2020year11In June, Xiaomi put forward the new goal of "making every rice noodle have a Xiaomi home by his side".Xiaomi’s new retail has entered a stage of rapid expansion.It can be said that Xiaomi’s new retail, with its efficient model and accelerated coverage of the lower-tier market, is changing the drawbacks of the traditional mobile phone retail model that relies on information asymmetry to profit, allowing more offline users to spend clearly. For example: Xiaomi Home directly faces users, the channel is more flat, reducing the "middleman earns the price difference"; rich mobile phones× AIoTThe product allows consumers to change the low-frequency behavior of purchasing mobile phones into high-frequency behavior; break information asymmetry, adhere to non-intrusive service, and scene-based experiential sales.

  "Whether users are online or offline, whether urban or rural, everyone has the same right to enjoy the good life brought by technology. A good life should not have distance! "Lu Weibing said that it will take some time for Xiaomi’s new retail to achieve full coverage, but Xiaomi’s determination will not change.

  While Xiaomi Home stores are expanding rapidly,The service capabilities of Xiaomi Home are also constantly being upgraded.It is reported that there are currently2000A number of Xiaomi Home stores support users to place orders online and pick them up at the store. At the same time, the store also regularly provides free film, disinfection and maintenance and other special services. It is reported that Xiaomi New Retail is vigorously promoting the "sales and service integration" of the store to achieve the goal of "sales where there is service, sales where there is service", and users can repair where they buy. At present, products purchased in Xiaomi Home and sales and service integration stores can enjoy7There is no reason to return the goods.15Worry-free exchange (including online purchase of products), you can enjoy it at any service store across the country1During the annual warranty period, there are many quality services such as worry-free maintenance in the store and repair in the store.

  And while promoting the continuous upgrading of services,"Retail with temperature" has also become a prominent feature of Xiaomi Home.For example, in2021year7In late January, Henan encountered a heavy rainfall disaster, and Xiaomi Home responded as soon as possible. Service stores in Henan Province provided users with free in-store charging and freeWIFIFree Comm. Svcs., and water inlet equipment5Measures such as discount maintenance and extension of the three-guarantee period of mobile phone products will work together to resist disasters.

  "Xiaomi Home is not just about the sale of goods, but also the trust relationship between people. "Lu Weibing said that the reason why Xiaomi Home uses the word" home ",I just hope that Xiaomi Home will become a warm place and truly become a "home" for "rice noodles" and users.