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Beijing will accelerate a number of landmark projects such as integrated circuits, new energy vehicles and bio-manufacturing.

CCTV News:On March 19th, the State Council Office held a press conference on "Strive to create a new situation of high-quality development based on the strategic positioning of the capital city". At the meeting, Yin Yong, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and mayor, said that efforts would be made to strengthen the construction of an international science and technology innovation center and give full play to Beijing’s advantages in developing new quality productivity. We will co-ordinate the resources of educational science and technology talents, cultivate and strengthen all kinds of scientific and technological forces, continue to implement the leading action of basic research and the plan of tackling key core technologies in depth, and lay out the new track of the future industry in a forward-looking way; Leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, accelerating a number of landmark projects such as integrated circuits, new energy vehicles and bio-manufacturing, consolidating and expanding the leading edge of industries such as artificial intelligence and high-level autonomous driving, and striving to build a benchmark city for the global digital economy; Accelerate the improvement of the innovation ecosystem, launch a new Zhongguancun pilot reform policy, solidly promote the construction of the world’s leading science and technology parks, and gather momentum for Beijing’s high-quality development.

In the spring, thousands of new outdoor appliances such as Tmall outdoor mahjong machine and mini ice shaver were launched.

On March 14th, China Household Appliances and Consumer Electronics Expo (AWE 2024), one of the world’s three largest consumer electronics exhibitions, opened in Shanghai. More than 1,000 exhibits, such as the world’s first foldable TV, smart locks that can be opened with the wave of your hand, and entertainment smart beds, were launched simultaneously through Tmall and put on sale.

At present, Tmall has launched the "AWE", which is a collection of Hisense’s world’s first foldable laser tv, TopSleep zero-gravity entertainment intelligent bed, Kaidishi’s smart lock that can be opened with a wave of his hand, Honeywell air purifier that specializes in sucking pet floating hair, vertical hair dryer that can blow his head while lying down, and many other new scientific and technological products. Consumers can search for "discovering the new world by visiting the door" in Taobao APP, and they can also watch the exhibition live.

At the AWE exhibition site, Tmall held a "Super AWE Launch Night", held a new product launch conference in conjunction with brands such as Haier, Siemens, Linnei, Tim Ke, Vantage, Samsung and Hisense, and launched heavy new products such as casarte embedded ultra-thin refrigerator, Siemens Zhijing Rubik’s Cube dishwasher, Samsung AI Art TV, Tim Ke high-temperature quick dry cleaner and so on.

With the coming of spring, many consumers put outdoor camping and hiking on the agenda, and outdoor appliances have also become a hot new product launched by Tmall recently. "WDP Flagship Store" released an outdoor mini automatic door in mahjong machine, which can last for 6 hours and can be used as a dining table. "MOKUSAN Flagship Store" released a mini ice planer, and consumers can have a smoothie juice outdoors. Xiaomi released a folding electric kettle, which is only the size of a palm after folding.

In addition to the first single product, more and more brands began to change from selling single products to selling "scenes" in Tmall. Three-winged Bird, a scene brand owned by Haier, provides integrated home appliance and home service in its Tmall flagship store, and customizes all-space solutions such as living room, balcony and kitchen for consumers, providing all kinds of products ranging from home appliances to doors, walls and cabinets, so as to create a home space with stronger aesthetic perception, higher utilization efficiency and intelligence.

At present, Tmall has become the first platform for the launch of cool and new technology products. In March of this year, there were tens of millions of new products and equipment for enjoying flowers, cycling and camping, and spreading happiness in Shan Ye on Tmall.

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Shocked! There are actually 15 fraudulent apps in the mobile phone.

Early March

Jinhua Yongkang bureau of public security Xicheng police station

Received an anti-fraud warning instruction saying

Mr. Chen, a citizen of the jurisdiction, has high-risk trading risks.

After receiving the early warning

Police Zhang Jiekai immediately dialed Mr. Chen’s phone.

Inform them that they may be experiencing fraud.

in ten minutes

Mr. Chen hurried to the police station.

After some dissuasion by the police

He is still dubious.

"I’m not a three-year-old child.

At this age, I have been defrauded. "

▲ 15 fraud-related software in Mr. Chen’s mobile phone

Later, Zhang Jiekai took a look at Mr. Chen’s mobile phone.

It actually downloaded 15 fraud-related software.

When told that these are all fraudulent software,

Mr. Chen’s face is unbelievable

"How is that possible?

These softwares are obviously used for investment! "

After some inquiries, Zhang Jiekai learned that

Mr. Chen runs a small company

I heard from friends that online investment can make money quickly.

I am eager to try.


While browsing the web, Mr. Chen

See a lot of "low investment and high return" investment software advertisements.

Think of what my friend once said.

I didn’t doubt it, so I clicked on the link to download it.

There are 15 models in total.

After that, he learned from the "customer service" of various software.

Many "hot investment projects"

Under the professional and patient service of "customer service"

Mr. Chen wants to invest 50 thousand yuan to try the water

When I was about to transfer money

Zhang Jiekai called in time.

Saved Mr. Chen’s 50 thousand yuan

▲ Zhang Jiekai verified the situation with Mr. Chen and conducted anti-fraud propaganda.

soon afterwards

Zhang Jiekai patiently explained to Mr. Chen.

The true face of "low input" and "high income"

Mr. Chen suddenly woke up.

Thanks to Zhang Jiekai again and again

And uninstalled all fraudulent software.

"Thank you very much.

If it weren’t for you, my money would be gone! "

Police reminder

Remember that there is no pie in the sky.

Don’t believe it easily

Investment and financial management recommended by informal channels

Anyone who advertises "stable and high return"

Online investment and financial management are all frauds.

Once you are cheated, call 96110 in time.

You might like it.

Original title: "Shocked! There are actually 15 fraudulent apps in the mobile phone.

Read the original text

2 am! The Beijing media made a controversial report: China football became a joke, and fans swore.

At 2am, China football once again became the focus of controversy, and this time it was even pushed to the forefront. It originated from a report in Beijing Youth Daily that Song Kai, president of the China Football Association, had a clear understanding of the problems faced by women’s football after watching the women’s football match between China and South Korea. However, this report not only did not calm the fans’ arguments, but also triggered more controversy and discussion.

What is the reason for it It turned out that some fans questioned that Song Kai had a comprehensive understanding of the team’s problems through one game. This doubt is not groundless, because there are many factors that affect the outcome of a football match, including the player’s state, tactical arrangement, game mentality and so on. It seems a little hasty to jump to conclusions just through one game.

Of course, the reaction of the fans is even more enthusiastic. Some fans are skeptical about what Song Kai has done, thinking that he may not have a deep understanding of the real situation of women’s football. Other fans want to see more professional solutions, not just superficial observation. Some fans hit the nail on the head and pointed out that understanding the problem does not mean that we can solve the problem. What we need is real change and progress.

In fact, the development of football in China has always attracted much attention. However, as the fans say, the key to the problem is how to solve these problems. What we need is to dig deep into the root of the problem, find the crux, and then prescribe the right medicine. This requires professional ability, dedicated attitude and long-term patience.

In this regard, fans and friends: What do you think of Song Kai’s statement after watching the game? Do you think he can lead China football out of the predicament? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

At the same time, we expect you to continue to pay attention to our reports, and let us witness the rise of football in China!

6 days, 500 million, is Jason Wu’s monster blockbuster hard enough?

Special feature of 1905 film network What kind of sparks will collide when they meet? The answer lies in the new film.

It has been five years since the first film was released, and the upgrade is coming, trying to bring a brand-new experience to the audience from many angles. In the words of the director, there are new roles, new creatures, new equipment and new tasks.

What remains unchanged is that Jonas Taylor, the leading actor played by Jason Statham, still shows great force and can do anything. Jason Wu, the "new partner", plays a scientist, Zhang Jiuyue, who can engage in scientific research, but can hack planes with his bare hands.

In an exclusive interview with 1905 Film Network, director Ben Wheatley also praised two Chinese and foreign actors: they are very professional and dedicated, and they have a harmonious cooperation.

At present, it has been shown in Meg 2 for six days, and the box office is close to 500 million. The 1905 film network also interviewed director Ben Wheatley before the release, revealing the behind-the-scenes creation of the transnational linkage of the crew and "going to heaven and going to sea".

PART 1"Jason Wu always does it himself."

"I have seen Jason Wu, and I am very excited to work with him." Before the formal cooperation, director Ben Wheatley was already a "fan" of Jason Wu.

He bluntly said that Jason Wu’s role this time is different from his previous tough guy. "Zhang Jiuying is a scientist, and he uses his brain more than his fist to solve problems."

Jason Wu has always maintained a high mental state at the scene, and his full creative enthusiasm left a deep impression on Ben Wheatley. "His working style is first to devote himself wholeheartedly, and secondly, he will bring a lot of ideas, thinking about how to make the role better all the time, and constantly adding some different role details, jokes or action designs."

For example, the character’s name, Zhang Jiuyao, was taken from Song Lian, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, who wrote "Up to the Lonely Man, Down to the Candle for Nine Seasons", and there were many Chinese lines that were skillfully integrated, all of which came from improvisation in Jason Wu.

Ben Wheatley also recognized the effect of these Chinese lines. "Because the Ocean Research Center where they are located is originally a very international organization, these lines are very natural and will not be inconsistent, which is also very helpful for shaping characters."

In the film, the breathtaking scene of Jason Wu hanging from the helicopter with one hand left a deep impression on many viewers. He leaned out of the hovering helicopter and climbed neatly to the landing gear. When the helicopter was flying, he squatted on the hatch with only one hand, and his face was deformed by the strong wind. All this was done by Jason Wu at high altitude.

In the behind-the-scenes tidbits, overseas teams suggested that Jason Wu use stuntmen to complete this action, but Jason Wu replied with a smile: "Sir, making money can’t be that easy", so he went into battle without saying anything. This process is still fresh in the memory of director Ben Wheatley.

"Jason Wu is very willing to do it himself for action drama. I was actually scared when I saw him doing those actions, but when I saw the shooting results on the monitor, everything was worth it. "

PART 2 The combination of "Xijiejing" is a strong alliance.

"Jason’s position in western action movies is similar to that of Jason Wu, and they are a powerful alliance." Director Ben Wheatley made no secret of his excitement to cooperate with two Chinese and foreign actors at the same time.

He revealed that although the language between them is not completely the same, they have a tacit understanding in action design, and many bridges are the result of communication and collision between them. The two roles are also full of skills and complementary. "They are very professional and experienced, and they have a deep understanding of action movies."

If Jason Wu’s highlight is "flying to the sky", then Statham’s highlight is "making waves" by driving a motorboat.

Ben Wheatley recalled that Statham also chose to play in person, not only soaring to 135-145 kilometers per hour, but also completing a 360-degree rotation at the same time. After a lap, the audience applauded and cheered.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for the strongest combination of "heaven and sea" is diving. In order to pursue the real texture, many scenes choose underwater shooting, which is extremely difficult.

"Because the actors can’t communicate with the staff immediately, there is a certain risk, and many security personnel are needed, and the actors should be willing to do it. Both Jason Wu and Jason held their breath under 6 meters of water and completed many performances, taking oxygen every 3 or 4 minutes. As a director, I admire them very much. "

Especially in an underwater fighting scene, while Jason Wu held her breath for a long time, she was dragged back and forth by Weiya around her waist, keeping her eyes open all the time. The continuous shooting for 10 hours also made his eyes bloodshot, but he still insisted on finishing the shooting, which made the crew sit up and take notice. Jason Wu simply responded: "All actors in China do this."

Ben Wheatley was deeply impressed by this dedication: "Jason Wu can always cheer up the whole crew. He seems to be the kind of person who will say that I am fine when my leg is broken."

PART 3 "I am very excited to talk to the audience in China."

"Megalodon 2: Abyss, as a co-production, is not only about telling an international story, but also about cultural exchange."

Looking back on the creative process, what impressed Ben Wheatley most was the process of repeated communication between Chinese and foreign producers. The Chinese team would make suggestions from the perspective of China audience and China culture, while the foreign side would provide feedback from the perspective of international audience. Finally, the creative team found a balance among them. "The voice of a Chinese-foreign co-produced film should be international, not limited to a certain market."

In Ben Wheatley’s view, Meg 2 is not a superhero, but a story about how ordinary people take responsibility in times of crisis and tide over difficulties. This sense of reality is what attracts him most, and it is also the universality of this story.

Like many action movie lovers, Ben Wheatley is also a big fan of movies. This cooperation with Jason Wu and the Chinese team has made him feel the working attitude of China filmmakers more deeply.

Ben Wheatley said frankly that he had no idea about Chinese scenes at first, and he was worried that knowing nothing about Chinese would affect his judgment on the performance. However, in the actual shooting process, Jason Wu’s investment in performing with Chinese lines made director Ben Wheatley feel that even though the language was different, "when he saw Jason Wu’s expression and movements, he could feel the emotions revealed in him".

Not to mention, Jason Wu turned into the "China Cultural Promotion Ambassador" from the first day of joining the group, and jiaozi, roast duck, hot pot, milk tea and Zibo barbecue were all arranged, which made the director feast his eyes and at the same time, he also had the desire to make a film in China.

"China is so big that it is impossible to experience it all in a few days, but I want to know more. Maybe I will challenge to come here and make a movie in all Chinese! "

Water turns into ice, reflecting sunlight.

Recently, affected by the continuous cold air, many places in China have ushered in a wide range of snowfall. On the morning of February 25th, in the Evergreen Flower Community of Dongxihu Lake, the original accumulated water gradually froze in the cold, with different shapes, reflecting the rising sun.
With the continuous drop of temperature, the accumulated water in the community gradually freezes. Especially in some low-lying areas, the accumulated water forms a thin ice layer, which forms a beautiful picture with the surrounding buildings and trees under the sunlight.
While the continuous snowfall has brought beautiful scenery to the residents of the community, everyone should also pay attention to the weather changes and their own safety.(Changjiang Daily reporter Liu Bin photo report)
[Editor: sugar man]
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Self-enrollment allows key middle schools to be busy with the college entrance examination in advance. Teacher: Don’t report blindly.

  Independent enrollment makes key middle schools busy with the college entrance examination in advance

  The temptation of grabbing students in colleges and universities is more opportunities and less opportunities. The teacher suggested not to report blindly.

  Self-enrollment stirs up the middle school campus

  "I have sent the materials to Peking University." At present, Xiao Fan (pseudonym) of the middle school affiliated to Fudan University is preparing for the written test of Peking University’s independent selection exam.

  There are still more than half a year before the national college entrance examination in 2008, but the independent enrollment work of major universities has started in full swing. In November, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, China People’s University and other online enrollment networks, online registration channels have been opened. This year, the number of self-selected colleges and universities has also increased from 22 in 2003 to 59.

  Bao Fanchen, a senior three student in weiyu high school, told reporters that the students around him are actively preparing for the proficiency test of Fudan University and the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Every Tuesday at 6 pm and Friday at 3 pm, the school will arrange teachers to give counseling lectures to students who are going to take the independent selection exams of Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. "There are more than 500 students in the whole grade, and nearly 300 students are present at each time, accounting for more than half."

  Considering that students who choose physics may forget chemistry, and those who choose chemistry may forget history and geography, Bao Fanchen’s school has specially held a counseling lecture for students who need to take the independent selection examination.

  It is reported that in 2008, the specific programs of Fudan University’s independent selection and admission work include: the selection and testing program for students who walk (including non-foreign languages, English, and non-common languages), the selection and testing program for art and sports specialty students, the Boya Cup Humanities Knowledge Grand Prix, and the "Fudan Level Test". Among them, "Fudan Proficiency Test" is open to all high school graduates. The test content includes 10 subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and computer. The test forms are all multiple-choice questions. The test time is 3 hours and the total score is 1000 points.

  Squeeze into the winter camp and gain one more chance.

  "Students taking the self-selection exam can reduce the pressure of the college entrance examination. For example, if you apply for the independent selection of Fudan University, if you have passed the written test and the interview, the college entrance examination will be enough. " Bao Fanchen also mentioned the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. After entering the winter camp, students are divided into four grades according to their grades, such as A, B, C and D. When enrolling in the college entrance examination, the A grade can be reduced by 20 points, the B grade by 15 points, the C grade by 10 points and the D grade by 5 points. For this plan, "the students are very enthusiastic."

  "Although the exam is busy, the senior three environment is like this." Bao Fanchen mentioned that for independent enrollment, the teachers of the school are based on the principle of students’ voluntariness, but because the independent selection examination can give students a chance, the teachers are also more supportive.

  "Half of the students in our class are preparing for the independent selection examination in colleges and universities." Chen Wenrui of Suzhou Experimental Middle School said that in addition to online registration, there will be an interview inside the school to select better students to recommend. "After all, this is also an opportunity, and the teachers are more encouraging. The students who participated are doing their best to prepare."

  Xiaofeng (pseudonym) from Shanghai Gezhi Middle School is waiting for the recommendation form of Tongji University to arrive at the school these two days. "All the watches are collected by the class teacher. In principle, everyone can only choose one school, so you must prepare for the exam carefully when you get the table. If you are not admitted, there will be no chance. "

  There are more than 500 senior three students in Xiaofeng’s school, and about 70 students got the winter camp form from Shanghai Jiaotong University. "Five students in our class took the form, and now they are all preparing." The application steps of Xiaofeng’s school are as follows: students who want to participate in the independent selection of colleges and universities can first register with the class teacher, then summarize them to the class teacher, and then the class teacher will send them to the academic affairs office of the school. Next, according to the proportion of arts and sciences and the ranking of exams, the specific list will be finally determined.

  Xiaofeng told reporters that last year, there were more than 100 students in Gezhi Middle School who took the "Thousand-Score Examination" of Fudan University, and 50 students passed, but only 9 students finally got the admission notice of Fudan University. "Fudan University’s 1000-point exam is a sea election, which is a good opportunity for students from all schools." However, considering that the exam involves all subjects in high school and examines students’ comprehensive strength, Xiaofeng feels that it takes a lot of time to prepare for the exam, and it may not be successful, so it is better to settle down and take the exam in a school that she wants to take.

  "The bonus test is only to add a score to the score line of the college entrance examination. If the score line is not enough, the previous test will be useless." Xiaofeng said that his parents are very supportive of his idea. As long as it does not affect the normal review, "you can fill in the form you want to apply for."

  Li Yun of Shanghai No.3 Middle School told the reporter that there was no rush of students around to register for independent enrollment in colleges and universities. "But some students take action. I just finished the online composition of Fudan University’s My College Dream a few days ago. " Li Yun mentioned that several students around him have applied for the independent entrance examination of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and are actively reviewing English and mathematics. "Everyone has a different orientation."

  Teacher’s attitude: no recommendation and no objection.

  Since the end of November, Xiao Wei (a pseudonym), a senior three student in Shanghai Yucai Middle School, has been studying more intensely. "This year, it seems that the independent selection examinations of major universities have been advanced, and I am not ready for it."

  Xiaowei’s grades are at the lower level in his class. As the college entrance examination approaches, he feels more and more pressure and motivation. After all, there are still more than half a year, and I may be able to rush up again.

  At first, Xiaowei’s mood was somewhat ambivalent. Signing up for the self-selected examination in colleges and universities meant spending more time on the subjects for preparing for the exam. Failure to sign up was tantamount to wasting time. If you don’t sign up, the students around you will ask questions again. "Which one did you apply for?" Students will communicate this problem with each other. Many students are actively preparing for the exam. " Xiaowei said this.

  After learning that the registration of East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics started, Xiaowei submitted the registration form online. "He also wants to try his luck and prepare for the exam first." Xiaowei’s mother said that now the children don’t go to bed until after 12 o’clock every night, and the review is also very serious. They have entered the state of examination in advance and have great psychological pressure. "If he wants to take the exam, let him warm up in advance, but I reminded him not to take this too seriously."

  "The focus of the school is still the college entrance examination, and the focus of students is also the college entrance examination. Finally, look at the college entrance examination score line." Li Jianguo, a teacher from Anhui Lu ‘an No.1 Middle School, said.

  Li Jianguo advocates "no recommendation, no objection" for students to take the self-selected examination. If students voluntarily sign up and feel that their ability is better, they can take an examination of a better school than this one, and they can make further efforts in the rest of the time. If students with lower and middle grades also want to sign up for the independent examination, the teacher will never hurt the students’ self-confidence. "You can let him go to the school he can reach."

  Li Jianguo pointed out that the present self-selection examination is not particularly standardized. "Each school has not yet taken the exam outline, and there is no directionality, which is bound to bring certain negative effects. If students actively prepare for the exam and fail to reach the independent enrollment line, first, time is wasted, and second, students’ emotions are affected to some extent. " Teacher Li stressed that "in the final stage before the college entrance examination, students’ emotions are very important, and good self-confidence is also helpful for learning."

  Middle and lower school students are most affected.

  Li Jing, a senior three teacher in Zhengzhou Foreign Languages School, said that preferential policies are generally given only after the college entrance examination reaches a certain score, and there are different requirements for independent selection examinations in different schools, so students should choose good schools and majors. "The subjects of the school’s independent entrance examination may be different from those of the college entrance examination, which also requires students to review differently."

  Li Jing gave an example. For example, Tsinghua University’s score in Henan is 680 points, and it is enough for candidates who have passed independent enrollment to get 660 points. This is a drop-off admission; Another kind, candidates can be admitted as long as they pass a local score line; There are also extra points for admission. When choosing a school that enrolls students independently, students must see clearly what the requirements of the school are.

  Li Jing believes that the students who are in the top grades now sign up for the self-selected examination, and the students with lower grades are most affected, because the self-selected colleges and universities are generally more than one university, mainly for students with upper-middle grades. "Students should find out what grade and position they belong to and judge whether they belong to this category. If they don’t belong to this category, they should fully participate in the college entrance examination. If students feel that they can achieve it with their own efforts, they can take the independent entrance examination, which is also an opportunity after all. "

  "Students and parents should not blindly choose schools. Students must determine what kind of school they want to go to. If you pass the independent exam, but the college entrance examination can’t even reach a line, the independent enrollment exam is a waste. "

  Li Jing further suggested that the class teacher should know the students better and give them some advice based on their learning situation, development potential and hobbies. And students should not choose too many schools that choose their own exams, and spend too much time and energy on it. If students apply to a particularly large number of schools, such as going to Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan to take exams, "it will affect the normal review of the college entrance examination." (Intern Zhang Qi, reporter Zhou Kai)


  Not many students actually benefit from independent enrollment.

  During this period, colleges and universities have issued their own enrollment plans in 2008, and several key middle schools in Nanchang have received letters from some colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. However, Director Huang of the Political and Educational Affairs Office of Yuzhang Middle School in Nanchang revealed that Yuzhang Middle School has not received any official letters from colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. Director Huang said that colleges and universities generally send letters to key middle schools in various provinces and cities, because there are more students in key middle schools who meet the requirements of independent enrollment in colleges and universities, and fewer students in ordinary middle schools who meet the application conditions. According to Director Huang, no student in Yuzhang Middle School enjoyed the policy of independent enrollment in 2007.

  It is understood that there are actually very few students who can really enjoy the preferential policies brought by independent enrollment in colleges and universities. There are two channels for candidates to apply for the independent entrance examination: school recommendation and self-application. First of all, the general requirements for independent enrollment are fresh high school graduates with extraordinary innovation and practical ability, or special talents in literature, art and sports, or among the best in comprehensive quality.

  Principal Bao of Nanchang No.1 Middle School said that according to this condition, only about a dozen or twenty students in Nanchang No.1 Middle School are eligible to enter the exam every year.

  President Bao also said that the preferential policies for independent enrollment in colleges and universities only take effect under certain conditions. Some students scored very well in the college entrance examination, disdained the schools that took the self-enrollment examination at the beginning, did not take the self-enrollment colleges as their first choice, and filled in other schools after the examination, so this policy was wasted. Some candidates will also fail to reach the admission line because of their abnormal performance, which is useless.

  Director Chen of the Academic Affairs Office of Nanchang No.10 Middle School said that students who apply for key universities are relatively strong. A considerable number of outstanding candidates can easily enter key universities by passing their college entrance examination results, and there is no need for preferential policies in the independent entrance examination.

  Director Chen finally said that independent enrollment still depends on the results of the college entrance examination in June next year, and the level of the college entrance examination results determines whether candidates can finally be admitted. (According to "Urban Consumer News")

Editor: Zhu Zhen

Xi ‘an, Shaanxi: New Year’s Eve fireworks show welcomes the ancient city of New Year Yao.

Jin Hu retired from the old year and Yutu welcomed the new year. On New Year’s Eve, in order to let citizens and tourists spend a festive and lively Spring Festival, Xi ‘an, Shaanxi Province has carefully prepared grand theme fireworks display activities in six areas of the city to celebrate the Happy Year of China.

On January 21st, New Year’s Eve, in Xixian New Area, Xi ‘an, Kunming and Chi Pan, a grand fireworks show attracted many people. Fireworks ignite the city fireworks, conveying the joy and happiness of the Year of the Rabbit and the New Year. At 8 o’clock that night, fireworks of various shapes were like blooming flowers, blooming in the night sky. Under the fireworks, smiling faces were full of happiness and joy. Everyone raised their mobile phones and cameras to record beautiful moments and looked forward to the arrival of the New Year in the colorful fireworks.

Colorful and colorful fireworks not only presented a wonderful visual feast for citizens and tourists, but also showed the prosperity of the rapid recovery of tourism in the ancient city of Xi’ an. Appreciate the splendor of thousands of trees blooming in the east wind at night, and the flowers of fire trees and silver flowers blooming all night. In the dazzling fireworks show, everyone wishes the great motherland prosperity and the people a happy and healthy life.

Gorgeous fireworks carry people’s good wishes for the new year. During the Spring Festival this year, Xi ‘an will also hold a number of colorful Spring Festival cultural tours.

(Reporter Yan Xingguang, Yan Xiaobin, Zhao Zhenkai)

Fengchuan, Tonglu: Fireworks and firecrackers are sold and burned according to regulations, and the year-end security is strictly observed.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the sales and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers gradually enter the peak period. Recently, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Fengchuan Street in Tonglu County organized personnel to issue proposals to shops along the street within its jurisdiction, and popularized the relevant laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers, the Implementation Measures for the Business License of Fireworks and Firecrackers, and the Safety Technical Specification for Fireworks and Firecrackers Retail Stores (Points), and publicized and explained the forbidden areas, requiring shops to consciously abide by the regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers and not to illegally sell fireworks and firecrackers.
In addition, the law enforcement officers also inspected the fireworks manufacturers. By watching whether the random inspection in the factory area is standardized, the hidden dangers are investigated in strict accordance with industry standards, and manufacturers are required to conduct self-inspection and self-inspection on a regular basis, and store them in an orderly manner in strict accordance with relevant standards, so as to prevent accidents and ensure that the masses celebrate the Spring Festival and create a good, safe and stable environment.

Put away this swimming guide while it is hot.

In hot summer, swimming is one of the favorite recreational ways for parents and children. The week of July 16th every year is "July 16th National Swimming Fitness Week", and all kinds of swimming activities will be carried out all over the country. So, how to choose a healthy swimming pool? How to protect yourself from swimming in summer? Please keep this guide.
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
As a public place,
Consumers will inevitably worry,
Is the water clean or not?
Whether the bacterial content exceeds the standard,
Is the disinfectant put in enough?
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
Both summer heat and health?
Keep these details in mind.
01 see documents
According to "Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places", "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places" and other laws and regulations, the operators of swimming pools need to publicize the hygiene license, annual inspection report and hygiene reputation grade mark in the eye-catching position of swimming pools.
Operators of swimming places must obtain the hygiene license of public places before they can open their business to the outside world, and should show their business license and accept social supervision.
Before entering a public swimming pool, consumers should pay attention to whether the public health permit and the health certificate of employees are publicized in a conspicuous place in the swimming place.
02 Look at the water quality
Before entering the swimming pool, you should observe whether the water quality is good. There are two tips,
Splash the water slightly in the swimming pool. If the foam dissipates by itself within 10 ~ 15 seconds, the water quality is better. If the foam continues to float on the water for a minute or even a few minutes, it proves that the water quality is relatively poor.
Look at the situation that the bottom of the water leans down through the water to see the underwater swimming lane. The farther you look, the clearer the pool is. If the water quality is poor, you can’t see so many lanes clearly
03 Look at the sanitary facilities
See if the swimming place is equipped with dressing rooms, shower rooms, toilets, closed garbage bins and mechanical ventilation facilities that meet the hygiene requirements.
Check whether the water temperature, residual chlorine concentration, pH value and other indicators of the swimming pool on that day are qualified through the electronic bulletin board or text bulletin board of the swimming venue.
Be careful of "swimming sickness" when you have fun.
First, cramps
The supercooled water temperature will stimulate the contraction of blood vessels, so the blood flow will decrease and slow down, which can not meet the muscle activity, thus causing cramps. Lactic acid accumulates in a large amount in muscles, which leads to muscle fatigue and cramps.
Prevention tips:
If you have leg cramps underwater, don’t panic, you should call for help immediately. Straighten the cramped foot after landing and repeatedly pull the sole of the foot to recover as soon as possible.
Second, otitis media
Choking occurs when swimming, and the bacteria in the water will spread to the mucosa of the middle ear cavity along the eustachian tube, causing effusion and obstruction in the middle ear, and then causing inflammation.
Prevention tips:
Protective measures such as swimming cap, goggles and earplugs should be worn as much as possible during swimming to reduce the erosion of hair, eyes and ear canal by pool water.
Third, pinkeye
If the swimming pool is not disinfected properly, a patient with pink eye can easily cause pollution, and everyone in the swimming pool may suffer from epidemic conjunctivitis.
Prevention tips:
After swimming, you should bathe and wash your body in time, and use artificial tears or antibiotics to drop your eyes. Avoid rubbing eyes to prevent damage to conjunctiva and cornea.
Four, diving injury
If you are not careful when diving, it is easy to hit the edge of the pool and cause injuries. The collision between the body and the water surface may also lead to visceral injury in children during development.
Prevention tips:
Keep the correct posture of entering the water, prevent the soles from slipping, and avoid unnecessary injuries caused by excessive strenuous exercise.
Remember the safety knowledge
1 Warm up fully before swimming
It is best to experience the water temperature before entering the water. If the water temperature is too cold or too hot, try not to rush into the water. Before you go into the water, you should do warm-up activities on the shore, warm up for 10 to 15 minutes, and exercise your joints and muscles in all parts. Otherwise, it is easy to cause muscle injury or other accidents if you suddenly engage in more intense activities. Leg-lifting, squatting and standing up can be used.
Pay attention to safety and stay away from wild swimming.
Do not swim without permission, do not swim in waters without safety measures and ambulance personnel, and do not swim in unfamiliar waters. It is necessary to have a physical examination to make sure that you are in good health. Grasp the swimming time, generally no more than 1 hour.
3 Don’t leave the "comfort zone"
Polluted rivers, reservoirs and places with rapids may all lead to drowning accidents. If you encounter bad weather, such as thunderstorms, strong winds or sudden changes in weather, it is not suitable to swim. It is recommended to choose an indoor swimming pool as much as possible every day.
4 replenish water in time after swimming
You will sweat when swimming, but because your body is wet, you often can’t feel the loss of water in your body, resulting in dehydration. Nutritionists suggest drinking 600 ~ 800 ml of water before swimming, and replenishing water in time after swimming.
Swimming has many benefits for the body.
Adhere to exercise and protect health.
There must be unexpected surprises.
Source: CCTV News