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Employment, house purchase, stock trading … Ten predictions for the second half of this year’s economy are closely related to you.

  Editor of Economic Daily-China Economic Net: In 2020, the second half of China’s economy has begun, and the next performance has attracted much attention. Can the employment target be achieved in the second half of this year? What will be the trend of the property market? Will retaliatory consumption appear? … … For these economic hot issues that the society cares about, the Financial Research Center of Bank of Communications released "Born Inward — — Macroeconomic and financial outlook for the second half of 2020 was analyzed and predicted.

  Employment: The annual target of 9 million yuan can be achieved.

  According to the report, with the obvious acceleration of the resumption of work and production and the targeted support of policies, it is still relatively certain to achieve the goal of 9 million new jobs set by the government throughout the year. First, focus on supporting the employment of key groups and ensuring new jobs. The second is to focus on supporting small and micro enterprises to reduce unemployment. The third is to develop emerging industries and promote flexible employment. Fourth, strengthen training, expand the number of recruits, ease employment pressure and improve the quality of the labor force.

  GDP: The economy can achieve positive growth throughout the year.

  As for the GDP growth rate, the report predicts that the economic growth rate in the second half of the year will be significantly faster than that in the first half of the year. The development of the global epidemic and the recovery of external demand will have an impact on China’s economic operation. Under the benchmark scenario, the economic growth in the third quarter recovered to about 6%, and the annual economic growth rate was about 2.5%. Under the pessimistic scenario, the global demand has been significantly weakened by the repeated epidemic, and the economic growth rate in the third and fourth quarters is still low, with the annual economic growth of about 1%; Under the optimistic scenario, the global epidemic quickly disappeared, the external demand resumed and the domestic active policies were effective, and the economic growth rate rebounded significantly in the third and fourth quarters, with an annual economic growth of about 3.5%.

  Consumption: there will be no retaliatory consumption, and a moderate recovery can be expected.

  Will retaliatory consumption appear in the second half of the year? The report doesn’t think it will appear. First, the epidemic has brought a serious impact on outdoor consumption, second, the epidemic has brought an impact on employment, and third, China’s rescue policy has little support for families and individual residents. As the epidemic subsides and production and life return to normal, the recovery of consumption in the second half of the year can be expected, and the consumption varieties may be divided: the consumption of anti-virus products such as medicine, disinfectant and toiletries increases rapidly; Necessary consumer goods, such as daily necessities and electronic products, which are less affected by the epidemic have recovered quickly; Consumption related to real estate and automobile industry chain has gradually improved; The recovery of service consumption may be slow.

  Investment: Focus on "New Infrastructure"

  The report predicts that the annual infrastructure investment will increase by 8%. Fiscal and monetary policies focus on targeted support, and infrastructure investment focuses on "new infrastructure". Traditional infrastructure investment will also accelerate, but the intensity may be limited. The downward trend of market interest rate and the decline of financing cost of housing enterprises may support the gradual acceleration of real estate development investment. As the lack of speculation in housing indicates that the real estate control policy will not be relaxed, it will restrict the growth rate of real estate development investment, which is expected to increase by 5% throughout the year. The investment in high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing has a good growth momentum, but the weakening of external demand has a great impact on export-oriented manufacturing. The investment prospects of traditional manufacturing industries are not good, and the operating pressure of enterprises is increasing and profits are narrowing, which will seriously affect the investment expectations of manufacturing industries. The negative growth trend of manufacturing investment may remain for some time, and it is expected to increase by -4% for the whole year. It is estimated that the annual investment will increase by about 3.1%.

  Bond market: short-term fluctuations do not affect the medium-term trend.

  The report pointed out that the fluctuation of short-term bond market is mainly disturbed by factors such as the marginal slowdown of monetary policy easing. From the medium-term logic point of view: the current marginal slowdown of monetary policy operation is not a monetary policy shift, and the recovery of the real economy has just begun and the long-term growth pressure is still great. The withdrawal of policy strength from the emergency mode during the anti-epidemic period is a short-term disturbance. In the second half of the year, under the control of the central bank’s "moderate money+wide credit", the money market interest rate SHIBOR and other probabilities are still "fluctuating" at the bottom. Although the bond market yield is difficult to show a sharp trend, the overall sharp rebound in the second half of the year does not have the driving foundation of liquidity fundamentals.

  Stock market: maintaining range volatility and grasping structural opportunities

  The report believes that fundamental recovery, low valuation, sustained net inflow of foreign capital, possible acceleration of credit cycle expansion and a series of reform measures in the equity market are all positive factors in the current domestic equity market. However, considering more uncertainties overseas, the stock market will still maintain a range fluctuation pattern during the year, and the bottom point should not fall below again during the year. However, considering the adaptation to the basic situation, there are some difficulties in continuing to attack, and we should remain cautiously optimistic. From the perspective of investment opportunities, we can still focus on new infrastructure areas such as science and technology supported by policies, and leading enterprises in industries such as essential consumer goods related to domestic demand and medicines related to making up shortcomings. The registration system continues to advance, and it is expected that the market profit will be concentrated in the head enterprises in the future, and the trend of "the strong will be strong" will continue.

  Exchange rate: Sino-US relations dominate the exchange rate trend, and two-way fluctuations may become the norm.

  Since 2018, due to political factors such as trade friction, the RMB exchange rate has deviated from fundamental factors. The report predicts that the US dollar may weaken slightly in the second half of the year, while the spread between China and the United States will remain high. Under the background of loose global liquidity and ultra-low interest rates, RMB assets are expected to continue to attract foreign capital inflows, and the RMB exchange rate may rebound slightly to around 7. However, in the second half of the year, the global epidemic situation is still uncertain, the market sentiment is still fragile, and American politicians may still make an issue of China during the election, so the RMB exchange rate fluctuates greatly. It is expected that the RMB exchange rate may fluctuate in the range of [6.9,7.2].

  Property market: There is great pressure on housing prices in these places.

  For the property market in the second half of the year, the report predicts that the transaction trend may change in two stages: the first stage is the short-term repair and replenishment of sales volume, and the regulation policy of tightening outside and loosening inside and the liquidity dividend of rising water are two catalysts to promote the release of demand; The second stage is to return to the original downward cycle. If the policy orientation does not change, short-term gap repair will not be enough to constitute a cyclical upswing. The regional performance is even more different: the "resident demand" in first-and second-tier cities is easy to release, and the pressure of rising house prices in low-inventory areas such as Shenzhen and Hangzhou is high; It is difficult to maintain the "demand for migratory birds" in third-and fourth-tier cities, and the old reform effect cannot completely replace the shed reform. Thanks to the friendly monetary environment, the pressure on the capital cost of housing enterprises has obviously eased.

  Crude oil: oversupply eased, and oil prices may fluctuate upward.

  In terms of crude oil, the report believes that China leads the recovery of global crude oil demand, and the "OPEC+"production reduction agreement has begun to take effect, which has jointly eased the pressure of oversupply in the market. However, the upward pace of oil prices will slow down after experiencing a significant rebound. First, although the demand for crude oil is improving, it still faces uncertainty. Second, the production reduction action started at the end of 2016 also proves that under the background of the rising of non-OPEC+oil producers such as the United States, multi-party games run through the production reduction agreement, and the "OPEC+"production reduction action alone is not enough to fundamentally change the situation of oversupply. Third, the high inventory of crude oil still needs to be digested. In the second half of the year, the oil price will fluctuate upwards, and the Brent oil price center may be 40-55 USD/barrel.

  Gold: the allocation value is prominent, and the upward momentum of gold price is sufficient.

  Affected by the epidemic, the financial market has been in great turmoil this year, while the gold market has a unique scenery. Looking forward to the market outlook, based on the safe-haven function and value-preserving function of gold, the report predicts that the price of gold still has sufficient upward momentum, or mainly fluctuates higher. First of all, the fear of a new round of pneumonia has stimulated investors’ safe-haven demand for gold assets. Secondly, in the global monetary easing policy and low interest rate environment, the expectation of inflation and currency depreciation has increased, triggering the demand for gold preservation. Finally, in the coming period, uncertainties from the United States and the dollar will also support the rise of gold prices.

  The report was completed by Cai Puhua, Zhou Kunping, Tang Jianwei, Liu Jian, Chen Ji, Liu Xuezhi, Hu Yanan, Xia Dan and Jian Wu from the Financial Research Center of Bank of Communications. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net reporter Ma Changyan)

A number of ministers have repeatedly voiced their voices, looking for a job and buying a car!

  Beijing, August 11th (Reporter Li Jinlei) When something unusual happens, you should pay attention to the unusual signal behind it.

  These days, Ning Ji Zhe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Liu Kun, Minister of Finance, Zhang Jinan, Minister of Human Resources and Social Security, Zhong Shan, Minister of Commerce, and Yi Gang, Governor of the Central Bank, have appeared in news broadcast one after another, and a series of heavy voices have revealed the future policy direction, which concerns many people’s jobs and wallets.

  Stabilizing employment: promoting the employment of key groups

  Employment is the biggest livelihood. Only when the rice bowl is stable can we increase our income and promote consumption. Therefore, the state puts employment in the first place of "six guarantees" and "six guarantees". However, affected by the epidemic, employment started in a downturn this year, but it is gradually stabilizing.

  Zhang Jinan announced a set of figures: the number of new jobs in cities and towns rose from 390 thousand in February to one million per month in the near future; According to the survey, the overall unemployment rate is about 6%, and it has dropped month by month since the second quarter. In May, the recruitment demand increased by 2% year-on-year, which turned from negative to positive for the first time since February, and continued to pick up in June.

  However, Zhang Jinan reminded that this year, affected by the epidemic, the market demand of college graduates declined, recruitment was postponed, job hunting was limited, and the level of youth unemployment rose. With college graduates entering the market in July and August, the employment of key groups will face new pressure.

  How to ensure the employment of key groups?

  Zhang Jinan said that in the second half of the year, registered unemployed people will be provided with basic public employment services free of charge, and policies such as rent reduction, tax incentives, and business guarantee loans will be actively implemented to help them find jobs and start businesses through multiple channels. For college graduates, we will continue to encourage expanding the scale of enterprise absorption, expanding the scale of grassroots employment, expanding the scale of further studies, and expanding the scale of training and internship. For migrant workers, employment services, vocational training and rights protection will be strengthened, and employment outside the home and in the local area will be promoted. In particular, the employment of poor laborers with established files will be done well.

  Yi Gang pointed out that in the second half of the year, the monetary policy should be more flexible, moderate and precise, and the policies that have been introduced to stabilize enterprises and ensure employment should be effectively implemented.

  Data Map: The scale of participating vehicles at Changchun Auto Show in 2020 reached a new high. Photo by Zhang Yao

  Promote consumption: relax the purchase restriction of new energy vehicles

  Expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption are essential for stabilizing economic growth.

  On July 30th, Politburo meeting of the Chinese Communist Party called for "firmly grasping the strategic base point of expanding domestic demand", continuously expanding domestic demand, overcoming the impact of the epidemic, expanding final consumption, and creating conditions for upgrading residents’ consumption.

  Regarding how to expand consumption, Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that to expand domestic demand, we should give full play to the basic role of consumption in economic growth. In the second half of the year, China will accelerate the high-quality development of new consumption such as smart retail and online education, promote the transformation and upgrading of automobile and household appliances consumption, encourage cities with restricted purchases to appropriately increase the purchase limit of automobiles, relax the purchase restriction of new energy vehicles, and give appropriate subsidies for the purchase of new energy vehicles.

  Ning Ji Zhe said that the development of consumption gathering areas in counties is the focus of expanding domestic demand this time, and it is also a place with great potential for consumption development. For example, the renovation of pedestrian streets in county towns should be supported by loans, and some corporate bonds can be issued to support this renovation, so that the consumption of China is not only in big cities, but also in medium cities and counties.

  "Work hard to promote consumption." Zhongshan said that to promote urban consumption, it is necessary to promote the transformation and upgrading of pedestrian streets and develop chain (convenience) stores. It is also necessary to expand rural consumption, promote e-commerce into rural areas, and promote industrial products to the countryside and agricultural products to the city.

  Xu Hongcai, deputy director of the Economic Policy Research Association of China Policy Science Research Association, told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that it is necessary to create a market environment conducive to promoting consumption, promote fair competition, crack down on counterfeiting, improve product quality, let consumers eat and use with confidence, and vigorously cultivate emerging consumption represented by online consumption, so that consumers can "consume, dare to consume and are willing to consume".

  Data Map: Visitors watch the 5G indoor router at close range. China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming photo

  Steady investment: promoting the construction of "two new and one heavy"

  To expand domestic demand, we must actively expand effective investment.

  Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that in terms of investment, we should focus on promoting the construction of new infrastructure, new urbanization, transportation and water conservancy and other major projects, increase efforts to make up for shortcomings in public health, emergency materials reserve, transportation and energy, implement urban renewal, and speed up the transformation of old urban communities.

  Private investment accounts for nearly 60% of the total social investment and is an important force to stabilize investment. Ning Ji Zhe said that in the second half of the year, China will further improve the environment for private investment, increase policy support, and support private capital to participate in the construction of short-board areas such as epidemic response, public health, warehousing and logistics, and emergency reserve. At the same time, it will guide banks to launch credit products suited to the characteristics of private enterprises and increase the scale and proportion of credit loans and medium-and long-term loans.

  Yi Gang has made it clear that the comprehensive use of various monetary policy tools will guide the growth rate of broad money supply and social financing scale to be significantly higher than last year, and at the same time pay attention to grasping the rhythm and optimizing the structure, so as to promote the reasonable growth of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans and medium-and long-term manufacturing loans.

  Liu Kun pointed out that in order to cope with the impact of the epidemic, the fiscal policy was "additive", and 1 trillion yuan of special anti-epidemic national debt was issued, focusing on supporting local infrastructure construction and epidemic prevention and control.

  The picture shows people watching the launch of the Long March 5 rocket at the seaside. Luo Yunfei

  Steady expectations: China’s economy is expected to achieve positive growth throughout the year.

  China’s economy rebounded deeply in the first half of the year, and its economy grew by 3.2% in the second quarter, which was obviously better than expected and achieved the first recovery in the world. Looking forward to the whole year, what is the macroeconomic trend of China?

  Ning Ji Zhe pointed out that the situation of China’s economic recovery is well-founded, conditional and sustainable, while the fundamentals of China’s economic stability and long-term improvement have not changed and are emerging.

  From the production point of view, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size has been increasing for three consecutive months since April; The service industry production index has achieved positive growth for two consecutive months. From the demand side, fixed asset investment achieved positive growth in the second quarter, and the decline in total retail sales of social consumer goods narrowed for four consecutive months. The gradual recovery of supply and demand cycle can be said to improve the sustainability of economic recovery.

  Yi Gang said that on the one hand, various industries have recovered rapidly; On the other hand, demand has gradually recovered, investment has rebounded significantly, consumption has continued to recover, and exports have obviously improved. While the economy is recovering, the price level has remained stable.

  "Overall, the characteristics of China’s great economic potential and sufficient resilience have not changed. China’s economic growth will continue to recover in the second half of the year, and it is expected to achieve positive growth throughout the year." Yi Gang judgment. (End)

A good film has an appointment | Watch "Last Christmas" by Long Ma and Yang Ziqiong, and it will be cool in a summer.

Last Christmas,

I gave you my heart.

But the next day,

You sent it away.

— — 《Last Christmas》

Special feature of 1905 film network This well-known English song "Last Christmas" was sung by Wei Meng Band and has been covered by many domestic and foreign singers since it came out in 1984. This week’s film "Last Christmas" was adapted from this song.

Last Christmas

Director:Paul Feig

playwrightEmma thompson/burini Cummings/greg wise

star; act the leading roleEmilia Clarke/Henry Golding/Yang Ziqiong/emma thompson/Rebecca Root


Producer country/regionBritain/America

First, from the cool and handsome "Dragon Mom" to the sweet Kate

In the film Last Christmas, Emilia Clarke, the heroine, dressed in an elf costume, changed her old image and sang "Jingle Bells" for the audience, making her sweet off the charts!

When he was three or four years old, Emilia Clarke came to the theater with his father by chance, and he was deeply fascinated by drama from then on. When she was ten years old, she had an interview with a film crew. Although she was unsuccessful, she failed to extinguish her enthusiasm for acting.

Emilia Clarke photos

When she auditioned for an American TV series, she amused the general manager with an impromptu dance and was lucky enough to get the qualification to participate in Game of Thrones. Emilia Clarke played the role of "Dragon Mom" in the film, and the cool and handsome image left a deep impression on the audience.

Game of Thrones

The wonderful performance in Game of Thrones made Emilia Clarke an instant hit and made her a popular actress. During the filming of Game of Thrones, I participated in many films, such as, and so on.

Second, from classic songs to a movie

Emma thompson, the initiator of the movie Last Christmas, decided to attach a new meaning to the lyrics "Last Christmas, I gave you my sincere heart".

Emma thompson photos

Because the original lyrics are about the story of lovelorn love, the first problem that emma thompson encountered was how to change from a lovelorn single to a movie that resonates with the public and has temperature.

Last Christmas

Emma thompson discovered that the original composer had worked in a homeless shelter anonymously when he was doing the data inversion. Moreover, george michael’s wham band donated all the royalties of this song to Ethiopia for famine relief.

Photo of Wittmann Band (george michael on the left)

George michael, the original composer, inspired emma thompson by these acts of kindness full of great love. She decided to express a great love that everyone is equal in this story, and skillfully attached a new meaning to the lyrics of "Last Christmas, I gave you my sincere heart".

Stills of Last Christmas

Third, from martial arts professionals to comedians

In creation, in order to express that people with different cultural backgrounds can celebrate the same festival, emma thompson created a very contrasting role — — Asian boss who runs a Christmas decoration shop. In emma thompson’s mind, Yang Ziqiong is the best person to play this role.

Stills of Last Christmas

Yang Ziqiong has left many dashing images on the screen, such as Yu Xiulian, her opponent in the movie, and bond girl, the representative of Hollywood.

Yang Ziqiong in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, 007: Empire of Tomorrow

In fact, when he first learned that he was going to star in a comedy, Yang Ziqiong refused. After all, he has always created a cool and handsome image in front of the audience for many years. But when she learned that the screenwriter of the film was her favorite actor emma thompson, she suddenly became interested in the film, because she believed that emma thompson could create a real and suitable role for her.

Stills of Last Christmas

This week’s "A Good Film with a Date" will take you into "Last Christmas" and start a wonderful love in a brisk song.

This program is live.

In this Saturday’s edition of CCTV-6 movie channel "A Good Movie with a Date", the presenter will take you into the movie "Last Christmas". In the Sunday Film Review, director Yang Chao and actors will continue to explain the success of this original film for you.

Film review site

Promotion version site

CCTV-6 movie channel "Good film has a date"

Sunday, July 10th

13:38 Last Christmas

15:12 Sunday Film Review Edition

Folk Carnival Tells Cross-Strait Love —— Review of previous Straits Forum

A representative of Taiwan Province who attended the meeting held up the camera in his hand to record the scene of the Straits Workers' Forum. (data picture)

A representative of Taiwan Province who attended the meeting held up the camera in his hand to record the scene of the Straits Workers’ Forum. (data picture)

  Southeast Network June 15 (Fujian Daily reporter Quan Xingya) As the largest, widest and most influential non-governmental exchange event between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, the Straits Forum is about to debut in Fujian.

  This grand gathering of cross-strait people-to-people exchanges has entered its fifteenth spring and autumn. In the past 15 years, compatriots on both sides of the strait have used this platform, which is positioned as "folk, grassroots and extensive", to meet in Bamin, talk about their hometown, learn skills, discuss cooperation, continue to promote integrated development, and draw the largest "concentric circle" for compatriots on both sides of the strait.

  In 2009, the first Straits Forum was held in Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Putian, and more than 8,000 Taiwan Province folks gathered in Fujian, playing a colorful movement of cross-strait exchanges. The 18 main events were brilliant and opened a new pattern of cross-strait relations.

  The second Straits Forum set up a bigger stage. Sixty-two units across the Taiwan Strait participated in the grand event, and 25 themes and series of activities attracted more than 10,000 Taiwan compatriots, about 80% of whom came from the grassroots. There are 30 sectors involved, which is also 10 more than the first session.

  The third Straits Forum is full of local flavor and human touch. From Mazu’s belief in customs to the origin of "people" on both sides of the strait, from the night market with the most Taiwan Province characteristics to the twinning activity of villages and towns on both sides of the strait … … This year, personal travel to Taiwan was open; Twenty-two counties (cities) in Taiwan Province and tens of thousands of villagers participated in various activities, and the ethnic customs brought by Taiwan Province minority guests made the streets of Xiamen beautiful; The liveliness of Taiwan Province nightlife has also been brought to Xiamen people’s doorstep … …

  The 4th Straits Forum won many firsts. For the first time, representatives of hundreds of temples with different folk beliefs on both sides of the strait gathered together, setting a record for cross-strait folk cultural exchanges to participate in temples; The first launch of the "Strait Film and Television Season"; For the first time, the discussion on the topic of marriage and family between the two sides of the strait was launched; The first seminar on the development of farmers’ entrepreneurship in Taiwan Province was held; The first Common Home Forum was held in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, Fujian & HELIP; …

  The theme of the 5th Straits Forum is "Focus on Family and Dream Together". Eight activities, such as the cross-strait public welfare forum, the trip to the villages and towns with the same name in Fujian and Taiwan, and the World Minnan Cultural Festival, have become fresh blood to highlight the continuation of homesickness and ancestral culture. The 31 policies for benefiting the people released this year have brought more tangible benefits to Taiwan Province compatriots.

  The Sixth Straits Forum has become an important platform for cross-strait youth to communicate face to face. This year, the Straits Forum was innovative and invited young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to participate. Whether it is the Straits Youth Forum, the Cross-Strait Youth New Media Cultural and Creative Forum, or the Cross-Strait Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, smiling faces filled with youthful atmosphere can be seen everywhere.

  The Seventh Straits Forum continued to promote the implementation of a number of policies and measures to promote exchanges and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan, bringing more benefits to people on both sides of the strait. In 2015, the mainland announced that Taiwan compatriots would be exempted from endorsement when travelling to and from the mainland, and a card-type Taiwanese certificate would be implemented in due course, thus making Taiwan compatriots’ wish to "just leave" a reality.

  With the theme of "expanding people-to-people exchanges and promoting integrated development", the Eighth Straits Forum highlighted the exchanges between youth and grassroots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, especially adding activities such as the Youth Pioneer Exchange, the Cross-Strait Think Tank Forum, and the large-scale photo exhibition of "Fujian and Taiwan Going to the Villages and Towns".

  In 2017, it coincides with the 30th anniversary of cross-strait exchanges. At the new historical node, the 9th Straits Forum highlighted two key words, namely "30th anniversary" and "integrated development", and the biggest highlights were the larger communication field, deeper experiential communication, and gradual integration of youth. This year, more than 8,000 people from all walks of life in Taiwan Province came by waves, and the mainland continued to release the "policy spree", offering more than 2,600 jobs, more than 600 trainee positions and more than 3,100 entrepreneurial seats for young people in Taiwan Province.

  The 10th Straits Forum specially added cultural exchange sections, such as "Ten Years on the Sea, Wonderful Stories from Both Sides", "Chinese Cultural Development Forum" and "Cross-Strait Academy Forum" to highlight the inheritance and value guidance of Chinese culture. At the same time, the first cross-strait grass-roots governance forum was held, which opened up a new way for the intersection, integration and mutual learning of cross-strait grass-roots governance theory and practice.

  The 11th Straits Forum continued to focus on and serve grassroots people and youth groups. Taiwan Province talents will be added to the First Home Forum, the "Family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, Heart to Heart" study and experience camp, and the cross-strait e-sports invitational tournament. More than 10,000 people from Taiwan Province signed up for the competition, of which 40% were "first-come people" and 50% were young people.

  Although the 12th Straits Forum was influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic, it was still brilliant. For the first time, it broke through the time and space constraints of the epidemic by combining online and offline, and added topics such as health and epidemic prevention, and incorporated the touching story of compatriots on both sides of the strait working together to fight the epidemic.

  The 13th Straits Forum not only focuses on people-to-people exchanges, but also highlights high-quality development, demonstrating the effectiveness of integrated development. This year, the Fujian-Taiwan Science and Technology Education Integration Development Activities, Cross-Strait New Media Development Exchange Forum and Fujian-Taiwan Youth Business Forum were newly held, and the "cloud communication" methods such as "Taiwan Youth Broadcasting Taiwan Goods", short video interaction, online and offline sitcoms and online games were used for the first time to continuously promote the deep integration of Fujian-Taiwan youth.

  The 14th Straits Forum continues to take the theme of "expanding non-governmental exchanges and deepening integrated development". This year marks the 35th anniversary of the opening of cross-strait exchanges. The forum has newly held activities such as "35 Years of Heart-to-Heart" cross-strait exchange chronicle, "Cycling Angel" first home riding tour, and young Hakka speech contest, which aroused the resonance of "a family on both sides of the strait".

  After 15 years, the Straits Forum has achieved fruitful results. From grassroots governance to youth entrepreneurial exchanges, from economic and trade cooperation to cultural exchanges, the Straits Forum has built one platform after another, witnessed one warm scene after another, and painted one blueprint for cooperation after another. Through the Straits Forum, compatriots on both sides of the strait have joined hands to share family ties, talk about people’s livelihood and well-being, promote Chinese culture, share the dream stage, and set up a "heart-to-heart bridge" across the two sides.

Foreign experts: China promotes development through innovation and improves people’s living standards.

  In recent years, China has vigorously promoted scientific and technological innovation, which has attracted great attention from the international community. Recently, foreign experts wrote in The China Journal that China promotes development through innovation and improves people’s living standards.

  Promoting development through innovation

  Otto Solis Fallas, a professor at IE Business School in Spain and a former special adviser to the Costa Rican President, wrote in The China Journal that unlike other developing economies, China’s economic structure is not dominated by agriculture and extractive industries. In 2022, the added value of China’s manufacturing industry accounted for 27.7% of GDP, which was even higher than that of the United States. In fact, China also has great advantages in the field of high-tech industries. For example, the export of high-tech products in China accounts for about 30% of the national foreign trade export, which is higher than that in the United States.

  The article further analyzes that the development of science and technology in China is not only reflected in the trade data and structure, but also in the widespread use of high-tech products in daily life. Nowadays, online shopping occupies a dominant position in the retail and wholesale markets in China. Like western developed economies, China consumers rarely use cash in shopping, and most transactions are completed through mobile applications such as Alipay and WeChat.

  Compared with its main economic competitors, China has a broader scientific and technological prospect. In 2022, China surpassed the United States in the number of patent applications, trademark applications and industrial design applications.

  In the final analysis, China’s becoming a big trading country is based on its high-standard education system, its emphasis on R&D and high-tech industries, and the strategic and pragmatic role played by the government in economic development.

  Improving people’s living standards through innovation

  Christine Buel, editor-in-chief of the French newspaper New Reunion, visited China for the first time in 1994. She recently wrote in the China Journal that in the next 30 years, China has made many scientific and technological breakthroughs in space exploration, and its economic development has advanced by leaps and bounds, which has amazed the world.

  In the social and economic field, the average life expectancy in China has increased from 35 years before the founding of New China to 78.2 years in 2022, and people’s living standards have been continuously improved. In addition, China’s per capita GDP has increased from $195 in 1980 to $12,720 in 2022.

  These data are enough to show that there is a direct link between innovation-driven high-quality development and the improvement of people’s living standards. Introducing high technology into production, allowing machines to complete some work, can reduce costs.

  Taking Xinjiang as an example, the article points out that the strategy of developing the western region since 2000 and the "the belt and road initiative" initiative in recent years have promoted the development of Xinjiang. Buel went to Jiashi County, Xinjiang.

  Thanks to drip irrigation technology, the fruit yield in Jiashi County has been greatly improved. The newly introduced fresh-keeping technology has improved the fruit preservation rate and the living standard of fruit farmers. With the newly introduced refrigeration system and technology, the sales time of plums has been extended, and the unsold part can be made into dried fruits and sold at a good price.

From "punching in" to "inquiring", tourism has been played with new tricks.

You don’t need a strategy, you don’t need a plan, you just need to come here alone, and then follow the instructions of local residents to find one place after another to "eat, drink and be merry". This kind of tourism is called "inquiry tourism", which sounds a bit unreliable, but in reality, young people have begun to practice it.

Inquiry tourism, the main one is casualness and freedom.


Inquiry tourism, also known as "inquiry tourism", depends on your mouth for what you want to eat, what you want to play and what you want to visit. Then ask a local passer-by randomly and follow their guidance to reach the destination of "eat, drink and be merry".

Not doing raiders, not planning, and relying on inquiries all the way have also made many people feel incredible, but don’t believe it, this has begun to become a new way of traveling for some young people.

The taxi said, "Master, can you recommend some restaurants you often go to?" It is possible to open the taxi master’s chatterbox, and after several conversations, you can get some local restaurants with good "cost performance", delicious and cheap.

Chat with the boss at dinner, "boss, do you know any interesting places around here?" Later, between you and me, you may become friends with the boss. After you finish the bill, you will take the drinks sent by the boss and head for the place he recommended.

Even if you walk on the road, you can randomly find an uncle or uncle sitting on the side of the road to ask about the local characteristics, and they will certainly be happy to tell which places are worth going and which places need lightning protection.

Netizen @ Nut has been to several cities by asking all the way.

At first, because he came on a trip, he had already set foot on the journey before planning, but with the nature of being a natural social cow, he soon found the destination from the conversation with friends, taxi drivers, homestay owners and others he met on the train.

Of course, all this may not go well, and not everyone will stop to give you careful guidance, but so what? He thinks that when he eats a restaurant that is more delicious than the "must-eat list", he may feel that everything is worth it.


Nuts are actually very keen on making strategies and planning at the beginning, which basically belongs to the state that they are not at ease when they go out without strategies.

Whether traveling with friends or by himself, whether traveling for a week and a half, or traveling with special forces who pay attention to punching cards quickly, he can plan all the arrangements, and basically makes few mistakes, but it also makes him very anxious every time.

It was not until he was on that vacation that he suddenly came on a "go and go" trip, which was considered to let him bid farewell to the troubles of the travel strategy temporarily.

Friends who have seen "Flowers and Teenagers Silk Road Season" recently will be shocked by the contrast before and after they became tour guides. When they were tour guides, they were preoccupied and aged ten years. After the tour guides, they became heartless and became "flowers and teenagers" again.

At the same time, all kinds of play strategies and online celebrity punch cards that are widely circulated on the Internet also exist the phenomenon of genuine fish and shoddy goods, and many people must have suffered the loss of "must play places and must eat lists".

Nuts have been trampled on many times because of raiders, the scenery of punching cards in online celebrity is not in line with the real thing, and the food store in online celebrity is not as good as any local roadside stall … All these have become the norm, so he often falls into mental internal friction during his travels.

Different from Raiders Tourism and Special Forces Tourism, "Inquiry Tourism" focuses on a happy life and a quiet life. After a period of intense work, he just wanted to find a place to relax completely.

You don’t have to worry about whether there is enough time to arrange your daily schedule, and you don’t have to rush to punch in one place after another. You don’t have to be anxious about making raiders and being trampled by thunder, but you can enjoy the freedom and relaxation during your trip.

Nut said, "In fact, the recommendation of passers-by may not necessarily meet your own taste, but without the hurry when you were on the road before, you can re-see the scenery of each city."


Inquiry travel is just like opening a blind box, and the result may not be satisfactory, but I don’t know that the process of opening a blind box is enough to make people happy, even if there is no hidden money.

The biggest feature of inquiry travel is that it can slow us down, feel what is happening now in uncertainty, and regain and enjoy the meaning of travel.

Living in a busy city and walking in a hurried street, it seems that everything has been pressed the acceleration button.

A two-hour movie worth savoring can be reduced to more than ten minutes; When we are crowded with buses and subways, we will also browse social media crazily for fear of missing any hot spots; When you want to take the exam, you will also be picked up by various crash courses on the market …

We think that we can get to our destination faster by speeding up, but we don’t know that the faster we travel, the easier it is to lose a lot. In many cases, the process is often more important than the result, so is travel and life.

When playing with a raiders, you may spend too much time waiting; When traveling with the wind special forces, I am really more tired after a short and exciting journey …

Inquiry travel is like this. It doesn’t take too much time and energy, and it doesn’t need to be tense at all times like doing a task. Let’s go back to the offline from the online, which not only brings people closer to each other, but also gives us a personalized travel experience that may only happen once in life.

Of course, it will certainly step on the thunder based on subjective impressions. If you inquire about the place yourself, you also need multiple minds and careful identification.

However, travel is full of unknowns and uncertainties. Even if we are fully prepared, we will still face all kinds of unexpected situations, and there will always be regrets and uncertainties. When we can face and enjoy all this calmly, this may be the meaning of travel and life.

FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bid for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024.

Photo: Li Ming

Gua Shuai responded whether he would leave Manchester City: Let’s talk about winning the treble.

Manchester City coach Guardiola was asked if he would leave Manchester City. He said that he would not return to this topic until Manchester City really won the treble.

Before the interview, Manchester City entered the sprint stage in the Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Cup, and is expected to win the triple crown. The reporter asked whether Guardiola would retire after winning the treble in Manchester City. Gua Shuai responded: "The premise is that we win the treble. You can continue to ask me this question and I will tell you the answer."

On May 21st, Beijing time, due to Arsenal’s elimination from the title race, Manchester City won the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule. If they can win the FA Cup and the Champions League at the same time, they will become the second treble team in English history.

When talking about whether they have considered the treble, Gua Shuai said that it is natural. They need to take care of all fronts. Their opponents will not be easy, and Manchester United will cause them great trouble.

When talking about Inter Milan, the opponent in the Champions League final, Guardiola said that when this Serie A team feels that it is not a favorite to win the championship, the next thing is worth thinking about.

Guardiola said naughtily that all this would be told to reporters after they won the triple crown.

At 23:00 Beijing time on May 21st, in the 37th round of the Premier League, Manchester City will play Chelsea at home as the champion of the Premier League this season.

Manchester City still has five games to play this season, and the remaining three Premier League games are of little significance to them. The FA Cup final will be held at 22:00 on June 3rd, and the Champions League final will be held at 03:00 on June 11th.

Guangzhou will retire at the age of 14, Shanghai will renew its contract with bledsoe, and Sun Jun regrets staying in Jones.

Hello, everyone, I’m Bei Ning. Dear friends, you should develop the habit of reading first and then praising!

Guangzhou team’s CBA league game in the new season has ended ahead of schedule. Compared with last season, their performance has improved obviously. First, Guangzhou team successfully reached the quarterfinals of CBA league, which is the best result in the team’s history. Secondly, Guangzhou team played its own style when playing against Zhejiang team. Although they all ended in losing in both games, Guangzhou team still showed their strength to fans. This offseason team can continue to improve the depth of its lineup. If two powerful new foreign AIDS can be introduced next season, Guangzhou team will have a chance to reach the semi-finals. Now they are one of the teams with the strongest young players in CBA league, and the future of Guangzhou team is brighter than many teams.

This offseason team still has one thing to do, that is, to clear out some useless veterans. Recently, Zheng Zhun, a 14-year-old from the Guangzhou team, announced his retirement again. This time, he should not consider the comeback again. After all, Zheng Zhun said that he would directly retire as the assistant coach of the Guangzhou team during the offseason last year, but in the end, he announced his comeback before the season in order to ensure the rotation of the team. However, Zheng Zhun didn’t play that much this season. He only played 29 times for Guangzhou, and Zheng Zhun played only 8.4 minutes per game. He was a marginal player in the team, especially in the playoffs. Zheng Zhun didn’t play for Guangzhou at all.

It can also be seen from Zheng Zhun’s data that he is really not suitable to stay in the CBA league. This season, his three-point shooting percentage has reached 27.1%, which is really poor. Zheng Zhun’s only role is to help Li Yanzhe play free throws after his injury, because Zheng Zhun’s free throw shooting percentage is 86.7%, which is quite good. Since he entered the Shaanxi team that year, Zheng Zhun has played in the CBA league for 14 years. Because of his poor physical resistance, Zheng Zhun has also experienced some injuries during his career, which has a great influence on his future playing. In short, Brigadier General Zheng will officially work in the coaching staff of Guangzhou team next season, and Guangzhou team will give him some good opportunities for providing for the aged.

Guangzhou retired Zheng Zhun at the age of 14.

The second news comes from the Shanghai team. After the Shanghai team’s performance was cancelled this season, the team’s foreign aid didn’t choose to leave at the first time. They all stayed in Shanghai for a holiday. bledsoe even got involved in the daily life of Shanghai. He often posted photos of himself riding a bicycle in personal social media. In addition, bledsoe actually had no opinion about the Shanghai team. There was really no way to cancel the team’s performance.

It is reported that the Shanghai team has made it clear that it wants to renew bledsoe’s contract. As long as he also wants to stay in the team to play, the two sides will be able to complete cooperation next season. This season, bledsoe’s performance is very good, and he scored 51 points in a game at most. From this point, it can actually be seen that there is not much problem with bledsoe’s personal ability of foreign aid. What kind of data he can play mainly depends on bledsoe’s attitude towards playing.

This time, after the Shanghai team’s silent ball incident, bledsoe was misunderstood by many foreign fans as the chief culprit. It is impossible for him to return to play in the NBA. Foreign fans can care whether bledsoe plays or not. They are concerned that bledsoe is the biggest star in the Shanghai team. This kind of thing must be related to him. In the case of not being able to return to play in the NBA, it is most meaningful for bledsoe to stay in the CBA.

Shanghai Team Super Foreign Aid bledsoe

The third news comes from Mr. Sun Jun, the boss of Jilin team. During the offseason last year, Guangsha team took a keen interest in the foreign aid Jones of Jilin team. At that time, Guangsha team’s idea was to sign Jones, and they would give Jilin team an expensive signing fee, which is not a small sum of money for Jilin team, but Mr. Sun Jun felt that Jones was an indispensable foreign aid for Jilin team. Without him, the performance of Jilin team would definitely start to decline this season.

However, what Mr. Sun Jun didn’t expect was that after rejecting Guangsha team, Jones couldn’t stand the way of employing people like Jilin team this season. Next season, he will go to overseas leagues to find opportunities to play. That is to say, Jilin team completely lost Jones as a super foreign aid, and the team didn’t even earn his transfer fee. During the playoffs this season, Jones suffered injuries. With the growth of age, Jones paid more and more attention to his health.

Before, he talked about physical injuries in personal social media. If Jones felt that his injuries were serious, he would not participate in the competition on behalf of the Jilin team. Even if the contract price obtained by going to overseas leagues was lower, Jones wanted to extend his career as much as possible. Now Mr. Sun Jun regrets that he did not trade Jones in time. To be honest, a foreign aid close to 35 years old may plummet at any time. After that, the Jilin team needs to consider looking for a new foreign aid with Jones’ ability.

Mr. Sun Jun, owner of Jilin team

Without Jones, the strength of Jilin team will decline greatly, and it is still unknown whether they can make the playoffs next season. At least for now, Jilin team has almost no advantage, and their local players have their own shortcomings, but with Jones, the shortcomings of these players are covered up.

For example, Jiang Weize is actually a functional three-point shooter. As a No.1 player, Jiang Weize’s passing ability is relatively weak. Jilin team has been relying on Jones to attack the team in series. After Jones leaves the team next season, Jilin team has lost an important starting point for attack.

Tear it off! It broke the news that Chen Yuyuan’s son had an accident, and Li Tie’s wife was sued in court, which the Korean media said.

I was called out! The accident of Chen Xiaoyuan’s son was exposed, and Li Tie’s wife was sued. That’s what the Korean media said.

After the head of the Football Association was investigated, the anti-corruption was immediate, and the men’s and women’s soccer teams in China played a triumphant song. It can be said that it would be embarrassing to lose anyone, especially the U20 men’s soccer team reached the top 8 of the U20 Asian Cup after 9 years. The boys of the national football team U20 will face the South Korean team in the next round, and this game has also attracted the attention of fans. A South Korean media also drew attention to the performance of China football in the U20 Asian Cup. They think that corruption has brought down China football in recent years, but some young people in China football team have inspired them on the field. High morale and winning the U20 Asian Cup show that there is still hope for football in China, and the cancer of football corruption must be eradicated.

At present, the media reported the latest news that Li Tie will be suddenly sued in court, and this time it will affect his family. What’s going on here? It turned out that when Li Tie was arrested and investigated, it was the owner of Wuhan Club who lifted the table and reported Li Tie’s real name. He reported that Li Tie’s annual salary in Wu Hanyou was sky-high and so was the salary of the head coach of the national football team. In the national football team, many Wuhan team players have been promoted to the national football team in violation of regulations. The Wuhan team had to give these players a top salary. Demoted in the 2021 season.

Now the Wuhan team has announced its dissolution this season, and Li Tie is the biggest showstopper behind it. Over the past few months, the anti-corruption campaign in football has arrested many people, and Li Tie is still in the review stage. However, because Li Tie’s company had another labor dispute and was sued to the court, fans talked about it one after another, saying that the legal representative of the company was Li Tie’s wife, Longfei was also the head of the company, and Li Tie was also the executive director of the company. You know, a lot of media have been exposed, and dragonfly has already escaped, for fear of an accident. Li Tie has transferred all his illegally acquired property to foreigners. Li Tie was exposed to having wives in the United States and Britain and buying a mansion.

According to the data, Li Tie’s company was founded seven years ago as Shenyang Li Tie Football Club Co., Ltd. Dragonfly holds 90% of the shares and Li Tie holds 10%. After Li Tie was arrested, he was also "pushed down the wall and pushed by everyone". Many players and media people in the football circle have also come forward to reveal all kinds of "black materials" in football. Profiting for his own brokerage company on the Internet proves that he is already a greedy person, and he also regards football as a commercial field. Even Li Tie’s wife can be influenced by it, and the company they founded is illegal and full of guilt, which makes football players embarrassed.

You know, this is just the tip of the iceberg of Li Tie’s nine companies. Li Tie can deposit more than 100 million RMB in a bank in Shenyang, which proves that he has made a lot of money in recent years. Whether it is legal or not, I believe the relevant departments will find out. At the beginning of its establishment, Shenyang Li Tie Football Club hoped to find the fun of football for local children and give them a platform to play football. The original intention is good, but Li Tie has long been blinded by self-interest. He can suppress the playing time of naturalized players in the national team and even be exposed to selling the national team. How can such a football player cultivate excellent players? Therefore, the football club company set up in Li Tie must also be the target of attracting funds.

Of course, we will never forget Li Tie’s contribution to the national team as a player. The fans’ trust in the Football Association made him the national football coach, but I didn’t expect the result to be so disgusting. Football circles must be pure. The media also revealed that Chen Xiaoyuan had family-style corruption, and his son was doomed and faced with investigation. Football moths like Li Tie have reduced the popularity and reputation of football in China. What awaits him is severe punishment by law. If he can’t honestly explain what he knows about football shadow scenes, or even cover for others, then he will have to spend the rest of his life in prison.

The anti-corruption in football has achieved results. The young players of our national teams have achieved good results in the international arena. We also saw the eager and proud eyes of China players from the field. China’s women’s soccer team is also preparing for the World Cup, and China’s men’s soccer team is about to leave for New Zealand for a warm-up match. I hope China Football Team will continue to work hard.