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Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

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Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

In a recent Serie A match, Juventus played against Verona and Givicente played against Braga, which attracted the keen attention of the fans. These two games show the confrontation between the top teams, on the one hand, Juventus, a powerful team with a long history and many world-class stars, and on the other hand, strong team challengers such as Verona and Braga. Next, let’s learn more about these two wonderful games!

First, let’s take a look at the match between Juventus and Verona. Juventus, as the overlord of Serie A, has always been a powerful symbol.

Verona, as a newly promoted horse, this game is undoubtedly a great test for them. However, after the game started, Verona showed great strength. Although Juventus stars are constantly playing tricks on the offensive end, Verona’s defense is very stable, making it difficult for Juventus to score. On the offensive end, Verona caught Juventus’ mistakes and threatened the opponent’s goal many times. When the final whistle sounded, the game ended in a 0-0 draw. Juventus’ winning streak ended, while Verona scored a valuable draw.

Next, we turn to the match between Givicente and Braga.

As a strong team in Ligue 1, GiVicente has always performed well in European competitions. Braga, on the other hand, represents the rookie of Portuguese football. They have shown great strength in recent years. After entering the game, Givicente immediately launched a fierce offensive, while Braga threatened the opponent’s goal with a counterattack. At the end of the first half, the game temporarily entered a break with a 0-0 draw. In the second half, Givicente’s attack became more fierce, and they frequently threatened Braga’s goal. Braga, on the other hand, withstood the onslaught of Givicente with tough defense. Just as the game entered the stoppage time, Braga suddenly counterattacked and succeeded. Captain Orleans broke the deadlock and took the lead for Braga.

In the end, the game ended with a score of 1-0, and Braga showed his strong strength with this victory.

Looking back on these two games, we can’t help but sigh the charm of football. Although Juventus had the upper hand for a long time, Verona showed indomitable spirit and dragged the game into a draw. The match between GiVicente and Braga was full of suspense and drama. Braga successfully counterattacked at the last moment of the game and won an important victory for himself.

To sum up, these two games left a deep impression on people.

Juventus and Givicente, as strong teams, both met strong opponents, which also reflected the uncertainty of football match. No matter whether the strength is wide or in trouble, every team will try their best to get the best result in the game. This is our favorite football spirit. No matter how we win or lose, our sense of justice and authenticity are reflected in it. Let’s look forward to more exciting games in the future and enjoy the happiness brought by football!

That’s my introduction to the original football today: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga. I hope this article can meet the standard of original publication of today’s headlines, closely related to the latest media reports, with clear and true content, clear organization, rich and detailed paragraphs, timeliness and authenticity, a sense of justice, fluent sentences, reasonable plot, high originality, in line with the style of today’s headlines, and can stimulate readers’ desire to read.

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The lifetime childless rate of women has risen rapidly, and less than 70% of women under 35 want to have children.

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day.

Fertility is an inevitable stage that most people have to face in their lives. We can understand it this way: for a person, he is just an individual, and no matter what lifestyle he chooses, he can make decisions according to his own ideas and environment.

Once an individual has left family of origin and established a new family,This means that they are no longer just a single individual. From an ethical point of view, it is also a kind of social pressure exerted by "being a parent" on the identity of individuals in our daily life.

Of course, in addition to some ethical and moral influences, there are some more realistic factors that will make people unwilling to accept the social identity of "parents". One of the most direct factors is economic factors.

In fact, it is well understood that the premise of childbirth is based on social factors: that is, finding a suitable partner and establishing a family with yourself. But fertility is also inseparable from economic factors.

Especially in today’s rapid social and economic development, it takes huge economic expenditure to bring up a child from birth to adulthood. This has led many young people to be unwilling to get married.Unwilling to have children.

No matter looking at the world or focusing on China, in recent years, the population growth trend is in a relatively slow state, and even most countries and regions have experienced negative population growth.

The same is true in China. In the past few years, when the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, in fact, we have suffered an obvious blow from the increase in population. From 2021 to 2022, China’s population has almost infinitely approached negative growth, but it is not obvious because of the relatively large population base accumulated previously.

When the time comes to 2023, relevant data show that the population of China has experienced the first negative population growth in the past 61 years, with a net decrease of 850,000 people.

On the one hand, this obvious change shows the overall population change trend in the world today, on the other hand, it reminds us that perhaps the population problem that we were least worried about is imminent.

In view of the low population growth rate and some secondary problems, the most direct solution is naturally to increase the fertility rate and increase the new population.

However, it is obviously not enough to change the status quo by relying on macro-level means such as policies and systems, because the idea of "unwilling to have children" has already penetrated into the hearts of this generation, especially young women.

According to a recent survey, among women under the age of 35 in China,只有不到七成的人才认为生育是“不得不做”的事情,换言之,有30%左右的女性已经开始对生孩子持“无所谓”甚至是抵触态度了。








For the simplest example, most families have family precepts, family rules, and a value system that all family members agree with. These are their spiritual wealth.

Therefore, giving birth to children is naturally a fine cultural inheritance, which can also make individuals in the family gain spiritual improvement.

However, with the development of modern society, the traditional ideas that are not contrary to each other seem to be put on the "backward" level relative to "modern". The traditional advantages brought by childbearing mentioned above can no longer be favored by young people, and the high cost of childcare is even more prohibitive.

Many aspects should be taken into account to solve the fertility problem.

– The End –

Author | Tommy

Edit | Pan-fried bun

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Bruk, A., Scholl, S.G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: self-other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115 (2), 192-205.

Wechat WeChat official account: the first psychology

2024 annual strategy report of automobile industry: "Intelligent control, electric future" accelerates development.

Source: China Merchants Securities

Outline catalogue

1. Investment Summary

2. Independent brands performed strongly, and automobile exports performed brilliantly.

3. Intelligent driving ushered in an inflection point, and the intelligent cockpit continued to upgrade.

4. Parts: New elements drive changes, and the growth of subdivided tracks is expected.

5. Tesla: Intelligent driving leads, creating revolution and subverting innovation.

6. Huawei Auto: the offensive, the smart car is broken.

7. Humanoid robot: the extension of smart car, the best carrier of body intelligence.

The report consists of 97 pages.

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Messi’s eight golden balls will be dominated by enjoying football. Who will open a new chapter in world football in the future?

In the early morning of October 31, 36-year-old Messi won the Golden Globe Award in 2023, which was the eighth time in his career, setting a new record for the number of awards held by himself.

Messi’s 8-seat golden ball plus body according to IC photo

There is no doubt that Messi won this year’s Golden Globe Award. After all, the performance reference time of this Golden Globe Award is from August 2022 to July 2023, and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in the selection range. After leading Argentina to win the World Cup at the end of last year, Messi, who won the Golden Globe Award in the World Cup, was considered as the only winner of this year’s Golden Globe Award, not to mention that he also won the Ligue 1 and French Super Cup titles last season, and the Golden Globe Award was well deserved.

After Messi set a record of eight Golden Globe Awards, which is unprecedented and highly probable, there are two topics that the outside world is more concerned about-is this Messi’s last Golden Globe Award? Who is the next person to win the Golden Globe Award?

For the first question, Messi’s close friend Dosetti gave a positive answer on social media, saying:"The eighth and last one."Messi also said in an interview after winning the prize: "It’s incredible to win eight Golden Globes, and the rest of the time will enjoy the happiness brought by football with peace of mind." Indeed, for Messi, awards, honors and goals are no longer the goals pursued by the 36-year-old himself. He has written a legend in the history of football, and the name "Messi" has even become synonymous with football, inspiring countless young people to follow his example and bravely pursue their dreams.

For Messi, who entered the end of his career, the last player time should be to fully enjoy the game. It is for this reason that he chose to play in Miami International of the American Professional League, instead of going to Saudi Arabia for gold like Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar. It is precisely because he is far away from the international mainstream football field of vision that it is extremely difficult for Messi to win the Golden Globe Award again in the future, unless he can lead the Argentine team to successfully defend the title in the 2026 World Cup at the age of 39. It is extremely unlikely that Messi will win the Golden Globe Award again with the performance of the AFL-he is the first Mr. Golden Globe in the 27-year history of the AFL, but he won the Golden Globe Award this year but it has nothing to do with the AFL.

Beckham presented Messi with the 8 th Golden Globe Award according to IC photo.

There are many speculations about the next Golden Globe winner. In the top three of the Golden Globe Awards, Harland and Mbappé ranked behind Messi. In his acceptance speech, Messi also mentioned two competitors, saying, "Harland and Mbappé will win the Golden Globe in the future. As I said, Harland also deserves this prize. He won the Premier League and the Champions League, and he is also the top scorer. Today, this award may be yours in the future, and I believe you will win it in the next few years! "

Of course, we can’t forget the hot Real Madrid midfielder Bellingham recently. His superb performance in Real Madrid this season has made many people regard the 20-year-old English midfielder as the next Golden Globe winner. But on the whole, Mbappé should be the biggest candidate for the "new king" of football after Messi, and besides its own strength, there is also the bonus of the French team. Now, Mbappé’s biggest shortcoming is that Paris Saint-Germain has dragged down his club data. If Mbappé can join Real Madrid in the future, it should not be surprising that he will win the Golden Globe Award in the future with the help of Real Madrid and French teams and his personal ability.

2024 is the European Cup year, and next year’s Golden Globe Awards will definitely refer more to the players’ performance in the European Cup and the Champions League. From this point of view, both Bellingham and Mbappé have great opportunities. Harland’s biggest disadvantage is that the Norwegian team has already decided to miss the European Cup in 2024. Even if it kills all sides in the club competition, it can’t appear in the European Cup, which will make Harland lose a lot of points. In the past 2022/2023 season, Harland’s performance was outstanding. He won the Champions League, the Premier League and the FA Cup with Manchester City, personally won the European Golden Boot, the Champions League Golden Boot and the Premier League Golden Boot, and was elected as the best player and the best young player in the Premier League. However, due to Messi’s performance in the World Cup, he still beat Harland.

The national team is undoubtedly the biggest shortcoming of Harland’s future "king-sealing". The overall strength of the Norwegian team is limited, and it is difficult to achieve a historic breakthrough by relying on a few world-class players such as Harland and Ed. Therefore, the biggest possibility for Harland in the future is to hit the Golden Globe Award by virtue of its performance in the League and the Champions League in the "small football year" where there is neither the World Cup nor the European Cup.

With Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo away from the mainstream league, the "Mero era" has come to an end. Even after Messi won the World Cup and eight Golden Globes, even Cristiano Ronaldo is hard to stand side by side with him in historical positioning. Next, someone is bound to open a new chapter in world football. At that time, whether it is "brilliant" or "outstanding", it is worthy of fans’ expectation.

Red Star journalist Jison

Editor Ou Peng

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How to practice swimming, how long to practice and how far to swim.

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Now more and more swimmers come to the swimming pool to exercise, and you can see many people doing fitness exercises at different time periods every day. Some people exercise in the morning, some at noon and some at night. As for when is the best time to do fitness exercise in a day? This has always been a controversial topic, and today Xiaobian will talk to you about this topic.

When is the best time to swim in a day?

  • Exercise in the morningWhen people wake up in the morning, they have consumed almost all the food they ate last night. At this time, the human body is in a state of hypoglycemia and there is not much glycogen in the body. At this time, fitness exercise (aerobic exercise) will use more fat to supply energy to the body, and the weight loss effect will be better.
  • Exercise after lunch breakSome people like to exercise after lunch break at noon, because at this time the human body eats and rests (breakfast, lunch and lunch break. ) The time when the muscle speed, strength and endurance of the human body are in a relatively optimal state, if you exercise during this time, especially the fitness crowd who gain muscle and weight, you will get better fitness effect.
  • Exercise after workAnd some people like to go to the gym to exercise after work, which is about 6 o’clock in the evening. Because this will help to relieve the pressure of work in a day and relax the mood better.
  • Exercise at nightSome people like to do fitness exercises at night, because at this time, the flexibility and flexibility of the muscles and joints of the human body are the best. Then rest for 1-2 hours after exercise, and then go to sleep, you will feel that the quality of sleep is very high and it is easy to fall asleep.

All the above studies show that swimming can increase bone density and prevent bone loss and osteoporosis, which is of great practical significance for improving the health level of the elderly.

So, when is the best time to do swimming exercise in a day? In fact, there is a good way to verify whether the time of one day’s exercise is the best. If you feel full of energy, good appetite, good sleep quality and quiet pulse after a period of exercise, the number of beats per minute is almost the same as before or slows down. This shows that your current amount of exercise and the timing of exercise are very suitable. On the other hand, if you often feel sleepy and sleep badly after a period of exercise, get up early to measure your pulse, and the number of beats per minute is more than 6 times than before, which shows that you exercise too much or choose the wrong time for exercise.

In fact, when the daily fitness exercise is arranged, it still depends on the individual’s specific work and life time. However, it is best to arrange the time of fitness exercise at the same time. If there are no special circumstances, don’t change it casually. Because the fixed time of fitness exercise every day can make you have the desire to exercise and develop good exercise habits, which is more conducive to the conditioned reflex of the internal organs of the body, so that people can quickly enter the state of exercise, provide enough energy for fitness exercise and achieve better fitness results.

2/ How many meters can I swim at a time to achieve the best weight loss effect?

Swimming is a whole-body exercise, which can not only lose weight, but also keep your tall and straight posture, so that you can easily shape your S-shape. When swimming, people’s metabolism is very fast, which can consume 1100 kilojoules of heat in 30 minutes, and this metabolic rate can be maintained for a period of time after you leave the water. So how many meters can swimming last to effectively shape your body?

  • How long will it take to lose weight by swimming?Swimming lasts more than 20 minutes. If you just swim in the water, no matter how long you soak, it will have no effect.

  • The best time to lose weight by swimmingIn addition, don’t swim too long. Soaking in the water for a long time is very harmful to the skin. And if you don’t move in the water, it is easy for your joints to be stimulated by cold, and your body resistance will drop, which is not conducive to fitness.

  • The best heart rate for swimming to lose weightGo all out to keep the heart rate at about 80% of the maximum heart rate when swimming. In order to ensure this standard, count how many times the pulse jumps in 6 seconds every swimming period, followed by a 0 is the heart rate of 1 minute. Paying attention to your own data is one of the main factors to motivate yourself.

Swimming to lose weight, combining speed and speed is effective. However, for most people, it is difficult to swim fast in the whole course, so we might as well swim slowly and then quickly, and then swim slowly and then quickly, in this way to improve the sports effect.

According to the convention, experts suggest that the length of each swimming exercise for healthy people under the age of 35 should be 2000~2500 meters; People aged 35 to 50 should swim at a distance of 1,500 to 1,800 meters at a time; Older people over 50 years old should choose 1,000 ~ 1,200 meters according to their physical condition, and they should swim 2~3 times a week. If they persist for 3 months, they will definitely have a good slimming effect. Interesting and easy-to-understand ways to lose weight in swimming Using kick boards, kick boards, paddles, flippers and other water swimming tools will not only help burn more calories, but also exercise the muscles of limbs, and at the same time increase swimmers’ interest in swimming.

In order to avoid injury during swimming, remember to do some warm-up and stretching exercises before entering the water.

Domestic beauty cosmetics go out of the "honeymoon period"

One glory may not be all glory, but one loss will certainly be all loss. Hua Xizi, who once deeply bound Li Jiaqi, probably didn’t expect this day, or that this day would come so early. On September 13th, Li Jiaqi’s public opinion events were still fermenting, and Hua Xizi was more like a victim, who was hung on the hot search list for three days. Investigate its reason, more is the fruit of Li Jiaqi’s deep binding of Hua Xizi in the past. As the head anchors roll over one by one, the traffic brought by deep bundling has become a double-edged sword, and many domestic beauty products have to face the problem of how to maintain sales and open the market after leaving the big anchor.

Bundled exchange flow

The relationship between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi dates back to 2019. Hua Xizi, who has just been established for two years this year, is still groping, and the arrival of the live broadcast outlet has made Hua Xizi see hope.

The founder of Hua Xizi once said that in early 2018, Hua Xizi made great determination on the live broadcast after doing a lot of research and analysis. In the early days, Hua Xizi took some detours when exploring the live broadcast, and only regarded the live broadcast as a channel to bring goods, which did not achieve the expected results. At that moment, Li Jiaqi appeared. In 2018, US ONE Company reorganized its business and promoted the live delivery business to operate around the IP of "Li Jiaqi". In the second half of 2018, Li Jiaqi’s popularity soared because he completed the Guinness World Record challenge of "the largest number of people wearing lipstick in 30 seconds" and promoted to sell lipstick with Jack Ma on the same stage at the double 11.

Li Jiaqi, who burst into red, hit it off with Huaxizi, who wanted to be red. In March, 2019, Huaxizi air honey powder entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi. According to the research report of Guoyuan Securities, this new product became the first in the sales volume of "double 11" stores that year after it was first launched in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, and sold over 20,000 pieces. This result also strengthened Hua Xizi’s idea of holding a heavy position in Li Jiaqi.

Rumor has it that Hua Xizi’s rebate to Li Jiaqi is as high as 60%-80%, even more than 100%. Regarding the commission, Hua Xizi denied it, and said that "the cooperation rate between Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi belongs to the industry average".

There is no way to verify the exact number, but judging from the number of times Hua Xizi appeared in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, the relationship between the two is very deep. According to the statistics of Guoyuan Securities, in 2020, Hua Xizi entered the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi for 71 times. At the same time, Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi started a brand co-creation plan. It is understood that Li Jiaqi has participated in the co-creation of Huaxizi’s "Miao Impression" and "Dai Impression" series products.

The flow brought by Li Jiaqi to Huaxi is visible to the naked eye. In 2019, the sales of Huaxizi was 1 billion yuan; It exceeded 3 billion yuan in 2020. The Western Securities Research Report pointed out that in 2021, Huaxizi achieved sales of 5.4 billion yuan, which was more than 100 times higher than the sales of about 40 million yuan in 2018. According to the Shanghai Securities Research Report, the share of Huaxi City increased from 0.3% to 6.8% in 2017-2021.

Fei Man, co-founder of Hua Xizi, also admitted in an interview that the sales growth of Hua Xizi is inseparable from the cooperation with Li Jiaqi. There was a certain sales base before, but it was not as high as the follow-up.

The development of Hua Xizi was once called phenomenal, and it can also be said that the development model of Hua Xizi’s exchange of traffic for sales was a microcosm of the development of domestic beauty at that time. You can see the shadow of many domestic beauty brands from Hua Xizi. For example, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. once relied on the cooperation with Li Jiaqi, Viya and other head anchors, and its performance achieved substantial growth.

According to public data, in 2019, Shuiyang Co., Ltd. cooperated with Li Jiaqi Live 47 times, with a total viewing volume of over 40 million; In 2019, it cooperated with Viya Live for more than 30 times; In 2019, we cooperated with more than 1,500 online celebrity anchors such as kiki of Jie Chen and Lieer Baby, and the total number of live broadcasts exceeded 8,000. Shuiyang Co., Ltd. said that from January to September in 2018 and 2019, the sales amount of products involved in online celebrity anchor cooperation accounted for 0.99% and 4.02% of the company’s operating income, respectively, with a large increase.

According to statistics, Li Jiaqi returned 109 days after leaving the live broadcast room, and the number of viewers of the first live broadcast reached 6,247. During the "double 11" in 2021, Li Jiaqi’s sales amounted to 21.8 billion yuan. This is the traffic that Li Jiaqi, as the super-head anchor, carries. Even though it is rumoured that the percentage of beauty cosmetics with goods in the live broadcast is basically 30%-40%, there are still many beauty brands scrambling to enter the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi, which is the function of traffic.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at Pangu think tank, believes that the gradual increase of the right to speak of the head anchor brings benefits to the brand, but also carries certain challenges and risks. The brand should realize the importance and value of the head anchor, at the same time, strengthen its own brand construction and development, and reduce its dependence on the head anchor.

Urgent need for transformation

In the past, many cutting-edge brands started online, gained consumer recognition through private domain and planting grass, and then endorsed by big anchors to expand their product sales. However, with Viya’s tax evasion overturned, Sydney was also fined for tax issues, and now Li Jiaqi is facing the crisis of public opinion, domestic beauty cosmetics may have to consider the development after leaving the big anchor.

The brand side is also aware of this and consciously unties the big anchor. Take Hua Xizi as an example. In June, 2020, Hua Xizi went out of Taobao, set up brand matrix accounts in Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker platforms respectively, and conducted self-broadcasting in stores every day, and the monthly self-broadcasting number quickly exceeded 50. According to public data, in 2020, the GMV of Hua Xizi’s live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi accounted for 15.55% of all sales; In the first quarter of 2022, Hua Xizi’s chief product, Guan Shanglu, publicly stated that this figure dropped to only 5%.

At the same time, Hua Xizi started an article in research and development and offline. In March 2022, Hua Xizi announced that Li Huiliang was the chief scientist, and publicized it to the outside world. In the next five years, Hua Xizi will invest more than 1 billion yuan to spread out the layout in many fields of product innovation, basic research and applied basic research, and create a comprehensive and technologically advanced Oriental beauty makeup research and development system.

Not only Hua Xizi, but also many domestic beauty products are trying to transform and get out of the dilemma of exchanging traffic for sales. It is understood that Polaiya is building the sustainable development ability of enterprises through strategic strength, brand strength and product strength, and realizing "long-term doctrine", including R&D investment. In 2022, the R&D expenses of Polaiya increased by 67.15%. Similarly, in order to cope with the current new situation and increase investment in product development and innovation, in 2022, Betaine’s R&D expenses increased by 124.96%, and the R&D rate reached 5.08%.

Yixian e-commerce, the parent company of Perfect Diary, has also continuously increased its investment in research and development in the past few years. It is understood that in 2022, Yixian e-commerce invested 130 million yuan in R&D throughout the year, reaching 3.4% of revenue, and its expense rate ranked first among domestic beauty groups.

Betani also said that in the future, enterprises will pay more attention to product quality, technological innovation and brand building, which is very important for improving product competitiveness and brand influence. It is not only the response of enterprises to market and consumer demand, but also the adaptation to increasingly fierce competition in the industry.

Wu Daiqi, CEO of Shenzhen Siqisheng Company, believes that online celebrity brands such as Hua Xizi really benefited from Li Jiaqi’s appeal to fans and superior ability to bring goods before. However, there is still a long way to go before online celebrity brand can be transformed into a well-known brand and become an evergreen brand, mainly because it is very difficult to build offline channels, and the complexity of channels will also bring about an increase in various operation and management costs. Therefore, the early development of Hua Xizi certainly has its advantages and characteristics, but it still needs a set of measures.

Beijing business today reporter Guo Xiujuan Zhang Junhua

Foreign media selected 10 best RPG games in 2022: Old Man Ring and so on.

GameRant, a foreign media, recently released their top 10 RPG games in 2022. They believe that this kind of games include RPG games that are easier to use (such as "Bao Ke Meng" series), games that combine obscure legends and gameplay mechanisms (such as "Soul of Darkness" series FromSoftware), and many other variants in between.

Gamelant’s Top 10 RPG GameRant2022 (in no particular order):

Link echo

Eldon’s Ring of Law

The flame coat of arms is unparalleled: romantic.

Horizon: Desperate West

The lost ark

Marvel Comics’s Son of the Night

The Legend of Pocahontas: Arzeus

The rise of steel

Triangular tactics

Excalibur 3

Playoff voice | Hot discussion Lakers win G3: Hamm points out the difference from playing. Magic number one Zhan Heqikua.

On April 23rd, Beijing time, after the total score of the Lakers was tied at 1-1, they returned to home in G3 and refused to be reversed by 29 points. They successfully beat the Grizzlies 111-101 to gain a 2-1 lead. After 1-1, the Lakers won G3 in nine consecutive series, surpassing Jordan Bulls to set a new record in NBA history. Lakers coach Hamm praised the players’ performance in this game, which was obviously different from the last game, and also praised the eight village bases for continuing to be brave.

After the game, Lakers coach Hamm was interviewed. He talked about the difference between G3 and G2, and the adjustment made by the team to win. Hamm bluntly said: "We just played more decisively, and the players were playing with goals and playing more disciplined. The other is our energy. The energy in the arena is bursting. Our concentration in this campaign is different from that in the last game, and our sense of urgency is completely different. "

As for the atmosphere of the Lakers playing the playoffs at home after ten years, Hamm said frankly: "Our fans are really great. They are unparalleled. We feel their enthusiasm and thank God. We give them something to cheer about, and we look forward to the next home game and feel the same way. "

Hamm also talked about the progress of Indiana Jones in the playoffs. He scored 20+ points in the first two consecutive games as a substitute, and scored 16 points in 6 out of 10 in this game. Ham praised: "When we got him, we were very excited. We are all encouraging him to continue to work hard, to be firm, confident and enterprising. You can see the love he gets. He himself once said that he fell in love with basketball again. "

Magic Johnson also praised the performance of the Lakers, "Lakers country! The Lakers played super antagonism on both ends of the offense and defense tonight! Our two superstars led the team to beat the Grizzlies 111-101. Brother Thick Eyebrows scored 31 points and 17 rebounds, and James scored 25 points and 9 rebounds. "

"I want to congratulate coach Hamm on his excellent adjustment at both ends of the offense and defense tonight."

As for the famous mouth Skip, it is also rare to praise the Lakers. "This is a great revenge victory for the Lakers. The only problem is that they let Morant find his rhythm and let him finally get 45 points. This is a moral failure for grizzly bears. If they persist, they will bring the momentum of the game to the evening of next Monday (US time). "

0-1, the Premier League is very cold! Liverpool lost to the bottom team, and Salah missed the penalty, which was tragic.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, in the 27th round of Premier League, Liverpool challenged Bournemouth away. In the end, Liverpool lost 1-0 to the bottom team, resulting in a big upset. Salah also missed a penalty, which was tragic.

A month ago, the Liverpool team was in a relatively low state, ranking only 10th in the standings, behind brentford, Fulham and other teams, but now they have caught up! If you can beat Bournemouth in this campaign, you can enter the top four in the standings; Bournemouth is at the bottom of the standings, and Liverpool have no reason not to score 3 points.

In the 5th minute, Arnold kicked off the corner and Fan Dike headed the ball. In the 7th minute, Ouattara pushed the middle net with a single knife and a small angle. In the 12th minute, Fan Dike made a long pass, Robertson’s low shot was resolved, and then Gakpo hit the net, but the goal was invalid. In the 23rd minute, Bournemouth took the lead. After Ouattara succeeded in offside, he made a cross. Billing followed up and pushed the goal, leading 1-0. In the 41st minute, Fan Dike almost scored a goal with a header. A minute later, Solanke’s blast shot was over the beam. In the first half, Liverpool was temporarily behind 0-1.

In the second half, in the 46th minute, Fabinho kept up with the blast. In the 48th minute, jota’s angry shot was tackled. In the 64th minute, Billing’s volley was empty. In the 66th minute, Liverpool got a penalty, and Salah missed the penalty. Salah, who missed the penalty, also looked very depressed. In the 77th minute, Salah’s pass was cleared, and then his pick was confiscated by the goalkeeper.

In the 82nd minute, Cook’s shot flew away. After that, the score did not change, and Liverpool lost.

Emiliano Martinez said he didn’t like penalty shootouts.

Emiliano Martinez said he didn’t like penalty shootouts.

Aston Villa and Argentine goalkeeper emiliano Martinez said he didn’t like to take part in penalty shootouts.

"Do I like penalty kicks? I don’t like to take the game to penalty because the odds are 50-50. I can’t say, "There will be a penalty shootout now, and I will win. Because it’s very difficult. I know I can lose at any time, and I must accept it. The penalty shootout is a coin toss, and the rest is just prayer. So no, I’m not attracted by penalty shootouts, "Martinez was quoted by Goal.

Argentina beat France 4-2 (regular time-3-3) in the 2022 World Cup final.

Martinez has made 24 appearances for Aston Villa in various competitions this season, conceded 32 goals and saved 7 games.

According to the International Football Federation (FIFA), Aston Villa and Argentine goalkeeper emiliano Martí nez commented on winning the best goalkeeper award in 2022.

"I touched the sky, just as my father said. Half of the children want to be like Messi, and the other half want to be a goalkeeper. Obviously, this is an important moment in my career. I always say that I hate individual awards. You know, the best awards of FIFA can’t satisfy me now. I am satisfied that young children are trying to be goalkeepers now, because they like what they saw in the World Cup, you know? Therefore, no matter what happens in my career, from now on, I will always be grateful for my opportunity in the World Cup, "Martinez was quoted by Goal.

As a member of the Argentine national team, 30-year-old Martinez became the champion of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022.