标签归档 西安品茶

Hu Ge Gao Yuanyuan "Haoliujie" was a guest, and Hu Ge expressed his willingness to gain 30 kilograms for the character

Wu Jingjing, Chief Reporter of Elephant News, Dongfang Jin Bao

This week’s "Good Sixth Street" held a "casting conference". The "Stop and Go" crew Hu Ge, Gao Yuanyuan, and Jin Jing were invited to attend, as well as old friends Gao Hanyu, Zhang Yanqi, He Jiong, Qin Xiaoxian, Ding Chengxin, Yang Di, and Wu Zelin to participate in the audition. The Elephant News reporter learned that tonight’s "male lead candidates" Hu Ge, Zhang Yanqi, and Qin Xiaoxian will lead a relative and friend to participate in the competition. The winning team in each round will get the opportunity to partner with the "director group", and the other two teams will automatically be classified as the first team. Only the team that has combined with the "director group" the most times will not be punished. Therefore, in order to capture the heart of "director" Gao Yuanyuan, the two teams also exchanged various words and fought wits.

At the "stop-and-go casting meeting", the three "male lead actors" asked questions to the "director group" in turn, and the "director group" would reverse the selection. The two groups that were not selected had to cut a rope in front of them. If the "dangerous rope" was cut, the lid on the head would fall off, and the team that was not hit by the lid would win in the end. Qin Xiaoxian was very nervous about Gao Yuanyuan, his long-admired idol. He rubbed his hands and asked Gao Yuanyuan: "Zhang Yanqi is 20 years old, Hu Ge is 30 kilograms fat, and now me, who would you choose?" Hu Ge took the opportunity to express his determination to the "director": "If the role needs it, I am willing to gain 30 kilograms." Although this answer aroused Gao Yuanyuan’s interest, when choosing, she still chose Qin Xiaoxian because he was very good at making strange moves. After several rounds of questioning and counter-selection, Qin Xiaoxian finally lost the slightest bit of victory, and Hu Ge and Jin Jing got their first chance to enter the director team.

In the "Stop and Go Look This Way" part, the "candidates" will accumulate advantages for the third round of the game through two rounds of games. In the wave water game, Hu Ge won for the first time, and Gao Yuanyuan tacitly cooperated with the rapid splashing of water. Ding Chengxin subconsciously picked up the shield, but was stopped by Qin Xiaoxian: "Don’t block it", so in the following games, Ding Chengxin really restrained himself, so Qin Xiaoxian’s wish to be splashed by Gao Yuanyuan was fulfilled, which also made everyone ridicule Qin Xiaoxian for being splashed with water… In the "dance relay competition", before the competition, the two teams will secretly distribute the gift boxes, and then take turns to perform dance challenges. The team with the highest sum of gift boxes wins. Qin Xiaoxian analyzed that the other party definitely felt that he did not dare to choose Gao Yuanyuan, so he might put the number of gift boxes on her, so he took the lead in challenging Gao Yuanyuan, but Qin Xiaoxian was too shy in front of her and did not dare to look directly at her. On the other hand, Hu Ge jumped more and more into the challenge, and even almost forgot the purpose of the game… In general, after several rounds of competition tonight, the situation on the field is also unpredictable. Who will become the final "male lead", the competition is quite fierce. The program team said that the casting process was quite exciting, "everyone can look forward to the whole process of the audition"!

Drivers don’t make money, Didi cries huge losses, and Didi, who is not short of money, burns the money?

  Didi, who was used to changing tires while driving, took the initiative to press the brakes this time.

  At the beginning of 2019, Didi Chuxing suddenly turned the wind. First, it was exposed that the company’s annual loss in 2018 was as high as 10.90 billion yuan, and a total of 11.30 billion yuan was subsidized to drivers in 2018. Then, Didi announced the news of layoffs semi-actively.

  At Didi’s monthly staff meeting on February 15, Didi CEO Cheng Wei announced that he would "shut down and transfer" the non-main business, and would lay off 15% of the overall workforce, involving about 2,000 people.

  In the turbulent Internet market of the past two years, there are many founders who have called out to be ready for the winter like Cheng Wei, but most bosses prefer to use "optimization" instead of "layoffs". In this comparison, Cheng Wei, who took the initiative to call for a 15% layoff, has now become a complete exception.

  As a start-up company that has emerged from the shadow of Internet Tech Giants, Didi, which is led by Cheng Wei, is now a "shadow" that many entrepreneurs in the mobile transportation field cannot escape.

  However, the current Didi itself also has an indescribable "shadow".

  Subsidized Rashomon

  This widely circulated internal financial data of Didi Chuxing is a bit interesting.

  In fact, only two figures were announced, one is that Didi continued to lose money in 2018, and it was a huge loss of 10.90 billion yuan. In addition, Didi invested 11.30 billion yuan to subsidize drivers throughout 2018.

  It should be added that Didi had previously released unofficial data saying that Didi’s annual loss in 2017 was only 2.50 billion yuan. At that time, the market also believed that Didi was expected to turn losses into profits in 2018.

  For this reason, the simplest and most crude conclusion that some people have drawn is that a large number of subsidies to drivers caused Didi to lose a lot last year. If it weren’t for the more than 10 billion yuan in driver subsidies, how could Didi have lost so much in 2018?

  But this conclusion Didi drivers have expressed their dissatisfaction.

  Many special car drivers still remember the good days from the end of 2014 to the Spring Festival in 2015: a smart phone, a driver’s license with a driving age of more than 3 years, and a local license plate car with a price of more than 100,000 RMB and a service life of less than 5 years. As long as you have these three basic "equipment", no matter which special car platform you connect to, many special car drivers can easily earn more than 10,000 yuan per month and envy others.

  At that time, all the special car companies could easily pick out the special car drivers with a monthly income of 20,000 to 30,000. And subsidies are the direct driving force that makes many special car drivers full of motivation.

  But such good times only stayed in 2016, before the merger of Didi and Uber China.

  You know, back then, Uber China’s subsidies for private car drivers used to have an enviable "reward of 8,000 yuan for 80 orders a week". At that time, Uber drivers could earn 20,000 yuan a month only with rewards.

  When Didi and Uber were at their worst in China, Cheng Wei said that Didi spent $4 billion a year on "market cultivation." Uber founder Travis Kalanick previously revealed that Uber lost more than $1 billion in the Chinese market in 2015, and also subsidized the profits in other global markets to the Chinese market.

  But all these subsidies for drivers came to an abrupt end after Didi’s dominance. With the return of market competition to rationality, Didi’s subsidy policy for drivers has also shrunk more and more. As a last resort, some special car drivers have to calculate the water in the car carefully, and sometimes secretly replace Kunlun Mountain with Master Kang, or if passengers don’t want it, they won’t let it go.

  And the current net about car compliance under the ebb and flow is to make a lot of net about car drivers unsustainable, because of insufficient qualifications or less money, many net about car drivers have changed careers.

  Looking at it this way, it should be that the online car-hailing drivers are wronged. They obviously didn’t see much of the subsidies they received, and they were unwilling to bear the blame for Didi’s huge loss.

  But if you add the cost of ride-hailing compliance to driver subsidies, the bill seems to make sense again.

  The recent December 31, 2018, was once regarded as an important node in the online car-hailing market. In the 2018 online car-hailing rectification, relevant departments required all online car-hailing platforms to clear all unlicensed vehicles before December 31.

  But this "one size fits all" rule may take some time to implement.

  At present, most online car-hailing platforms have not completely stopped sending orders to unlicensed vehicles to respond positively.

  Didi has publicly stated on December 18, 2018 that it will continue and speed up the removal of drivers and vehicles on the platform that do not meet the requirements of the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, strengthen the guidance of dispatching orders for compliance, and gradually reduce the dispatch of non-compliant personnel and vehicles until it stops.

  But Mr. Cheng also stressed that it would take time and that Didi would "develop phased city-by-city compliance targets", as required by the new policy.

  The first financial reporter learned that Didi has indeed increased its investment in compliance, set up documents to promote special project funds, organized full-time personnel to speed up the application of documents, actively organized driver training, and partners to encourage and guide drivers to handle people’s car permits.

  In order to guide the active compliance of online car-hailing drivers, Didi has increased the subsidy for compliance drivers to a certain extent.

  As of now, online car-hailing drivers with three or more licenses can still take orders on the Didi platform. However, drivers generally report that the platform’s orders will be given priority to online car-hailing cars with three licenses, and the rewards received by different drivers will also vary.

  This is also one of the important reasons why Didi’s losses intensified in the second half of 2018.

  After the murder of the hitchhiker, in September 2018, Cheng Wei rarely announced Didi’s profits in an internal open letter, saying that the company’s overall net loss in the first half of 2018 exceeded 4 billion yuan.

  This 4 billion yuan loss, because Meituan has to increase the cost of subsidies in the corresponding cities because Meituan has stepped into the taxi, and in order to face Meituan takeaway, Didi has invested in the takeaway business.

  But if combined with the data of 2018 full-year loss 10.90 billion, in the second half of 2018 after Meituan stopped taxi investment and Didi takeaway stopped crazy subsidies, Didi’s loss exceeded 6 billion, significantly higher than the first half of the year.

  On the other hand, Didi is also doing something more asset-heavy.

  The reporter learned from people close to Didi that in order to ensure sufficient compliance capacity, Didi has increased its investment in self-operated vehicles in the past two years, in addition to purchasing cars, but also recruiting full-time drivers to operate.

  Investing a large amount of money in self-operated vehicles is actually contrary to Didi’s previous asset-light model of integrating idle capacity.

  "Shut down and transfer" non-main business

  In addition to layoffs, Cheng Wei also emphasized at the above-mentioned monthly meeting that Didi will focus on the most important travel business in 2019, continue to increase safety and compliance investment, and improve efficiency. Therefore, it will "shut down and transfer" non-main businesses.

  It has to be said that Didi’s business expansion speed in recent years has been too fast.

  In mid-February 2015, when Didi announced its merger with Kuaidi, the two companies were only involved in taxis and special cars, but by September 2015, Didi had already owned taxis, special cars, express cars, hitchhiking, and driving on behalf of five mature product lines.

  "Since this year [2015], we have launched a business every two months, and within a month of each business launch, we have become the absolute leading brand and the number one in the industry," Cheng Wei explained in an interview with China Business News.

  Before the killing of Hitch, Didi maintained a record of six years of business valuation of 80 billion dollars. Throughout the development of China’s Internet, it seems that few Internet companies have such an amazing growth history as Didi.

  In 2014, the sharing economy blew the wind and waves penetrated all walks of life, but the sharing industry needs to burn money and throw money. In this industry where the profit model is not yet clear, hundreds of companies become members of the death list every year. So much so that sometimes, Cheng Wei himself can’t help but sigh to Liu Qing, president of Didi Chuxing, "We are a company in a sea of swords and fire".

  In the past six years, there have been 20 to 30 business units operating within Didi, with many successful experiences and many lessons learned from failures.

  Half a month before the murder of a hitchhiker in Yueqing, Cheng Wei said at the Lenovo Star 10th Anniversary Conference about starting a business that entrepreneurs are the most difficult group of people, like pushing open a door, it is dark outside, and the road is not clear. It is necessary to constantly explore, understand, and correct.

  Only this time, what Didi needs is a major correction.

  On December 5, 2018, Didi announced an important corporate organizational restructuring.

  In the above organizational restructuring, Didi’s core business and multiple departments will be merged and adjusted, including the merger of the express business group, the establishment of the online car platform company, the merger of the original Xiaoju car service and the automotive asset management center (AMC), the upgrade to new car service, and the establishment of a car owner service company.

  "This structural adjustment is mainly for the safety of online car-hailing, to facilitate compliance management." A Didi insider told the First Financial Reporter that Cheng Wei has set a high profit target for the newly established online car-hailing platform company in 2019.

  It is worth mentioning that while "shutdown and transfer" and layoffs, internationalization is still a key area of Didi. In key areas such as safety technology, products and offline driver management and internationalization, Didi will continue to recruit 2,500 people in 2019. The goal is that the total number of employees by the end of 2019 will be the same as 13,000 at the end of last year.

  In 2017, Uber, which had been making great strides in globalization, had to reluctantly cut the meat. First, it decided to merge its mobility business with its Russian rival Yandex NV, ceding the ride-hailing business in six countries: Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. Then it announced that it would suspend its ride-sharing business in Macau.

  Compared with Uber, whose overseas territory has been shrinking, Didi has blossomed in overseas investment business one after another. A few days after announcing its pursuit of Grab, which is known as Didi in South East Asia, Didi has successfully extended its hands to Eastern Europe and Africa, investing in Taxify, a mobile transportation company focusing on Europe and Africa.

  In 2018, Didi’s globalization began to grow more and more intense.

  On February 9, 2018, Didi and SoftBank announced plans to form a joint venture to enter the Japanese taxi market. A month earlier, Didi also acquired Brazilian ride-hailing service 99, which had previously invested $100 million.

  In fact, before 2018, Didi preferred to enter other overseas markets through equity investment, rather than directly expanding into the local market like Uber.

  In response, Didi’s president, Jean Liu, has publicly said that the company will evaluate which new markets it should enter, possibly partnering with or competing with existing local ride-hailing companies. If Didi believes that local companies are not strong enough, it may compete with them. That is to say, Didi may not only enter overseas markets through various forms of grafting, but will also take a similar approach to Uber, directly entering the local market to provide taxi services.

  But once you go overseas to open up territory, how to adapt to local policies and face competition with local competitors, these problems that have tested Uber need to be confronted by Didi one by one.

  And the expansion of these international territories requires Didi to spend real money to open up the market.

  Capital "change face"

  The First Financial Reporter learned from Didi insiders that Cheng Wei emphasized at the conference that there will be long-term uncertainties in the future of capital, and that Didi will operate more finely in the future.

  Didi, which merged quickly and acquired Uber’s China business, is the luckiest of the wave of mobile Internet travel startups.

  And in this series of challenges, Didi’s ultimate move is to defeat its opponents many times through financing.

  In terms of capital markets, Liu Qing was definitely a hero of Didi.

  In 2002, Liu Qing joined the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs (Asia) Group in charge of "analyst work". In 2004, she moved to the direct investment department. In 2008, she was promoted to executive director. In 2012, after being promoted to managing director of Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC Asia Pacific, Liu Qing became one of the youngest managing directors in the history of Goldman Sachs.

  In September 2013 and June 2014, Liu Qing approached Didi Dache twice as an investor. The final result was that on July 28, 2014, Liu Qing was confirmed to join Didi Dache as the chief operating officer (COO). In February 2015, Liu Qing was promoted to the president of Didi.

  With Liu Qing joining, news of Didi’s financing continues to spread.

  In 2016, Didi Chuxing raised $7 billion in a funding round, gaining a number of powerful allies, including Apple, to fend off Uber’s competition in China at the time.

  "Peace is made, not negotiated!" Zhu Xiaohu, an early investor in Didi, said that the chips for negotiating peace are getting higher and higher, and without these chips, there is no qualification to negotiate peace, so the team’s financing ability is extremely important.

  In Cheng Wei’s opinion, Didi is building a mobile transportation ecosystem, which is something that no one has ever done before. It requires a large amount of capital to support the development of technology and various business lines.

  "There will always be competition in various segments of personal mobility, but in the one-stop present on all major platforms, no one can do this except Didi. Not everyone has the confidence to shout’I want to do one-stop present on all major platforms’, and one of the confidence is capital. Without capital, it is difficult to shout out to be the world’s largest one-stop platform." Liu Qing explained in an interview with China Business News.

  "Whether we will continue to raise money is still a question mark," Ms. Liu said during a critical period of competition with Uber. "We need to see if we can spend it or not, and the money is not bad. But we will recruit some investors, not for financing, but for strategic cooperation."

  It is impressive that whether it is a special car, an express car, a hitchhiker or a bus, Didi is actually a latecomer to these markets. With the blessing of capital, Didi is more accustomed to opening the road with massive subsidies, squeezing out competitors, and then starting to work intensively.

  The business behind this cannot escape the requirements of capital. The capital that keeps betting needs to tell one story after another in order to support the increasingly high valuation plate.

  Now, the problem left to Cheng Wei and Liu Qing is that there will be long-term uncertainties in the future of capital, and Didi, which relies on capital to run wild, must now tighten its purse strings.

  Didi’s old rivals Uber and Lyft are both actively planning to go public in the first quarter of this year, and Didi’s listing demand has become urgent.

  But the current embarrassment is that due to the series of rectification storms triggered by the hitch safety incident, Didi has missed the listing boom of Xiaomi and Meituan last year.

  Although Didi is currently actively planning to re-launch its ride-hailing business, the market is not optimistic about the future of Didi’s listing, which has lost its lead, despite the loss of two lives due to the loss of ride-hailing.

"Flower Thousand Bones" finale Zhao Liying Huo Jianhua’s vinegar kiss was reduced, high-energy kiss play inventory

"Flower Thousand Bones" finale Zhao Liying Huo Jianhua's vinegar kiss was reduced, high-energy kiss play inventory

????After more than three months of popularity, "Hua Qiangu" finally staged the finale last night. Zhao Liying’s demon god shape caused the Internet to go viral, and some kissing scenes were cut; Killing my sister suddenly opened her eyes, and the result was a dream; the East did not reincarnate, Sugar Treasure Eleven did not resurrect, Shuofeng did not resurrect, and Moyan died. These not only caused some dissatisfaction from fans of the original book, but also attracted countless netizens to complain. The "Vinegar Kiss" that was circulated on the Internet before was also missing.

????Kiss scenes have always been the magic weapon of hit dramas. The agreed kiss scenes are gone, so being reduced will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among netizens. Take a look at the high-energy photos of the kiss scenes and bed scenes of hit dramas.


Sui Hongbo, Secretary of Yichun Municipal Party Committee, Meets with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group

On August 16, Sui Hongbo, Secretary of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee, met with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group, and the two sides had in-depth exchanges on cooperation in cultural tourism and other fields. On behalf of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Sui Hongbo welcomed Wang Jianlin and his party and briefly introduced the economic and social development of Yichun. He said that Yichun is a key state-owned forest area and a national key ecological function area. It has excellent ecological resources and rich red culture, and is known as the "forest capital of the motherland" and the "hometown of red pine". In recent years, Yichun City has strengthened ecological protection and restoration, continued to deepen the reform of key state-owned forest areas, resolutely shouldered the important task of maintaining national ecological security, and firmly took the road of ecological priority and green development. At present, in accordance with the provincial party committee’s deployment of building "six Longjiang" and promoting "eight rejuvenation", we are adhering to the development orientation of "ecological city and tourism strong city", accelerating the construction of "1234" modern ecological industry system, promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and solidly promoting the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Yichun. Wanda Group is a large-scale enterprise group focusing on modern service industry. It hopes to give full play to the comprehensive advantages of planning, operation and platform, and plan in-depth cooperation with Yichun in the fields of cultural tourism industry and other fields to promote the realization of high-level mutual benefit and win-win situation. The Yichun Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will make every effort to ensure service, give full play to the main role of Yichun Forest Industry Group, strengthen communication and docking between the two sides,

Wang Jianlin expressed his gratitude to the Yichun Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their attention and support to enterprises. He said that Yichun is rich in resources, has distinct seasons, and has huge development space and potential. Wanda Group will give full play to the successful experience in the development of the cultural and tourism industry accumulated over the years of practice, rely on Yichun’s valuable resources and the upcoming high-speed rail era, actively plan cooperation between the two parties, strengthen planning and design on "ice and snow", and do a good job of innovative articles, so as to contribute to the high-quality transformation, development and modernization of Yichun.

Taking correspondence as the touchpoint, financial intelligence sharing brings new ideas for the transformation of audit ecology to digital intelligence

Data from China Academy of Information and Communications Technology shows that from 2012 to 2021, the scale of our country’s digital economy grew from 11 trillion yuan to 45.50 trillion yuan, accounting for 39.8% of GDP from 21.6%. How to make good use of the value of data elements in the explosive growth of information is not only an important issue in the construction of "Digital China", but also a major goal for various industries to achieve digital transformation. These changes also bring opportunities and requirements for change to industries closely related to data such as finance and auditing.

At present, audit has become a key tool of corporate governance, and "letter" as a powerful audit evidence is still mainly paper, and there are risks of tampering and loss in the process of exchange and preservation. The digital transformation of audit is imperative.

Based on security compliance, financial intelligence sharing builds audit ecosystem digital intelligence infrastructure

For Financial Institution Groups, Accounting Firms, Enterprises, and Certified Public Accountants, the core premise of digital auditing is standardization and standardization.

In order to promote the digital governance and high-quality development of the audit industry, the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the Securities Supervision Commission jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Digitalization of Letter Certificates of Accounting Firms in 2020, calling for steady progress in the digital construction of letter certificates of accounting firms and banks.

In 2021, the "14th Five-Year Plan for Accounting Reform and Development" clearly stated that it is necessary to accelerate the digital transformation of auditing from informatization to digital technology.

In August 2022, the "Implementation Plan for the Theme Activity of the" Digital Construction Year "of the Certified Public Accountant Industry" was officially released, and the plan proposed to support the construction of the correspondence information system. In accordance with the principles of "safety and control, public welfare attributes, standards and specifications, openness and compatibility", the China Certified Public Accountants Industry Association will concentrate resources to promote the digitization of correspondence certificates, and cooperate and support the construction of third-party correspondence information systems. The plan also proposes to explore the construction of a multi-disciplinary industry digitization construction organization system and coordination mechanism with the diverse participation and collaborative linkage of various entities such as regulatory departments, public interest associations, firms, and third-party service agencies.

Based on the understanding of relevant guidance and insight into industry pain points, Caizhi Sharing (Beijing) Technology Service Co., Ltd. (referred to as Caizhi Sharing) has always taken "security, compliance, intensive and efficient" as the top-level strategic guidance since its establishment in 2017, focusing on the development and application of blockchain, 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other technologies, and has realized full-link digital empowerment in e-mail, logistics collection, talent training, RPA digital staff, finance and taxation consulting and other fields.

The digital solution of Caizhi Shared has improved the level of supervision and analysis capabilities, and has also produced many unexpected effects. For example, through the management structure of multi-role settings, Caizhi Shared can layer the responsible persons in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and different audit units and audit roles can log in on demand, and the whole process can be traced back; by merging multiple functions of RPA, it realizes function points such as picture character recognition, voice and text translation, and intelligent filling. It can also simulate workflow, automatically fill in accounting, reply letters, etc., and greatly improve the efficiency of letter reply work. Through customizable standardized electronic templates, batch letter making, automatic storage, and global universal use become a reality, making the audit process a closed loop.

In the past five years, Caizhi Shared has continuously increased its investment in technology research and development, especially with Professor Zheng Zhiming, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the chief scientist, and the deep support of Hongchain Technology’s Internet of Things + full supply chain SaaS platform, Caizhi Shared’s technology applications in the fields of distributed trusted systems, blockchain, cryptography, privacy protection, etc. have been further strengthened, and it has more than 40 independent intellectual property rights. Effectively improve the efficiency of audit procedures, improve the quality of accounting information, reduce manual repetitive workload, and identify corruptive practices with digital capabilities.

In addition to the improvement of digital capabilities, the "independence" and "security" of the electronic confirmation letter platform have also been widely concerned by the China Certified Public Accountants Association and accounting firms. The i-letter platform provided by Caizhi Sharing is a third-party letter platform that is completely independent of the audited unit, the certified unit, and the accounting firm. The platform has obtained the "Ministry of Public Security Information System Security Level Protection 3.0 Certification", the only one in the domestic audit industry to obtain the Academy of Information and Communications Technology Trusted Cloud Enterprise SaaS Service Certification, and together with China Mobile, China UnionPay, JD.com, Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, Inspur Cloud, Kingsoft Cloud and other 17 domestic first-class enterprises have become the first to pass the Trusted Cloud as a Service security certification.

Taking the 5.0 version of i as the touchpoint, Caizhi shares the full link of deeply empowered audit ecology

Based on continuous technological development, Caizhi Shared has created a safe and reliable inter-industry recycling system for the audit ecosystem, and appeared at the 2022 China International Trade in Services Fair (referred to as the Service Trade Fair) as "the only information technology service provider participating in the audit industry".

At the launch of the results conference of the 2022 Service Trade Conference, under the joint verification of the China Certified Public Accountants Association, the Beijing Certified Public Accountants Association and many cooperative institutions, the "i-letter 5.0 version" made a big appearance. The product features of "paper-letter parallel use" are eye-catching. The advantages of high safety and reliability, zero cost in the center, and one-click manuscript can help the audit industry achieve a true "electronic letter, digital letter".

Taking the 5.0 version of i-letter as the touchpoint, Caizhi Sharing also showed the ability to support the entire chain of audit ecology empowered by the four major businesses of i-letter, i-excellent delivery, RPA digital employees, and iStudy training center in digital scenarios, attracting extensive attention and discussion in the industry.

Among them, i Letter is a third-party smart letter service cloud platform built and operated by Caizhi Sharing according to law, which can provide the audit industry with digital capabilities such as electronic, digital, and multi-identity registration and use of the whole process; i Excellent Send is a postal platform built by Caizhi Sharing based on efficient logistics services and support for enterprise role allocation. It realizes functions such as batch import, confidentiality authorization, and efficient settlement for units and individual users with high state-owned or confidentiality requirements and high-frequency sending of documents and items; RPA digital employees are based on RPA + AI technology, which can realize intelligent functions such as bill identification, intelligent reply, exchange rate entry, and efficient reconciliation, allowing salespeople to liberate from basic tedious work; i Study training center is authorized by ISACA (International Information System Audit Association), financial Through cooperation with internationally renowned professional institutions, institutions of higher learning, governments, and accounting firms, Smart Sharing cultivates a group of professionals who are not only proficient in financial accounting, auditing, and taxation, but also master the complex knowledge structure of information systems, network technology, and computer application technology.

The audit industry is not just a service, but also a high standard of trust. Through the strong alliance of strategic partners in multiple fields, Caizhi Sharing is creating Strategy and Development Ideas for the audit industry. At the conference of the results of the Service Trade Council, Ms. Zhang Liwen, the founder of Caizhi Sharing, held an on-site signing ceremony with more than ten industry high-quality associations and enterprises. Including Hainan Certified Public Accountants Association, Jilin Certified Public Accountants Association, ISACA International Information System Audit Association; Lixin, Rongcheng, Daxin, Zhongxing Caiguanghua, Zhongtianyun 5 well-known accounting firms, as well as China Building Materials Group Finance Co., Ltd., AVIC Plaza Industrial Group Finance Co., Ltd., China Post Express Logistics joint stock company, Jinwang (Beijing) E-commerce Co., Ltd. Well-known enterprises, including auditing, e-commerce, finance, logistics and other industries. Representatives of China Audit Zhonghuan, China Securities Tiantong, Zhongqin Wanxin, and Zhongtianheng Accounting Firm, which have signed cooperation with Caizhi Sharing, also attended the release of the 5.0 version of the i-letter.

Taking digital construction as a breakthrough point, financial intelligence sharing actively assumes corporate social responsibility

In terms of results, digital audit is of great significance for improving the value and utility of information and data. Accounting firms, enterprises, and Financial Institution Groups can not only use this to sort out the data information of previous years, but also carry out targeted cross-domain and cross-business correlation analysis and comprehensive comparison, thereby eliminating hidden risks and making more accurate judgments on enterprise operations.

Financial Intelligence Sharing takes this as the original intention of empowering the industry, and is committed to promoting the application of a new generation of information technology based on cloud computing, big data, picture recognition, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things in the audit ecosystem. Under the background of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 Vision Outline and "carbon neutrality", focusing on the paperless intelligent reply, comprehensive talent training, and green ecological creation of the audit industry, the ESG Strategy Committee was established to promote the audit industry to achieve green digital transformation and achieve high-quality development.

Wang Jin, chief operating officer of Caizhi Sharing, said that the "14th Five-Year Plan" is the starting point of a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and carbon neutrality is an inherent requirement for high-quality development. The digital transformation of the audit industry does not stop at the electronic form, but should be a series of changes in audit concepts, audit technologies and audit results. Caizhi Sharing will continue to enrich audit perspectives, improve audit efficiency, and promote the construction of "Digital China".

"In the face of sustainable development issues, we also need to think from a global perspective. For example, in the future, the measurement based on the" carbon footprint "of enterprises may appear in the financial statements. Will the audit industry add" carbon audit "? How to formulate relevant audit standards? These are the key directions of the Financial Intelligence Sharing Association. We also welcome relevant ecological enterprises to actively communicate with us to jointly promote the high-quality development of the audit industry in the context of" double carbon "."

Under the wave of digitalization, the audit industry is ushering in the transformation of production methods and governance methods. The digital intelligence platform represented by financial intelligence sharing continues to stimulate the vitality of various innovative elements, and empowers the audit industry with more inclusive, convenient, high-quality and efficient digital services. High-quality development.

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  [Zhongguancun Wuhan Mobile Phone Market] HuaweiAscend P7It is a large-screen mobile phone that supports 4G mode.

  ZOL recommended dealer  Feihong Communication (door-to-door delivery) The offer is 2380 yuan!Contact: Wang Jing Merchant Tel: 15927276385 Store Address: No. A52, Basement 1st Floor, Lanpu Communication City, Saibo Digital Plaza, Guangbutun


Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.


Huawei Ascend P7Equipped with a 5.0-inch large screen design, the resolution is1920X1080 pixels, the display effect is excellent.In terms of photography, the 1300-pixel rear lens and8 million pixelsThe front-facing lens, as well as the flash, plus a variety of beauty features, especially in the selfie effect is very stunning.In terms of hardware, the machine uses Huawei’sHiSilicon Kirin 910T processor, and2GB RAM + 16GB ROM memory combination, the performance is very strong, and the machine also has2500mAh non-removable battery.



Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.
Pictured, Huawei Ascend P7

Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.  Now in stock, Huawei P7 Amazon offers 2888 yuan.
Pictured, Huawei Ascend P7


  Editor’s comment: Huawei Ascend P7 is a very good mobile phone newly released by Huawei, especially in terms of the camera function of the machine, the 13 million rear lens is also the current mainstream, and the front of the 8 million pixel is indeed rare, and supports ten-level beauty and panoramic selfie function, the camera effect is very good.


  [Friendly Tips] Dear customers: Please mention that the source of the market is Zhongguancun Online when contacting the merchant to buy, so that there will be better and better service, and you can buy the product according to the price quoted in the market. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can leave a message below, and the editor can help you give feedback to the merchant.

  Feihong Communication (door-to-door delivery) ZOl Mall: http://www.zol.com/shop_167973/

  Main business: mobile phones, tablets
Contact Person: Wang Jing
Business phone: 15927276385 QQ: 747848658
Store address: No. A52, Basement 1st Floor, Lanpu Communication City, Saibo Digital Plaza, Guangbutun


  [Zhongguancun Wuhan Mobile Phone Market] Huawei Ascend P7 is a large-screen mobile phone that supports 4G mode.
  ZOL recommended dealer, Feihong communication (door-to-door delivery) quotation 2380 yuan! Contact: Wang Jing, business phone: 15927276385, store address: Guangbutun Cyber Digital Plaza Lampe Communication City negative first floor A52

  Huawei Ascend…

Xuzhou Lynk & Co 07 has greatly reduced the price, and the lowest price is 163,800! The discount waits for no one

[Autohome Xuzhou Discount Promotion Channel] brings you an important news. The luxury SUV that has attracted much attention is going through an unprecedented promotion in Xuzhou. At present, car buyers of Lynk & Co 07 have the opportunity to enjoy a cash concession of up to 6,000 yuan, which reduces the minimum starting price to 163,800 yuan. This is a great opportunity not to be missed. For friends who are interested in starting Lynk & Co 07, this is undoubtedly a good time to save on car purchase costs. If you want to know more preferential policies and the latest car price of specific models, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to let professional consultants provide you with a personalized preferential plan and seize this rare car purchase discount!


As a dynamic and stylish SUV model, the Lynk & Co 07 has a unique exterior design. The front face adopts a family-style urban aesthetic design concept, and the iconic split headlights are perfectly integrated with the front intake grille to create a sharp and technological visual impact. The large-area black grid design shows the elements of power and movement. The overall style is modern and refined, and the streamlined body lines further strengthen the dynamic body contour. The exquisite treatment of details and the unique design make the Lynk & Co 07 stand out and lead the trend in the car series.


The side lines of the Lynk & Co 07 are simple and powerful, with a body size of 4827mm x 1900mm x 1480mm and a wheelbase of 2843mm, providing ample protection for the interior space. The front and rear track are both 1622mm, ensuring driving stability. The tire specification adopts 235/45 R18, and it is matched with a delicate wheel design, which not only enhances the visual impact of the vehicle, but also ensures good grip and handling performance. Overall, the side shape and dimensional details of the Lynk & Co 07 are perfectly integrated, showing the perfect balance of luxury and dynamics.


The interior design of Lynk & Co 07 presents a refined and technological style, and the spacious interior space focuses on comfort and practicality. In front of the driver’s seat is equipped with a high-quality leather steering wheel, which supports manual up and down and front and rear adjustment to ensure the driver has the best operation convenience. A large 15.4-inch touch screen stands on the center console, which integrates multimedia system, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and window control functions. It is easy to operate and supports automatic speech recognition, which is easy for the driver to operate during driving.

In terms of seats, Lynk & Co 07 is made of high-grade leather material, the seat cushion is wide and comfortable, and the main and passenger seats are equipped with multi-directional adjustment functions, including front and rear, backrest, high and low and waist support, to ensure the comfort of long-distance driving. The driver’s seat is also equipped with additional heating, ventilation and massage functions, as well as headrest speakers, providing all-round care for the driver. The passenger seat also has electric adjustment and supports electric memory function, which is convenient for the individual needs of different passengers. In addition, the rear seats support proportional reclining, providing flexible space layout to meet the load needs in different scenarios.


The Lynk & Co 07 is powered by a 1.5T turbocharged engine with a maximum power of 120 kilowatts and 255 Nm of peak torque. The engine produces 163 horsepower, providing plenty of power to the vehicle. A 3-speed DHT transmission is paired to ensure smooth transitions and high-efficiency performance during driving.

After the comprehensive analysis and introduction of the Lynk & Co 07, it is not difficult to find that as an SUV that combines luxury and technology, it has shown unique advantages in the market. However, the competition in the automotive market is fierce. In order to meet the needs and expectations of more consumers, the Lynk & Co brand will often launch preferential policies, including price adjustments and promotions. For consumers who are interested, we recommend paying close attention to the official information and seizing the opportunity of price reduction promotions to get the most cost-effective car buying experience. Lynk & Co 07, with its excellent quality and excellent performance, looks forward to starting a dynamic and comfortable driving journey with you.

BYD Han EV new model official map released new color matching for shape/interior.

On September 27th, BYD officially released the official map of the new model of Han EV (parameter picture). The exterior interior of the new car has not been adjusted, but the aurora blue paint and the golden scale orange/condensed purple carbon fiber contrast interior have been added.

After the release of the new color scheme, the paint colors of BYD Han EV will be increased to five optional colors, namely Chi Di Red, Xuan Kong Black, Time Grey, Snow White and Aurora Blue.

In the interior, four color schemes have been added, namely, Sky Grey, Kirin Zongzi, Suzaku Red and the newly added Golden Scale Orange/Nightmare Purple Carbon Fiber.

Judging from the official map, the new aurora blue color matching belongs to two-color car paint, and the silver chrome-plated strip highlights the texture, which gives people a fashionable overall feeling.

In terms of interior decoration, the overall color tone is mainly golden scale orange, which is a little biased towards brown. The center console, gear handle and other areas are decorated with purple decorative strips, which gives people a more fashionable and profound feeling. Moreover, some areas are decorated with carbon fiber-style plaques, which effectively increases the sporty atmosphere.

In addition, the new car also supports the optional 5G Dana music cockpit upgrade package, with a price of 8000 yuan, including the newly upgraded DiLink4.0 car system and Dana audio system.

The previously launched Zhixiang upgrade package can also be installed at the time of ordering. The price of the upgrade package is 4,999 yuan. After the upgrade of the central control screen, a brand-new CPU will be adopted, and the performance will be improved by 103%, and it will be upgraded to 8GB of memory and 128GB of storage space, and the storage performance will be improved by 300%. The electric tailgate is designed with lock and electric suction, which supports intelligent anti-pinch function.

There is no adjustment in terms of price, and the whole system is still available in four configurations. The official guide price is 209,800-279,500 yuan.

In terms of power, the new car offers single-motor and dual-motor versions. The single-motor version has a maximum power of 222 HP, a peak torque of 330N·m, and an acceleration score of 7.9 seconds per 100 kilometers. The combined maximum power of the dual-motor version is 494 horsepower, the peak torque is 680N·m, and the acceleration score of 100 kilometers is 3.9 seconds.

In terms of battery life, the standard battery life version is equipped with a blade battery pack with a capacity of 64.8kWh, and the NEDC cruising range is 506km;; The rest of the models are equipped with 76.9kWh blade batteries, with a cruising range of 605km for the long battery life version and 550km for the high-performance version.

Helping 800+ smart cities to build, Huawei Cloud AI innovation empowers high-quality development of cities.

On December 20th, "Huawei Cloud City Summit Xiangyang" was held. The theme of the summit is "Cultivate wisdom deeply and make beauty happen", which brings together representatives from all walks of life, such as Zheng Industry-University-Research, to talk about the new direction of smart city construction, smart industry development and ecological construction. Zhang Pingan, managing director of Huawei and CEO of Huawei Cloud, delivered a speech at the meeting, saying: "At present, AI technology is developing rapidly, and innovative applications of large models are constantly emerging, which is accelerating the reshaping of thousands of industries. We will continue to join hands with Xiangyang to seize the development opportunities of AI and draw a beautiful blueprint for smart Xiangyang. "

Zhang Pingan, Managing Director of Huawei and CEO of Huawei Cloud

Embrace the wave of AI development and consolidate the "cloud base" of the digital economy

With the continuous deepening of the digital economy, the demand for artificial intelligence in many industries is increasing, and the importance attached to artificial intelligence at the national level is also increasing. Various localities have made strategic arrangements around the innovation and development of the AI industry. In this context, AI has accelerated the pace of reshaping thousands of industries. As the development trend of the AI era, the new model of deep integration with the real economy is constantly emerging, setting off a new wave of industrial transformation and urban upgrading.

Since 2019, Huawei has invested in the research and development of AI big models, and is committed to giving more value to various industries and societies. In July this year, Pangu Big Model 3.0 was officially released. Pangu Big Model has a three-layer architecture of "basic big model, industry model and scene model", which can provide basic big model capabilities such as natural language, vision, multimodal, prediction and scientific calculation, laying a solid foundation for promoting artificial intelligence to "go deep into reality" and "application innovation".

It is worth mentioning that in addition to providing Pangu big model, the Ascending AI cloud service launched by Huawei Cloud also provides an efficient, stable and well-supplied computing cloud base for open source and tripartite big models, leading the new trend of artificial intelligence technology and becoming the mainstream cloud service of artificial intelligence innovation. It is understood that the number of domestic large models is still on the rise, and all walks of life in the industry are accelerating the layout of AI large models. With the opportunity of the vigorous development of large models, Huawei Cloud has also ushered in new development opportunities.

As the key infrastructure of digital economy, "cloud" is becoming an important engine to help Chinese modernization, and "cloud service" has also become an inevitable choice for digital upgrading of enterprises. Since its establishment, Huawei Cloud has been committed to becoming the "cloud base" and "enabler" of the intelligent world, and is committed to providing users with one-stop cloud computing infrastructure services.

In the new digital era, accelerating the integration and innovation of digitalization, networking and intelligence is also the key point to promote Chinese modernization. In order to build a solid base of intelligent computing power, Huawei adheres to the strategy of All Intelligence to help industry innovation and accelerate the intelligent transformation process of thousands of industries. In terms of smart city construction, Huawei has empowered the construction of urban agents through large models, opened up the Ascending AI cloud service area, large model development tool chain and solution component ecology, and joined hands with government customers and technical partners to accelerate the application innovation of large models in government services, government offices, urban governance and other scenarios through the "Huawei Pangu Government Model Joint Innovation Action".

Help the construction of "city +AI" and promote the high-quality development of smart cities.

Taking Xiangyang as an example, in July 2013, Xiangyang Municipal Government and Huawei signed the Cooperation Agreement on Cloud Computing Data Center in Xiangyang City, which started the journey of building digital government infrastructure together. In the past ten years, the two sides have made concerted efforts and actively explored, and successfully built the leading cloud-native government cloud infrastructure in China, helping Xiangyang to comprehensively carry out information and innovation in the smart city construction system. In terms of smart government affairs, Xiangyang has deployed more than 95% of municipal government affairs applications to Xiangyang Cloud, involving more than 400 business systems run by more than 90 bureaus. The two sides have also cooperated closely in application innovation and industrial development, actively introducing partners, and creating a cloud industry ecology to help Xiangyang’s digital economy industry flourish.

Not only Xiangyang, but also Huawei Cloud has joined hands with many cities to complete the "ten-year long-distance running", deeply cultivating the construction of smart cities and leading the intelligent upgrading of cities. Up to now, Huawei Cloud has served digital projects in more than 800 cities around the world, and built "One City, One Cloud" with more than 160 cities across the country. At the same time, Huawei Cloud has also maintained rapid growth in the field of government affairs. According to IDC statistics, with its advantages in technical solutions, operational services, practical experience and ecology, Huawei Cloud has maintained the first place in the infrastructure market in government cloud, China for six consecutive years, and its innovative capabilities such as cloud native, big data and AI have been obtained.

Nowadays, the arrival of AI big model era has promoted the ecological prosperity of artificial intelligence industry, and "city +AI" has become an important part of smart city construction. Facing the new opportunity of AI big model and the new trend of "city +AI", Huawei Cloud will actively build digital people, digital cities and digital brains through four innovations of "computing power innovation, data innovation, model innovation and scene innovation" and two upgrades of "promoting security system and operation service system", which will give wings to urban business innovation, accelerate the city to a new stage of intelligence, and take "cloud +AI" as a total. This year, Huawei Cloud upgraded "One Cloud in the City 3.0" to help the city accelerate towards intelligence. Facing the future, Huawei Cloud will adhere to the core concept of "everything is service" and join hands with government customers and technology partners to go to the smart city in the new decade.

Xiaokang shares were investigated by 87 institutions: only about 8,000 SF5s were delivered in 2021, and the reason for the small delivery was mainly due to chip problems (with survey questions and ans

  () The Record Form of Investor Relations Activities was released on January 8th, and the company was investigated by 87 institutions on January 7th, 2022. The types of institutions are QFII, insurance companies, others, fund companies, overseas institutions, securities companies and Sunshine private equity institutions.

  The main contents of investor relations activities are introduced:

  First, introduce the company’s situation. Xiaokang and Huawei create a new model of deep cross-border cooperation in joint business. On April 19th, 2021, we started a mobile phone shop to buy cars. On December 23rd, Huawei released a new mobile phone and our new car at the same time, which was the first time that two smart terminals, a mobile phone and a car, were released at the same conference. The conference was a great success. It cooperated with Huawei and has a strong online digital marketing channel, especially in the core business district, which has a large number of offline store resources and is convenient for users to reach. We pursue quality delivery, adopt experiential marketing, and adopt a new sales model based on our vast offline store resources, which has a good response and strong customer purchase intention. We think this new sales model is the development trend of intelligent electric vehicles.

  Second, explain the company’s current hot topic in the market (1) Xiaokang initiated a new model of joint cross-border cooperation.

  On the question of whether Xiaokang is a foundry, we made it clear that we didn’t do it before and now, let alone a foundry. Eighteen years ago, before we entered the automobile industry, the cooperation with Dongfeng Group realized the first successful cross-border of Xiaokang shares, and Xiaokang shares did not work as a foundry. According to the strategic agreement, joint business cooperation agreement and related agreements signed by us and Huawei, we and Huawei are long-term partners. From R&D to manufacturing to delivery of automobile business, the company is responsible for R&D, manufacturing, delivery, service and creating user experience in the whole life cycle; Huawei is deeply involved in product definition, quality control and channel sales.

  The cross-border cooperation between Xiaokang and Huawei is deeply successful. The teams of the two sides have worked hard day and night and invested huge manpower and resources. Now and in the future, there is no reason for the two sides not to cooperate.

  (2) Regarding whether SF5 is discontinued:

  SF5 and Wujie M5 are both models of Celestial Company, and the company will continue to introduce new models to meet the needs of more users. As far as the company is concerned, we will not take the initiative to stop production. As long as users have demand, we will produce and deliver it. That’s the case with SF5. We will not take the initiative to stop production. The price of SF5 and Wujie M5 are different, so users can choose. We give the choice to users! Orders will be produced, delivered and served, and Cyrus will serve every car and every new and old user! Whether SF5 or M5, we will achieve high-quality delivery.

  (III) Question and answer session of investors

  Q: A new model of cooperation between Huawei and Xiaokang emerged at the end of the 21st century. Can you introduce the cooperation model in detail and how to learn from each other’s strengths?

  A: The cooperation with Huawei is cross-industry cooperation. Huawei Terminal Company is well aware of customer needs. As a mature vehicle enterprise, Xiaokang has experience in automobile research and development, manufacturing, sales and service. The cooperation between the two parties has created a precedent in the industry and produced a lot of valuable experience. This model is also the development trend and future of the smart electric vehicle industry, and it has also achieved some success. Before Xiaokang was engaged in automobile and () cooperation, Xiaokang shares crossed the border into the field of micro-cars. Since we entered this industry in 2003, there were many friends, and now there are only three enterprises left in that year: Wuling, Changan and Xiaokang. This shows that we have experience in cooperation with other enterprises, and we also have a successful experience base. Xiaokang is a modern private enterprise with high efficiency. The cooperation with Huawei over the past year has also proved the success of an efficient and standardized private enterprise mechanism. We launched a new model in March last year, and everyone saw our M5 debut in December last year. I believe that the effect of cross-border cooperation will begin to be reflected in the first quarter of this year, and batch delivery will begin in March this year. We are very confident about the sales data in the second and fourth quarters.

  The monthly sales target of the new energy automobile industry is over 10,000 yuan. We think this is the threshold sales volume of new energy vehicles in 2022, which is our goal, and the threshold sales volume will be higher in the future. At present, it usually takes a certain time for the sales of high-end electric vehicles to climb. We have full confidence and confidence in our products and channels, and hope to achieve the sales scale achieved by others in five or six years within two years.

  Q: The delivery volume of SF5 last year was less than the market expectation. What did the company think?

  A: Only about 8,000 SF5s were delivered in 2021, and the reason for the small delivery was mainly due to chip problems. The chip will affect our delivery mainly because our owner of SF5 is developed in the United States, so he uses more American electronic materials, which has been greatly affected.

  Q: Can you tell us about the follow-up vehicle planning?

  A: We have now launched the M5, and it is expected that a new large SUV will be launched at the end of the second quarter or the beginning of the third quarter in the middle of the year. I’ve been driving the M5 myself for some time, and I’m confident that it’s a car that can’t be separated once I get started. We are also developing a new large-size SUV, which will be released in 2023.

  Q: What is the pace of the subsequent launch of pure electric vehicles?

  A: There will be pure electric vehicles coming out this year. Because in 23 years, Shanghai’s extended journey can’t get a green card. Considering these market demands, we will have a pure electric version of M5.

  Q: When will the M5 be officially delivered? What is the output scale?

  A: There will be small batch delivery in February, and batch delivery will start in March. Wenjie M5 is mainly produced in Liangjiang Factory in Chongqing, which can produce 30 sets per hour, and its automation efficiency is still very high. This factory can produce 15,000 units a month. The models in the second half of the year will be produced in another factory in Chongqing, which will not affect the production capacity of M5.

  Q: Will Huawei cooperate with other car companies?

  A: Although it’s not up to us to decide who Huawei will cooperate with, our cooperation is already deep. As mentioned earlier, Xiaokang Co., Ltd. is a modern private enterprise, and its efficient and flexible mechanism is our advantage, so it is difficult for other manufacturers to reproduce it in a short time. Our cooperation is our common choice.

  Q: Why is Huawei’s self-driving system not reflected in the M5? Will it be reflected in subsequent models?

  A: Huawei’s autopilot is different from Tesla’s autopilot. Huawei’s auto-driving is vehicle-road coordination, which requires vehicle-road coordination. Without road coordination, the auto-driving of the car cannot be played out. Tesla’s auto-driving is self-adaptive auto-driving, and the road is only an aid. The contents of China’s road regulations on autonomous driving are still under study, and we also hope that China’s roads will be opened to autonomous driving as soon as possible. Auto-driving vehicle-road coordination is not only to ensure that my car does not hit the wall, but also to ensure that other people’s cars do not hit me. This high-order auto-driving technology of vehicle-road coordination is very advanced and needs time data verification. Our follow-up models will definitely have Huawei’s advanced autonomous driving.

  Q: What do you think of the present integrated die casting technology? Will you consider using integrated die casting technology for any vehicle model in the future? Is there a die casting factory or die casting machine factory in communication?

  A: It is expected that from the end of this year to the first half of next year, we will realize integrated die-casting body. Now it has entered the stage of comprehensive research and development. This technology will reduce the weight of the car body and increase the output. Because at present, the front section and the rear section are provided for welding, the technology will be integrated aluminum alloy die casting, which will greatly improve the production efficiency;

  Chongqing Xiaokang Industrial Group Co., Ltd. is a manufacturing enterprise integrating R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, powertrains and other automobile parts. The company currently has complete vehicle brands such as SERES, Dongfeng Scenery, Dongfeng Xiaokang, DFSK, Ruichi, etc. The main product pedigree includes SUV, MPV, mini-car and core parts. Among them, the whole vehicle products cover intelligent electric vehicles and fuel vehicles, and the core components include powertrain and three electric products with displacement from 1.5t to 2.0t..

  Details of participating institutions are as follows:

Name of participating unit Category of participating units Name of participants Wanjia fund Fund company — CITIC Prudential Fund Fund company — Industrial fund Fund company — Chuang Jin he Xin Fund company — Huaxia fund Fund company — China Resources Yuanda Fund Fund company — Harvest fund Fund company — China Life Security Fund Fund company — Yuanxin Yongfeng Fund Fund company — Yuancheng fund Fund company — da cheng fund management co.,ltd Fund company — Anxin fund Fund company — Rich country fund Fund company — ICBC Credit Suisse Fund Fund company — Guangfa fund Fund company — Investment promotion fund Fund company — Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Fund company — Jing Shun Great Wall Fund Fund company — Yongying fund Fund company — HSBC Jintrust Fund Fund company — Huian fund Fund company — Hongde fund Fund company — Puyin AXA Fund Fund company — Chengtong fund Fund company — Jinyuan Shun ‘an Fund Fund company — Xinyuan fund Fund company — Changsheng fund Fund company — Citic jiantou securities securities company — CITICS securities company — BOC International Securities securities company — Everbright securities securities company — Huachuang proprietary securities company — Huatai Securities securities company — Bohai securities securities company — Western securities securities company — Caitong securities securities company — Tongben investment Sunshine private placement organization — Jianxin fund Sunshine private placement organization — De Rui heng feng Sunshine private placement organization — Yitong investment Sunshine private placement organization — Xiniu investment Sunshine private placement organization — Ruipu investment Sunshine private placement organization — Guanfu assets Sunshine private placement organization — Qingli investment Sunshine private placement organization — Gaoyi assets Sunshine private placement organization — Hongdao investment Sunshine private placement organization — China People’s Life Insurance insurance company — Chinese people’s insurance insurance company — Agricultural bank of China life insurance insurance company — Guotai property insurance insurance company — Allianz insurance assets insurance company — Xinhua endowment insurance insurance company — Xinhua assets insurance company — Taikang assets insurance company — Yingda insurance assets insurance company — Sunshine assets insurance company — Anatole Investment Management Limited overseas establishment — Green Court Capital overseas establishment — Citic jiantou international overseas establishment — Aia insurance overseas establishment — Hanya investment QFII — Wanna assets other — Dongfang jiafu other — Zhongmin investment Ben other — Zhongrong International Trust other — Agricultural bank wealth management other — Dajia assets other — Ningquan assets other — Ningyin wealth management other — Yudi investment other — Cigna other — Zhaoyin international other — Zhengxingu investment other — Fengjing capital other — Haidingyuan — — Chengjin asset management other — Panjing investment other — Sheng quan heng yuan other — Guandao assets other — Heqi investment other — Honghua investment other — Juming investment other — Jinyu investment other — Yinye investment other — Ruitian investment other — Sunshine Tianhong assets other — Hongshang capital other —