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How to eat Lantern Festival healthily? Listen to what the experts say … …

Sichuan online reporter Shi Xiaohong

This year’s Lantern Festival is coming soon. On this day, every family will eat Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, which means "reunion and beauty". But what problems should we pay attention to when eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan? How to eat it correctly? In this regard, we asked Liang Qingyue, a nutritionist from the Seventh People’s Hospital of Chengdu, to answer the questions.


When getting up early, the gastrointestinal function is weak, and eating Yuanxiao for breakfast is prone to indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn. Eating Yuanxiao before meals will stimulate insulin secretion, causing blood sugar instability in the body. Eating after meals will lead to excessive total calories. Eating Yuanxiao in the meal can avoid these two situations.

Appropriate amount:

Tangyuan is a high-sugar and high-fat food, and its skin is mostly sticky glutinous rice flour, which is not easy to digest and will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause indigestion such as abdominal distension and abdominal pain, and it is easy to form gastroliths and fecal stones, which may lead to intestinal obstruction. There are many kinds of fillings, such as sesame, peanut, jam, chocolate, etc., but in order to pursue better taste and more delicious, they often contain more sugar and fat. Therefore, children and the elderly with weak gastrointestinal function should pay attention when eating and eat as little as possible. It should be based on moderate consumption. While eating Yuanxiao or Tangyuan, it is not recommended to eat other foods with high sugar content, and at the same time, the intake of other staple foods should be reduced accordingly. Generally speaking, if you eat three, you will have to subtract one or two staple foods (half a bowl of rice) of the day.

Beware of the word "sugar-free" for diabetics;

In recent years, sugar-free food has become popular, and sugar-free dumplings have emerged. Although there is no sucrose, in fact, sugar-free dumplings do not mean low calories, and sugar-free dumplings also contain starch and oil. Sweeteners used to improve the taste, such as saccharin, xylitol, aspartame, etc., are also easy to give people the illusion, which will make people think that although the taste is sweet, it is not sugar, so they can take off their guard and eat with confidence. Although these "sugar-free" Yuanxiao and Tangyuan do not contain sucrose, the starch substances they contain will still be converted into glucose in the human body. At this time, the purpose of controlling blood sugar can not be achieved, and at the same time, the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease may be increased by affecting the imbalance of intestinal flora and the dysfunction of brain feeding center.

Comparison of calories of several kinds of glutinous rice balls. Photo courtesy of Chengdu No.7 Hospital

People with hyperlipidemia eat less:

In order to make the taste of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan more delicate, in addition to the skin, the producer will also add a lot of oil to the stuffing for modulation, so under normal circumstances, the fat content of Yuanxiao stuffing will be higher. If you suddenly eat a lot, it will easily lead to an increase in blood lipids, which will lead to pancreatitis. Therefore, people with high blood lipids should pay more attention when eating Yuanxiao.

How to buy Lantern Festival?

First of all, look at the label information on the packaging bag. Pay attention to carefully check the food label information on the packaging bag when buying Yuanxiao in the supermarket. Including: food name, ingredient list, net content and specifications, name, address and contact information of producers and/or distributors, production date and shelf life, storage conditions, food production license number, product standard code and other items that need to be marked. If the food label on the packaging bag is incomplete, you should buy it carefully.

Secondly, it depends on the order of ingredients in the ingredient list. National food safety standards require that any substance used in food processing should be marked, and if there are ingredients with an addition of more than 2%, they should be arranged from high to low when making or processing food. Therefore, when we buy Yuanxiao, we should remember to understand the ingredients list first, and know what ingredients are used in the production process of Yuanxiao, especially for people with allergies, to see if there are any ingredients that cause allergies, and to find out the usage of the ingredients of the products before deciding which products to buy.

The third depends on the storage conditions. At present, most of the products sold in supermarkets are quick-frozen dumplings. Frozen food should be sold under frozen conditions, but don’t buy products with frost or ice ballast. Frost or ice ballast indicates that the storage temperature of the products is unstable, and the products are prone to rancidity and deterioration, which has a great impact on product quality. In addition, good Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are uniform in color, basically round in shape, basically the same in size, with uniform thickness of cortex, no stuffing, no cracks, no visible impurities and no mildew spots.

Homework can’t be solved by search software? This phenomenon should be managed.

  With the search software, my mother no longer has to worry about my study?

  But in reality, there is such a problem. Students who make perfect exercise papers don’t score high in the exam. Usually, when you encounter homework problems, open the network search software to check, and the direct answer will come out, and the exercise paper will be completed well and quickly; But in the examination room, there is no "blessing" of the search software, and the same problem-solving ideas are full of mistakes.

  On the eve of the Eighth Young Pioneers Congress in Shanghai, many young pioneers, including Maree Lau from Shanghai No.54 Middle School and Tang Ying from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, paid attention to this phenomenon and made investigations. At the same time, they submitted relevant proposals, suggesting that the number of times of searching questions by using search software should be limited, and the software should provide ideas for solving problems instead of giving answers.

  The exercise paper is perfect, but I guess it even in the exam.

  Maree Lau, a student from Shanghai No.54 Middle School, was very impressed by an exercise paper on the calculation of mathematical real numbers, and the steps of each calculation problem were impeccable. But in the math exam, the student who made the perfect exercise paper didn’t score high.

  Exploring the reasons behind it, Maree Lau found that many students around him did not think about how to solve the problem by themselves first, but habitually turned on the network search software to check the answer, and easily made a perfect score assignment through the function of tapping the question in seconds by some software. "Solving problems without thinking is useless for learning. They often expose many problems in exams." Maree Lau said.

  Tang Ying, a student from Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, also found that some students around her used the online search App and conducted "autonomous learning". The completion of homework achieved acceleration, but the learning attitude and independent thinking ability were greatly affected. I could only guess in the exam, and the error rate soared.

  How many students have tried to solve problems with search software? Maree Lau and Tang Ying conducted research in their schools respectively.

  The former found that the survey showed that 85% of the students would use the search software when they encountered problems, and more than 70% of the students chose "Yes" when answering "Do you have any excellent homework by software around you?".

  The latter found that more than 90% of the team members are familiar with homework search software or channels such as homework help and Little Ape Search, among which more than 50% of the team members have used this method for "autonomous learning" or homework completion, including those with excellent academic performance.

  Tang Ying said frankly: "Some of these players use the software to find ideas for solving problems and read excellent articles, while others copy the answers directly and just want to finish their homework as soon as possible."

  Maree Lau also noticed the feedback that "the software sometimes gives wrong answers". To this end, she used the software to carry out experiments and found that some questions will have correct answers and two or three wrong answers at the same time. "It is a difficult problem that can’t be solved, and then giving the wrong answer will not only solve the problem, but also mislead the questioner."

  Limit the number of times of use and only give ideas for solving problems.

  At Tangwai Middle School in Fengxian District, Gu Bei, a team counselor, also organized an in-depth discussion. As a result, I heard the voices from the players.

  "They said that they sometimes want to ask their parents about the questions they can’t do, but the other party is always busy looking at the mobile phone and letting the children go online to check the answers. Sometimes the other party will also look at the problems encountered by the children, but it turns out that they won’t do it either, and finally they will check it online." Gu Wei said.

  As a teacher, Gu Bei does not advocate the use of online search software, but she also noticed that "there is a demand behind this problem". The key is to let students understand what the "initial intention" of using software is, "is it to help them learn the problem-solving ideas or just to be lazy and have fun?"

  Maree Lau also said that when the search software becomes a "helper" to complete homework, students will be overly dependent and lose their independent thinking ability.

  Maree Lau suggested that the search software can be used as a platform to assist students in learning, but it is necessary to "limit" the number of questions per day. "I think it is better to limit the number of questions per day to less than 10 times, and then refer to it if it is not."

  In addition, she thinks it’s best to use the software in real-name registration system. A student can only apply for one number, and the software should also check the correctness of the answers to the questions regularly.

  Jiang Chenyue, a small representative from Shangmei Middle School in Qingpu District, Shanghai, suggested that the right to use the software can be "restricted". "For example, we don’t give the answers directly to the questions we check, but give the ideas for solving the problems, so that we can use our brains to solve them ourselves."

  Tang Ying suggested that if the team members want to reduce the use of search software, the subject teachers in the school can analyze and record the problems and upload them to the campus APP, so as to provide problem-solving ideas for the team members’ learning. By learning videos and punching in points, the team members can be encouraged to see more, think more and compare more.

  Tang Ying also suggested that a "study group" can be set up in the squadron, and a study group system can be set up to study together during recess and after school. "Parents should never save trouble, just throw us to mobile phones and computers, and you can watch online problem-solving ideas with us and solve problems together."

Night reading: autumn flavor

  In autumn, count the sunlight that leaks between the leaves of Sophora japonica.

  Autumn, close to an ancient city with a little osmanthus fragrance.

  Autumn comforts the lost geese and flowers covered with frost.

  In autumn, enjoy the leaves on the moon, eat crabs around the stove, read books and write letters.

  Autumn, thinning day, missing heart, live well.

  The autumnal equinox has arrived, and the National Day holiday is just around the corner. Follow famous artists and taste autumn all over again.

  ▽ Drink tea and count the sunlight leaking between autumn leaves.

  Even if you don’t go out in Beiping, you can rent a dilapidated house to live in the sea of people in the imperial city. When you get up in the morning, make a bowl of strong tea and sit in the yard, you can see the high green sky and hear the flying of pigeons in the blue sky. From the bottom of Sophora japonica leaves, counting a trace of leaked sunlight to the east, or in the broken waist, facing the blue flower of morning glory like a trumpet, you can naturally feel very autumn. — — Yu Dafu’s Autumn in the Old Capital

  ▽ Look at the mountains all over the place, and the layers of forest are all dyed.

   When the leaves are gradually sparse, Lin Qiu shows their elegance, which is free and easy without any embellishment and aloof from worldly prosperity. 

  The most touching thing is that the setting sun is reflected in Lin Qiu. It was so drunk that it set off the deepening dusk in the sky. The evening breeze is clear and cool, and it is a very beautiful and sad beauty with the twilight. It makes you want to shed a few lines of tears of life experience, but you are intimidated by the fading drunken red, and you are willing to condense your unrestrained emotions. — — Roland’s Ode to Autumn

  ▽ Close to a poetic ancient city.

  In autumn, water is as cool as the blue sky. There are some white clouds in the sky and some waves on the water. Between Tianshui and Tianshui, it is all clear and warm air, with a little sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance. The mountain shadow is also more real. Autumn mountains and autumn waters kissed vainly. When the mountain is still, the water is quiet. The medieval old city, with autumn colors and autumn sounds, is Jinan and a poem. — — Lao She’s Autumn in Jinan 

  Leaning under the ginkgo tree in front of the door, listening to the late cicada.

   Looking at the sky by the door, the sky is pale purple and dark yellow. Looking around, the straw piles in villages everywhere were plated with gold in the dusk setting sun. After the smoke rises, it falls again, dragging it into a white curtain to the slope. In the distance, in the empty field where the grain has been cut, the roots of the grain are white, such as drawing countless dots on a piece of paper. All the scenes are like poems, unspeakable harmony and untold beauty. 

  In this situation, Wuming and Ahei are leaning under the ginkgo tree in front of the door to listen to the cicada in the evening. I wonder if there are tears and other things in the world. — — Shen Congwen’s Autumn 

  ▽ Comfort the little flowers covered with frost:

   Autumn and winter are followed by spring. 

  In my backyard, you can see two trees outside the wall, one is jujube, and the other is jujube. The night sky above is strange and high. I have never seen such a strange and high sky in my life. He seems to be leaving the world, so that people will no longer see him on their backs. However, now it is very blue, blinking with dozens of stars, coldly. He smiled at his quarrel, as if he thought he had great meaning, and sprinkled numerous frost on the wild flowers and plants in my garden.

  I don’t know what the real names of those flowers and plants are and what people call them. I remember a tiny pink flower, which is still blooming, but it is even smaller. In the cold night air, she timidly dreamed of the arrival of spring and autumn. She dreamed that the thin poet wiped tears on her last petal and told her that although autumn came, winter came, and then it was spring, butterflies flew around and bees sang spring words. She then smiled, although the color was red with cold, she still cringed. — — Lu Xun’s Autumn Night

  ▽ Ride the rain and net the whole autumn world.

  Rain, like silver-gray sticky spider silk, weaves into a soft net and nets the whole autumn world. The sky is dark, too, like the roof of an old house covered with spider webs. That pile of gray clouds in the sky is like white powder peeling off the roof. Under the cover of this old roof, everything is extremely dull.

  The green mulberry trees and vines in the garden only represent the prosperity of the past summer, but now they have become the remains of ancient Roman architecture, shivering in the rustling rain and recalling the glorious past. The grass color has turned into a melancholy yellow, and no fresh flowers can be found underground; The delicate daffodils planted outside the dormitory wall hung their heads with tears in their eyes, sighing their poor luck there, only after two days of beautiful days and such a musty rainy day.

  Only the sweet-scented osmanthus in the corner, the branches have been decorated with several tender buds as precious as gold, carefully hidden under the green oval leaves, revealing a little hope of new life germination. — — Zhang Ailing’s Autumn Rain

  ▽ Enjoy osmanthus and eat crabs.

  The day before yesterday, my aunt also said that she would invite the old lady to enjoy osmanthus flowers and eat crabs in the garden, because something has not been invited yet. Don’t mention the poetry club now, just ask for it. When they are separated, how many poems will we have to write? My brother and I told him to bring a few baskets of extremely fat crabs, take a few jars of good wine from the shop, and prepare four or five tables of fruit plates, which would not save trouble and make everyone lively. — — Cao Xueqin’s Dream of Red Mansions


  I only feel that my mood is very harmonious in autumn. Instead of that kind of ecstasy and anxiety, I was often attracted by autumn wind, autumn rain, autumn scenery and Qiu Guang and melted in the autumn, temporarily losing my place.

  It is necessary to enter autumn, when the sun shows all its might and gradually retreats, the skin soaked with sweat gradually shrinks, and it seems that you are going to have a cold shiver when you wear a light coat, but when you feel comfortable when you touch the flannel with your hands, then knowledge such as cooking, hugging and bathing days can be gradually integrated into the experience world and turned into a sense of body. — — Feng Zikai’s Autumn

  ▽ Dusk, sitting alone, empty.

  At dusk in autumn, sitting alone on the sofa, smoking, watching the red light under the white ash of cigarette butts, slightly revealing the heating, my heart’s mood will follow the blue smoke, just as relaxed and free. In an instant, the smoke turns into wisps and slowly disappears, but at that moment, the mood in my heart is also depressed in the world … … — — Lin Yutang’s "The Taste of Autumn"

  ▽ Savor autumn in the trivial.

  Autumn also comes from the color of the soles of feet and the luster of nails. Let me go barefoot before summer. Hide your bare feet before autumn comes. Trim your nails in summer. Is it warmer to leave some dirty nails in early autumn? In autumn, the elbow is tanned because the elbow is bent as a pillow. If you don’t have a strong appetite in autumn, you will be a little empty. People with too thick earwax don’t know autumn. — — Kawabata Yasunari’s Four Scenes in Early Autumn

  ▽ Reading, writing long letters, wandering … …

   Whoever doesn’t have a house at this time doesn’t have to build it.

   Whoever is lonely at this time will always be lonely,

   Just wake up, read, write long letters,

   Keep wandering and falling leaves on the tree-lined road. — — Rilke’s Autumn Day

  ▽ Purify body and mind with autumn music.

  I put my cheek on the window glass, which was quite cold. I looked out of the window with the desire to enjoy, and the nature in autumn unfolded a brilliant scene.

  The sun shines like the bright timbre of the piano on this harvested field, and the whole earth is like a mother who has given birth to a baby, happily stretching under the open clear sky, lying down with a plump and flexible body! The thick reddish brown exposed from the stubble is the strong skin color of Mother Earth. All the Woods have inflated their energy to the end in the hot summer competition, and now they are freely stretching their beautiful branches; All the golden leaves are its fruits, and the autumn wind turns, boasting brilliantly the richness of autumn … … — — Feng Jicai’s Music in Autumn

  ▽ Memory.

   I remember what you looked like last autumn, with a gray beret and a calm heart. The flames of the sunset glow fight in your eyes. Leaves are falling on the surface of your soul. You are like a vine wrapped around my arms, and the leaves collect your slow and calm voice. A bonfire of amazement burning with my longing. … … The sky of the ship, the buildings of the mountains: your memory is composed of light, smoke and calm ponds! There are thousands of sunsets burning in the depths of your eyes. The dead leaves of autumn revolve around your soul. — — Nie Luda’s I Remember You Last Autumn.


  It was autumn again, and my sister pushed me to Beihai to see chrysanthemums. The yellow flowers are elegant, the white flowers are noble, and the purple flowers are warm and deep, splashing, and the autumn wind is blooming brilliantly. I know what my mother left unfinished. So does my sister. We are together, so we should live well … … — — Shi Tiesheng’s Missing in Autumn

  Put it down.

  Autumn has rubbed off the old leaves. Do you want to hear a new story? The quiet river opened its eyes and said with a smile: there are always people who go home and there are always offshore boats. — — Jian Zheng’s Upright 

"I went to Chunshan to invite you to meet …" How beautiful is Guizhou in spring? Humming "Shang Chun Shan" to find out.

Original Guizhou Culture and Tourism Department Guizhou Culture and Tourism Department

"In February, the willows are drunk with spring smoke/in March, the grass is long in the mountains/the most beautiful is the day in April/the spring water is as green as blue/the spring scenery makes people sleepless/the spring rain fills the pond and calls water lilies …"

This year’s CCTV Spring Festival Evening

A song "Up in the Spring Mountain" is on fire.

Provoked many netizens.

I want to go to Shangchun Mountain in Guizhou and see the beautiful scenery.

Juck Zhang, the creator, said that "Shang Chun Shan" expresses the scene of meeting friends and family for a spring outing together, behind which he and Jade Bracelet poured their infinite affection for Guizhou’s landscape. In Juck Zhang’s eyes, Spring Mountain is in Wan Fenglin and Fanjing Mountain in February, Gui ‘an Sakura Garden in March, Baili Rhododendron in April, and Longquan Mountain reflects the mountain red at the end of April.

Follow "Shang Chun Shan"

Let’s enjoy the spring scenery in Guizhou.

"In February, the willows are drunk with spring smoke."

The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke. -"Village Residence" Qing Gao Ding

Wan Fenglin is the first place to punch in every spring!


Rape flowers in Wan Fenglin bloom like the sea.

The most beautiful season of the year has arrived.

From popular news

In the unique karst mountain forest landscape

Walking through the sea of rape flowers

Rolling in the fields and flowers

Sit in a daze in the cafe next to Huatian

Is the best way to kill the early spring time.

From popular news

Thousands of lovely steamed bread peaks

A gray-tiled white room decorated occasionally in a golden sea of flowers

This flower field feast of the most beautiful peak forest in China

Sending you an invitation to spring.

From popular news

Fanjing Mountain in Spring

The mountains are green and the springs are tinkling.

Recommend a reward here.

Clouds of clouds in spring

The picture comes from the Rural Cultural Tourism Department of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

Because of the influence of temperature and water vapor

Spring is a season of frequent clouds, Zen and fog in Fanjing Mountain.

Zen fog comes from the water vapor transpiration in the mountains.

The hazy fog seems to be still green.

When the morning sun shines on the jungle surrounded by Zen fog

Dindar light fell from the branches and shone on the wet leaves.

There seems to be a sparkling wave in the Zen fog.

Walk through the Zen fog by cableway

As if roaming in a blue-green lake.

Hazy and cool, gentle and deep.

Photo by Qiu Yong

Like Zen fog, the sea of clouds in spring may not be as white and magnificent as autumn.

But when it gently enveloped the mountainside.

The whole mountain is looming.

The picture comes from the Rural Cultural Tourism Department of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

While stirring, I can feel the vigorous vitality.

This is the charm of the sea of clouds in spring.

"The mountains and grass are long on March 3."

Outside the flowers, the green curtain is fascinated by wine, and the light on the stranger is clear and green. Jiachen March 3 rd. -"Ten Beats (Shangsi)" Song Zhao Shandai

Gui’ an Sakura Garden Data Map Photo by Xia Junjie

Gui ‘an Sakura Garden is a well-deserved "online celebrity" in spring in Guizhou.

Must be the first choice for spring outing.

The picture comes from enjoying Guizhou.

Tens of thousands of acres of cherry blossoms spread next to Hongfeng Lake.

Decorate the earth into a romantic pink,

Form a lake with mountains and rivers alternating on four sides and cherry blossoms on three sides.

A beautiful picture of a city with mountains and half a city with cherry blossoms,

Very romantic!

"The most beautiful day is April on earth."

In April of the world, the flowers have withered, the peach blossoms in the ancient temples are just in full bloom. -"Peach Blossom in Dalin Temple" Tang Bai Juyi

The picture comes from the Rural Cultural Tourism Department of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

Baili Rhododendron is the business card of "Flower Sea Bijie"

It is the only azalea national forest park in the world.

It is also the largest, most diverse and best-preserved rhododendron forest belt.

It is a veritable "cuckoo kingdom"

The picture comes from the Rural Cultural Tourism Department of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

From late March in late spring

A feast of azaleas is gradually opening.

Rhododendrons of all colors are in full bloom.

A colorful scene.

It’s like a vast brocade.


Tourists are watching wild azaleas. Photo by Huang Xiaohai

Every year from April to May.

Tens of thousands of acres of wild azaleas in Longquan Mountain will compete to bloom.

Striving for novelty and fighting for beauty is popular in Shan Ye.

Photo by Yang Wukui

Rhododendron, also known as azalea

Beautiful and attractive posture

Just like a poem by Yang Wanli in the Song Dynasty: "Why do you have to watch the spring breeze in a famous garden?" Every day, Jinjiang is like a brocade, and Qingxi shines on the mountain red. "

Wan Qing Hua Kai

Standing in the sea of flowers

You can feel the abundant spring ~

"A spring river is as green as blue"

When spring comes, the sun rises from the surface of the river, and the flowers on the river are brighter than red, the green river green more than blue grass. -"Recalling Jiangnan" Tang Bai Juyi

The picture comes from the Rural Cultural Tourism Department of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

The green river in Seven Small Arches.

It’s always unbelievable

There is such beautiful water.

The scenery along the way is absolutely wonderful.

Stop and go

The scenery is beautiful.

The picture comes from the Rural Cultural Tourism Department of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

Seven Small Arches scenic spot melts

Mountains, water, forests, caves, lakes and waterfalls are integrated.

There are mainly 21 scenic spots, such as Seven Small Arches ancient bridge, Laya Waterfall, 68-level waterfall Shishang forest, wild pig forest, aquatic forest, Tianzhongdong, Wolong Lake and Yuanyang Lake.

Spring scenery has quietly bloomed.

Come to Guizhou with the spring breeze.

Go to the spring mountain, enjoy the spring scenery and see the scenery.

Encounter a romantic spring day

Source: Original starting of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Source: Rural Cultural Tourism Department of Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Zhongwang News, Enjoy Guizhou, Yunshang Danzhai and Fanjing Mountain Scenic Area.

Original title: "I went to Chunshan to invite you to meet …" How beautiful is Guizhou in spring? Humming "On the Spring Mountain" to find out "

Notice! Working hours have changed!


The eight-day Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end.

While everyone is enjoying the holiday life.

Don’t forget.

February 18th is a working day.

According to the general office of the State Council.

Notice on Some Holiday Arrangements in 2024

The Spring Festival is on holiday from February 10th to 17th.

A total of 8 days

February 18th (Sunday)

Going to work!

Friends who usually set the working day alarm clock.

Don’t forget to set the alarm clock.

In case of being late

Six strokes of "heart-closing Dafa" quickly forward the collection.

1. Adjust work and rest

The rhythm of eating and sleeping during the long vacation will affect your work and rest time. You need to go to bed early and get up early on the last day to restore a healthy biological clock in order to deal with work items efficiently.

2, moderate diet

In any case, you still have to eat something, just seven or eight points full. Because of irregular eating during holidays, abdominal distension or anorexia after holidays, you can take some drugs to help digestion. If you are anorexic, you can eat some stomach-invigorating and digestion-promoting tablets or hawthorn tablets appropriately, try to eat light meals, mainly fruits and vegetables, and let your stomach full of fish rest.

3. Enhance exercise

During the holidays, people will become "lazy" if they exercise less. Before the holidays are over, aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, yoga and badminton, can help the body consume some energy and regain its vitality.

4. Adjust your mentality

Use your spare time to do things you like, such as listening to music, reading, sports, etc., which are helpful to relax your mind and restore your attention; Take a deep breath every few hours, or have some tea and coffee to refresh yourself.

5. Control Internet access

Strictly control the online time. Whether it is a mobile phone or a computer, rest for at least 15 minutes for more than 1 hour. At the same time, eat more foods rich in vitamin supplements and protein, such as animal liver, lean meat, carrots and bean sprouts, or make tea with chrysanthemum and medlar.

6. Work planning

Write a memo and list the things that need to be done after work, so that you can be practical and clear at a glance. In a short period of time, the work intensity should not be too high, so it should be gradual. Two days before going to work, try to arrange some planned and communicative work, which can give yourself a period of buffer adjustment, finish the necessary work first, and don’t give yourself too much pressure.

Original title: "Notice! Working hours have changed! 》

Read the original text

[Traveling in Xinjiang] Protecting the "Kidney of Nature" Xinjiang wetland is full of vitality and picturesque scenery.

  Speaking of Sailimu Lake National Wetland Park, the tourists who have been here just past the "Eleventh" holiday are still unforgettable. The wetland park covers a total area of more than 1,000 square kilometers. There is the alpine cold water lake with the highest altitude and the largest area in Xinjiang. Wild foxes occasionally appear in the grass covered with wild flowers. There are groups of white swans flying over the lake with water and sky. There are 639 species of wild plants and 143 species of wild animals in various landscapes such as lakes, rivers, meadows and swamps.

  During the "Eleventh" holiday, Mr. Zhang, a tourist from Shenzhen, stayed here for three days and still felt that he didn’t stay enough. Although he didn’t catch up with the famous Nadam convention, he lived in the Mongolian yurt inn next to the scenic spot, watched folk culture performances and took a walk by the lake, which made him deeply immersed in the harmony and tranquility of integrating into nature.

  When it comes to Xinjiang, everyone will think of the boundless desert Gobi. In fact, there are all kinds of wetlands with a total area exceeding the land area of Hainan Province. Today, 11 of the 54 wetland parks in Xinjiang have been officially listed as national wetland parks. These wetlands have attracted tourists from all over the country for their unique charm.

  Bird-watching and Landscape-watching Wetlands Drive Green Country Tour

  A favorite place for new people in Xinjiang is the romantic Fuyun Cocotohai National Wetland Park. Located in the Altai Mountains, 48 kilometers northeast of Fuyun County, it is different from other wetlands in Xinjiang, where there are deep canyons, clear rivers, steep peaks, waterfalls, hot springs and wetlands. "In the Cocoto Sea Scenic Area with strong autumn colors, the mountains and rivers set each other off, forming a colorful natural background, and taking wedding photos is simply a stroke of genius." Recently, Ms. Chen from Shandong and her husband participated in the live broadcast of "Traveling in a Wedding Dress", leaving sweet memories in Cocoto Sea.

  The lake is misty, the water plants sway with the wind, the fish and shrimp swim freely, and tens of thousands of waterfowl spread their wings … … During the "Eleventh" period, Mr. Wu, a tourist from Shandong Province, felt that he had come to the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, climbed the 18-meter-high Shuiyue observation deck near Hongfeng Lake, and got a panoramic view of the wetland park, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

  Aksu National Wetland Park was officially opened this year, and 23 lakes and 5 observation platforms were built on the basis of maintaining the basic features of the original wetland. By the end of September, it had received more than 10,000 tourists during peak hours, with a cumulative passenger flow of over one million.

  "At this time, Manas National Wetland Park, one of the important habitats of the third migratory line of the world’s migratory birds, gathers birdwatchers from all over the country every spring and autumn migration season. You can see more than 40 kinds of rare birds above the second level in the country here, which is a paradise for bird lovers. " Mr. Dong, a bird friend, said that there are 9 wetland observation platforms and 4 bird-watching towers in the wetland park, and green eco-rural tours focusing on eco-picking, sightseeing and leisure vacation are quietly emerging. Many villagers use the farmhouses operated by their own courtyards to attract tourists who come here to relax and experience rural life during the long vacation.

  Rich in resources, many wetlands are spread all over the north and south of Tianshan Mountain.

  Also known as the "Holy Land of Natural Photographic Materials" is Shawan Qianquan Lake National Wetland Park. There are more than 3,000 spring eyes dotted here, and the four-season overflow of spring water breeds tens of thousands of mu of reeds. The waterways are lush and green, and black-necked cranes, egrets, white cranes and geese are flying around.

  On the basis of planting fruits and vegetables and aquaculture, farmers in the surrounding areas have set up many farmhouses, where tourists can fish, watch birds and take photos, and have a rich and colorful holiday experience.

  If Kanas Lake is a daughter lake, it shows agility and liveliness. Sailimu Lake is a lover’s lake, showing charm and demure; Then Bosten Lake is Mother Lake, showing the mother’s mind and peace. This lake view, known as "Hawaii in the West", attracts tourists from all over the world.

  Bosten Lake National Wetland Park officially passed the acceptance and listing at the end of 2017. In October, the temperature in southern Xinjiang was still high. Tourists from all over the world gathered under the continuous umbrellas on the golden beach to watch the spectacular migration of birds, sigh the magic of the wetland connected with the desert, ride freely on the lake by speedboat, and enjoy sunbathing in the golden beach sand treatment … …

  There are many wetland parks all over the north and south, such as pearls scattered all over the ground: Wuqilike National Wetland Park in Altay City, which is located in the golden latitude of skiing in the world for more than 180 days, and the first helicopter skiing base in China is located here; It is positioned as a natural river wetland park with regional characteristics in the northwest plateau of China, and Buxair National Wetland Park inherits local culture in addition to the natural landscape; The largest permanent freshwater lake in northern Xinjiang, Wulungu Lake National Wetland Park is rich in unique and rich fish … … Turpan Aiding Lake Wetland Park and Nalati Marsh Wetland Park have their own characteristics and are too numerous to mention.

  Green mountains and green waters have contributed greatly to the practice of ecological protection.

  Not only is it beautiful and rich, but the ecological function of the wetland "the kidney of nature" is even more irreplaceable.

  Minfeng County is located in the Niya River National Wetland Park on the southern edge of Taklimakan Desert. The fragile ecosystem was once short of water due to wetlands, resulting in reduced vegetation coverage and dusty scenes. After the approval of the National Wetland Park, the local government actively took effective measures such as water saving and water conservation, and restored the function of the wetland green ecological barrier. Now, the rivers and lakes here are the same color, and the Niya River, as a "moat", has blocked the advancement of the desert, and the sky is blue and clear, giving birth to vitality.

  In the Chaiwobao Lake National Wetland Park at the foot of Bogda Peak in the southeast of Urumqi, the lake was almost dry in 2014. With the implementation of various environmental improvement work in recent years, the water surface area has recovered from 0.24 square kilometers to nearly 15 square kilometers today. Walking on the wooden plank road to the bird-watching platform, visitors can see rare and endangered bird species including black stork, jade belt sea eagle and white-tailed sea eagle through high-powered telescope. Wild animals under national second-class protection, such as swan, crane, red deer, argali and goose throat antelope, are also frequent visitors here … …

  All kinds of changes and the gradual restoration of the ecological environment are inseparable from people who silently pay for the protection of the ecology. In order to prevent the tears of Lake Chaiwobao from becoming the last drop of water, an ecological change that lasted for four years began. Restricting the exploitation of groundwater, returning farmland to 20726 mu, and shutting down 24 agricultural irrigation wells … … The old horse, a villager who lives not far from Chaiwobao Lake, is also the one who put it into action. "Four years ago, the staff of Chaiwobao Management Committee went door to door to promote ecological protection to us." In order to prevent livestock from destroying the wetland, the old horse sold more than 100 sheep that were kept by himself. "I have been living here. If I can make Chaiwobao Lake as beautiful as before, it will be worth it!"

  Four years later, with the improvement of the ecological environment here, the cultivated land that has been fallow for many years has gradually resumed farming. In order to prevent the desertification of cultivated land, under the guidance of the local government, Lao Ma planted 2,000 apricot trees in his cultivated land this spring. He expects to be able to grow trees and increase his family’s income in a few years.

  The regional tourism development conference held on August 25 this year pointed out that Xinjiang has a water area of 5,500 square kilometers, more than 3,400 rivers and more than 100 lakes, many of which have unique advantages in creating wetland landscapes. Among them, 11 wetland parks have officially become "national brands", integrating wetland protection and utilization, popular science education, wetland research, eco-tourism and other functions, each of which has its own unique ecological and cultural heritage. Nowadays, under the principle of "comprehensive protection, scientific restoration, rational utilization and sustainable development", all prefectures in Xinjiang are actively developing new growth poles of ecotourism, developing wetland ecotourism under the requirement of practicing green development mode, welcoming visitors from all directions in the best way of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and tasting the unique customs of Xinjiang.

  Text | Xinjiang Economic News New Media Center reporter Kang Yanyan

Self-enrollment allows key middle schools to be busy with the college entrance examination in advance. Teacher: Don’t report blindly.

  Independent enrollment makes key middle schools busy with the college entrance examination in advance

  The temptation of grabbing students in colleges and universities is more opportunities and less opportunities. The teacher suggested not to report blindly.

  Self-enrollment stirs up the middle school campus

  "I have sent the materials to Peking University." At present, Xiao Fan (pseudonym) of the middle school affiliated to Fudan University is preparing for the written test of Peking University’s independent selection exam.

  There are still more than half a year before the national college entrance examination in 2008, but the independent enrollment work of major universities has started in full swing. In November, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, China People’s University and other online enrollment networks, online registration channels have been opened. This year, the number of self-selected colleges and universities has also increased from 22 in 2003 to 59.

  Bao Fanchen, a senior three student in weiyu high school, told reporters that the students around him are actively preparing for the proficiency test of Fudan University and the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. Every Tuesday at 6 pm and Friday at 3 pm, the school will arrange teachers to give counseling lectures to students who are going to take the independent selection exams of Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. "There are more than 500 students in the whole grade, and nearly 300 students are present at each time, accounting for more than half."

  Considering that students who choose physics may forget chemistry, and those who choose chemistry may forget history and geography, Bao Fanchen’s school has specially held a counseling lecture for students who need to take the independent selection examination.

  It is reported that in 2008, the specific programs of Fudan University’s independent selection and admission work include: the selection and testing program for students who walk (including non-foreign languages, English, and non-common languages), the selection and testing program for art and sports specialty students, the Boya Cup Humanities Knowledge Grand Prix, and the "Fudan Level Test". Among them, "Fudan Proficiency Test" is open to all high school graduates. The test content includes 10 subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology and computer. The test forms are all multiple-choice questions. The test time is 3 hours and the total score is 1000 points.

  Squeeze into the winter camp and gain one more chance.

  "Students taking the self-selection exam can reduce the pressure of the college entrance examination. For example, if you apply for the independent selection of Fudan University, if you have passed the written test and the interview, the college entrance examination will be enough. " Bao Fanchen also mentioned the winter camp plan of Shanghai Jiaotong University. After entering the winter camp, students are divided into four grades according to their grades, such as A, B, C and D. When enrolling in the college entrance examination, the A grade can be reduced by 20 points, the B grade by 15 points, the C grade by 10 points and the D grade by 5 points. For this plan, "the students are very enthusiastic."

  "Although the exam is busy, the senior three environment is like this." Bao Fanchen mentioned that for independent enrollment, the teachers of the school are based on the principle of students’ voluntariness, but because the independent selection examination can give students a chance, the teachers are also more supportive.

  "Half of the students in our class are preparing for the independent selection examination in colleges and universities." Chen Wenrui of Suzhou Experimental Middle School said that in addition to online registration, there will be an interview inside the school to select better students to recommend. "After all, this is also an opportunity, and the teachers are more encouraging. The students who participated are doing their best to prepare."

  Xiaofeng (pseudonym) from Shanghai Gezhi Middle School is waiting for the recommendation form of Tongji University to arrive at the school these two days. "All the watches are collected by the class teacher. In principle, everyone can only choose one school, so you must prepare for the exam carefully when you get the table. If you are not admitted, there will be no chance. "

  There are more than 500 senior three students in Xiaofeng’s school, and about 70 students got the winter camp form from Shanghai Jiaotong University. "Five students in our class took the form, and now they are all preparing." The application steps of Xiaofeng’s school are as follows: students who want to participate in the independent selection of colleges and universities can first register with the class teacher, then summarize them to the class teacher, and then the class teacher will send them to the academic affairs office of the school. Next, according to the proportion of arts and sciences and the ranking of exams, the specific list will be finally determined.

  Xiaofeng told reporters that last year, there were more than 100 students in Gezhi Middle School who took the "Thousand-Score Examination" of Fudan University, and 50 students passed, but only 9 students finally got the admission notice of Fudan University. "Fudan University’s 1000-point exam is a sea election, which is a good opportunity for students from all schools." However, considering that the exam involves all subjects in high school and examines students’ comprehensive strength, Xiaofeng feels that it takes a lot of time to prepare for the exam, and it may not be successful, so it is better to settle down and take the exam in a school that she wants to take.

  "The bonus test is only to add a score to the score line of the college entrance examination. If the score line is not enough, the previous test will be useless." Xiaofeng said that his parents are very supportive of his idea. As long as it does not affect the normal review, "you can fill in the form you want to apply for."

  Li Yun of Shanghai No.3 Middle School told the reporter that there was no rush of students around to register for independent enrollment in colleges and universities. "But some students take action. I just finished the online composition of Fudan University’s My College Dream a few days ago. " Li Yun mentioned that several students around him have applied for the independent entrance examination of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and are actively reviewing English and mathematics. "Everyone has a different orientation."

  Teacher’s attitude: no recommendation and no objection.

  Since the end of November, Xiao Wei (a pseudonym), a senior three student in Shanghai Yucai Middle School, has been studying more intensely. "This year, it seems that the independent selection examinations of major universities have been advanced, and I am not ready for it."

  Xiaowei’s grades are at the lower level in his class. As the college entrance examination approaches, he feels more and more pressure and motivation. After all, there are still more than half a year, and I may be able to rush up again.

  At first, Xiaowei’s mood was somewhat ambivalent. Signing up for the self-selected examination in colleges and universities meant spending more time on the subjects for preparing for the exam. Failure to sign up was tantamount to wasting time. If you don’t sign up, the students around you will ask questions again. "Which one did you apply for?" Students will communicate this problem with each other. Many students are actively preparing for the exam. " Xiaowei said this.

  After learning that the registration of East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics started, Xiaowei submitted the registration form online. "He also wants to try his luck and prepare for the exam first." Xiaowei’s mother said that now the children don’t go to bed until after 12 o’clock every night, and the review is also very serious. They have entered the state of examination in advance and have great psychological pressure. "If he wants to take the exam, let him warm up in advance, but I reminded him not to take this too seriously."

  "The focus of the school is still the college entrance examination, and the focus of students is also the college entrance examination. Finally, look at the college entrance examination score line." Li Jianguo, a teacher from Anhui Lu ‘an No.1 Middle School, said.

  Li Jianguo advocates "no recommendation, no objection" for students to take the self-selected examination. If students voluntarily sign up and feel that their ability is better, they can take an examination of a better school than this one, and they can make further efforts in the rest of the time. If students with lower and middle grades also want to sign up for the independent examination, the teacher will never hurt the students’ self-confidence. "You can let him go to the school he can reach."

  Li Jianguo pointed out that the present self-selection examination is not particularly standardized. "Each school has not yet taken the exam outline, and there is no directionality, which is bound to bring certain negative effects. If students actively prepare for the exam and fail to reach the independent enrollment line, first, time is wasted, and second, students’ emotions are affected to some extent. " Teacher Li stressed that "in the final stage before the college entrance examination, students’ emotions are very important, and good self-confidence is also helpful for learning."

  Middle and lower school students are most affected.

  Li Jing, a senior three teacher in Zhengzhou Foreign Languages School, said that preferential policies are generally given only after the college entrance examination reaches a certain score, and there are different requirements for independent selection examinations in different schools, so students should choose good schools and majors. "The subjects of the school’s independent entrance examination may be different from those of the college entrance examination, which also requires students to review differently."

  Li Jing gave an example. For example, Tsinghua University’s score in Henan is 680 points, and it is enough for candidates who have passed independent enrollment to get 660 points. This is a drop-off admission; Another kind, candidates can be admitted as long as they pass a local score line; There are also extra points for admission. When choosing a school that enrolls students independently, students must see clearly what the requirements of the school are.

  Li Jing believes that the students who are in the top grades now sign up for the self-selected examination, and the students with lower grades are most affected, because the self-selected colleges and universities are generally more than one university, mainly for students with upper-middle grades. "Students should find out what grade and position they belong to and judge whether they belong to this category. If they don’t belong to this category, they should fully participate in the college entrance examination. If students feel that they can achieve it with their own efforts, they can take the independent entrance examination, which is also an opportunity after all. "

  "Students and parents should not blindly choose schools. Students must determine what kind of school they want to go to. If you pass the independent exam, but the college entrance examination can’t even reach a line, the independent enrollment exam is a waste. "

  Li Jing further suggested that the class teacher should know the students better and give them some advice based on their learning situation, development potential and hobbies. And students should not choose too many schools that choose their own exams, and spend too much time and energy on it. If students apply to a particularly large number of schools, such as going to Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan to take exams, "it will affect the normal review of the college entrance examination." (Intern Zhang Qi, reporter Zhou Kai)


  Not many students actually benefit from independent enrollment.

  During this period, colleges and universities have issued their own enrollment plans in 2008, and several key middle schools in Nanchang have received letters from some colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. However, Director Huang of the Political and Educational Affairs Office of Yuzhang Middle School in Nanchang revealed that Yuzhang Middle School has not received any official letters from colleges and universities about their own enrollment policies in 2008. Director Huang said that colleges and universities generally send letters to key middle schools in various provinces and cities, because there are more students in key middle schools who meet the requirements of independent enrollment in colleges and universities, and fewer students in ordinary middle schools who meet the application conditions. According to Director Huang, no student in Yuzhang Middle School enjoyed the policy of independent enrollment in 2007.

  It is understood that there are actually very few students who can really enjoy the preferential policies brought by independent enrollment in colleges and universities. There are two channels for candidates to apply for the independent entrance examination: school recommendation and self-application. First of all, the general requirements for independent enrollment are fresh high school graduates with extraordinary innovation and practical ability, or special talents in literature, art and sports, or among the best in comprehensive quality.

  Principal Bao of Nanchang No.1 Middle School said that according to this condition, only about a dozen or twenty students in Nanchang No.1 Middle School are eligible to enter the exam every year.

  President Bao also said that the preferential policies for independent enrollment in colleges and universities only take effect under certain conditions. Some students scored very well in the college entrance examination, disdained the schools that took the self-enrollment examination at the beginning, did not take the self-enrollment colleges as their first choice, and filled in other schools after the examination, so this policy was wasted. Some candidates will also fail to reach the admission line because of their abnormal performance, which is useless.

  Director Chen of the Academic Affairs Office of Nanchang No.10 Middle School said that students who apply for key universities are relatively strong. A considerable number of outstanding candidates can easily enter key universities by passing their college entrance examination results, and there is no need for preferential policies in the independent entrance examination.

  Director Chen finally said that independent enrollment still depends on the results of the college entrance examination in June next year, and the level of the college entrance examination results determines whether candidates can finally be admitted. (According to "Urban Consumer News")

Editor: Zhu Zhen

Fengchuan, Tonglu: Fireworks and firecrackers are sold and burned according to regulations, and the year-end security is strictly observed.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the sales and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers gradually enter the peak period. Recently, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Fengchuan Street in Tonglu County organized personnel to issue proposals to shops along the street within its jurisdiction, and popularized the relevant laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers, the Implementation Measures for the Business License of Fireworks and Firecrackers, and the Safety Technical Specification for Fireworks and Firecrackers Retail Stores (Points), and publicized and explained the forbidden areas, requiring shops to consciously abide by the regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers and not to illegally sell fireworks and firecrackers.
In addition, the law enforcement officers also inspected the fireworks manufacturers. By watching whether the random inspection in the factory area is standardized, the hidden dangers are investigated in strict accordance with industry standards, and manufacturers are required to conduct self-inspection and self-inspection on a regular basis, and store them in an orderly manner in strict accordance with relevant standards, so as to prevent accidents and ensure that the masses celebrate the Spring Festival and create a good, safe and stable environment.

Put away this swimming guide while it is hot.

In hot summer, swimming is one of the favorite recreational ways for parents and children. The week of July 16th every year is "July 16th National Swimming Fitness Week", and all kinds of swimming activities will be carried out all over the country. So, how to choose a healthy swimming pool? How to protect yourself from swimming in summer? Please keep this guide.
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
As a public place,
Consumers will inevitably worry,
Is the water clean or not?
Whether the bacterial content exceeds the standard,
Is the disinfectant put in enough?
How to find a clean and safe swimming pool?
Both summer heat and health?
Keep these details in mind.
01 see documents
According to "Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places", "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Regulations on Hygiene Management in Public Places" and other laws and regulations, the operators of swimming pools need to publicize the hygiene license, annual inspection report and hygiene reputation grade mark in the eye-catching position of swimming pools.
Operators of swimming places must obtain the hygiene license of public places before they can open their business to the outside world, and should show their business license and accept social supervision.
Before entering a public swimming pool, consumers should pay attention to whether the public health permit and the health certificate of employees are publicized in a conspicuous place in the swimming place.
02 Look at the water quality
Before entering the swimming pool, you should observe whether the water quality is good. There are two tips,
Splash the water slightly in the swimming pool. If the foam dissipates by itself within 10 ~ 15 seconds, the water quality is better. If the foam continues to float on the water for a minute or even a few minutes, it proves that the water quality is relatively poor.
Look at the situation that the bottom of the water leans down through the water to see the underwater swimming lane. The farther you look, the clearer the pool is. If the water quality is poor, you can’t see so many lanes clearly
03 Look at the sanitary facilities
See if the swimming place is equipped with dressing rooms, shower rooms, toilets, closed garbage bins and mechanical ventilation facilities that meet the hygiene requirements.
Check whether the water temperature, residual chlorine concentration, pH value and other indicators of the swimming pool on that day are qualified through the electronic bulletin board or text bulletin board of the swimming venue.
Be careful of "swimming sickness" when you have fun.
First, cramps
The supercooled water temperature will stimulate the contraction of blood vessels, so the blood flow will decrease and slow down, which can not meet the muscle activity, thus causing cramps. Lactic acid accumulates in a large amount in muscles, which leads to muscle fatigue and cramps.
Prevention tips:
If you have leg cramps underwater, don’t panic, you should call for help immediately. Straighten the cramped foot after landing and repeatedly pull the sole of the foot to recover as soon as possible.
Second, otitis media
Choking occurs when swimming, and the bacteria in the water will spread to the mucosa of the middle ear cavity along the eustachian tube, causing effusion and obstruction in the middle ear, and then causing inflammation.
Prevention tips:
Protective measures such as swimming cap, goggles and earplugs should be worn as much as possible during swimming to reduce the erosion of hair, eyes and ear canal by pool water.
Third, pinkeye
If the swimming pool is not disinfected properly, a patient with pink eye can easily cause pollution, and everyone in the swimming pool may suffer from epidemic conjunctivitis.
Prevention tips:
After swimming, you should bathe and wash your body in time, and use artificial tears or antibiotics to drop your eyes. Avoid rubbing eyes to prevent damage to conjunctiva and cornea.
Four, diving injury
If you are not careful when diving, it is easy to hit the edge of the pool and cause injuries. The collision between the body and the water surface may also lead to visceral injury in children during development.
Prevention tips:
Keep the correct posture of entering the water, prevent the soles from slipping, and avoid unnecessary injuries caused by excessive strenuous exercise.
Remember the safety knowledge
1 Warm up fully before swimming
It is best to experience the water temperature before entering the water. If the water temperature is too cold or too hot, try not to rush into the water. Before you go into the water, you should do warm-up activities on the shore, warm up for 10 to 15 minutes, and exercise your joints and muscles in all parts. Otherwise, it is easy to cause muscle injury or other accidents if you suddenly engage in more intense activities. Leg-lifting, squatting and standing up can be used.
Pay attention to safety and stay away from wild swimming.
Do not swim without permission, do not swim in waters without safety measures and ambulance personnel, and do not swim in unfamiliar waters. It is necessary to have a physical examination to make sure that you are in good health. Grasp the swimming time, generally no more than 1 hour.
3 Don’t leave the "comfort zone"
Polluted rivers, reservoirs and places with rapids may all lead to drowning accidents. If you encounter bad weather, such as thunderstorms, strong winds or sudden changes in weather, it is not suitable to swim. It is recommended to choose an indoor swimming pool as much as possible every day.
4 replenish water in time after swimming
You will sweat when swimming, but because your body is wet, you often can’t feel the loss of water in your body, resulting in dehydration. Nutritionists suggest drinking 600 ~ 800 ml of water before swimming, and replenishing water in time after swimming.
Swimming has many benefits for the body.
Adhere to exercise and protect health.
There must be unexpected surprises.
Source: CCTV News

Reform of professional title system Foreign language examination is no longer a hard requirement for assessment.

  Core reading

  In January this year, the Central Office and the State Council issued the Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System, which continued to promote the reform of the professional title system and proposed that there should be no unified requirements for the professional title foreign language examination, which attracted widespread attention. Professional title evaluation needs to pass the professional title foreign language examination, which has been implemented for many years. Why not make a unified requirement? How is the progress of all localities in canceling this rigid requirement? Does it mean that foreign languages are not important to evaluate professional titles?

  It is out of date to optimize the structure and level of the talent team, and "one size fits all"

  At the end of last year, Li Hua (a pseudonym), an old teacher in a research institute in Shandong, was finally awarded a senior title.

  "Don’t begin to understand" is Li Hua’s evaluation of personal foreign language learning. As a professional backbone of studying the history of China, he has a good knowledge of ancient Chinese characters, but he is not so "smart" in learning English. Every year, he buys the latest reference books, spends a lot of time learning English and even takes part in training. But after more than ten years of examination, I just failed to pass the foreign language title. In July 2016, the Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security issued a notice, which no longer made uniform and rigid requirements for the foreign language test for professional titles. "This has finally passed!" Li Hua said.

  The history of professional titles in foreign languages can be traced back to 1991. The Notice on Strictly Mastering Foreign Language Conditions in the Evaluation and Employment of Professional and Technical Positions issued by the former Ministry of Personnel made it clear that the evaluation and employment of professional and technical positions must strictly master foreign language conditions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Trial Regulations on Professional and Technical Positions. In 1998, the Notice on the Unified Examination of Foreign Language Grades for Professional and Technical Personnel issued by the former Ministry of Personnel made it clear that professional and technical personnel who hold or promote the corresponding professional and technical titles must obtain a certificate of conformity in the unified examination of foreign languages for corresponding titles, and implement the unified examination of foreign language grades for professional and technical personnel nationwide.

  "It should be said that the professional title foreign language examination system played a historical role at that time. The foreign language examination for professional titles has played an important role in promoting Chinese professional and technical personnel to learn advanced international experience, and promoting Chinese talents to strengthen international exchanges. Therefore, we cannot hold a completely negative attitude towards the foreign language of professional titles. " Yu Jiadong, director of the Technical Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said.

  However, since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, English education in schools has been greatly developed, and the structure of talent teams has been more and more optimized. It is out of date for professional title evaluation to make unified requirements for professional title foreign languages. In the interview, the reporter found that some industries have little to do with foreign languages in actual work, but some staff members have spent a lot of energy learning foreign languages in order to evaluate their professional titles; There are also some professional and technical personnel who have obtained other foreign language level certificates before joining the job, and the foreign language examination for professional titles belongs to repeated identification and waste of resources for them; In addition, some industries need certain professional foreign language ability, and the professional title foreign language examination is only an entry level, which can not meet the professional requirements of these positions.

  Zhuan Zhan is engaged in accounting work in a real estate company in Zhengzhou. "Usually, English is used less. Even for H-share listed companies, Hong Kong’s financial statements are bilingual. " In his view, if you want to further integrate with international accounting, the current level of foreign language examination for professional titles is far from enough.

  As early as 2007, the former Ministry of Personnel issued the Notice on Improving the Foreign Language Test for Professional Titles. In order to prevent the foreign language test for professional titles from being "one size fits all", it made specific provisions on certain situations in which it was confirmed that the requirements for foreign language scores could be relaxed or the foreign language test for professional titles could not be taken. In November 2015, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Family Planning Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Reforming and Improving the Evaluation of Professional Titles of Primary Health Professionals", stipulating that foreign language scores of professional titles of primary health professionals can not be used as reporting conditions.

  At the same time, many places have already had corresponding practices. For example, the "Measures for the Identification of Senior Professional and Technical Qualifications of Special Talents (Trial)" issued by Chongqing proposes that those who meet the requirements, have genuine talents and outstanding abilities and achievements can be evaluated without being restricted by foreign languages and other conditions; In 2007, according to national requirements, Henan Province exempted 13 categories of people who have proved to have high foreign language ability, worked in grass-roots units or engaged in agriculture, forestry and water for a long time, engaged in clinical Chinese medicine with China characteristics and national traditions, and arranged ancient books, and simplified the examination and approval procedures for exemption.

  The abolition of foreign language hard requirements for professional titles has made different progress in various places.

  The Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Professional Title System issued in January this year clearly stipulates that if there is no uniform requirement for the professional title foreign language examination and it is really necessary to evaluate foreign languages, the employer or the evaluation institution shall independently determine the evaluation conditions; Professional and technical personnel working in hard and remote areas and at the grassroots level, as well as professional title series and posts with low requirements for foreign language level, are not required to have professional titles in foreign languages.

  At present, Guangdong, Shandong, Shaanxi, Guangxi, Anhui, Henan, Shanghai, Fujian, Beijing, Jiangsu, Yunnan and other provinces have made it clear that foreign languages for professional titles are not required uniformly or are not necessary for professional title evaluation.

  In July 2016, Shandong Province no longer made uniform and rigid requirements for the foreign language test for professional titles. When applying for intermediate or below titles, there is no requirement for foreign languages. When applying for senior professional titles, there is no uniform requirement for foreign languages; Need to evaluate the level of foreign language, professional title foreign language test and other government organizations or social recognition of various certificates can be used as a basis, the specific requirements are determined by the senior review committee. According to reports, the scores of CET-4 and CET-6 and TOEFL IELTS can prove their foreign language proficiency. In 2016, the number of people who participated in the evaluation of professional title declaration tripled compared with previous years.

  According to Zhang Shaohong, director of the Personnel Department of Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, foreign languages are no longer a necessary condition for the evaluation of professional titles in 2016. "This is to loosen the talent." Wang Yiping, a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of Shandong Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the social science field, those who are sent abroad and need to know the latest foreign trends, as a researcher, will definitely take the initiative to learn and master foreign languages, and need not be used as a hard lever to evaluate their professional titles.

  In August 2016, the Office of the Leading Group for Professional Title Reform of Henan Province issued the Notice on Adjusting the Foreign Language Policy for Professional and Technical Personnel in our province, stipulating that foreign language for professional titles is no longer a necessary condition for the evaluation of professional and technical positions. According to the characteristics of series, specialty and post, the employer can independently determine whether the foreign language with professional title is a condition for the appointment of professional and technical posts.

  The relevant person in charge of the Henan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security said that the Notice further highlighted the leading role of employers in talent evaluation and talent use, emphasized the talent evaluation orientation of having both ability and political integrity, and paid attention to evaluating talents based on ability, performance and contribution, stripped off the factors that are not closely related to the evaluation of professional titles, and "loosened" professional and technical personnel, so that professional titles returned to the talent evaluation standard recognized by the society in terms of professional and technical level, ability and performance.

  "Not only" does not mean "don’t", but also encourages learning foreign languages.

  The evaluation of professional titles no longer needs to go through the hard lever of foreign language examination. Does it mean that foreign languages are not important?

  "At present, we still have language shortcomings in international communication. The lack of uniform requirements for professional titles in foreign languages does not mean that everyone does not have to learn foreign languages. ‘ Not only ’ Not equal to ‘ Don’t ’ 。” Yu Jiadong said, "At the same time, as China plays an increasingly important role on the world stage, international exchanges are also increasing, whether it is ‘ Belt and Road ’ The implementation of national strategy, the internationalization of talents and the going abroad of China enterprises all require talents’ foreign language level. In addition, the proportion of our employees in international organizations is still relatively low, which also puts forward requirements for learning foreign languages. Therefore, in terms of orientation, we still encourage everyone to study foreign languages hard. "

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Professional and Technical Personnel Management Office of Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, foreign languages are an important tool for professional and technical personnel to learn and master advanced knowledge and technology and carry out academic and technical exchanges with foreign countries. With the rapid development of science and technology, economic globalization and the accelerating pace of China’s opening to the outside world, it is still a long-term task to improve the foreign language level of professional and technical personnel. According to the needs of professional technology, we should actively encourage and guide the vast number of professional and technical personnel to strengthen their study through various ways and means such as self-study, counseling and examination, highlight their advanced nature, practicality and effectiveness, and constantly improve their foreign language level to better meet the needs of scientific, technological, economic and social development.

  In addition, in order to further implement the requirements of the National Regulations on Continuing Education for Professional and Technical Personnel and promote the continuous improvement of professional and technical personnel’s ability and quality, Shandong encourages and guides foreign languages with professional titles as one of the contents of continuing education, and professional and technical personnel voluntarily choose to take the examination. Those who pass the examination can be converted into corresponding continuing education hours and registered with continuing education certificates.

  Our reporter Zhao Bing Pan Junqiang Ma Yuefeng