
Deschamps explained Benzema’s withdrawal from the World Cup: I told him not to worry, but he left when he woke up the next day.

Live on March 11th Deschamps accepted an exclusive interview with Le Parisien and explained Benzema’s withdrawal from the World Cup. He said Benzema decided to leave by himself.

Regarding Benzema’s withdrawal from the World Cup, Deschamps explained: "I lost an important player. Benzema was hurt because the World Cup meant a lot to him. He said to me,’ No chance’. The team doctor’s examination is consistent with Benzema’s examination in Madrid. In the best case, he can’t resume training before December 10th. In his communication with him, he expressed his disappointment that he had to give up. "

"But to clarify, this decision was made for the sake of the team. We stayed for almost 20 minutes, and when I left, I told him,’ Karim, don’t worry, you and the coach of the team (Real Madrid) decide the recovery plan together’. When I woke up the next day, I learned that he had left. This is his decision. He won’t tell you anything else. I understand and respect him. "

However, Benzema quickly refuted Deschamps’ statement in social media: "I dare to say it."

AI portrait, make your life more interesting!

In recent years, the technology with artificial intelligence as the core is innovating our life, work and interaction with the world around us. One of the latest innovations is the portrait generated by AI, usingDeep learning algorithmCreate realistic and artistic characters.

These AI-generated portraits not only make peopleFascinating and visually pleasing., but also has practical applications in various industries. For example, they can be used to create personalized avatars for social media profiles or as part of a virtual fashion and beauty try-on experience.

In addition, the portraits generated by AI may be changed through democratic artistic creation.art circles. With the help of AI, anyone can become a digital artist and create their own unique portrait with just a few clicks.

However, the rise of AI-generated portraits also raises ethical questions about privacy and consent. With the enrichment of personal data on the Internet, AI algorithm can easily create characters without people’s knowledge or consent, which may be used for malicious purposes.

Therefore, developers and users of AI-generated portraits need to abide by ethical standards and ensure respect for people’sright of privacy. This includes obtaining explicit consent before creating and sharing AI-generated portraits, and implementing measures to prevent the abuse of personal data.

In a word, the portrait generated by AI is an exciting development in the field of artificial intelligence and has many positive life-changing potentials. However, when approaching this technology, we need to handle it carefully and ensure that it is used responsibly while respecting people’sright of privacy.

Roma fans will wave white handkerchiefs in this round of Serie A to protest Mourinho’s ban.

Live broadcast on March 12, Rome coach Jose Mourinho failed to appeal, was suspended for 2 games and fined 10 thousand euros. The Rome fan organization announced that it would support Mourinho in this round of Serie A home games.

At 1 am Beijing time on March 13th, in the 26th round of Serie A, Rome will play Sassuolo at home. AIRC, a Roman fan organization, announced: "After the Italian football management agency unfairly punished our team and our coach again, AIRC appealed to all Roman fans to express their anger in a civilized way in tomorrow’s game. Besides our love for Rome, we should bring a white handkerchief when we enter the stadium and wave it in the stands before the game. We are with Mourinho and with Rome. "

Marco Conidi, a famous Roman fan and singer, also said on social media: "It is important that everyone bring a white handkerchief into the stadium tomorrow and wave it at the beginning of the game to protest the absurd penalty of our beloved coach being suspended."

Milan veteran Kathy explained the main difference between playing for Milan and Barcelona.

Franck Kessie left AC Milan on a free transfer before this season, after three years at the club. In an interview published this morning, the midfielder discussed the difference between Milan and Barcelona.

The midfielder is a key player in Milan, but his salary requirements are too high for the club. Therefore, he left on a free transfer and decided to join Barcelona, where it was difficult for him to find his place in the team.

As quoted in Milan News, in a long interview with Sports this morning, Kathy was asked about the difference between Milan and Barcelona. He said that the goal of the team is the same, that is, winning, but the rest are very different.

"I would say that they are two completely different ways of playing football and understanding football. Here, it is more technical. The same is true of winning, yes, but not in all aspects. You must do this by playing well, staying focused and controlling the ball. In Milan, things are different and everything is more direct. The most important thing is the result. The constant is that in both clubs, you have to win, of course, "he said."

Barcelona is currently ranked first in the La Liga standings. After a little struggle at first, Casey has firmly established his position. Therefore, the possibility of returning to Milan (joining Inter Milan) is no longer great.

China version of ChatGPT? Yes!

Dear friends, I heard that Baidu’s China version of ChatGPT is coming? Is there an inexplicable excitement and expectation?

The name ChatGPT is no stranger to everyone. This world-famous artificial intelligence question answering system is not only popular in western countries, but also has many users in China. However, due to language and cultural differences, ChatGPT’s performance in Chinese environment is not very good. Therefore, launching the Chinese version of ChatGPT is undoubtedly something worth looking forward to.

I have many expectations and opinions about the Chinese version of ChatGPT. First of all, I hope it can answer users’ questions more intelligently, accurately and comprehensively. After all, Chinese is a complex and diverse language, and it is difficult to do intelligent question and answer well in this environment. However, I believe this problem can be solved as long as we have the correct technical route and superb team.

I hope the Chinese version of ChatGPT can better combine Chinese context and cultural background. In this way, users will be more natural and comfortable when using it, and they can also better understand Chinese culture. After all, language and culture are inseparable.

I also hope that the Chinese version of ChatGPT can be innovative in terms of user experience and usage scenarios. For example, it can play a greater role in social media, e-commerce platform, education and training, and provide users with more intelligent and personalized services and experiences.

Speaking of the Chinese version of ChatGPT, I have to mention a famous saying: "The future belongs to those countries with artificial intelligence capabilities." It is believed that the launch of China version of ChatGPT will further promote the development of artificial intelligence in China and enhance China’s position and influence in the global scientific and technological competition.

Of course, the expectation for the Chinese version of ChatGPT is not limited to technology and application. We also hope that it can bring more social benefits and cultural influences.

For example, the Chinese version of ChatGPT can become an important way for people to acquire knowledge and information, and provide more intelligent and efficient search and query services for users. At the same time, it can also be used as an important tool for Chinese language learning and education to help people better understand Chinese language and culture.

In addition, the Chinese version of ChatGPT can also play a greater role in social services and public governance. For example, it can help the government and public institutions to better answer people’s questions and needs and improve the quality and efficiency of government services; It can also provide more convenient and efficient services in the fields of charity and health care, and help more people get help and support.

Of course, the launch of the Chinese version of ChatGPT does not mean that it is perfect. It also needs to constantly find and solve problems in practical applications, and constantly improve and optimize itself. However, I believe that with the passage of time and the continuous development of technology, the Chinese version of ChatGPT will become more and more powerful, bringing more surprises and convenience to mankind.

Finally, I want to borrow another famous saying: "We can’t predict the future, but we can create it." I believe that with the arrival of the innovative Chinese version of ChatGPT, the future will become brighter and better!

Pig: Degea once asked me if he was better than Neuer, and my answer made him sad.

According to the Daily Mirror, former Manchester United midfielder Schweinsteiger said in an interview: "When I first arrived at Manchester United, Degea asked me,’ Am I better than Neuer?’ I replied,’ No, you didn’t’. Degea was very sad at that time. "

"So every time I play a good game, he will ask me again, and I will still say that he has not reached that level."

1-0 lore, crazy celebration! The national football team is locked in the qualification of the World Youth Championship, and China’s men’s football team aims to eliminate South Korea

Uzbekistan’s U20 Asian Cup has entered the quarter-finals, and the first match was between the Iranian men’s soccer team and the Iraqi men’s soccer team. In the end, relying on the goal in the 91st minute of the second half, Iraq eliminated Iran 1-0, becoming the first team to advance to the semi-finals, and at the same time locked in the qualification for the World Youth Championship. China’s men’s soccer team will play in the quarter-finals on the next match day, and the winner can also advance to the World Youth Championship against the Korean men’s soccer team.

In the history of the Asian Youth Championship, Iraq participated in a total of 17 competitions and won the championship five times in total. The last time was in 2000, and Iran also won the cup four times, but the winning experience was in the last century.

In the group stage, Iran scored 6 points with 2 wins and 1 loss, and won the first place in the group. Iraq scored 4 points with 1 win, 1 draw and 1 loss, and locked the second place in the group. According to the regulations of AFC, the top four teams in this tournament have advanced to the 2023 World Youth Championship, so whoever wins this game will be locked in the ticket for the World Youth Championship.

This is a close confrontation. The national team and the youth team of Iran and Iraq are in fierce confrontation. Now, the Asian Youth Championship is contested. The two teams did not rewrite the score in the first 90 minutes, and the scene is almost 50-50.

In the 91st minute, Ali Jassim broke into the restricted area with the ball and scored a goal from the far corner with a low shot, helping the Iraqi team to complete the lore 1-0. After the goal was scored, the players thumped and celebrated wildly, and then they roared to the sky and were very excited. After the game, the whole team celebrated like winning the championship.

The contest between China and South Korea will start at 18 o’clock tomorrow night, and the winner can also advance to the finals of the 2023 World Youth Championship.

According to statistics, the two teams have played against each other 18 times in history. The men’s soccer team in China has scored 3 wins, 2 draws and 13 losses, which is obviously at a disadvantage. At the same time, in the last 8 games, it has not won, and it has not won the Korean men’s soccer team for 18 consecutive years.

Nevertheless, China men’s soccer players are not afraid of this opponent. It is reported that after the successful team of China Men’s Football Team qualified, they celebrated with the fans at the scene. The fans shouted loudly in the stands: "The next game is going to play South Korea", and some players responded: "Kill South Korea! We are going to the World Youth Championship! "

ChatGPT is simpler than core-making? Zhou Hongyi: China can catch up with the United States in two or three years.

Because China’s science and technology started late, it is at a backward level in many scientific and technological fields, such as chips. However, western countries have already set up many technical barriers in the field of chips, so it is quite difficult to build a "Chinese core".

Of course, in addition to the chip field, the United States has also taken the lead in cutting-edge scientific and technological fields such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and quantum computing, such as ChatGPT. With the global explosion of ChatGPT, technology companies all over the world are restless, and Google and Apple are scrambling to do it, and Chinese companies are no exception. So, in terms of ChatGPT, does China have a chance to catch up with the United States?

In response to this question, 360 Zhou Hongyi gave an unexpected answer. He believed that ChatGPT was easier than core-building. With the support of the state’s encouraging policies, China could catch up with the level of the United States in two or three years.

The reason why Zhou Hongyi can be so sure is because he knows enough about ChatGPT. As early as 202, when the first generation of ChatGPT came out, Zhou Hongyi had paid attention to it and conducted in-depth research. In his view, the success of ChatGPT has mainly done five things right, namely, open source, win-win cooperation, long-term persistence, ecology and user traffic.

First of all, when developing ChatGPT, OpenAI used a large number of open source algorithms and papers, and chose to cooperate with a large industrialized company like Microsoft, which saved itself a lot of trouble and solved the problems of computing power, data, business model, engineering and so on.

Secondly, from the very beginning, OpenAI was ready to fight a "protracted war", and like Apple, it worked hard to build an ecology and cultivated vertical applications based on ChatGPT. Thus attracting more users to use, and using user traffic can strengthen the learning and training of ChatGPT.

This is where China can learn. At present, if China wants to build its own ChatGPT, it can do it in terms of technology, strategy and language materials. Coupled with the advantages of open source technology and strong engineering and technology landing ability of China enterprises, it can already make ChatGPT-like products, so to some extent, making ChatGPT is easier than making cores.

However, after making a sample of ChatGPT, we need to spend more time on technological innovation, ecological construction and cooperation with Industry-University-Research, plus the support of the state’s encouraging policies. As Zhou Hongyi said, it will take two or three years for Chinese enterprises to catch up.

On the whole, ChatGPT is of great significance to the development of artificial intelligence in the future. Bill Gates describes ChatGPT as "as important as the Internet", Musk describes ChatGPT as "good and terrible", and Zhou Hongyi thinks that ChatGPT will bring a new round of information industry revolution. Technology bosses have high hopes for ChatGPT, and China version of ChatGPT can’t be left behind! Zhou Hongyi’s suggestion is worth pondering. What do you think? Welcome to comment!

Di livio: Support Mancini to go abroad to find a striker and solve the Italian national team’s front line problem

Live on March 12 th, Italian national team coach Mancini is going to look for a striker abroad to solve the problem of the national team’s front line. The Italian famous Sudilivio expressed support for this.

Mancini had previously publicly stated that there was a big problem in the Italian national team’s front line, but the media revealed that he might call up Compagno, who plays in Romanian league, and Retegie, who plays in Argentine league. Di livio said: "At present, he is in a delicate period. Obviously, the national team lacks strikers and needs to find a solution. I agree with Mancini that he went abroad to find players to solve this problem. We must find players in this position in the next few years and find excellent and young strikers, and they need to adapt quickly in a short time. "

Di livio went on to say: "When I played football, there were many excellent strikers who could not be selected for the Italian national team, because there were many candidates for this position, and the coach was even criticized for not selecting a striker. The problem now is that young players sometimes can’t take the final key step. They may get lost, but this is a big problem for Mancini. "

Asked by the media how the Serie A league and clubs should help the Italian national team, Di livio replied: "I think they are already trying to help Mancini. The club is signing many young players, something is happening, but maybe there is a lack of quality in the process of finding players. "

Application of AI customer service robot in beverage retail industry

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, intelligent customer service robots have widely appeared in our lives, helping customers in various fields to deal with massive and complicated sales, consulting and service problems quickly. Intelligent customer service robots can accurately understand visitors’ intentions through autonomous learning, answer a large number of repetitive and standardized questions, and greatly improve service efficiency and user experience.

At present, the demand for customer service in the beverage retail industry is mainly concentrated on online customer service, with pre-sales consultation and after-sales service as the mainstay. Due to the large amount of consultation, repeated questions and difficult control of service effect, it is necessary to reduce the pressure of manual customer service through intelligent customer service robots, and at the same time improve the customer service experience and track and grasp the customer service effect in time.

1. Intelligent text robot

Based on NLP algorithm of deep learning, text robot has strong natural language understanding and generalization ability, and can accurately identify the real needs expressed by users; And based on the reinforcement learning model driven by big data, intelligent autonomous learning is realized, and the analogy is made. For the whole process of pre-sale and after-sale, independent reception and self-service save 85% of labor costs; 24×7 real-time standby, so that customers can enjoy intelligent services at any time; Intelligent auxiliary manual customer service, service efficiency increased by 100%; Business analysis, knowledge precipitation, release enterprise maintenance costs; Thousands of people, providing personalized intelligent customer service experience.

2. Intelligent voice robot

The intelligent voice robot responds intelligently according to the intention of the customer, and the voice recognition is rapid, which can accurately judge whether it is an intentional customer, and liberate the customer service staff from repetition, mechanical preliminary screening and intention recognition and invest in more valuable customers. Traditional outbound calls have high labor cost and management cost, and the service quality cannot be guaranteed, and the management is complicated. Therefore, mechanical, repetitive and boring telephone dialing tasks can be handed over to intelligent voice robots for assistance.

3. Intelligent outbound robot

Intelligent outbound robot is a typical application of artificial intelligence in speech recognition. It can automatically initiate outbound calls and actively introduce products to users in the form of natural human voice synthesized by speech. "Thousands of people and thousands of faces" outbound strategy to improve the success rate. Based on past operational data, intelligent voice robots can accurately sketch user portraits from the dimensions of age, gender, occupation, repayment ability, repayment habits and historical repayment records. Combined with the specific characteristics of different scenarios such as marketing, collection and return visit, the communication strategies and communication techniques for users with different attributes are continuously adjusted in each dialogue process node to improve the goal achievement rate.

GaussMind, an AI scene landing expert of Wofeng Technology, has rich AI products and years of experience in AI landing application, serving tens of thousands of customers including more than 60 Fortune 500 companies and more than 200 China Fortune 500 companies. GaussMind, based on deep neuroscience algorithm and convolutional neural network algorithm, integrates many cutting-edge technologies such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), natural language processing (NLP) and speech synthesis (TTS), and builds a typical product of voice interaction, AI outbound robot, hoping to provide outbound robot solutions for more industries, make enterprise marketing transformation more efficient and make enterprise service experience more heart-warming.