
The lifetime childless rate of women has risen rapidly, and less than 70% of women under 35 want to have children.

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day.

Fertility is an inevitable stage that most people have to face in their lives. We can understand it this way: for a person, he is just an individual, and no matter what lifestyle he chooses, he can make decisions according to his own ideas and environment.

Once an individual has left family of origin and established a new family,This means that they are no longer just a single individual. From an ethical point of view, it is also a kind of social pressure exerted by "being a parent" on the identity of individuals in our daily life.

Of course, in addition to some ethical and moral influences, there are some more realistic factors that will make people unwilling to accept the social identity of "parents". One of the most direct factors is economic factors.

In fact, it is well understood that the premise of childbirth is based on social factors: that is, finding a suitable partner and establishing a family with yourself. But fertility is also inseparable from economic factors.

Especially in today’s rapid social and economic development, it takes huge economic expenditure to bring up a child from birth to adulthood. This has led many young people to be unwilling to get married.Unwilling to have children.

No matter looking at the world or focusing on China, in recent years, the population growth trend is in a relatively slow state, and even most countries and regions have experienced negative population growth.

The same is true in China. In the past few years, when the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, in fact, we have suffered an obvious blow from the increase in population. From 2021 to 2022, China’s population has almost infinitely approached negative growth, but it is not obvious because of the relatively large population base accumulated previously.

When the time comes to 2023, relevant data show that the population of China has experienced the first negative population growth in the past 61 years, with a net decrease of 850,000 people.

On the one hand, this obvious change shows the overall population change trend in the world today, on the other hand, it reminds us that perhaps the population problem that we were least worried about is imminent.

In view of the low population growth rate and some secondary problems, the most direct solution is naturally to increase the fertility rate and increase the new population.

However, it is obviously not enough to change the status quo by relying on macro-level means such as policies and systems, because the idea of "unwilling to have children" has already penetrated into the hearts of this generation, especially young women.

According to a recent survey, among women under the age of 35 in China,只有不到七成的人才认为生育是“不得不做”的事情,换言之,有30%左右的女性已经开始对生孩子持“无所谓”甚至是抵触态度了。








For the simplest example, most families have family precepts, family rules, and a value system that all family members agree with. These are their spiritual wealth.

Therefore, giving birth to children is naturally a fine cultural inheritance, which can also make individuals in the family gain spiritual improvement.

However, with the development of modern society, the traditional ideas that are not contrary to each other seem to be put on the "backward" level relative to "modern". The traditional advantages brought by childbearing mentioned above can no longer be favored by young people, and the high cost of childcare is even more prohibitive.

Many aspects should be taken into account to solve the fertility problem.

– The End –

Author | Tommy

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A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Bruk, A., Scholl, S.G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: self-other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115 (2), 192-205.

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2024 annual strategy report of automobile industry: "Intelligent control, electric future" accelerates development.

Source: China Merchants Securities

Outline catalogue

1. Investment Summary

2. Independent brands performed strongly, and automobile exports performed brilliantly.

3. Intelligent driving ushered in an inflection point, and the intelligent cockpit continued to upgrade.

4. Parts: New elements drive changes, and the growth of subdivided tracks is expected.

5. Tesla: Intelligent driving leads, creating revolution and subverting innovation.

6. Huawei Auto: the offensive, the smart car is broken.

7. Humanoid robot: the extension of smart car, the best carrier of body intelligence.

The report consists of 97 pages.

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Car complaints in November: Toyota accounted for more than half, BYD is still an old problem.

In November, the car complaint list was released, and several brands showed some "outstanding" performances. Toyota has six models on the list, including Camry, Lei Ling, Corolla, Reiz, Crown and RAV4 Rongfang; BYD Song PLUS New Energy was once again complained about the old problem of forced start of the engine in pure electric mode; In addition, Tucki P7 suffered a large-scale complaint because its assisted driving function was inconsistent with the manufacturer’s propaganda, and it also became the first new power vehicle in the top ten complaints list.

Toyota is also a frequent visitor on the complaint list in recent months. In November, there were still six Toyota models on the list, and the main problems reflected were similar to those before. It seems that the manufacturers have not properly solved them. The main problems include the aging and cracking of the instrument panels of Reiz and Crown, and the lack of spare parts. The complaints of other cars mainly focus on the stuck, closed and unusable Carplay.

In addition, GAC Toyota Lei Ling encountered a large-scale complaint in November, and the problem was that the engine particulate trap was blocked. According to the feedback from the owner of the complaint, the fuel consumption of the vehicle increased sharply after the particulate trap of Toyota Leiling twin-engine was blocked, even more than that of ordinary fuel vehicles, but the manufacturer has not provided a solution so far.

BYD Song PLUS new energy is still an old problem of "stealing oil", and the engine starts itself in EV mode. This makes the owner feel hurt. A car owner’s complaint is very representative: 1. Engine maintenance mileage will increase uncontrollably! Oil consumption and maintenance costs have also increased. 2. BYD’s fuel tank exhaust is not environmentally friendly, but the equipment defects make consumers pay for burning gasoline. Whose cost is it? 3. In pure electric mode, starting the engine without the owner’s consent is likely to cause engine failure in complex situations, such as wading in the pure electric state, which will increase the risk of water ingress. 4. Seriously deceive consumers. Before buying a car, its propaganda can be driven by pure electricity, and it does not depend on the engine at all, which is inconsistent with reality. 5. Serious infringement, not telling the owner, secretly OTA, secretly starting the engine, ignoring the regulations. 6. If the consumer sleeps in the car in the pure electric (EV) mode, the engine automatically starts to produce carbon monoxide, causing casualties, which has great safety hazards.

Tucki P7 caused the owner’s complaint because the official publicized that Tucki P7E version model XPILOT3.0 supported upgrading to XPILOT4.0 service. However, later, all Tucki models G6, G9, P7i and other basic PRO models included related software services, and their functions were better than the old P7 models. Car owners believe that Xpeng Motors is suspected of false propaganda and should compensate the old users for their losses.

15 new fashionable hairstyles, simple and beautiful, make you more addicted to cutting.

Women are fickle, as we can see from their hairstyles. Basically, every once in a while, they will go to the hair salon for a new hairstyle and find their own different beauty. Today, they have brought you 15 new fashionable hairstyles, which are simple and beautiful, making people more and more addicted.

Half-covered ears with short hair looming out of the ears are simple and fashionable, and bangs on the forehead retain a certain sense of quantity, which looks both age-reducing and textured.

Short hair can be said to be synonymous with ever-changing, especially the short hair with rich layers, which can present a very three-dimensional shape with hands and is fashionable and handsome.

If a woman’s hair is too short, it sometimes looks too neutral, but when it is long, it doesn’t look neat enough. Then you can try this kind of short hair with hanging ears, which is both soft and neat and suitable for most women.

Good-looking short hair can’t be separated from fashionable hair color. If you hang short hair, you can choose to match brown-red hair dyeing, which can not only increase the luster of hair, but also play a role in whitening the skin. The effect is beautiful and people like it more and more.

With creative hair dyeing, the effect is also very good, such as doing some bright highlights around bangs and ears, which will immediately give you a unique style and personality.

Soft hair cut one-size-fits-all bob, with neat bangs, is simple and pure but very stylish. Youth and fashion make people look smaller and smaller, and beauty is like 18 years old.

If you want to add a feminine style to the bobo head, you can consider trimming some layers at the end of the hair properly, so that it won’t look so monotonous, and the slightly buttoned shape is particularly thin-faced.

Coupled with a bangs about the length of Qi Mei, the trimmed layers should not be too thick, and keep a refreshing feeling, revealing the forehead faintly, naturally soft and particularly beautiful.

Of course, if you want to have a better fluffy effect, you can consider using a big barbell to perm your hair, so that the inner buckle effect of the hair end will be more obvious and the feminine temperament will be more in place.

Bobo hair style can also choose to dye the whole hair in dark brown, which is not exaggerated but very fashionable, with a small amount of highlights on one side. The three-dimensional fashion is very interesting and beautiful.

Hairstyles with bobo head length can be said to be suitable for ladies of different ages and younger ladies. When perming, the curl is too much, and the fluffy effect is OK, simple and fashionable.

Older ladies can curl up a little more, which makes them look more charming and can highlight the elegance of mature women, which makes people never tire of watching them.

If you have very little hair, you can also consider perming it with small curls, so that the fluffy shape can increase your hair several times, and at the same time, it is also foreign, which makes people like it more and more.

Curly hair styling is actually more suitable for female friends with shoulder length, because such a long curly hair makes people look particularly gentle and fashionable, especially when the curly hair hangs down, which can make the whole facial features get a good softening effect. At the same time, the outline of bitter fleabane bitter fleabane has the effect of face-lifting, which is simply addictive.

The permed hair forms even undulating waves, which looks a little retro, elegant and charming. I don’t know if it’s your favorite style. If you want to see more popular market hairstyles, don’t forget to pay attention to me.

I need you to be my friend, because you know how to listen to me and pay attention to me, thank you, and I hope you and I will go together in the future hair style.

Messi’s eight golden balls will be dominated by enjoying football. Who will open a new chapter in world football in the future?

In the early morning of October 31, 36-year-old Messi won the Golden Globe Award in 2023, which was the eighth time in his career, setting a new record for the number of awards held by himself.

Messi’s 8-seat golden ball plus body according to IC photo

There is no doubt that Messi won this year’s Golden Globe Award. After all, the performance reference time of this Golden Globe Award is from August 2022 to July 2023, and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in the selection range. After leading Argentina to win the World Cup at the end of last year, Messi, who won the Golden Globe Award in the World Cup, was considered as the only winner of this year’s Golden Globe Award, not to mention that he also won the Ligue 1 and French Super Cup titles last season, and the Golden Globe Award was well deserved.

After Messi set a record of eight Golden Globe Awards, which is unprecedented and highly probable, there are two topics that the outside world is more concerned about-is this Messi’s last Golden Globe Award? Who is the next person to win the Golden Globe Award?

For the first question, Messi’s close friend Dosetti gave a positive answer on social media, saying:"The eighth and last one."Messi also said in an interview after winning the prize: "It’s incredible to win eight Golden Globes, and the rest of the time will enjoy the happiness brought by football with peace of mind." Indeed, for Messi, awards, honors and goals are no longer the goals pursued by the 36-year-old himself. He has written a legend in the history of football, and the name "Messi" has even become synonymous with football, inspiring countless young people to follow his example and bravely pursue their dreams.

For Messi, who entered the end of his career, the last player time should be to fully enjoy the game. It is for this reason that he chose to play in Miami International of the American Professional League, instead of going to Saudi Arabia for gold like Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar. It is precisely because he is far away from the international mainstream football field of vision that it is extremely difficult for Messi to win the Golden Globe Award again in the future, unless he can lead the Argentine team to successfully defend the title in the 2026 World Cup at the age of 39. It is extremely unlikely that Messi will win the Golden Globe Award again with the performance of the AFL-he is the first Mr. Golden Globe in the 27-year history of the AFL, but he won the Golden Globe Award this year but it has nothing to do with the AFL.

Beckham presented Messi with the 8 th Golden Globe Award according to IC photo.

There are many speculations about the next Golden Globe winner. In the top three of the Golden Globe Awards, Harland and Mbappé ranked behind Messi. In his acceptance speech, Messi also mentioned two competitors, saying, "Harland and Mbappé will win the Golden Globe in the future. As I said, Harland also deserves this prize. He won the Premier League and the Champions League, and he is also the top scorer. Today, this award may be yours in the future, and I believe you will win it in the next few years! "

Of course, we can’t forget the hot Real Madrid midfielder Bellingham recently. His superb performance in Real Madrid this season has made many people regard the 20-year-old English midfielder as the next Golden Globe winner. But on the whole, Mbappé should be the biggest candidate for the "new king" of football after Messi, and besides its own strength, there is also the bonus of the French team. Now, Mbappé’s biggest shortcoming is that Paris Saint-Germain has dragged down his club data. If Mbappé can join Real Madrid in the future, it should not be surprising that he will win the Golden Globe Award in the future with the help of Real Madrid and French teams and his personal ability.

2024 is the European Cup year, and next year’s Golden Globe Awards will definitely refer more to the players’ performance in the European Cup and the Champions League. From this point of view, both Bellingham and Mbappé have great opportunities. Harland’s biggest disadvantage is that the Norwegian team has already decided to miss the European Cup in 2024. Even if it kills all sides in the club competition, it can’t appear in the European Cup, which will make Harland lose a lot of points. In the past 2022/2023 season, Harland’s performance was outstanding. He won the Champions League, the Premier League and the FA Cup with Manchester City, personally won the European Golden Boot, the Champions League Golden Boot and the Premier League Golden Boot, and was elected as the best player and the best young player in the Premier League. However, due to Messi’s performance in the World Cup, he still beat Harland.

The national team is undoubtedly the biggest shortcoming of Harland’s future "king-sealing". The overall strength of the Norwegian team is limited, and it is difficult to achieve a historic breakthrough by relying on a few world-class players such as Harland and Ed. Therefore, the biggest possibility for Harland in the future is to hit the Golden Globe Award by virtue of its performance in the League and the Champions League in the "small football year" where there is neither the World Cup nor the European Cup.

With Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo away from the mainstream league, the "Mero era" has come to an end. Even after Messi won the World Cup and eight Golden Globes, even Cristiano Ronaldo is hard to stand side by side with him in historical positioning. Next, someone is bound to open a new chapter in world football. At that time, whether it is "brilliant" or "outstanding", it is worthy of fans’ expectation.

Red Star journalist Jison

Editor Ou Peng

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FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bid for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024.

Photo: Li Ming

Head domestic beauty big PK, who is stronger?

The momentum of international big names has not diminished. What can the head of domestic products spell from the 2022 financial report?

Since last year, the trend of head domestic beauty cosmetics and international big names "positive" has surfaced.

According to the financial report, in 2022, international beauty companies such as L ‘Oreal, Beiersdorf, Coty and LVMH achieved more than 15% revenue growth, and the growth momentum in the China market continued unabated.

At the same time, the domestic beauty cosmetics represented by Polaiya, Winona, Run Baiyan and Quardy are also constantly advancing with their product strength and scientific and technological strength, and the ranking rate in double 11 and other big promotion lists continues to increase, and the market competition between international brands and domestic beauty cosmetics is becoming increasingly fierce.

Recently, the 2022 performance of head listed companies such as Polaiya, Huaxi Bio, Betani and shanghai jahwa has been fully announced. According to the financial report, the revenues of Polaiya, Huaxi Bio and Betani have increased by more than 20%, which is better than the market.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, last year, the total retail sales of cosmetics above designated size in China’s consumer goods was about 393.5 billion yuan, down about 2.25% year-on-year. In the fierce market competition, the differentiation period of beauty companies has arrived. Under the market trend of changing from flow bonus to quality bonus, high-quality development has become an important direction for major brands and companies to adjust their strategies.

According to the observation of Cosmetics Daily, at present, Polaiya, Huaxi Bio, Betani and shanghai jahwa are all in different stages of multi-brand matrix building for the sake of improving their anti-risk ability or seeking the second growth curve.

At present, in addition to the main brand Polaiya, Polaiya has also cultivated several sub-brands, such as Caitang, Yuefu, Off&Relax, which are respectively positioned as professional makeup, oily skin care and high-end care for new national makeup artists.

Since entering the C-end in 2018, Huaxi Bio’s multi-brand operation ability has been verified, and it has run out of two billion-level brands, Runbaiyan and Quady. In 2022, there were nearly 10 single products with sales exceeding 100 million yuan. At present, Huaxi Bio’s four functional skin care brands, Runbaiyan, Kwadi, BM Muscle Activity and Mibel, have entered the stage of large-scale development and formed a differentiated technical route.

Among them, Runbaiyan inherited the highest technical level and latest research results of Huaxi Bio in the field of hyaluronic acid, upgraded its brand positioning, and put forward the concept of "hyaluronic acid technology repair aesthetics" with "repair" as its core effect; Quadi focuses on the anti-aging track; Mibel aimed at sensitive muscles; BM muscle activity locates people with oily skin.

This year, under the brand matrix strategy of "focusing on the main brand Winona and expanding the sub-brands", Betani is also gradually improving the market position of Winona Baby, Kewan and Bevertin, and looking for the second growth curve.

Shanghai jahwa, which owns brands such as herborist, Yuze, Liushen, Diancui, Meijiajing, Gough, etc., has also formed stable and differentiated brand assets, and continues to focus on the upgrading iteration of main brands such as herborist, Yuze and Gough.

With the evolution of consumers’ cognition of cosmetics and the continuous improvement of cosmetics laws and regulations, the era of producing products in the workshop and selling hope in the market has become history. Since the implementation of "Evaluation Standard for Cosmetic Efficacy Claims" in May 2021, China cosmetics have ushered in the first year of efficacy, and the whole beauty industry has entered a critical moment of "technical competition".

In 2022, the research and development expenses of head beauty companies continued to climb. Huaxi Bio is a biotechnology and biomaterial company, and its R&D investment in the domestic beauty industry is far ahead, reaching 388 million yuan in 2022, up 36.52% year-on-year; Betaine’s R&D expenditure was 255 million yuan, up 124.96% year-on-year; Polaiya invested 128 million yuan in R&D, a year-on-year increase of 67.15%.

Last year, in the field of beauty research and development, the world’s leading technology synthetic organisms became an important landing tool for domestic and foreign brands to seize the beach. "Synthetic biology is the most basic discipline leading to future technology, and it even surpasses chips in the dimension of global competition." Zhao Yan, chairman and general manager of Huaxi Bio, once said.

In recent years, domestic and foreign beauty companies have continued to overweight synthetic biology. In August last year, Shiseido accelerated the layout of synthetic biology by investing in Chuangjian Medical. In July last year, L ‘Oré al joint investment institutions and Blue Crystal Microbes jointly launched the Tiangong Kaiwu Bio-economic Industry Acceleration Platform, which is also an exploration of synthetic biology.

It is worth noting that Huaxi Bio was one step ahead and laid out synthetic biology as early as 2018. At the beginning of many beauty companies, Huaxi Bio has now completed all the links of "platform-talent-technology-transformation" needed by synthetic biology. Last year, Huaxi Bio-International Innovation Industrial Base of Synthetic Biotechnology settled in Daxing, Beijing, and put it into use, and comprehensively laid out the industrial system of bioactive substances around six categories of substances: functional sugar, amino acid, protein, polypeptide, nucleotide and natural active compounds.

According to the financial report, by the end of last year, the R&D team of Huaxi Bio-Beijing International Innovation R&D Center for Synthetic Biology had introduced more than 50 researchers from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Cornell University in the United States and Chalmers Institute of Technology in Sweden, and set up five synthetic biology R&D studios, a fermentation optimization platform, an application R&D studio and platform management to provide intellectual support and technical support for the synthetic biology industry.

In terms of product strategy, creating a large single product with long life cycle and high repurchase is becoming the common choice of head beauty companies such as Polaiya, Huaxi Bio and Betani.

"In addition to enhancing brand awareness, the significance of big items for beauty companies lies in the optimization of production costs and the reduction of brand communication costs." Fan Yuan, vice president of Huaxi Bio-business, told Cosmetics News at the 2022 financial report communication meeting.

Last year, shanghai jahwa’s herborist brand solved the problem of product series dispersion, and created four series of product lines by continuously simplifying the focus, among which the cumulative sales of the new Taiji line’s single product of water mark exceeded 100 million yuan.

In 2022, Polaiya also continued to deepen the "big single product strategy", expanded and upgraded the product categories and efficacy of the three family series of Double Antibody, Ruby and Yuanli, and introduced new products such as Yuanli Cream and Yuanli Mask, and upgraded the nightlight Eye Cream, Ruby Cream and Yuanli Essence, and successively launched version 2.0.

According to the financial report, last year, all major brands of Huaxi Bio completed the creation of one or more large single products or series of large single products. Among them, a product of BM muscle active brown rice water reached a revenue of over 400 million yuan in 2022. This year, Runbaiyan deepened the strategy of large single product, and under the idea of "layered repair and precise targeting", the products were sorted into three series: light damage repair series, barrier repair series and repair time series.

For beauty brands, it is not easy to create large items, which requires strong scientific and technological support and targeted R&D layout. For example, around the development of Winona special cream and other products, Betani has completed clinical research and effect observation of dermatology in 63 hospitals; Behind BM muscle-activated brown rice water is Huaxi’s innovative experience in the field of biological fermentation for more than 20 years. Runbaiyan’s hyaluronic acid secondary polishing essence series products have been iterated to version 3.0. In addition to the innovative application of medical technology, the world-leading hyaluronic acid technology is indispensable.

In the supply chain construction, domestic head beauty companies are improving their own production capacity, reducing the dependence on entrusted processing mode, and accelerating into the intelligent manufacturing stage.

At the end of 2022, Polaiya cooperated with Hangzhou Unicom to deploy 5G SA (Independent Networking) room subsystem for the AGV operation area of Polaiya factory, so as to realize the full coverage of 5G signals in the AGV operation area of the factory. In March this year, Betani invested nearly 500 million yuan, and the new central factory, which took nearly three years to build, was officially completed and put into operation, with an annual output value of 5 billion yuan.

As a platform enterprise of the whole industrial chain, from bioactive raw materials to medicines and health consumer goods, Huaxi Bio has always stressed that it is necessary to control the whole industrial chain in its own hands, covering key links such as technology and raw materials, pilot transformation and terminal market transformation, and the safety, stability and high efficiency of the industrial chain provide a strong backing for the production of skin care products. Since 2018, Huaxi Bio has been planning and starting Industry 4.0. At present, its production lines in Jinan, Chaohu, Tianjin, Haikou and other places have all been commissioned and used.


With the younger generation of consumers’ recognition of domestic products with high cost performance and high quality, domestic beauty brands have ushered in a window of rapid growth. In the future, in the more fierce competition with international brands, if we want to maintain and enhance the market competitiveness, domestic beauty products should be forged by more scientific and technological strength besides products.

Based on the summary of the business strategies of domestic head beauty companies such as Polaiya, Huaxi Bio, Betani and shanghai jahwa, Cosmetics News believes that domestic brands need to have the following five abilities to achieve high-quality growth and resilient development.

1. Accurate and differentiated brand positioning.

2. Strengthen the insight into the real consumer demand and improve the agile product development system of "insight-R&D-verification".

3. Focus on innovation at the bottom, build large single products with long life cycle and build brand power from scientific and technological strength.

4. Pay attention to frontier technical fields such as synthetic biology, and build up competition barriers through independent raw material development.

5. Move towards intelligent manufacturing, improve its own production capacity, and reduce the dependence on entrusted processing mode.

Swimming tips can be learned in five minutes.

Many people want to lose weight by swimming. According to research, the energy consumed by exercising in water can be 20 times higher than that consumed by exercising on land, so more and more fat people have joined this sport. But there are many beginners who can’t swim. In fact, there are many swimming skills. After learning these skills, it is no longer difficult to learn how to swim.

Swimming skills

1. Breathe

Breathing in water is mainly divided into holding your breath and exhaling. If you master how to hold your breath and exhale properly, you will not be afraid of flooding. Inhale, lower your head, swing your arm when exhaling, then stroke your hand forward. When kicking, jump out of the water, inhale, and then lower your head. Cycle back and forth.

The pressure of water is obviously higher than that in air. It is definitely much more difficult to hold your breath and exhale in water than on land, so beginners should practice the basic essentials of holding your breath and exhale on land first, and then practice in water. Don’t inhale and spit it out immediately. You can try to get familiar with holding your breath.

2, rhythmic breathing

What is rhythmic breathing? In fact, it is the so-called regular and rhythmic breathing, without frequent or slow breathing.

Exhale through the mouth (nose) in the water, in addition to paying attention to the rhythm, you can cooperate with the action of pressing water with your hands. In the teaching of children, because there is often a problem of not standing at the bottom of the pool, the guidance of rhythmic breathing is more important, and coaches can regard breathing as the initial stage of ventilation. (Coordination action: 1. Keep your hands straight and merge, sink and exhale. 2. Press your hands to both sides to let your head rise and inhale.)

3. Balance

To make the center of gravity of the human body coincide with the floating center, we must first make people in a straight line, which is called the longitudinal axis of the human body. The head, shoulders, chest, waist, hips, legs and feet should be on the longitudinal axis of the human body, and when the arms are stretched forward, they should also be on the longitudinal axis of the human body; Secondly, press the chest to make the floating heart move backwards.

Pressing the chest is like an invisible hand pressing down on the back of the chest. In fact, it keeps the chest down to keep a certain pressure on the water. At the same time, the human body is a straight line, just like a seesaw, one end of the straight line-the chest is down, and the fulcrum is between the chest and abdomen, so the hips and legs at the other end will float up. Also, stretching your arms forward can move the center of gravity forward moderately. In this way, the body can be balanced and streamlined.

4. Relax

Relaxation in swimming is to minimize exertion under the premise of moderate tension or moderate exertion. So how to determine this degree? To find out this degree, you must first know how to exert yourself.

There are two kinds of human exertion, one is static. This kind of force will not change the shape; The other is motivation. This kind of force will cause the body to change. For example, weightlifters use power in the process of lifting barbells, while static force is used to keep the posture of lifting barbells; And the weight of the barbell is the degree of exertion. So this degree is the minimum force to maintain a certain body posture.

Long live happiness no matter how old you are! These wonderful childhood games are worth cherishing.

Mom and dad talk about childhood: childhood with games is simple and full of fun.

DIY games, memorable games, collected games …

With the arrival of Children’s Day on June 1st, let’s recall those wonderful childhood games. At that time, we didn’t have dazzling video games, but we created our own happy world. From cartoons to playing football, from hide-and-seek to counting stars, these simple and fun games accompany us to grow up. Perhaps, the way of playing games will always change, but no matter in which era, childhood is the happiest time of our life.

"The game is not a scourge, and children who play well in the game are also very smart."

● Xiaoqi

40 years old

Coordinates: Beijing

Brand public relations planning

Xiaoqi takes the children to play bumper cars.

For the generation of boys born in 1980s in China, they have completely witnessed video games from scratch, from rough to fine. In Xiaoqi’s words: "The charm of the virtual world is unparalleled, and every boy’s love for video games is innate."

"Playing video games as a plaything is a very stereotyped impression."

From FC red and white machine to Saturn, from PC to PS, Xiaoqi has experienced various generations of games and consoles. "In the 1990s, my parents basically regarded video games as a’ scourge’, but my parents were fine. After understanding the historical background of games and game consoles, they thought they could give it a try." Xiaoqi said.

Of course, Xiao Qi does not deny that one of the important reasons why his parents allow him to contact video games is that his homework has been very good. Xiao Qi said: "Basically, I can go to play for a while every weekend, and my parents have never specifically forbidden me to play this." Almost all of Xiaoqi’s pocket money is spent on this. In Xiaoqi’s view, it’s really a stereotype that playing video games is a plaything, because it is also a very exhausting thing to understand the game. He said, "To some extent, it can be said that children who play well in the game are also very smart."

Later, Xiao Qi came into contact with CS (Counter-Terrorism Elite), a competitive gunfight game. Xiaoqi devoted great enthusiasm to CS, and even joined a professional team in college, so she could take part in provincial competitions. Xiaoqi said: "When we were in college, we had a very rigorous and intensive training cycle, and the time and energy we spent far exceeded the imagination of normal people."

"Mom accepts me playing video games because I’m concentrating on one thing."

Xiaoqi revealed that when he was a sophomore, he took a fancy to a game equipment-a four-piece set of mouse, keyboard, mouse pad and earphone. "At that time, the market price was more than 1,300 yuan, which was equivalent to my living expenses for nearly three months," Xiao Qi said. He wanted this very much at that time, so he got up the courage to speak to his mother. "I told my mother,’ Can you take this as an investment and I will pay you back when I win the bonus?’ My mother gave me the money without saying anything."

In professional teams, participating in competitions can really win bonuses. Small competitions earn one or two hundred, medium-sized competitions earn one thousand eight hundred, and large competitions earn two or three thousand. Later, Xiaoqi really won the competition prize with this equipment, but when she went to ask her mother to pay back the money, her mother refused and said, "Just pay for your hobby."

Why mom can accept playing video games. Xiaoqi said: "When she really found out that I was concentrating on one thing, she could understand and let go."

Set goals in the game, and don’t give up when you encounter difficulties.

Today, Xiaoqi is also the father of two children, and his son Kyubi no Youko is 8 years old. Xiaoqi will take her children to play games, such as My World and Two in a Row. Although playing games, Xiaoqi will warn children that games are not used to escape from reality, but to set goals in the game and not to give up when encountering difficulties.

Xiaoqi takes the children through the game.

Because we can only play for one or two hours a week, it took Xiaoqi and her son half a year to get through the "Double Walk". "When we first went through customs clearance, Kyubi no Youko almost cried, both moved by herself and infected by the family atmosphere expressed by the game."

Last year, Kyubi no Youko hoped to get a PlayStation 5 game machine. He took out all his pocket money and begged his parents to help him. "I bought him a PS5, but I want to take him to play games at home when he is a little older and can realize how to play at home." Xiaoqi said.

Although the pressure of study is constantly squeezing the children’s entertainment space, Xiaoqi still hopes that the children can really find a hobby that he will accompany for life. "Games or skateboarding are fine," Xiaoqi said. "When he grows up and encounters setbacks, he can have a way to relieve the pressure, and we are more at ease."

On June 1st, Xiaoqi’s idea is to make children’s Children’s Day happy. He said, "It’s ok to climb mountains, go to a stage play or visit a laboratory. The essence of Children’s Day should be happy, and my idea is to make Children’s Day more ceremonial."

★ The child said

"Dad’s game is too powerful and cool, and I want to have such a childhood!" -Son Kyubi no Youko

"In the past, games were DIY, but now you can buy all kinds of toys online."

● Brother Xin

46 years old

Coordinates: Guangzhou

Game research and development

Brother Xin lived on the hill in the countryside of Foshan in his childhood. He said, "The hill is big enough to run around, and that is my childhood playground."

There are not many toys, and most of them are "developed" by themselves.

Brother Xin has been playing on this hill for as long as I can remember. However, due to family conditions, Brother Xin doesn’t have many toys, and most of them are "developed" by himself. "We will play with a hoop-find an elder to weld a hoop, and then a group of children will chase the hoop all over the mountain; Or take a wooden cart, with wheels on the bottom and a handle on it, and hold the’ steering wheel’ to drive down from the mountain. Now think about it, this is probably a relatively primitive scooter. " Brother Xin said.

When I was a child, Brother Xin would also make "bamboo barrel guns" with his brothers and sisters. "Find a bamboo as thick as a finger, then roll it into balls with soaked paper towels to block both ends, then make the plant fruit into a bullet and put it on one end, and poke it with a stick at the other end, and the bullet flies out." Brother Xin said that in fact, the "bamboo barrel gun" uses the principle of air pressure, which is very meaningful for physical experiments. It is just that when I was a child, I only knew how to play, but I didn’t think so much.

Bamboo barrel gun

Because there are relatives in the family who make ceramics, Brother Xin was also exposed to clay when he was a child. "When I was a child, I also used clay to pinch all kinds of little people, animals and things." By playing with clay, Brother Xin learned to use all kinds of simple tools, and this skill still comes in handy today. "My daughter has a class called’ Creative Art’, which is also about kneading various shapes, but now she doesn’t need such primitive things as clay. Now they all use colored clay, but I can still take her to play with my experience in kneading clay." Brother Xin said.

Nowadays, children rely too much on props to play games, so it is better to use their own hands and brains.

Regarding the difference in childhood between the two generations, Brother Xin’s biggest feeling is that the living resources are getting richer and richer, which leads to the children’s dependence on props for playing games. "When I was a child, I used to play DIY games, such as paper crowns, paper weapons and paper airplanes. When I played games, I used my hands and brains to stimulate my creativity," said Brother Xin. "Now, they can buy all kinds of toys online, such as playing a fairy, and they can first’ Taobao’ fairy wand and fairy clothes."

Brother Xin’s childhood was not without toys, but it was really not much. Brother Xin revealed that he had a "table basketball machine" when he was a child. He and his brother could play against each other through buttons and shoot the ball into the opposite hoop. Brother Xin said, "I played with this toy for a long time, and then I gave it to my mother’s friend’s child, but I regretted it after sending it out …" In order to make up for the regret of sending out the "table basketball machine", Brother Xin found a genuine "table basketball machine" through a friend who made a "medieval toy" many years later, which probably cost 800 yuan. "This table basketball machine is a collection, and I am not willing to take it out to play." Brother Xin said.

Teach your daughter what you have played, what you can play and what you are good at.

Brother Xin often buys toys for children, but refuses to buy toys of "sound and light" type. "Let children play with toys, or play with those that need more hands and brains, so as to stimulate their creativity."

Brother Xin took his daughter to play "table basketball machine".

Brother Xin always thinks that he is a big child and likes playing very much, so communication with his daughter has always been good. "When I was a child, I celebrated Children’s Day, and the school gave each student a popsicle. We can eat popsicles and go home from school, so my memory of Children’s Day stays on popsicles. Now, I spend Children’s Day with my children. My idea is to accompany her to have all kinds of crazy fun and teach her what I have played, what I can play and what I am good at. I don’t think about anything this day." Brother Xin said.

★ The child said

"Many students know my father. It turns out that my father has always been a big child. I am so proud to have such a father." -the daughter knows.

"Cartoon is a kind of art that is entertaining and entertaining, and I still remember every cartoon I watched as a child."

● Dengke

39 years old

Coordinates: Guangzhou

Cadres of state-owned enterprises

Although he is nearly old, when it comes to childhood, Denko always says that he has not fully grown up. Even though he is almost 40 years old, he still remembers every cartoon he watched as a child. Speaking of the characters, plots and soundtracks in cartoons, Denko is very happy: "When I drive now, I will also broadcast the theme songs of my favorite cartoons. Every time I listen, it seems that I have turned into an animated hero, and then I feel handsome! "

The favorite animation type is "computer warfare class"

Denko thinks he is a "mech-control", so his favorite animation type is "computer warfare". Denko told the New Express reporter, "I was only six or seven years old when I watched the cartoon robotech, but I was really shocked by the grand world outlook described in this cartoon. I will never forget it by telling the conflict between alien civilization and earth civilization, showing affection, friendship, love and the spirit of self-sacrifice."

Denko said that he was talking about cartoons with his classmates at school. "There is a three-stage deformation fighter in the cartoon. After the deformation, the state is simply cool."

At the age of seven, Denko got a toy of a three-stage deformation fighter. Because there were few toys in childhood, Denko said that this "three-stage deformation fighter" greatly enriched his childhood. He said: "I remember this toy 14 yuan Qian. Although it is a high imitation, I really regarded it as a treasure and played it for many years." Until now, this toy is still in the old home in western Guangdong, Dengke.

Besides robotech, Denko also likes Transformers, which is the same type of mecha. "I am easily attracted by the role of’ prodigal son turning back and turning over a new leaf’, and I am very moved whenever I see a villain turning his back on the dark!" Denko said.

Cartoons are works of art that entertain and educate.

Denko believes that for children, animation is actually a kind of artistic work that is entertaining and entertaining. "The educational significance conveyed by cartoons to children is not necessarily thinner than that of books. The direct preaching in schools may not have the profound touch brought by cartoons." Denko said.

On Children’s Day when I was 8 years old, when my mother took me to the shopping mall to pick out toys, I chose Sixshot. In the early 1990s, Sixshot could be sold to 40 yuan. Denko said: "I know that it is a knockoff, and my hometown is a small city and I can’t buy the original copy, but I am already very satisfied."

"When I was a child, many cartoons were watched in the Hong Kong version, that is, Cantonese dialogue, and the translated names were somewhat different from Mandarin, but this is not the point. The point is that I think those cartoons have deeply influenced my life." Denko said. To this day, Denko still thinks that the cartoons he watched as a child are classics, which are much better than those his son watches now. Denko searched for resources everywhere on the Internet, downloaded all these childhood cartoons to the hard disk, and occasionally looked through the classic plots.

"My child just went to school last year. I thought I would try to show these cartoons to him when he was older." However, Deng Ke also has doubts. For one thing, he is worried that his wife won’t agree, and for another, he is afraid that his children won’t like it. "The tastes of children are changing in different times, and if only he has seen these old cartoons, he may lose the topic with his classmates at school."

The preference for the mecha was "inherited" to the son.

Perhaps the hobby of mecha is engraved in the gene, and Xiaoyu, the son of Deng Ke, also likes these and loves them more truly. Denko revealed that Xiaoyu liked tanks since he was a child. At home, he "studied" what tanks were like in World War I, what tanks were like in World War II, and how tanks are now. Denko said that Xiaoyu’s painting at home on weekdays is also a "design" of various tanks, but the painting style is more abstract. He said: "On Children’s Day this year, my wife bought a tank painting book and a picture book for her children. Give him a real case as a reference. His painting style can be realistic."

Dengke takes children to play with toys.

"Children often ask me if I can be a tank soldier in a military school in the future, and I will tell him that it is very good, but before that, you must lay a good foundation, learn the culture well, and practice your body well before you can defend your country and protect peace." Denko believes that when children show some interests, they should take advantage of the situation. As long as they have a clear goal direction, the children themselves will work hard in this direction.

★ The child said

"Dad had so many cartoons to watch when he was a child, so happy!" -Son Xiaoyu

"Children like Altman, and the classic thing is not afraid of years."

● Yujie

30 years old

Coordinates: Guangzhou

media worker

Yu Jie has lived in Guangzhou for more than 10 years since she went to college. Now, my son, Broad Bean, is approaching school age.

Yujie takes the children to play outdoors.

Yu Jie’s hobby is the same as that of most children in that era. On the occasion of generate in the video game industry, Yu Jie completed the game enlightenment through a CD sent by her grandfather. "I have continued this hobby until now." Yu Jie said.

Yu Jie told the reporter of the New Express that most of the CDs were pirated at that time, so when she made money later, she bought the original ones of the game CDs she played as a child for collection. Yu Jie said: "I have economic conditions, so I just want to make up all the missed tickets. I am a principled gamer."

"The Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man" by Daewoo Information is a representative of local RPG in 1990s, and Yu Jie is an iron fan of this work, which is also watched in games and adapted TV series. After becoming a mother, Yu Jie also introduced the Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man to the children. Yu Jie said: "Looking at" Fairy Sword I "from the present perspective, I really feel that the picture quality is rough, but this does not hinder the child’s liking. His love for" Fairy Sword I "now is no less than that of me."

"Seeing that we all like Fairy Sword I so much, my husband bought us a set of building blocks of Fairy Sword I, and then my mother and I had a good time at home," Yu Jie said. "At that moment, I really felt the happiness of mother and son sharing the same frequency, and two generations could really enjoy one thing."

"What children like best is Altman." Yu Jie said that broad bean is a boy after all, and a classic image like Altman has no fear of time. It is hard for every generation of boys not to like Altman. Yu Jie said: "I will buy some genuine ones for him and take him to see the Altman stage play. Generally speaking, my husband and I are the kind of parents who are more supportive and respect their children’s hobbies."

The ultraman family.

Will you envy your child’s life now? Yu Jie said that there will still be a little bit, but each era has different chic and romance. "Maybe he envied me for visiting all day and running around when I was a child."

Yu Jie celebrates her birthday with her son.

How will children’s day be spent this year? Yu Jie said, I am ashamed that I have to work hard every Children’s Day and can’t stay with my children all the time. After all, Children’s Day should be a happy day, and children should grow up happily every day. Yu Jie said: "Parents should teach their children the skills of relaxation, so that they can balance the time of study and entertainment."

★ The child said

"I like Fairy Sword and Altman, but who is better, Li Xiaoyao or Dijia?" -Son Sensen

Written by: New Express reporter Wang Di

Photo: Provided by the interviewee

How to practice swimming, how long to practice and how far to swim.

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Now more and more swimmers come to the swimming pool to exercise, and you can see many people doing fitness exercises at different time periods every day. Some people exercise in the morning, some at noon and some at night. As for when is the best time to do fitness exercise in a day? This has always been a controversial topic, and today Xiaobian will talk to you about this topic.

When is the best time to swim in a day?

  • Exercise in the morningWhen people wake up in the morning, they have consumed almost all the food they ate last night. At this time, the human body is in a state of hypoglycemia and there is not much glycogen in the body. At this time, fitness exercise (aerobic exercise) will use more fat to supply energy to the body, and the weight loss effect will be better.
  • Exercise after lunch breakSome people like to exercise after lunch break at noon, because at this time the human body eats and rests (breakfast, lunch and lunch break. ) The time when the muscle speed, strength and endurance of the human body are in a relatively optimal state, if you exercise during this time, especially the fitness crowd who gain muscle and weight, you will get better fitness effect.
  • Exercise after workAnd some people like to go to the gym to exercise after work, which is about 6 o’clock in the evening. Because this will help to relieve the pressure of work in a day and relax the mood better.
  • Exercise at nightSome people like to do fitness exercises at night, because at this time, the flexibility and flexibility of the muscles and joints of the human body are the best. Then rest for 1-2 hours after exercise, and then go to sleep, you will feel that the quality of sleep is very high and it is easy to fall asleep.

All the above studies show that swimming can increase bone density and prevent bone loss and osteoporosis, which is of great practical significance for improving the health level of the elderly.

So, when is the best time to do swimming exercise in a day? In fact, there is a good way to verify whether the time of one day’s exercise is the best. If you feel full of energy, good appetite, good sleep quality and quiet pulse after a period of exercise, the number of beats per minute is almost the same as before or slows down. This shows that your current amount of exercise and the timing of exercise are very suitable. On the other hand, if you often feel sleepy and sleep badly after a period of exercise, get up early to measure your pulse, and the number of beats per minute is more than 6 times than before, which shows that you exercise too much or choose the wrong time for exercise.

In fact, when the daily fitness exercise is arranged, it still depends on the individual’s specific work and life time. However, it is best to arrange the time of fitness exercise at the same time. If there are no special circumstances, don’t change it casually. Because the fixed time of fitness exercise every day can make you have the desire to exercise and develop good exercise habits, which is more conducive to the conditioned reflex of the internal organs of the body, so that people can quickly enter the state of exercise, provide enough energy for fitness exercise and achieve better fitness results.

2/ How many meters can I swim at a time to achieve the best weight loss effect?

Swimming is a whole-body exercise, which can not only lose weight, but also keep your tall and straight posture, so that you can easily shape your S-shape. When swimming, people’s metabolism is very fast, which can consume 1100 kilojoules of heat in 30 minutes, and this metabolic rate can be maintained for a period of time after you leave the water. So how many meters can swimming last to effectively shape your body?

  • How long will it take to lose weight by swimming?Swimming lasts more than 20 minutes. If you just swim in the water, no matter how long you soak, it will have no effect.

  • The best time to lose weight by swimmingIn addition, don’t swim too long. Soaking in the water for a long time is very harmful to the skin. And if you don’t move in the water, it is easy for your joints to be stimulated by cold, and your body resistance will drop, which is not conducive to fitness.

  • The best heart rate for swimming to lose weightGo all out to keep the heart rate at about 80% of the maximum heart rate when swimming. In order to ensure this standard, count how many times the pulse jumps in 6 seconds every swimming period, followed by a 0 is the heart rate of 1 minute. Paying attention to your own data is one of the main factors to motivate yourself.

Swimming to lose weight, combining speed and speed is effective. However, for most people, it is difficult to swim fast in the whole course, so we might as well swim slowly and then quickly, and then swim slowly and then quickly, in this way to improve the sports effect.

According to the convention, experts suggest that the length of each swimming exercise for healthy people under the age of 35 should be 2000~2500 meters; People aged 35 to 50 should swim at a distance of 1,500 to 1,800 meters at a time; Older people over 50 years old should choose 1,000 ~ 1,200 meters according to their physical condition, and they should swim 2~3 times a week. If they persist for 3 months, they will definitely have a good slimming effect. Interesting and easy-to-understand ways to lose weight in swimming Using kick boards, kick boards, paddles, flippers and other water swimming tools will not only help burn more calories, but also exercise the muscles of limbs, and at the same time increase swimmers’ interest in swimming.

In order to avoid injury during swimming, remember to do some warm-up and stretching exercises before entering the water.