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Innovating the recruitment mechanism of civil servants’ examination

  In recent years, open recruitment examination has become the most important channel for state organs at all levels to select and employ public servants. However, practice also shows that there are still some defects in the civil service examination and employment system, which directly affects the fairness of examination and employment. In this year’s government work report, Premier Wen Jiabao clearly stated that it is necessary to further improve the National Civil Service Law and accelerate the establishment of a scientific, fair and just civil service examination and employment system. To this end, reform and innovate the civil service examination.

  The employment system has become an important task at present.

  Fairness is an important prerequisite for the civil service examination and employment system to gain wide social recognition and social credibility, but some problems existing in the system design and specific operation of civil service examination and employment have weakened this fairness to some extent. This is mainly manifested in: first, the rule defects, and second, the operation defects. The former mainly refers to the unreasonable conditions set by the management department in the qualification of social members to apply for the exam, which restricts and prevents some social members from joining the ranks of civil servants, thus causing unfairness in the entrance examination threshold. For example, Article 16 of the Regulations on the Employment of Civil Servants stipulates that with the approval of the competent department of civil servants at or above the provincial level, the age and academic qualifications of applicants may be appropriately adjusted; However, at the same time, it is stipulated that the competent department of civil servants and the recruitment agency shall not set qualifications unrelated to job requirements. As a matter of fact, in the examination of civil servants at all levels, civil servant management departments and recruitment agencies at or above the provincial level often use the power of "appropriate adjustment" to set many unreasonable conditions on qualifications such as academic qualifications, age and household registration. The latter mainly refers to the fact that some specific circumstances that the management department should consider when formulating the civil service examination and employment system have not been fully considered, which leads to the deviation of the examination and admission work from the expected goal and the unfairness of the results. For example, in the interview stage of the civil service examination, most of the examiners who participate in the interview evaluation (that is, examiners composed of organizations and personnel departments) are still from the local area. As the traditional society in China is an "acquaintance society" and the narrowness of the region provides low cost for the humanization of the relationship,It enables candidates to get to know, woo and even bribe examiners through various channels, so as to achieve the purpose of obtaining high interview scores. In the investigation stage, because the family, neighbors or colleagues of the object of investigation are unlikely to talk about the "acquaintances" who are about to leave themselves for human reasons, this often makes the investigation a mere formality.

  In view of some disadvantages in the current employment mechanism, we believe that it is imperative to innovate the mechanism. When innovating the mechanism of civil servant examination, we should truly follow the principles of fairness, procedure, transparency and economy.

  The first is the principle of fairness. The civil service examination should put fairness in the first place. Everyone who enters the exam must take the exam, and everyone who takes the exam must achieve equal opportunities and equal rules. In terms of equality of opportunity, it is mainly reflected that all People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens, regardless of gender, nationality and occupation, have the equal right to register for the examination as long as they meet the requirements of the post’s ability to perform their duties. In terms of equality of rules, it is mainly reflected in determining the recruitment conditions, examination types and examination contents according to unified standards and procedures, and conducting qualification examination, physical examination and merit-based recruitment according to procedures.

  Secondly, the procedural principle. It is not only the need to simplify the operation, but also an effective means to prevent human operation to carry out the examination and recruitment of civil servants in a programmed way. The proceduralization of the examination work should be reflected in three aspects: First, the procedure is legal. That is, the steps that need to be taken in the examination and admission work: publishing the recruitment announcement, qualification examination, written examination, interview, investigation, drafting personnel, publicity, employment, etc. must be determined through legal channels. Second, the program is rigid. The legislature should conduct in-depth research and analysis in combination with the actual situation, formulate practical and rigid operating procedures, prevent artificial manipulation of examination results, and ensure that the candidates are determined in the order of high and low comprehensive scores to the greatest extent.

  Thirdly, the principle of transparency. Recruitment of civil servants should be announced to the public as soon as possible, so that every citizen who meets the conditions and has the intention to apply for the examination can take the public examination; Announce the number of candidates for each position in time when applying for the exam, and rationally allocate and optimize the resources for the exam; Written test results, interview results, inspection results, ranking and employment status are published in a timely manner; The reasons for changing the ranking of civil servants must be announced.

  On the basis of the above principles, it is necessary to innovate the operating procedures of examination recruitment and refine the operating procedures to ensure the fairness of the examination system. At present, the main process of civil servant recruitment by examination in China is: publishing recruitment announcement-registration and qualification examination-examination (including written examination and interview)-inspection and physical examination-public approval or filing. Among them, after the written test, they will enter the interview according to a certain proportion, and after the interview, they will enter the inspection and physical examination according to a certain proportion. After the inspection and physical examination, the personnel department and the employer will determine the candidates to be hired from the top candidates. There are two links in this process that are flexible: one is interview, and the other is inspection. Due to excessive flexibility, the fairness of the exam may be reduced. Therefore, we should improve these two links in detail, and we can put the physical examination before the inspection. After the written test, you can enter the interview according to a certain proportion, enter the physical examination according to a certain proportion after the interview, and conduct an inspection according to a certain proportion after the physical examination. In this way, it is easy to model operation, reduce the cost, and more importantly, it embodies the principle of fairness and puts an end to the disadvantages of human relations to the maximum extent.

  It is necessary to improve the management mechanism of interviewers, organize exchanges in different places, and ensure the fairness of interview results. Interview is an important link in the examination and registration of civil servants. It is beyond doubt to strengthen the management of interview and establish a scientific interview mechanism. To improve the interview management mechanism, we can mainly start from the following aspects: First, implement the information base management of interview examiners. A certain number of professionals are transferred from relevant fields and departments and entered into the examiner information database according to a certain structure. When there is a recruitment task, they are randomly selected, and the drawn examiners are managed in a centralized and closed way until the end of the examination. The second is to establish an examiner’s exchange system in different places. The third is to establish a double lottery system for pre-test interviews: the examiner draws lots to determine the positions to participate in the evaluation, and the candidates draw lots to determine the interview team to be evaluated. The fourth is to establish a rotation training system for examiners.

  It is necessary to strengthen the supervision and restriction mechanism to ensure the fairness of examination and employment. A good supervision and restriction mechanism should have a perfect internal supervision and external supervision system. Internal supervision is mainly a way for the management department to supervise the whole process of civil servant examination and registration through its own deployment of certain material resources and manpower. It is mainly realized in two ways: first, a supervision working group composed of cadres from the organization, discipline inspection and personnel departments at the same level supervises the whole process of examination. Second, representatives from people’s congresses or CPPCC members at the same level sent representatives to supervise. In addition, it is more important to strengthen external supervision, establish an effective external supervision system, and standardize the examination process through the system. For example, you can let the news media follow the whole process, including entering the interview examination room; Establish a monitoring system for the whole process of the interview site, and the examiner at the interview site will show the points on the spot and elect representatives of the masses to supervise in the monitoring room; Establish a complaint system for candidates. Students think that the examination process is unfair and have the right to make a complaint within a certain period of time or ask the discipline inspection department to intervene. (Ai Lisheng/Party School of Hunan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China)

Editor: Liu Li

Used cars usher in a big market (new economic orientation)

  Not long ago, Mr. Jin, who works in a chemical company in Yangzhou, successfully completed the registration procedures for the transfer of used cars. "I found a joint venture brand car with Qingdao license in 2015 on the second-hand car trading platform, and the hand price was 33,500 yuan." Mr. Jin said that in Jiangsu, from June 17, foreign used cars that meet the national five emission standards can move in normally.

  Mr. Jin is just one of the many beneficiaries of the favorable policy for used cars. On June 22, the executive meeting of the State Council decided that the restrictions on the moving-in of small non-operating used cars will be completely lifted from August 1, and the automobile sales enterprises will implement separate endorsement management and issue temporary license plates when applying for transfer registration from October 1. Luo Lei, Deputy Secretary-General of china automobile dealers association, said that favorable policies will further enliven the used car market, promote the renewal of automobile consumption and release the consumption potential.

  Favorable policies help the market to accelerate development.

  "The circulation of used cars is actually convenient and smooth." Chen Ji, general manager of Suzhou Lexuan UCAR, told the reporter that the company has collected more than 10 used cars with foreign licenses after Jiangsu province lifted the relocation restriction in mid-June. "The cancellation of the relocation restriction not only allows more foreign car sources to enter Suzhou, but also the second-hand cars with the national five emission standards that cannot be digested locally can be sold to various places more conveniently." Chen Ji said.

  Wang Xiaoyu, co-founder of Guazi used car, believes that the cancellation of the relocation restriction policy has opened up the blocking points and card points in the circulation of used cars, which will activate the trading of used cars in different places and drive the continuous growth of the trade scale. "Since June 1, Hebei, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places have successively implemented the policy of canceling the national five emission standards for second-hand cars. The range of optional car sources for users in these places has expanded by about 6 times, and the proportion of off-site car sources on the platform has also increased from the previous 35% to 80%, which has driven the growth of platform car dealers’ sales." Wang Xiaoyu said.

  "The policy of separate endorsement management and issuance of temporary number plates for second-hand car transfer registration implemented nationwide since October 1 is a big plus for second-hand car circulation enterprises in cities with limited purchases." Guo Jian, general manager of the famous car in Beijing No.1 Station, said, "In the past, in order to transfer and register used cars in Beijing, it was necessary to occupy the index of car purchase, and circulation enterprises could only rent number plates. After Beijing promoted the temporary license plate policy in advance, it reduced the company’s operating expenses, and the acquired used cars entered the company’s name, which can be treated as ‘ Inventory goods ’ Accounting has also opened the door to social financing. "

  Feeling the huge development potential of the used car market, SAIC-GM launched a brand-new "Buick officially certified used car" brand last year. "Since 2020, especially since the first half of this year, a series of policies and measures to encourage the development of the used car market have been intensively introduced." Yao Fu, head of the marketing department of SAIC-GM Buick, said that the favorable policies cover all aspects such as encouraging to speed up the elimination and renewal of old vehicles, completely canceling the relocation restriction policy, and lowering the value-added tax rate of used cars. Combined with the implementation of the new policy, the company will open up the new and used car business chain through active car source repurchase, realize the three-dimensional sales model of national circulation, and gradually plan a standardized service system equivalent to the new car type to enhance the service experience of used car owners.

  Branding and digitalization to enhance the transparency of transaction information

  At the beginning of July, Mr. Ju, the owner of a restaurant in Shanghai, bought a Buick Angkewei in 2019 through the "Buick Official Certified Used Car". "I bought a new car with a car age of 3 years in the early 100,000 yuan, and I have been driving for more than 20 days. It feels really good." Mr. Ju said that he considered a new car, ran through the used car market, brokerage companies, and saw the online platform, and finally chose an officially certified used car.

  "Quality and service are the two core competitiveness of used car distribution enterprises, and they are also an important way to build consumer trust and enhance consumer experience." Luo Lei believes that the official certification of used cars by car companies is guaranteed by high-quality first-hand car sources, standardized testing and evaluation processes, original factory warranty, after-sales service, etc., plus the endorsement of car brands, which solves the pain point of information asymmetry of consumers buying used cars.

  In recent years, the booming second-hand car e-commerce platform has also contributed new solutions to improve the transparency of second-hand car trading information.

  "Entering the platform and empowering the platform digitally is an effective way for traditional used car circulation enterprises to enhance their competitiveness." Chen Ji said that platform enterprises can carry out digital and standardized management of used cars in different ways. Consumers can see at a glance whether the vehicles have collided, to what extent, and which side has been painted, which is what most used car circulation enterprises cannot do. In addition, remote delivery, door-to-door delivery, seven-day unreasonable return, etc. are inseparable from the platform enterprises’ strong logistics system, financial support and remote after-sales maintenance.

  "Digital means allow enterprises to reach potential customers nationwide." Wang Yong, general manager of Nanjing Qihang Famous Car, said that today, they have sold local car sources to more than 20 cities outside Nanjing, and the turnover efficiency of car sales has increased by three times.

  Take precautions and standardize the development of new energy used car market

  "In Shanghai, buying new energy used cars is not restricted by licenses, but I gave up after thinking about it again and again." Mr. Ju said that consumers have no way to verify the data related to safety and directly affecting the charging and driving performance of vehicles, such as the number of times of vehicle charging and discharging, the degree of battery attenuation, and whether the batteries are overheated and out of control.

  "Since last year, China’s new energy vehicles have continued to double, and the annual sales volume this year is expected to exceed 5.5 million. How to standardize the development of the new energy used car market has become a problem that the industry must seriously face. " Luo Lei said that last year, the Technical Specification for Appraisal and Evaluation of Second-hand Pure Electric Passenger Cars, which was researched and compiled by china automobile dealers association for three years, was released, providing a set of scientific and practical appraisal and evaluation standards for second-hand cars suitable for new energy vehicles for the domestic market.

  "Since the second half of last year, the market price of pure electric used cars factory in 2017 has almost doubled. This not only shows that the market’s recognition of new energy used cars has greatly increased, but also means that the previously underestimated hedge ratio is returning rationally. " For example, Shen Wenjun, the founder of Beijing Che Yi De New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said that the EV150 of Beiqi New Energy, which has a driving range of about 100 kilometers and is six years old, sold for about 10,000 yuan last year, and now it is close to 20,000 yuan.

  The second-hand car industry of new energy not only undertakes the replacement of new cars in the upstream, promotes the sustainable development of the new energy vehicle market, but also connects the cascade utilization and recycling of waste power batteries in the downstream, which is an important link in the whole life cycle management of new energy vehicles. Although the current appraisal and evaluation standards, new testing equipment, etc. have made quality identification no longer a problem, in Shen Wenjun’s view, the sustainable development of the industry is still facing challenges without a breakthrough in traceability management of power batteries.

  All new energy vehicles are equipped with power battery monitoring system, which can monitor and upload key data in use, and even notify the owner in advance before the battery thermal runaway occurs, but this information cannot be shared. "We have been discussing whether to install a set of similar equipment on the used car for sale and record the operation data of the vehicle’s three electric systems." Shen Wenjun said that this move not only improves the safety of vehicles and user stickiness, but also contributes to the later cascade utilization and recycling.

  "The standardized start of the new energy used car market is conducive to the healthy development of the entire used car market." Luo Lei introduced that in 2019, China’s used car trading volume exceeded half of new car sales, and in 2021 it reached 2/3 of new car sales. "With the obvious effect of the policy, in 2025, the transaction volume of used cars will be expected to be the same as that of new cars." Luo Lei said.

"Go skiing to the west and welcome the New Year in Youlong" Inner Mongolia ushered in a wave of parent-child groups

On January 20th, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region opened the theme activity of "Going West to Ski and Welcome the New Year in Youlong". With the smooth arrival of 26 passengers from Guangzhou parent-child tour group at Hohhot Baita International Airport, a cheerful and dripping ice and snow experience tour began.

Punch in the old street

Taste "boiled sheep in ice"

According to reports, the parent-child group is organized by Guangzhou Guangzhi Travel Agency, and visitors will have a winter trip to Inner Mongolia in Hohhot, Baotou and Erdos. It is planned to visit Taiwei Ski Resort in Hohhot, Saishang Old Street, Inner Mongolia Museum, Xiangshawan Scenic Area in Erdos and other places, to see historical and cultural cities, taste special food, play winter ice and snow, and enjoy the wonders of desert ice and snow.

Li Li, head of Kaiser International Travel Service in Inner Mongolia, said that ice and snow are very attractive to southerners. The fun of ice and snow outlined by Inner Mongolia prairie, big desert, big ice and snow and unique culture is exactly what they want to let tourists experience during the 4-day and 3-night parent-child tour, so that more tourists can enter Inner Mongolia, fall in love with Inner Mongolia and feel the diversity of Inner Mongolia.

In order to make high-quality tourism in winter get together, get hot and live, this year, Inner Mongolia has given full play to the advantages of ice and snow tourism with the characteristics of "Northern Xinjiang Culture" and launched such formats as "ice and snow+annual customs", "ice and snow+intangible heritage", "ice and snow+health care" and "ice and snow+holiday" to promote the consumption upgrade of winter tourism industry. Inner Mongolia will take the "Fourteen Winter" as the starting point, create more ice and snow tourism products, release the charm of ice and snow, and attract more tourists to experience while creating an orderly market environment and providing quality services.(Prairie All Media Zhengbei Net reporter Ma Lixia)

Doing "Five Great Articles" of Finance Well and Serving the Overall Situation of Chinese Modernization

CCTV News:The annual meeting of 2023 Financial Street Forum was held in Beijing today (November 8). At the annual meeting, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that risk prevention is the main goal of strengthening supervision, and strengthening supervision is an effective way to prevent risks, both of which are important guarantees for achieving high-quality development.

According to the development law of capital market and the supervision practice in recent years, China and Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission summarized the causes of capital market risks into five aspects: excessive leverage or even out of control, imbalance between innovation and supervision, fraud, breach of trust and absence of main responsibility. He pointed out that it is the first duty and statutory duty of the CSRC to strengthen the supervision of the capital market, safeguard the "three public" order of the market and the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and prevent and resolve financial risks.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:We adhere to the regulatory philosophy of "respecting the market, respecting the rule of law, respecting the profession, respecting risks, and giving full play to the joint efforts of all parties", adhere to the main responsibility of supervision, and pay attention to the following principles: First, adhere to the principle of "managing only when you can see clearly" to promote innovation under the premise of prudent supervision. The second is to guard against excessive leverage and gradually reduce the scale and level of leveraged funds to a reasonable range. Third, "zero tolerance" has cracked down on all kinds of chaos and reversed the long-standing situation that the illegal cost of securities is too low. The fourth is to adhere to the blade inward and self-revolution.

The reform of the registration system is by no means deregulation.

Regarding the reform of the registration system, China Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission said that the reform of the registration system is by no means a relaxation of supervision, but a better combination of an effective market and a promising government.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:After the implementation of the (registration system) reform, supervision has become stricter, and the most prominent performance is the improvement of transparency. This promotion comes from the openness of the whole process of audit and registration, accepting the supervision of the whole society, and from the supervision covering the whole chain before and after the event, which urges enterprises to fully disclose information and compact the responsibility of intermediary agencies as "gatekeepers". Through reform, the basic system of capital market is comprehensively strengthened, especially the level of rule of law is further improved.

Yi Huiman said that in the next step, we will continue to promote the stock issuance registration system.

Yi Huiman, Chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission:Dynamically evaluate and optimize institutional arrangements such as pricing, reduction and refinancing. At the same time, we will vigorously promote the reform of the investment side, promote the implementation of various supporting policies for medium and long-term capital entering the market, accelerate the cultivation of "smart funds" in China, promote the strengthening of industry institutions, effectively enhance professional investment capabilities and market leadership, and take our own path.

Yi Huiman said that the healthy development of the real economy is the foundation for the smooth operation of the capital market. The CSRC will adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the real economy, and focus on doing the "five major articles" on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to give full play to the hub function of the capital market and serve the overall situation of Chinese modernization more effectively.

South China and other places still need to be alert to strong convective weather. On Sunday, the northern part of the country started warming up.

  Cctv newsAccording to the news of China Weather Network, today (March 25th), the heavy rainfall areas in the south of the Yangtze River and South China will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian, and the local area will still be accompanied by strong convective weather. In terms of temperature, this Sunday, the north will gradually enter the warming mode; However, due to the continuous rainy weather in South China, the temperature will be suppressed until the end of March.

  Heavy rainfall in South China continues to exert its strength. Guangdong, Fujian and other places need to be alert to secondary disasters.

  Yesterday, heavy rainfall continued in Jiangnan and South China, and the local area was still accompanied by strong convective weather. Monitoring shows that from 08: 00 on the 24th to 06: 00 on the 25th, heavy rains fell in parts of southeastern Hunan, southwestern Jiangxi, southern Fujian, north-central Guangdong and northeastern Guangxi, and heavy rains occurred in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, Longyan, Fujian and Shaoguan, Guangdong.

  Today, the heavy rainfall area will be pressed to the south, and the heavy rain will be mainly concentrated in Guangdong, southern Fujian and eastern Guangxi. From tomorrow, the precipitation in the south will be weakened, especially in the south of the Yangtze River and east of South China.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, eastern Qinghai and central Gansu, and there will be medium snow in the local area. There are moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Jiangnan and central and eastern South China, among which there are heavy rains or heavy rains in parts of southeastern Fujian and northern Guangdong.


  Tomorrow, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of southern Xinjiang basin, northern and eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, southern Gansu and northern Sichuan Plateau, and there will be medium snow in the local area. Some areas in southeastern Tibet, eastern Northwest China, southwestern Shanxi, eastern Southwest China, south-central Jiangnan, southern China, Taiwan Province Island and Hainan Island have moderate to moderate rain and local heavy rain.


  Generally speaking, some areas in Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places will be hit by continuous heavy rainfall, and the accumulated rainfall is large, and the rain is urgent. Attention should be paid to preventing secondary disasters such as geology and mountain torrents that may be induced by rainfall. However, the recent rainfall is beneficial to alleviate the meteorological drought in South China. After this round of heavy rainfall, Guangdong may meet the flood season standards and start the first flood season in South China.

  The rainy weather in the south is frequently suppressed and warmed up, and the north is gradually warming up.

  Under the combined influence of cold air and rainy weather, the temperature in South China will continue to drop today. The cumulative cooling in Guangxi and Guangdong will exceed 10℃, and the highest temperature today will mostly drop to around 20℃. Moreover, due to the frequent subsequent rainfall, the temperature in South China will not improve much until the end of March.

  This Sunday, the temperature in most parts of the north will rise one after another, and the highest temperature on Sunday will generally return to a higher level than normal, and the warmer range will continue to increase at the beginning of next week. From the 27th, the highest temperature in most parts of Northeast China will return to above 15℃, and the cumulative temperature rise will generally exceed 10℃. The highest temperatures in North China and Huanghuai will gradually rise above 20℃, and the warmth will return.

  In big cities, the highest temperature in Shenyang was only about 9℃ yesterday, and then the temperature will rise all the way, reaching 18℃ on the 28th and 20℃ on the 30th, or it will set a new high this year.

  However, it should be noted that most of the north is still in the alternating period of winter and spring, and the temperature rises rapidly during the day, and it is still cold in the morning and evening, and the temperature difference will also widen. Around the 27th, the temperature difference between day and night in many places in the north will exceed 15℃, and even reach above 20℃ locally, reminding the public to pay attention to adding clothes to keep warm and avoid catching a cold.

New progress in financial opening-up: the second overseas bank card clearing institution was approved for opening.

  The financial industry has made progress in opening up to the outside world, and the second overseas bank card clearing institution has entered the domestic market.

  On November 19th, official website, the central bank, reported that the People’s Bank of China, together with the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, examined and approved the application for opening a bank card clearing institution submitted by "Everything Network Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "Everything Network Company") in accordance with the the State Council Decision on Implementing Access Management of Bank Card Clearing Institutions and the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Clearing Institutions. On November 17th, 2023, the People’s Bank of China issued a bank card clearing business license to Wanshiwanglian Company.

  Wanshi Netlink Company is a joint venture established by MasterCard and Netlink Clearing Co., Ltd. in China. After obtaining the administrative license, Wanshiwanglian Company can authorize its member institutions to issue and accept RMB bank cards of MasterCard brand in China.

  It is worth noting that this is the third bank card clearing institution in China after China UnionPay and China Unicom, and it is also the second Sino-foreign joint venture bank card clearing institution (China Unicom is a joint venture between American Express and China).

  All things network obtained administrative permission.

  According to public information, as the main body of MasterCard and Netlink Technology Co., Ltd.’ s bank card clearing institution preparation application, Wanshi Netlink Company is a joint venture company initiated by MasterCard Company in China, and as the market main body, it applies for preparing bank card clearing institution and operating MasterCard brand.

  According to Tianyancha, Wanshiwanglian Company was incorporated on March 6, 2019 with a registered capital of 1 billion yuan. MasterCard Asia/Pacific PTE. Ltd. (MasterCard Asia Pacific), Netlink Technology Co., Ltd. and MasterCard International Incorporated jointly contributed 500 million yuan, 490 million yuan and 100 million yuan respectively, accounting for 50%, 49% and 1% of the registered capital respectively.

  The legal representative and chairman of Everything Network Company are Ling Hai, who is the co-president of MasterCard Asia Pacific; Dong Junfeng, the director and vice chairman of Everything Network, is currently the president of Network Clearing Co., Ltd.

  Industry experts told reporters that MasterCard is the second largest bank card clearing institution in the United States, and approving its entry into China’s market is a concrete measure to implement the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting high-level opening up, which fully demonstrates China’s determination to expand opening up. So far, China has approved American Express and MasterCard, two overseas bank card clearing institutions, to enter the domestic market, which is conducive to building an effective competitive, reasonable and stable bank card clearing market structure, deepening the supply-side structural reform of the payment industry, and better serving the real economy and people’s livelihood.

  The bank card clearing business involves the calculation of creditor’s rights and debts and the arrangement of fund settlement among the subjects of the bank card business, which is related to the rights and interests of the public, enterprises and institutions.

  The reporter learned that the People’s Bank of China is further improving the relevant management system of bank card clearing institutions, strengthening the whole process supervision and penetrating supervision, and maintaining the safe and stable operation of China’s payment system.

  The central bank said that in the next step, the People’s Bank of China will continue to follow the principles of openness, fairness and justice, promote the market access of bank card clearing in an orderly manner according to law, make overall plans for development and safety, continuously improve the supervision mechanism of bank card clearing institutions, and promote the high-quality development of the payment industry.

  Steadily promote the access of foreign bank card clearing institutions

  In 1980s, foreign bank card clearing institutions began to provide foreign currency bank card related services to domestic entities, such as authorizing domestic commercial banks to issue foreign currency bank cards.

  In 2015, the State Council issued the Decision on Implementing Access Management of Bank Card Clearing Institutions (Guo Fa [2015] No.22), which clearly stated that China’s bank card clearing market should be opened, and foreign bank card clearing institutions can provide RMB bank card related services by setting up commercial entities in China with the approval of the People’s Bank of China and the former CBRC.

  In 2016, the People’s Bank of China, together with the former China Banking Regulatory Commission, issued the Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Clearing Institutions (Order No.2 of the China Banking Regulatory Commission of the People’s Bank of China [2016]), which set the same standards for foreign and domestic bank card clearing institutions in terms of establishment conditions, procedures and business management, fully embodying the principles of opening wider to the outside world and maintaining fair competition in the market.

  Subsequently, in order to promote the standardization, standardization and convenience of administrative licensing of bank card clearing institutions and improve the transparency of administrative licensing, in 2017, the People’s Bank of China studied, formulated and publicly released the Service Guide for the Approval of Bank Card Clearing Institutions, which detailed the application materials requirements for administrative licensing matters such as the preparation, opening and major changes of bank card clearing institutions, and clarified the specific procedures for bank card clearing institutions to apply for licenses.

  After that, the People’s Bank of China closely followed the new situation and situation of the opening of the bank card clearing market, and based on the regulatory practice and market demand, revised and updated the Service Guide for the Entry and Approval of Bank Card Clearing Institutions in 2020, streamlined the requirements of application materials, optimized the entry and approval process, and better facilitated the bank card clearing institutions to handle administrative licensing matters.

  In recent years, the People’s Bank of China has resolutely implemented the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and steadily promoted the access of foreign bank card clearing institutions.

  In June 2020, the People’s Bank of China and the former China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission approved the application for opening a bank card clearing institution submitted by Unicom (Hangzhou) Technical Service Co., Ltd. (a joint venture company established by American Express in China), and issued a bank card clearing business license to it. In August 2020, Connectivity Company officially opened.

  According to the central bank, China is committed to high-level opening-up, and MasterCard’s exhibition in China market is a new progress in China’s financial opening-up. China will continue to optimize the business environment and provide greater convenience for foreign financial institutions to develop their businesses in China. American-funded financial institutions are welcome to expand their business presence in China, share the fruits of China’s economic development and make contributions to deepening Sino-US financial cooperation.

Shandong Experimental Kindergarten: Celebrating New Year’s Day and Visiting the Garden.

On the occasion of New Year’s Day, Shandong Experimental Kindergarten held a garden activity in 2024, "Longteng brings forth new ideas, and’ Temple’ is unspeakable".
Amid the children’s laughter and songs, the lively and prosperous garden activities are on fire. Turn to "dumplings" to meet love, fish jump in the dragon gate, sprout dragons and break through the customs, as well as fantasy magic show, scented tea DIY… delicious and fun.
With expectation and joy, the children happily visited temple fairs and celebrated the New Year together, feeling the charm of traditional culture and the happiness of growing up in a warm festive atmosphere.
Public news client Zhao Guolu correspondent Sun Yu

China successfully developed the world’s first ultraviolet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution.

China successfully developed the world's first ultraviolet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution.

  Yong Yang (left), deputy chief designer of Super-resolution Lithography Equipment Project of Institute of Optoelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduces the successfully developed equipment. Sun zifa

  Zhongxin. com, Chengdu, November 29th (Reporter Sun Zifa) — — The super-resolution lithography equipment project passed the acceptance test in Chengdu on the 29th. As one of the important achievements of the project, China scientists have successfully developed the world’s first ultra-resolution ultraviolet (i.e. 22nm @ 365nm) lithography equipment with the highest resolution, and formed a brand-new nano-optical lithography process route with completely independent intellectual property rights.

  Researcher Luo Xiangang, director of the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chief scientist of the super-resolution lithography equipment project, said that in 2012, the institute undertook the development task of super-resolution lithography equipment, a major national scientific research equipment project. After nearly seven years of hard work, without foreign mature experience to learn from, the project team broke through key technologies such as high uniformity lighting, super-resolution lithography lens, nano-resolution focusing and gap measurement, and ultra-precision, multi-degree-of-freedom stage and control. The development of the first UV super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in the world is completed. It uses a light source with a wavelength of 365 nm, and the maximum line width resolution of a single exposure reaches 22 nm (about 1/17 exposure wavelength). On this basis, the project team also combined with the supporting processes such as high aspect ratio etching and multiple patterns developed by the super-resolution lithography equipment project to realize the processing of feature size patterns below 10 nanometers.

  The first ultra-violet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in this world is developed based on surface plasmon super-diffraction, which breaks the traditional route pattern that the resolution of traditional optical lithography is limited by the wavelength of light source and the numerical aperture of lens, and forms a brand-new technical route from principle, equipment to process, with completely independent intellectual property rights, and provides manufacturing tools for the leap-forward development of revolutionary strategic fields such as metamaterials/hypersurfaces, third-generation optical devices and generalized chips.

  Acceptance experts believe that all technical indicators of the super-resolution lithography equipment successfully developed by Zhongke Optoelectronics meet or exceed the assessment indicators specified in the implementation plan, and the key technical indicators have reached the international leading level in the field of super-resolution imaging lithography. In principle, the project breaks through the diffraction limit of resolution, establishes a new research and development route of high-resolution and large-area nano-lithography equipment, bypasses the technical intellectual property barrier of foreign high-resolution lithography equipment, realizes the innovation of China’s technological source, and develops super-resolution lithography equipment with independent intellectual property rights and controllable technology, which is also the first ultra-violet super-resolution lithography equipment with the highest resolution in the world.

  At the same time, a series of nano-functional devices, including large-aperture thin film mirror, superconducting nanowire single photon detector, Cherenkov radiation device, biochemical sensor chip, super-surface imaging device, etc., have been prepared by using the successfully developed super-resolution lithography equipment, which verifies the processing ability of the nano-functional devices of the equipment and has reached the practical level.

  The super-resolution lithography equipment project of Zhongke Optoelectronics Institute has published 68 papers, and at present, it has been authorized 47 national invention patents and 4 international patents, and has trained a super-resolution lithography technology and equipment research and development team. Luo Xiangang said that the Institute of Optoelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will further increase the research and development, popularization and application of functional diversification of super-resolution lithography equipment to promote the development of related fields in the country.

2024 annual strategy report of automobile industry: "Intelligent control, electric future" accelerates development.

Source: China Merchants Securities

Outline catalogue

1. Investment Summary

2. Independent brands performed strongly, and automobile exports performed brilliantly.

3. Intelligent driving ushered in an inflection point, and the intelligent cockpit continued to upgrade.

4. Parts: New elements drive changes, and the growth of subdivided tracks is expected.

5. Tesla: Intelligent driving leads, creating revolution and subverting innovation.

6. Huawei Auto: the offensive, the smart car is broken.

7. Humanoid robot: the extension of smart car, the best carrier of body intelligence.

The report consists of 97 pages.

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15 new fashionable hairstyles, simple and beautiful, make you more addicted to cutting.

Women are fickle, as we can see from their hairstyles. Basically, every once in a while, they will go to the hair salon for a new hairstyle and find their own different beauty. Today, they have brought you 15 new fashionable hairstyles, which are simple and beautiful, making people more and more addicted.

Half-covered ears with short hair looming out of the ears are simple and fashionable, and bangs on the forehead retain a certain sense of quantity, which looks both age-reducing and textured.

Short hair can be said to be synonymous with ever-changing, especially the short hair with rich layers, which can present a very three-dimensional shape with hands and is fashionable and handsome.

If a woman’s hair is too short, it sometimes looks too neutral, but when it is long, it doesn’t look neat enough. Then you can try this kind of short hair with hanging ears, which is both soft and neat and suitable for most women.

Good-looking short hair can’t be separated from fashionable hair color. If you hang short hair, you can choose to match brown-red hair dyeing, which can not only increase the luster of hair, but also play a role in whitening the skin. The effect is beautiful and people like it more and more.

With creative hair dyeing, the effect is also very good, such as doing some bright highlights around bangs and ears, which will immediately give you a unique style and personality.

Soft hair cut one-size-fits-all bob, with neat bangs, is simple and pure but very stylish. Youth and fashion make people look smaller and smaller, and beauty is like 18 years old.

If you want to add a feminine style to the bobo head, you can consider trimming some layers at the end of the hair properly, so that it won’t look so monotonous, and the slightly buttoned shape is particularly thin-faced.

Coupled with a bangs about the length of Qi Mei, the trimmed layers should not be too thick, and keep a refreshing feeling, revealing the forehead faintly, naturally soft and particularly beautiful.

Of course, if you want to have a better fluffy effect, you can consider using a big barbell to perm your hair, so that the inner buckle effect of the hair end will be more obvious and the feminine temperament will be more in place.

Bobo hair style can also choose to dye the whole hair in dark brown, which is not exaggerated but very fashionable, with a small amount of highlights on one side. The three-dimensional fashion is very interesting and beautiful.

Hairstyles with bobo head length can be said to be suitable for ladies of different ages and younger ladies. When perming, the curl is too much, and the fluffy effect is OK, simple and fashionable.

Older ladies can curl up a little more, which makes them look more charming and can highlight the elegance of mature women, which makes people never tire of watching them.

If you have very little hair, you can also consider perming it with small curls, so that the fluffy shape can increase your hair several times, and at the same time, it is also foreign, which makes people like it more and more.

Curly hair styling is actually more suitable for female friends with shoulder length, because such a long curly hair makes people look particularly gentle and fashionable, especially when the curly hair hangs down, which can make the whole facial features get a good softening effect. At the same time, the outline of bitter fleabane bitter fleabane has the effect of face-lifting, which is simply addictive.

The permed hair forms even undulating waves, which looks a little retro, elegant and charming. I don’t know if it’s your favorite style. If you want to see more popular market hairstyles, don’t forget to pay attention to me.

I need you to be my friend, because you know how to listen to me and pay attention to me, thank you, and I hope you and I will go together in the future hair style.