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Wahaha AD calcium milk turned out to be a health product?

I believe that for many people in their 80s and 90s, Wahaha AD calcium milk is a happy memory of their childhood. At that time, there was no Yili, no Mengniu, only Wahaha’s sour and sweet taste. As long as you hold a bottle of Wahaha AD calcium milk, it seems to have the whole world!

If Barcode Jun told you that Wahaha AD calcium milk is not an ordinary drink, but a health drink, would you be surprised? To be honest, even Barcode Jun himself doesn’t believe it – this cheap and delicious drink is actually a tall health product?

However, Barcode Jun found from the information published on the website of the State Food and Drug Administration that the name of Wahaha AD calcium milk was on the list of domestic health foods.

(Image source: State Food and Drug Administration website)

Both Wahaha AD calcium milk drink and Wahaha second-generation AD calcium milk drink received blue hats as early as 1998. The health function of Wahaha AD calcium milk drink is to promote growth and development, while Wahaha second-generation AD calcium milk drink adds an item to improve gastrointestinal tract on the basis of the former.

(Image source: State Food and Drug Administration website)

(Image source: State Food and Drug Administration website)

From the name, the calcium milk on the list of health products should be the Wahaha AD calcium milk drink we are familiar with (it is worth noting that it was also filed on April 21, 2016).

Then compare the nutritional content table of Wahaha AD calcium milk drink with the functional ingredients of health products, and the two are also consistent.

Wahaha AD calcium milk drink nutritional content table

From the above information, we should be able to come to a conclusive conclusion: Wahaha AD calcium milk is a health product! Does this subvert the perception of many people?

However, Barcode Jun found that the situation seemed a bit complicated.

First of all, there is no "blue hat" logo on the bottles of Wahaha AD calcium milk sold now.

There is also no "blue hat" on the outer packaging box.

Then, enter the official website of Wahaha to check, and Barcode Jun did not find Wahaha AD calcium milk in the category of "medical and health products".

(Image source: Wahaha official website)

Wahaha AD calcium milk is only classified as a "protein drink".

In other words, even the Wahaha Group itself did not regard it as a health product!

This time, Barcode Jun was completely confused!

Is Wahaha AD calcium milk a health product? If so, why doesn’t Wahaha Group promote and sell it as a health product? If not, why is its information on the list of health products of the State Food and Drug Administration (and has recently been filed)?

In this regard, Barcode Jun did not find an answer.

However, a friend of Barcode Jun said that he doesn’t care whether Wahaha AD calcium milk is a health product, because he likes the sour and sweet taste, which can evoke childhood memories.

Similarly, Wahaha Group is also willing to play the emotional card to promote its products.

Yes, for most people, drinking Wahaha AD calcium milk is not about efficacy, but about feelings.

Affordable is another attractive aspect of Haha AD calcium milk. According to the inquiry on Tmall, the 220ml Wahaha AD calcium milk sells for only about 40 yuan for 24 bottles. On average, one bottle is only more than one yuan, and the price is quite close to the people.

Barcode Jun believes that feelings and low price are the reasons why consumers really love Wahaha AD calcium milk. On the contrary, few people care whether Wahaha AD calcium milk is a health product. This may be one of the reasons why Wahaha Group abandoned the status of "health product" of this leading product? Of course, only Wahaha Group itself knows the most about the central reason.

Finally, let’s dry this bottle of milk together!

The glory of the champion family! Lynk & Co 03 + sales officially exceeded 10,000

At the beginning of the new year, the 10,000th high-performance sports sedan of the global new high-end brand 03 + officially rolled off the production line at the Zhangjiakou factory, which not only marked a milestone breakthrough in sales of the 03 + model, but also proved the success of the brand in the field of performance vehicles in China with strength and data.

As the first performance car of a Chinese automobile brand, 03 + represents the brand spirit of automobile breakthrough and upward with a higher-level attitude, and also represents the new trend of double-line upgrade of Chinese automobile culture and automobile consumption, thus opening a new era of performance in China’s automobile industry.

Since its inception, 03 + has brought the strongest product strength of the same level to the majority of automobile consumers with its extraordinary sports characteristics, excellent driving control strength, and ultimate performance, and has comprehensively established a high-value benchmark for Chinese performance vehicles. That night, 03 + also launched the first batch of public sales in the new year, with a total of 100 units (dazzling burning gold), of which the first 99 units were 49 units of the 03 + wind version (driving control kit), 50 units of the 03 + wind version, and the 100th unit (that is, the 10,000th vehicle) was a performance package version.

(1) Performance is a symbol 03 + leads the trend of market development

In today’s automotive industry era, performance cars are one of the few blue oceans in the market segment, and they have naturally become a must-win place for major automakers. With the younger consumer market, in addition to the essential intelligent experience of vehicles, the return of sportiness will become a more concerned factor for consumers. A performance car is not just a cold machine, but a carrier for releasing passion and showing individuality. All the attributes of 03 + can fully interpret performance. At the same time, 03 + not only announces the arrival of the era of Chinese performance cars, but also marks a product that bears the soul of the brand.

At present, the overall development of performance cars in China is still in its infancy, and there is a certain gap compared with the developed countries of performance cars. The appearance of 03 + is a scarce resource in terms of the value of the product to the brand, but at the same time it is a symbol. The purpose is not to focus on sales data, but to maintain the good development of the product series and matrix, and to break consumers’ traditional understanding of Chinese performance cars with 03 + product strength. This value and significance are far more important than price and sales.

As far as the product itself is concerned, 03 + fully fits the current young consumers’ passionate pursuit of power and speed driving, and is supported by the top technical teams from Chinese and foreign competitions. The proud 100-kilometer acceleration of 5.9 seconds is enough to rival the world’s top performance cars. As a Chinese brand performance car, 03 + elevates the 03 family products to a new height. While helping consumers realize their performance dreams, it will also greatly meet users’ demand for speed control preferences with exceptional product strength, allowing more users to have a new understanding of Chinese brand performance cars, and comprehensively lead the development trend of China’s performance car market.

(2) Adhere to the value benchmark and create a unique imprint of performance vehicles

Behind the sales of 03 + this time, it is the unique imprint of the car brand to continue to build performance cars. As a user brand, since its inception, the car has been adhering to the inherent boundaries of traditional car-making to continuously break through the inherent boundaries of traditional car-making, and to continuously meet user requests to build a product concept of "more than cars". At this time, 03 + has been recognized by 10,000 car owners, and a young performance car user circle has been formed. Taking this as an opportunity to focus on the needs of performance car users, not only to create exclusive products for performance car consumers, but also to continue to build an exclusive user ecosystem and interact closely with users to achieve co-creation and sharing between consumers and manufacturers.

User recognition is an intangible manifestation of value. 03 + has crossed multiple obstacles as China’s first performance car, breaking the flat situation of China’s performance car market with its leading product strength, and comprehensively driving the demand and development of the performance car market. In a short period of time, 03 + broke through the 10,000-unit mark. Such a milestone moment is not only a high display of its own product strength, but also a perfect interpretation of its brand spirit.

Rolling wheels out of the changing times

????Behind every old photo lies an unforgettable history.

????On October 29, 1955, the No. 1 well in Karamay was happy to spray oil. With the noble responsibility and mission of winning glory for the country and making the country prosperous and strong, the seniors gathered in the magical land of Karamay, opening the curtain of the construction of the new China’s petroleum industry. The bittersweet years of generations of oil people were sown on this land of life and struggle. The buses that oil people took, the shops and barber shops they walked into… Those familiar and cordial memories that have made generations familiar to generations have witnessed the history of the city from scratch, from start to construction and development.

????The special issue of "City Memory" of our newspaper has opened a new column "Those Days" to review with you the imprints and unforgettable memories of the city.


The shuttle buses used by oil men in the 1970s.


????Karamay’s city buses evolved from the oil workers’ shuttle buses in the 1960s. At that time, the managers and operators of city buses were the transportation office of the Xinjiang Petroleum Administration and some units with cars. In 1961, the transportation office of the Xinjiang Petroleum Administration established a central dispatching room to deploy the shuttle buses and some long-distance buses from the oil field. This is the prototype of centralized and unified management of vehicles.

????After more than half a century of wind and rain, buses have been extended to every corner of the city, witnessing the vicissitudes of Karamay and the glorious journey of Karamay people in the desert.

????This issue’s "Those Years" column takes you through an old photo of the shuttle bus station to learn about the development history of urban public transportation in Karamay.



????Karamay does not have a shuttle bus, and every holiday, all units send cars to meet the basic travel needs of employees. In 1965, Karamay officially opened a shuttle bus for oil workers from the urban area to the outer exploration area, which runs every two hours. At that time, the shuttle bus took the current South Road, passing through the oil refinery, the third oil production plant, and the second oil production plant, and finally arrived at the Baijiantan bus station.

????At that time, there were fewer than 10 buses on this line, and it took two hours to travel one way. The original passenger car was a Jiefang brand short-distance car, with a total of 23 seats on the car, plus the people standing in the carriage, which could pull more than 50 people at a time. The floor of the carriage was paved with wooden boards, and some wooden strips were nailed horizontally to prevent slippage. Because the floor was not tightly sealed, the vehicles ran on gravel roads, and dust and sand would keep drilling up from the bottom of the vehicle during the process of driving. When arriving at the destination, the passengers were often choked to ashes.

????In the early 1980s

????Karamay has city buses. At that time, Karamay had only No. 1 and No. 2 bus lines.

????The starting point of the No. 1 bus is the Long March New Village, and the terminus is the current Research Institute; the starting point of the No. 2 bus is the current Heavy Oil Company, and the terminus is at the current Friendship Bridge. At that time, there were no other motor passenger vehicles in Karamay, but there were many people taking the bus. Each bus was equipped with a flight attendant, which mainly solved the difficulties of employees going to work.


????Citizens usually don’t charge money for taking the bus, only tickets. Tickets are issued uniformly by various units according to the standard timing, and the face value of the ticket is marked to take different distances. The flight attendants prepare tickets and sell them mainly to outsiders who go to Karamay to do business, but this is rarely the case.


????Unknowingly, the lives of Karamay people have undergone earth-shaking changes, and urban buses are no exception. This year, individual minibuses appeared in Karamay, which greatly relieved the transportation pressure of buses. In this year, Karamay’s urban buses began a new situation.


????The Petroleum Administration has centralized the collection of duty vehicles in various units and established a passenger transportation company for unified management. Public transportation is one of the main businesses of the passenger transportation company.

????Year 2004

????The passenger transportation company twice updated and added 54 bus shuttles.

????Year 2007

????All city buses are equipped with bus IC card systems.


????Of the 69 buses in our city, 80% are clean and comfortable Huanghai buses.


????Karamay has opened 29 bus lines in the city center, and each bus line in the city sends buses every 15 minutes on average from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, providing great convenience for citizens to travel.

On the day of Wu Mengda’s funeral, there will be a public memorial for 1 hour, and the public can pay tribute

Wu Mengda Funeral Matters

Wu Mengda Funeral Matters

     According to Hong Kong media reports on the 3rd, Wu Mengda passed away due to liver cancer last Saturday. Today, his family issued a funeral obituary. In addition to the official announcement that the funeral will be set up in the underground worship hall of Hung Hom World Funeral Home on March 7, he also announced that there will be a public sacrifice for one hour on the same day, open to the public to pay tribute. After that, the funeral prayer service will become a private ceremony.

  The obituary stated that in order to show respect for Wu Mengda and respect the wishes of his family, photography and videography are strictly prohibited within the confines of the mourning hall at any time. Due to the pandemic, those who enter the venue must abide by the limit on the number of people in the venue, wear masks and abide by the epidemic prevention arrangements of the funeral hall. The family also reiterated that they did not authorize or agree to any person or organization to collect silk money or hold any memorial service in any way or channel.

  After the ceremony the next day, the coffin was immediately moved to the cremation site for the cremation ceremony, and the farewell ceremony and cremation ceremony were not publicly arranged. In addition, Tian Qiwen said in an interview with Taiwanese media that Zhou Xingchi had not been notified about Wu Mengda’s funeral, and he did not know whether he would be in Hong Kong at that time. He also said that everyone should also consider whether Zhou Xingchi’s presence would bring inconvenience to the scene and leave it to the right to decide whether to go to the funeral.

Is Avita the new "abandoned child" or the old "hope"?

Whose "avatar" is Avita?

Huawei’s Yu Chengdong recently stood on Avita’s platform, saying bluntly that he is "confident that Avita’s intelligent driving assistance will become the best in the world, no one."

It signals that Huawei and Avita will continue to cooperate in depth.

A few days later, Avita also began to secretly poke the price reduction. In the Avita 11 warm spring limited-time car purchase discount plan, the price reduction method of "full car purchase directly deducted 10,000 yuan balance" saw Avita’s anxiety and nervousness.

Avita can be said to have been born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

Standing behind Mr. Avita, Mr. Tianyancha showed, were the three biggest players in the domestic automotive industry chain – Changan Automobile, Ningde Times and Huawei.

On August 8, 2022, the Avita 11 and the joint limited edition model Avita 011 were officially launched. Among them, the most exciting is the "boss" standing behind Avita.

On the one hand, it is Changan Automobile, which is firmly in the forefront of its own brand, and on the other hand, it is the "Ningde Times", which is famous in the field of new energy batteries. There is a "complain" news that car companies work for it. What is more exciting is that Huawei, which had absolute influence at that time, also joined the queue.

All three companies are leaders in their industries, and it is no exaggeration to call it a "three-strong alliance".

Tianyancha shows that in 2022 alone, Avita has conducted two rounds of financing, with a post-money valuation of only 10 billion yuan, and the arrival of Huawei and Ningde era has brought enough gimmicks to Avita, such as Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution, the first model under the CHN platform, and so on.

This also makes Avita debut is not ordinary, the first model Avita 11 has three configurations, the price range is 349,900 yuan – 409,900 yuan.

As of February 5th, the first model of Avita, Avita 11 in 38 days, has delivered more than 2000 vehicles; it is worth mentioning that when Avita 11 first pre-sale, had won the order of 5000 vehicles in 10 days, lock single average price (including optional) more than 400,000 yuan, also can be regarded as the scenery.

Under the "limelight" of Avita, we can also see Avita’s internal and external worries, executive changes, delivery doubts, the retreat of new energy subsidies, and questions about the "Chinese content" of the former extreme fox. Can Avita’s Huawei HI model support the ambition of independent listing? Where will the core of Avita’s products lead? Where is Avita’s imagination in the new energy field that is about to face a reshuffle in the new year?

1. With high-end power, whose incarnation is Avita?

Avita comes from under Changan Automobile, and in English it is "Avatr", which means "avatar".

On June 25, 2022, Avita invited Zhu Huarong, Chairperson of Changan Automobile, Xu Zhijun, Chairperson of Huawei, Zeng Yuqun, Chairperson of Ningde Times, and three business leaders to gather at the Avita booth of the Chongqing Auto Show to jointly launch the "new generation of intelligent electric vehicle technology platform – CHN". Whether it is the coincidental name and the guest coffee position behind it, it is enough to be called luxurious, and it is enough to show the importance and love of the three companies for Avita.

So what is the origin of the favorite of the three families?

In 2017, Changan Automobile launched the "Shangri-La Plan", which plans to build three new energy special platforms in 2020 and stop the sale of traditional fuel vehicles globally in 2025. At the same time, the "Changan New Energy Industry Fund" was established to cooperate with NIO, Bosch, Ningde Times and other companies to build a new energy vehicle circle. Time comes to 2023, less than two years before the deadline for Changan Automobile’s "Shangri-La Plan".

According to the latest production and sales data released by Changan Automobile, in 2022, the sales volume of Changan Automobile 2.3462 million, an increase of 1.98% year-on-year; the sales volume of independent brands 1.8746 million, the sales volume of independent brand passenger cars 1.3904 million, and the cumulative sales volume of independent brand new energy in 2022 271,200, accounting for 19.5% of the current period. In the new energy matrix of Changan, Deep Blue is positioned as 20~ 300,000 range, and the target in 2023 is 400,000, while Changan Deep Blue has just exceeded 10,000 units in December 2022. The task of positioning 200,000 is undertaken by the Changan brand, while Avita is in Changan 300,000 above the layout.

According to Tianyancha data, as of now, both Changan Automobile and Changan New Energy hold shares in Avita, and the proportion of the former is slightly higher than that of the latter, which also means that Avita has to be "higher" than Deep Blue to a certain extent, which is enough to show that Avita’s "incarnation" is the "incarnation" of Changan’s impact on high-end new energy.

At the same time, Avita’s marketing style is very "Huawei flavor", which is first reflected in "design". It is the same as the angular technology of major manufacturers in the popular sense. Avita’s models are more rounded, with closed air intake grilles, split headlight design, thin and narrow light strips, slippery back roof, through taillights, small size tailwindows, and round and full fenders and wide wheels, showing Avita’s avant-garde sports attributes. This is the same as when Huawei’s Mate series was borrowed from Apple by mainstream manufacturers. The avant-garde round frame backplane design, Leica’s joint name, Porsche’s joint name, etc. that were much higher than the average sales price made the Mate series a hit, and firmly occupied the high-end market, becoming a "typical" of domestic mobile phones.

In addition, there is Huawei’s HI model blessing, that is, under the premise of "not building a car", Avita’s suppliers supply full-stack intelligent solutions related to intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, and intelligent supply parts, trying to explore a "HI" cooperation model belonging to Huawei. At this point, Avita is also Huawei’s early "car" exploration.

2. Huawei’s blessing, Avita expands outward

Avita went on the market in June 2022 and did not start delivery until the end of 2022. The long delivery period in the middle also made the public have some doubts. After all, many "major events" happened in the new energy field during this period. There were frequent news of Weimar falling behind, Xiaopeng’s sales halved, and the high-end G9 controversy continued. Extreme Krypton quietly climbed to the first place, and it was difficult for the traveler to deliver. The slower delivery speed also made booking customers nervous.

So, at this stage of time, where are Avita’s internal and external competitors coming from? According to Dcar data, Avita 11 is positioned as a medium and large SUV, with a body height of 1601. The body heights of the NIO ES7 and Xiaopeng G9 are 1720mm and 1680mm respectively. Coupled with Avita’s slippery-back roof design, Avita’s rear space and storage space are greatly compressed. But another angle is that Avita’s wheelbase is 15mm more than that of the NIO ES7 of the same level, 2975mm, and 25mm more than that of the Flying R7, which realizes the shaping of the "sense of space" from another angle.

From the configuration and price, Avita needs to face competitors such as NIO ES6 and Tesla Model Y. In the face of these competitors, Avita’s core competition may only be Huawei HI technology, namely Huawei Inside HI.

Under the CHN platform, Avita 11 applies Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution, which can realize high-speed, urban full-scene parking, and is equipped with 16 driving safety assistance systems. The technical level is infinitely close to "L4", which belongs to the industry’s leading level. In terms of hardware, Huawei is equipped with 3 96-line medium and long-range lidars, 6 millimeter-wave radars, 12 ultrasonic radars, and 13 cameras from Huawei.

In terms of power, Avita 11 is equipped with Huawei Drive ONE dual-motor electric drive system, which can achieve zero-hundred acceleration time of 3.98 seconds in the long-range version.

In terms of energy replenishment, Avita 11 uses Huawei DriveONE 750V high-voltage platform technology, with a charging power of up to 240kW. It can charge from 30% to 80% in 15 minutes (data from Avita official data).

It can be seen that Avita has strong competitiveness at the same level in product technology. If it can make up for the shortcomings of the delivery level, it may become a new force in 2023.

3. Under internal worries, Avita is still "struggling"

According to 36kr, Wang Jun, who is in charge of Huawei’s HI model business, has been suspended and will leave Huawei soon. At the same time, Yu Chengdong, who is in charge of the smart selection model and creates the "miracle" of the world, will become the only person in charge of Huawei’s "car BU".

In April 2021, at the Shanghai Auto Show, the industry was also full of expectations for the extreme fox autonomous driving technology under the Huawei HI model. At this time, the person in charge of Huawei car BU was still Wang Jun. A month later, Yu Chengdong was appointed CEO of Huawei car BU, and then Wang Jun’s title changed from president of car BU to president of car BU COO and intelligent driving solutions product line.

In fact, the Huawei HI model is a project that requires a lot of investment, which is described by Wang Jun as "to be a cold bench for ten years", which means that the input-output of Huawei’s early HI model is relatively low and will be so for a long time. The core investment of the HI model is ADS intelligent assisted driving, which costs 5 billion US dollars and tens of thousands of manpower. However, one practical reason is that JIHU is not selling well. Since its listing, JIHU series has sold only 1,000 vehicles per month;

On the other hand, under the smart selection model, the sales volume of the world has been rising, and the car has been moved into the Huawei store. Behind it, Selix is far behind the BAIC after Extreme Fox and Changan after Avita. This also means that under the test of the performance of the car BU to achieve profitability within three years, the HI model may face challenges and choices.

In addition to the "changes" within Huawei, Avita also ushered in executive changes.

In December 2020, Wang Lin joined Avita and served as the chief marketing officer, responsible for brand strategy and user relationship development. In the past two years, Wang Lin led the marketing of the establishment of the Avita automotive brand and the launch of the first model. Before joining Avita, Wang Lin worked for companies such as Apple Greater China and Chanel China. Just as Avita’s first model, Avita 11, was about to be delivered, Wang Lin left.

Three months after CMO Wang Lin left, *******cheng, who had served as XPeng Motors CEO assistant and was responsible for Xiaopeng brand communication and public relations, joined Avita. According to Avita’s official news, on February 2, *******cheng officially became the company’s vice president, chief marketing officer CMO, and deputy general manager of the user relationship development center. He reported directly to Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of the company and general manager of the user relationship development center. Corresponding to *******cheng’s arrival, Avita released a large number of hc positions in February 2023 to start the New Year’s talent expansion.

In addition to talent expansion, according to the financial car report, Avita has exceeded 60 direct stores in the country, has covered more than 20 large and medium-sized cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and has simultaneously completed more than 70 car dealers and more than 150 cooperative stores. Authorized, the channel touchpoint broke through 200 throughout the year, and Avita hit the sales target of 100,000 vehicles in 2023, and plans to launch two products in 2023. 11 single motor version and new medium and large sedan E12, the current Avita is more like waiting for the test after the review, facing the delivery link.

It is worth mentioning that just recently, Huawei’s rotating chairperson Xu Zhijun, Huawei car BU CEO Yu Chengdong and Avita were accompanied to visit the new car. This is the first public appearance of Yu Chengdong after Huawei’s internal personnel adjustment. Shortly before December 2022, Avita will become the second car brand to enter Huawei’s flagship store, and use the model of leasing store display space and sending its own sales consultants.

Going forward in the world of inquiry, Avita’s success is also very important. If it becomes a further "success" of Huawei HI, failure may mean that resources are further tilted towards the smart selection model. After all, in addition to the world of inquiry, there are also Chery Xingtu and so on. Queuing up to join the Huawei camp, Avita’s pressure is not small.


Data sources: Dcar, Tianyancha, Avita official website, Changan Automobile official website

Reference article:

IT Home: Avita Technology Announces *******cheng as Vice President, Responsible for Corporate Brand Marketing

AutoReport ·: Wang Jun was suspended, and Avita and Jinfu accelerated their entry into Huawei channels?

Back in the day | CCTV version of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng": Daming’s handsome detective

Editor’s note: This is a nostalgic theater.

On July 1, Deng Yancheng, the famous director and master of martial arts films, died in Hong Kong. Deng Yancheng had directed many film and television works in mainland China, mainly the "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" series, the "Escort in the World" series, and the "The Wire of Fire" series. Among these works, the most talked about by martial arts fans is the TV movie "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" produced by the program production center of CCTV Film Channel. It is considered to be the most classic and closest to the essence of the original work of Gu Long. Lu Xiaofeng’s film and television works.

CCTV version of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" CD

In 1972, Jin Yong invited Gu Long to serialize a martial arts novel in Ming Pao after finishing the serialization of "The Deer’s Cauldron". After Gu Long received the letter, he carefully conceived and created a famous detective of the Ming Dynasty, Lu Xiaofeng. Among martial arts novelists, Gu Long himself is a skilled craftsman who weaves stories. There are endless suspense and unexpected endings. He learned the writing techniques of Western detective novels and consciously introduced elements of mystery novels into martial arts novels, which increased the reasoning of the novel and enhanced the readability of the novel.

There are a total of 7 stories of Lu Xiaofeng in the original work of Gu Long, namely "The Great Golden Roc King" (originally known as "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng"), "The Embroidery Thief", "Before and After the Decisive Battle", "Silver Hook Gambling House", "Ghost Villa", "Phoenix Dance Nine Days" and "Sword God Laughs". The movie channel added 3 works that were not in the original work, "Lu Xiaofeng Prequel", "Iron Shoe Legend" and "The Mystery of Blood Clothes", which were expanded to 10.

The story and plot of film and television dramas are to be expressed through actors, and casting is an important job, which is the basis for the success of the work. Several starring characters are very in line with the temperament of the main characters in the original novel. Lu Xiaofeng is a seemingly bohemian, but in fact he is a chivalrous with excellent intelligence and excellent martial arts. Zhang Zhilin portrays this character vividly. Hua Manlou is the most elegant man in the ancient dragon novels. He smiles forever, and even if he faces the bad guys, he still does not lose his demeanor. Zhang Zhiyao, a beautiful man in ancient costumes, is the most suitable actor for this role. As an aside, the two starring characters have similar names, and many fans mistake them for brothers. He Rundong’s coldness is in line with the characteristics of Ximen Chuixue. The thief Sikong is good at picking stars, so the director chose Zhang Daming, who is thin and not tall.

While preserving the essence of the original work of Gu Long, this series highlights the suspense and enriches the character settings. The original book does not tell how Lu Xiaofeng met Huamanlou, who was at the intersection of life and death, nor does it mention how Lu Xiaofeng became famous. The director added two stories, "Lu Xiaofeng’s Prequel" and "The Legend of Iron Shoes", just before "The Great Golden Roc King".

Lu Xiaofeng used to be unknown

Detective Lu Xiaofeng

In order to highlight Lu Xiaofeng’s intelligence, the character of "Prequel to Lu Xiaofeng" is slightly different from the original book. In the original book, Zhu Ding and Lu Xiaofeng, an expert in the mechanism known as the "wonderful hand boss", have known each other since childhood. Here, because Lu Xiaofeng cracked Zhu Ding’s mechanism, he was asked by Zhu Ding to help solve the case. Zhu Ding was also the producer of the printing plate of the official Ming Dynasty banknote, the Daming Pass Treasure Banknote, and there were a large number of counterfeit banknotes circulating in the market. He became the biggest suspect. The setting of the movie also conforms to the historical background of the story. The Daming Treasure Banknote is really the only official banknote issued by the Ming Dynasty. The banknote lasted for more than 270 years in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Ting believes that only Lu Xiaofeng can help him

Daming Pass Treasure Banknotes

Zhu Ting believed that Lu Xiaofeng had the ability to escape from his trap, so he naturally had the ability to help him find the real culprit of the counterfeit money case, and told Lu Xiaofeng that his senior brother Yue Qing might be the maker of the fake printing plate. Therefore, this Daming fancy young man Lu Xiaofeng, who had a case wherever he went, relied on his unique glib and coquettish manner to take the position, and also successfully attracted the attention of the picturesque rich second generation and another shareholder of Daming Tongbao Banknote, the seventh young master of Jiangnan Hua Family.

The story progresses layer by layer, which makes people shoot. The ending surprises the audience. The daughter of Yue Qing that Lu Xiaofeng tried so hard to find is actually a fake. Instead, the black hand fell into Lu Xiaofeng’s scheme and turned his lie into a real one. The black hand of the counterfeit money is not Yue Qing, the smiling face of the owner of the Bliss building, nor is it Boss Qian, the mole of the Hua family and the shopkeeper of the bank, but an ordinary police officer of the government, Loma.

Trap the suspect

Kind of like Detective Conan

"The Legend of the Iron Shoe" is another original story that supplements the life of the second male and explains the cause of Huamanlou’s eye disease. The plot is about the more common murder in the secret room and touching the face in the dark room to identify the murderer. Lu Xiaofeng asked Huamanlou to plaster dust on his hands and touch everyone’s faces because he decided that the Iron Shoe Thief was afraid of exposing his identity and did not dare to let Huamanlou touch his face. The genius doctor Song Wencao’s face was not gray, so he was the murderer, the Iron Shoe Thief. The follow-up stories such as "The Embroidery Thief" and "Before and After the Showdown" were also confusing, gradually stripping away the cocoon until the truth

Song Wencao exposed himself as an iron shoe thief

The plot of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" is mainly based on reasoning, and martial arts are secondary, but the special effects of martial arts are also very particular. In the opening scene of the first episode of "Lu Xiaofeng Prequel", "Beijing City Pursuit", in order to achieve a strong visual impact, the director asked to light up the roof of the Qingming Shanghetu Scenic Area in Hengdian Base. The climax paragraph of "Before and After the Final Battle", "The Top of the Forbidden Forbidden Battle", the special effects have been published for no less than 10 drafts, and the special effects company has worked hard for more than 70 days.

Battle to the Top of Forbidden

The plot of the movie has not been completely adapted according to the original book. In the original book of "Great Golden Roc King", Huo Xiu is Huo Xiu, not Shangguan Jin. Huo Xiu and Shangguan Feiyan are male and female relationships, and they are hostile to Lu Xiaofeng; in the movie, Huo Xiu becomes Lu Xiaofeng’s friend. Good people need to be rewarded, and some adaptations make the ending more perfect. In the original book "The Embroidery Thief", Xue Bing was killed by Jin Jiuling, who appeared to be a headhunter but was actually an embroidery thief, which made Lu Xiaofeng’s heart ache. In this version, Xue Bing merged with Aunt Gongsun, who was Xue Bing’s other identity after being disguised, and was not killed. Lu Xiaofeng also "used his way and his body" to defeat Jin Jiuling with embroidery needles. Of course, in order to reflect the perfect image of the protagonist, Lu Xiaofeng did not kill the bad guys in the movie, but only subdued them by injuring and maiming them. Jin Jiuling liked to use needles to harm people’s eyes, and in the end, he was unhappy and suffered from it. This adaptation reflects the cycle of cause and effect.

Xue Bing merged with Aunt Gongsun

Lu Xiaofeng subdued Jin Jiuling with a needle

Bad guys have bad news, and the adaptation of "Ghost Villa" makes the ending of "Skynet is magnificent, but not leaking" even more impressive. Fifteen years ago, the wooden Taoist coveted the position of head of Wudang for a long time and refused to give up his status and wife and daughter at the same time. Therefore, he entrusted his wife Shen Sanniang and daughter Ye Xue to Ye Lingfeng, a layman disciple, and let Ye Lingfeng fake marry Shen Sanniang. Who would have thought that Ye Lingfeng and Shen Sanniang would fake it and give birth to Ye Ling. Later, the wooden Taoist knocked Ye Lingfeng off the cliff to vent his personal anger. The wooden Taoist created the Ghost Villa as an "old knife handle". He single-handedly planned the Tianlei operation, and the conspiracy succeeded. He finally ascended the throne of the Wudang head, and killed one of his subordinates disguised as the old knife handle as a scapegoat.

The ending of Ye Lingfeng was not explained in the book, but the movie gave a different answer. Although Lu Xiaofeng solved the case, it was already a step too late. Ye Lingfeng died after being severely injured by the old knife handle to save his daughter Ye Ling. Before that, Ye Lingfeng told his adopted daughter Ye Xue that she was actually the daughter of the old knife handle, and guided Ye Xue to kill the wooden daoist. The wooden daoist finally died in the hands of his own daughter, and he finally believed in retribution before he died. Lu Xiaofeng also finally understood what Ye Lingfeng said to him before he died, "The old knife handle can’t win me". This ending is even more thought-provoking.

A more thought-provoking ending

In Jin Yong’s Eagle Projection trilogy, there is a famous saying, "The great hero is for the country and the people". Although the ancient dragon novel did not directly mention it, Lu Xiaofeng in "Before and After the Decisive Battle" is already a hero who crushed the coup and saved the country in danger. The last episode "The Mystery of Blood Clothes" also sublimated the theme of the hero’s style. Lu Xiaofeng and his friends once again favored the coup and saved the emperor who was misunderstood by the county king. The emperor personally explained the reasons why several previous county kings chose Chengren back then, and opened up to the granddaughters of the county kings who participated in the coup, reflecting the tolerance of benevolent monarch. Only benevolent monarch is worthy of Lu Xiaofeng’s rescue.

The "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" series not only combines martial arts and reasoning very well, but friendship is also a highlight of the play. Ximen Chuixue and Sikong Qixing always appear at critical moments to help Lu Xiaofeng. Zhang Zhilin’s Lu Xiaofeng and Zhang Zhiyao’s Huamanlou drink together, ride horses together, and even sleep together, and there are rare plots of flirting with each other. Many plots make female audiences feel a little rotten.

Hua Manlou and Lu Xiaofeng flirt with each other

Zhang Zhilin’s handsome detective is unparalleled, and Zhang Zhiyao’s son is like jade, which has really captured the hearts of thousands of girls. Shuangzhang is considered to be the closest to the original Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou. A few years later, the TV series "Lu Xiaofeng and Huamanlou" was broadcast, but Weibo had a hot search of "After Shuangzhang, there will be no more Lu Hua", which shows the influence of the CCTV version of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng".

Huawei is strong and empowered, and the new M7 in the world will definitely exceed 120,000.

In this era, the new energy automobile industry is facing a great change in intelligence, and in this change, the new M7 is undoubtedly a bright star to lead the trend. With the rapid development of science and technology, intelligence is not only a trend, but also an inevitable choice for travel in the new era. With its unique "three-intelligence ceiling" hard-core technical strength, the new M7 has successfully raised the benchmark of intelligent travel to a new height. From intelligent driving to intelligent cockpit to intelligent safety, it has successfully attracted everyone’s attention. On December 26th, it was mentioned in the press conference on the whole scene of the M9 and Huawei that the cumulative number of new M7 in the world has exceeded 120,000, among which more than 60% of users choose the smart driving version, and the monthly delivery capacity will reach 30,000 from January next year.

The top choice in the field of intelligent driving, Huawei ADS 2.0 breaks the imagination of intelligent driving.

For the current users, intelligence is a crucial factor when choosing a car, and the new M7 in Wenjie is equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, which not only subverts the traditional concept of intelligent driving, but also brings excellent driving pleasure and travel convenience to users.

When the vehicle is running, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 enables M7 to perceive the surrounding environment in real time through the precise integration of 27 sensing hardware, and realize the accurate perception and recognition of the whole scene and all weather. This not only improves the safety of driving, but also makes users feel a more intimate connection with the vehicle.

The power of intelligence is not only manifested in the driving process, but also throughout the entire travel experience. The NCA intelligent driving system of the new M7 can identify all kinds of situations around the vehicle more accurately through various sensors such as laser radar, making travel safer and easier. In addition, the new M7 also introduces excellent intelligent parking capability, which enables vehicles to easily identify various parking spaces and realize automatic parking through innovative technical means, so that users are no longer subject to parking difficulties when driving in cities.

A smart cockpit that breaks through the boundary, Smart Cockpit 3.0 makes travel more convenient.

The smart cockpit of the new M7 is also one of the highlights that will lead to future travel. HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 brings a creative and interesting interactive space for users. First of all, many people admire the fluency of the HarmonyOS car machine system, which makes users feel like they are in a virtual world full of science and technology and interest during driving, especially with the blessing of Xiaoyi’s intelligent assistant, which makes the intelligent interactive experience more advanced and allows drivers to interact with vehicles more conveniently, which not only improves the convenience of operation, but also brings more entertainment for drivers.

The emergence of HUAWEI MagLink? smart car screen system is also a bright spot. It has reached the level of Huawei’s flat panel, realizing the smoothness of multi-screen interaction, making the car a flexible and ever-changing space, allowing drivers to have more possibilities in the car.

It is worth mentioning that HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 can realize a series of functions, such as offline map voice navigation, which improves the practicality to a new height and makes travel more convenient. Through the support, the car has also achieved a smooth conversion with various applications in Huawei mobile phones. Whether you are chasing a drama or playing a game, users can connect seamlessly after getting on the bus and enjoy a more coherent and intelligent interactive experience.

Intelligent safety leads, omni-directional anti-collision safety guarantees lead to new standards of travel safety.

In terms of travel safety, the new M7 is also very careful. The world’s first omni-directional anti-collision system of HUAWEI ADS 2.0 installed in the car can provide users with all-round safety protection. With the help of multi-sensor fusion sensing capability based on lidar, HUAWEI ADS 2.0 has achieved omni-directional anti-collision capability in forward, lateral and backward directions, providing an efficient and accurate collision warning and response mechanism for vehicles. The system can not only identify common obstacles, but also identify road boundaries, so that vehicles can adapt to the changing driving environment more intelligently.

It is particularly noteworthy that in the AEB active safety evaluation of Autolab, the new M7 in the world won all kinds of active safety evaluation champions with HUAWEI ADS 2.0, which shows that its safety performance is high, and it can also stop in time when it participates in the evaluation at 90km/h at night, which also gives feedback on the strength of the new M7 in the world.

At the M9 and Huawei Panorama Conference, it was mentioned that the brand-new super smart factory, with more than 1,000 intelligent devices, 100% automation and integrated die casting process, has the highest production efficiency in the world and a new car is rolled off the assembly line every 30 seconds. With its excellent strength, Wenjie is becoming a leader in the new energy large SUV market, and its "three-intelligence ceiling" strength has been confirmed in many ways. This is not only a car, but also a future journey of intelligence, safety and innovation. I believe that in the future, the new M7 will be able to win the favor of more consumers.

Who is tomoji? Where did you come from and where did you go?

After attending the Zhiji auto conference, I posted some pictures of new cars on social media and immediately received a user comment: "Buying a car these days is the same as buying a mobile phone." What this user actually means is that the current car is updated quickly and dazzled.



Through this topic, we go deep into the perspective of industry. What is happening in the automobile industry is also very similar to the development path of smart phones. In addition to the historic event that Apple defeated Europeans, China’s mobile phone industry has also become the most important pole in the world, and its brand image and core technology have made rapid progress. Huawei even made its own various core chips. Today, it used to be considered as an insurmountable operating system, and Huawei also used the HarmonyOS operating system to announce that we had turned over this mountain.


Under the background that cars are becoming smarter and more electrified, the whole industry is similar to the smart phone industry in the past, but the wheelbase of time is not long enough. Maybe looking back 10 years later, this feeling will be more profound.

Let’s focus on the present. The number of new automobile brands in China is unique in the world, and those traditional automobile manufacturers are also trying to build higher-end new brands, polish more eye-catching new products and start the horn of having more core technologies through this historic opportunity of change. Last month’s case was Dongfeng Motor, which launched Lantu, and this month’s case was SAIC, which pushed Zhiji to the stage.


Who is tomoji?



Strictly speaking, Zhiji is not unique to SAIC, but a new brand jointly created by SAIC, Alibaba and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech. As a newly established brand, you may still be unfamiliar with it.


Zhiji, which reads "self". Why take such a name? According to the official, Zhiji is taken from The Book of Changes, "Knowing everything is around, but Dao Ji is under the world", aiming at understanding everything with wisdom, diligently exploring, defining, creating and realizing the smart travel driven by the times and needed by users.


We can simply understand that intelligence represents intelligence; Represent oneself, alsonamelyUsers.If you read their introductions in the official media of Zhiji, you will definitely see what cars should look like in the intelligent age."This sentence.In addition to the three major shareholders, 4.9% of Zhiji’s shares will be built into a user rights platform.Therefore, Zhiji is a condensation of the two visions expressed by this brand.



Zhiji’s English brand name is "IM", which is the same as the Chinese name. Besides, purely for fun, the name IM is attractive, at least it will make people think of the iPhone.


The user rights platform is heavy enough, so it goes without saying what users participate in product design.


Where is the intelligence?


Is Zhiji really smart? Zhiji’s speed is fast enough. On the 13th, Zhiji has released two new cars, a car and an SUV, all of which have not been officially named, and they have no names when they are unveiled. Presumably, the naming of new cars that are still brewing inside must also have strong characteristics. Cars will be accepted during the Shanghai Auto Show in April, listed at the end of the year, and delivered to users in 2022. The progress of SUV is a little late, but it will also be listed in 2022.


Through specific models, let’s look at the intelligence of Zhiji.



Zhiji’s car is equipped with intelligent lighting system, which is composed of 2.6 million pixels DLP and 5,000 LED ISC, and can realize V2X driving fusion interaction and intelligent lighting expression. Specific functions, first, smart lighting navigation; Combined with high-precision map and navigation road planning, the next route can be guided by changing lights.


The second is Spot light pedestrian reminder; The infrared and visual fusion perception system of the whole vehicle is integrated to help pedestrians predict traffic risks in advance, for example, the number of seconds of traffic lights can be displayed on the lights. Third, the width-indicating optical blanket guidance; It means that the new car can recognize the road narrowing condition, automatically trigger the width-indicating light carpet in advance, and can automatically adapt to the lane line to draw the light carpet.

Fourth, the wisdom light moves with the eyes; Tracking the eyeball orientation through the camera in the car, and controlling the direction in which the headlights illuminate the driver. In addition, the smart lighting system supports flexible and personalized OTA, allowing users to design freely and enhance interest.



Zhiji’s car is equipped with an image sensor with 150 million pixels as a whole, which supports 180 distortion-free ultra-wide-angle, 4K high-definition video shooting, super night scene, high dynamic range, time-lapse photography, slow-motion photography and other modes. Videos can be edited and shared to social media with one click, and can be connected to major live broadcast platforms to broadcast live from the first perspective, and professional photography templates are provided.

This system is called Carlog, and it is extremely fresh. In the future, Kaizhiji’s car can easily record the picturesque scenery and cultural stories passing by and share them conveniently.



The eye-catching 39-inch huge display screen in the car can be intelligently lifted and lowered according to the usage scene, and there is also a 12.8-inch 2K AMOLED curved central screen on the lower side; Inside the screen is Zhiji’s IMOS system.


With the screen group full of science and technology, IMOS system has three characteristics, which are flowing, moist and pure. These three elegant words refer to multi-screen display respectively; Based on the weather, time, road conditions, and even based on the user’s mood, users are recommended in different scenarios; Only some necessary intuitive information is presented when driving. Sounds good? At least it aroused our strong curiosity and looked forward to the real experience.


From now on, charging will be intelligent. Zhiji’s car will be equipped with 11 kW high-power wireless charging for the first time in the world. It is said that the charging efficiency is almost the same as that of traditional charging, and it can charge 10.5 kWh in one hour, which is equivalent to 70-80 kilometers of battery life according to NEDC working conditions.



These intelligent abilities are relatively innovative. Then, to what extent has Zhizhi achieved the intelligence in the automatic driving ability that the industry is competing for at present?


The first model, namely the car, will be equipped with the NVIDIA Xavier computing platform with a computing power of 30-60TOPS, and the integrated sensing solution of 15 high-definition visual cameras, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 12 ultrasonic radars, as well as the algorithm developed based on the characteristic road conditions and driving habits in China, will form the whole system of automatic driving.

From the hardware point of view, the ability of this system is in the first-class level at present. However, the new car will be delivered in 2022, when Weilai ET7 with stronger book strength will also be delivered.



Zhiji has also considered a more radical scheme to provide new cars with upgrade redundancy in a compatible way. At present, it is not clear whether the redundant system can be installed after installation or introduced in the form of a modified model.


The key upgrades of this redundant system are lidar and NVIDIA Orin X chip. It is exaggerated that the number of lidar will reach three; NVIDIA Orin X chip and weilai ET7 use the same model, and the computing power will soar to 500-1000+TOPS.

As for the time point, the official said that the lidar will enter the mature stage of commercial mass production, and Zhiji Automobile will be upgraded immediately. Considering that Weilai plans to deliver ET7 equipped with lidar to users in 2022, Zhiji’s speed should not be too late.



As for the specific actual experience, the news given by Zhiji be The functions of the automatic driving system include memorizing parking and calling cars, automatically parking service and calling cars, traffic light recognition, automatic crossing, traffic jam prevention, automatic obstacle avoidance, automatic lane change, overtaking, getting on and off ramps according to the navigation path, and rear-end collision alarm.With the permission of national laws and regulations and the opening of high-precision maps, by the end of 2021, wisdomone’s ownThe car will have the ability to take over the automatic driving from point to point.


Zhiji focuses on automatic parking service and wake-up car. This function allows users to get off the bus and let the vehicle automatically parking service through the mobile APP; When picking up the car, the car will automatically park out of the parking space and drive to the designated location to facilitate the user to get on the bus. By the end of 2021, the functions of automatic parking service and calling cars will be applied in certain commercial centers in first-tier cities.



In 2022, it will gradually expand to specific supermarkets in first-tier and new first-tier cities. This function is quite beautiful when you think about it. After a year, the new car is delivered and you can drive Zhiji’s car to a specific shopping mall, so you can save the trouble of finding a parking space. I have to say, the development of technology is really fast. Of course, the premise is that Zhizhi can accomplish his goal on time.


In addition, the actual experience of the autopilot system, we have to wait until 2022 to get the answer, that is, it is not really that smart.


How is the performance?


Intelligence must be the most important ability of future cars, not power and endurance. Power and endurance in the future, everyone should do the same. Therefore, it is rational for Zhiji to focus on intelligence. Having said that, the new car released by Zhiji is also excellent in terms of power and endurance.



The new car is equipped with front and rear dual motors, and the rear axle motor is the main driving source. The total maximum power is 400 kW, and the torque is 700 Nm, which is slightly less than that of Weilai ET7, but the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is consistent with it, only 3.9 seconds.


Standard 93 kWh battery pack, with 115 kWh battery pack; Although the semi-solid battery technology adopted by Weilai ET7 battery pack is not adopted, it is also the first in the world to use silicon-doped lithium-supplementing technology, which realizes the ultra-high energy density of 300 watt-hours/kg, and can support Zhiji’s car to reach the battery life of nearly 1000 kilometers.


You don’t have to worry about the ability of the chassis. The new car is equipped with an all-aluminum chassis with a front double wishbone and a rear five-bar suspension, a brake-by-wire system, an AKC rear wheel steering system by wire, and a CDC intelligent electronic control suspension system, and the key adjustment is the responsibility of Williams professional chassis adjustment team from one of the three F1 teams.



It can be said that Zhiji represents the peak of SAIC’s strength.


Can the future be expected?


The emergence of intellectual self is aptly described by being in the right place at the right time. Tianshi refers to the intelligent and electrified industrial transformation, which represents the opportunity to change lanes and overtake into the high-end market; In addition, after years of development, the industry has reached a critical point of technological leap, and the infrastructure construction is also improving day by day. It seems that Zhiji’s admission is late, but it just happened to catch up with the good opportunity.


SAIC’s own brand has gained sufficient technical foundation and experience in various aspects through its development in the low-end market in the past, and SAIC itself is also quite rich, which is the geographical advantage of Zhizhi itself. People and better understanding, the background and resources that Alibaba and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech can bring need not be said.



When I came out of Zhiji’s release venue, Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China, and looked up at this 632-meter symbol of China’s economic take-off, I couldn’t help feeling again that, like the smart phone industry, China will surely make breakthrough progress in the future of the automobile industry and become the most important pole in the world.

And the new intellectual will witness this process; And what is its own fate? After reading our introduction, what do you think of it?



Xiaomi Group (HKEx stock code: 1810) is a large-scale mobile Internet enterprise in China, which is engaged in the research and development of intelligent hardware and electronic products and the ecological construction of smart homes. It was established on April 6, 2010 and is headquartered in Beijing, China. Xiaomi Company was founded by Lei Jun, with seven founders, namely founder, chairman and CEO Lei Jun, co-founder President Lin Bin, co-founder and vice presidents Li Wanqiang, Zhou Guangping, KK Wong, Liu De and Hong Feng.By 2019, the number of employees in Xiaomi Group was nearly 18,200., and do business in markets in more than 90 countries and regions around the world.

On July 9, 2018, Xiaomi was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the name of "Xiaomi Group", becoming the first listed company to adopt different voting rights structure after the listing system reform of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Xiaomi is also the fourth mobile phone company with self-research capability of mobile phone chips after Apple, Samsung and Huawei.

Through its eco-chain brand MIJIA and its sub-brands Redmi (Redmi) and POCO, Xiaomi’s product line has expanded from mobile phone peripheral products such as smart phones and headphones, mobile power supplies and related mobile intelligent hardware such as speakers and bracelets to home consumer products such as smart TVs, set-top boxes, routers, air purifiers and rice cookers.

Xiaomi has built the world’s largest consumer IoT platform, connecting more than 252 million smart devices (excluding smartphones and personal computers), and the monthly active users of MIUI reached 309.6 million. Xiaomi has invested in nearly 400 companies, covering intelligent hardware, consumer goods, education, games, social networks, culture and entertainment, medical and health care, automobile transportation, finance and other fields.

Since 2019, Xiaomi has been selected into the list of the world’s top 500 and the "Top 100 Most Valuable BrandZ in the World". In 2019, Xiaomi was selected into the world’s top 500 for the first time, ranking 468.[16], ranked 422nd in 2020. In August 2019, Xiaomi ranked 15th among the Top 100 Internet Enterprises in China in 2019 released by internet society of china and the Information Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In October 2019, Forbes ranked 56th in the 2019 Forbes Global Top 100 Digital Economy List released by Forbes. Ranked 7 th in the 2019 Fortune Top 50 list.

On April 9, 2010, Xiaomi Technology was formally established in Beijing.

In August and December of 2010, Xiaomi released MIUI, a third-party firmware based on deep customization of Android system, and Mi Chat, the first mobile application.

On August 16th, 2011, Xiaomi officially launched its first hardware product-Xiaomi mobile phone (the first generation), which created a sales model of snapping up smart phones with high configuration and low price on the Internet.

In 2012, Xiaomi wholly bought Beijing Duoyue Technology Co., Ltd. and entered the field of e-book reading. Reading more is its website, and there is a corresponding App. On November 18, 2019, Xiaomi released its first electronic paper book hardware product-Xiaomi read more electronic paper books.

In July 2013, the red rice mobile phone, which is an independent product of the youth version of Xiaomi mobile phone, was officially released, and the Xiaomi brand mobile phone officially launched the dual product line strategy. After a lapse of five and a half years, on January 2, 2019, Redmi’s product line was upgraded to a sub-brand of Redmi, and Lu Weibing, former president of Gionee Group, served as the general manager of Redmi brand.

On February 28th, 2017, Xiaomi released its first self-developed system chip, 澎湃 S1, becoming the fourth smartphone manufacturer to independently develop system chips after Samsung, Apple and Huawei.

On May 3, 2018, Xiaomi officially submitted an IPO application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the name of "Xiaomi Group". On July 9, 2018, it was listed on the same stock with different rights, and it is planned to be included in the Hang Seng Composite Index on July 23.

On November 19, 2018, Meitu Company and Xiaomi Group announced a strategic partnership with a term of 30 years.

On May 9, 2019, Xiaomi Group and Shangcheng Group announced that their joint venture company Insight Fintech HK was granted a virtual banking license by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Among them, Xiaomi holds 90% of the shares and Shangcheng holds 10%.

On July 10, 2019, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, said in Weibo that the new headquarters of Xiaomi Group in Beijing was officially completed on July 9, 2019 and the opening ceremony was held.[25]. The new headquarters of Xiaomi Group was named Xiaomi Science Park, which consists of 8 office buildings with a construction area of 340,000 square meters and a total cost of 5.2 billion RMB.

On July 23, 2019, Lei Jun sent an internal letter to Xiaomi employees, referring to the fact that the company was listed in Fortune Global 500 companies, ranking 468 in the world, and became the youngest Fortune Global 500 company in history (except for the merger).

On October 27, 2019, Xiaomi Group announced that Lin Bin was appointed as the vice chairman and will continue to serve as the operation director and president, responsible for managing the company’s mobile phone R&D department; Zhou was appointed as an operation director and will continue to serve as senior vice president and chief financial officer; Liu Qin was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee; Lu Weibing is the president of Xiaomi Group in China and continues to be the general manager of Redmi.

On May 21st, 2020, Xiaomi Group announced that it would acquire 49.91% equity of Zimi International Corporation.

On November 2, 2020, less than 20 minutes after the launch of Xiaomi Group’s comprehensive offline "Smart Life" activity, the payment amount of Xiaomi double 11 has exceeded RMB 1 billion.

On November 5, 2020, Lei Jun, Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Xiaomi Group, said at the Xiaomi Developer Conference that the company would gradually increase its R&D investment and hire 5,000 more engineers next year, covering ten key areas, including camera imaging technology, fast charging, and 5G and 6G communication standard technologies.[30]

On December 11th, 2020, Xiaomi Group is applying for a number of trademarks of Lei Jun with the pinyin of "Lei Jun", covering metal materials, means of transport, musical instruments, jewelry and clocks, etc.

On the morning of January 4, 2021, Xiaomi Group’s Hong Kong stocks hit a record high at the beginning of the session, rising by 3.464% to HK$ 34.35 at 11:03 am, with a total market value of HK$ 865.132 billion. At this point, Xiaomi’s share price has doubled compared with the issue price of HK$ 17, fulfilling the listing promise.

Xiaomi has maintained a high growth rate since its establishment. Xiaomi Company sold 7.19 million mobile phones in 2012, 18.7 million in 2013, 61.12 million in 2014, over 70 million in 2015, 23.16 million in Q2 2017 and 92.4 million in 2017. More than 120 million mobile phones were sold in 2018, and 125 million mobile phones were sold in 2019. According to market share, it has been ranked fourth in the world since 2018.[34], is the latest among the major mobile phone manufacturers in the world.

In 2019, Xiaomi sold 10.21 million TV sets in Chinese mainland, ranking first in Chinese mainland market.

According to Xiaomi’s 2018 annual report, Xiaomi recorded a revenue of RMB 174.9 billion in 2018, a year-on-year increase of 52.6%. Adjusted net profit increased by 59.5% year-on-year to RMB 8.6 billion. According to the statistics of IDC Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. ("IDC"), smartphone shipments ranked fourth in the world during the reporting period. The number of IoT devices (excluding smart phones and laptops) connected to the IoT platform reached about 150.9 million, up 193.2% year-on-year, consolidating the market leading position. As of December 31, 2018, the number of smart devices equipped with artificial intelligence assistant "Little Love Classmate" and activated exceeded 100 million, and the monthly active users as of December 2018 exceeded 38.8 million. The Internet service division increased by 61.2% year-on-year, and contributed 16 billion yuan in revenue.[35]

According to Xiaomi’s 2019 annual report, in 2019, the total revenue of Xiaomi Group reached RMB 205.8 billion, a year-on-year increase of 17.7%; The adjusted net profit reached RMB 11.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 34.8%. In the fourth quarter of 2019, the total revenue reached RMB 56.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 27.1%, and the adjusted net profit reached RMB 2.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 26.5%. According to Canalys data, in the fourth quarter of 2019, Xiaomi ranked first in the year-on-year growth rate of shipments among the top five smartphone manufacturers in the world. In December 2019, the number of monthly active users of MIUI reached 309.6 million, a year-on-year increase of 27.9%. As of December 31, 2019, the number of connected IoT devices (excluding smartphones and laptops) of Xiaomi reached 234.8 million, a year-on-year increase of 55.6%. The number of monthly users of artificial intelligence assistant "Little Love Classmate" reached 60.4 million in December 2019, a year-on-year increase of 55.7%. The annual revenue from overseas markets was RMB 91.2 billion, up 30.4% year-on-year, accounting for 44.3% of the total revenue. As of December 31, 2019, Xiaomi’s products have been sold to more than 90 countries and regions around the world. According to Canalys, in 2019, Xiaomi’s smartphone shipments in 45 countries and regions ranked in the top five. In 2019, R&D investment reached RMB 7.5 billion, a year-on-year increase of 29.7%. As of December 31, 2019,Xiaomi’s total cash reserve is about RMB 66 billion.

AITO asked the M7 declaration map to be exposed, with its own Huawei system, and the arrow is on the line!

At the end of last year, Celeste and Huawei officially released the AITO Jiejie brand, and then launched the brand’s first model, the Jiejie M5. This year, Huawei officially launched the new model, the Jiejie M7 again. Recently, the M7 declaration map was exposed, and it was also positioned as a medium and large SUV, which had a slight collision with Li ONE in the same model. Let’s take a look at the works of the big brother in science and technology in the automobile industry.

In terms of appearance, most of the design elements of M7, including inverted trapezoidal grille and penetrating taillights, remain the design of M5. The front and rear door handles of the new car are designed in a hidden way, which is also a popular design technique for new energy vehicles at present, creating an intelligent and scientific effect. The overall body shape is smooth and elegant, but it lacks some sense of science and technology compared with some new models on the market, and it has also been vomited by some netizens that the design is "too old-fashioned". Compared with Li ONE, it is more scientific and technological. It seems that the M7 is more suitable for business people who pursue large space or car owners who prefer calm models.

In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the M7 are 5020/1945/1775 mm and the wheelbase is 2820 mm, which is close to the body size of Li ONE. The new car will also adopt the 6-seat layout of 2+2+2. After all, in the new energy market, large-size 6-seat SUVs are still very popular. However, Li ONE, as the biggest competitor of the M7, is also a 6-seat large-size SUV of the new energy model, and its size is extremely close. I wonder if it will be affected. In addition, the rear row of the new car is also designed with a rear privacy glass configuration to make the car more private.

In terms of power, the M7 is a hybrid electric vehicle equipped with h15rt 1.5T four-cylinder extended range engine. The maximum power is 92kW, and the fuel consumption of engine wltc is 1.05l/100km. Li ONE is also equipped with an extended-range hybrid system, which consists of a 1.2T engine and a brand-new drive motor, and is equipped with an ideal self-developed Li OS system and a millimeter-wave radar with driving assistance. Although there is no official data on battery capacity and battery life, the battery life of M7 will not be weaker than that of Li ONE, and the power system is really hard to tell.

At present, the interior of Wenjie M7 has not been made public, but it is understood that the new car will adopt the simple scientific and technological style similar to Wenjie M5, full LCD instrument and an oversized central control panel, and it has a built-in HarmonyOS OS intelligent cockpit. Presumably, its powerful ecological function will also bring different surprise experiences to Huawei’s new and old users.

From the price point of view, it is estimated that the selling price of M7 will be above 300,000, while the guiding price of Li ONE is around 349,800. If M7 can be lower than this selling price, the competitiveness will be more imaginative.

Although the official has only released the appearance and some dynamic information at present, judging from these data and the performance of M5, the launch of M7 is still worth our expectation. After all, it is a brand launched under the leadership of Huawei with strong scientific and technological strength. Let’s wait and see.

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