标签归档 西安品茶资源

Drivers don’t make money, Didi cries huge losses, and Didi, who is not short of money, burns the money?

  Didi, who was used to changing tires while driving, took the initiative to press the brakes this time.

  At the beginning of 2019, Didi Chuxing suddenly turned the wind. First, it was exposed that the company’s annual loss in 2018 was as high as 10.90 billion yuan, and a total of 11.30 billion yuan was subsidized to drivers in 2018. Then, Didi announced the news of layoffs semi-actively.

  At Didi’s monthly staff meeting on February 15, Didi CEO Cheng Wei announced that he would "shut down and transfer" the non-main business, and would lay off 15% of the overall workforce, involving about 2,000 people.

  In the turbulent Internet market of the past two years, there are many founders who have called out to be ready for the winter like Cheng Wei, but most bosses prefer to use "optimization" instead of "layoffs". In this comparison, Cheng Wei, who took the initiative to call for a 15% layoff, has now become a complete exception.

  As a start-up company that has emerged from the shadow of Internet Tech Giants, Didi, which is led by Cheng Wei, is now a "shadow" that many entrepreneurs in the mobile transportation field cannot escape.

  However, the current Didi itself also has an indescribable "shadow".

  Subsidized Rashomon

  This widely circulated internal financial data of Didi Chuxing is a bit interesting.

  In fact, only two figures were announced, one is that Didi continued to lose money in 2018, and it was a huge loss of 10.90 billion yuan. In addition, Didi invested 11.30 billion yuan to subsidize drivers throughout 2018.

  It should be added that Didi had previously released unofficial data saying that Didi’s annual loss in 2017 was only 2.50 billion yuan. At that time, the market also believed that Didi was expected to turn losses into profits in 2018.

  For this reason, the simplest and most crude conclusion that some people have drawn is that a large number of subsidies to drivers caused Didi to lose a lot last year. If it weren’t for the more than 10 billion yuan in driver subsidies, how could Didi have lost so much in 2018?

  But this conclusion Didi drivers have expressed their dissatisfaction.

  Many special car drivers still remember the good days from the end of 2014 to the Spring Festival in 2015: a smart phone, a driver’s license with a driving age of more than 3 years, and a local license plate car with a price of more than 100,000 RMB and a service life of less than 5 years. As long as you have these three basic "equipment", no matter which special car platform you connect to, many special car drivers can easily earn more than 10,000 yuan per month and envy others.

  At that time, all the special car companies could easily pick out the special car drivers with a monthly income of 20,000 to 30,000. And subsidies are the direct driving force that makes many special car drivers full of motivation.

  But such good times only stayed in 2016, before the merger of Didi and Uber China.

  You know, back then, Uber China’s subsidies for private car drivers used to have an enviable "reward of 8,000 yuan for 80 orders a week". At that time, Uber drivers could earn 20,000 yuan a month only with rewards.

  When Didi and Uber were at their worst in China, Cheng Wei said that Didi spent $4 billion a year on "market cultivation." Uber founder Travis Kalanick previously revealed that Uber lost more than $1 billion in the Chinese market in 2015, and also subsidized the profits in other global markets to the Chinese market.

  But all these subsidies for drivers came to an abrupt end after Didi’s dominance. With the return of market competition to rationality, Didi’s subsidy policy for drivers has also shrunk more and more. As a last resort, some special car drivers have to calculate the water in the car carefully, and sometimes secretly replace Kunlun Mountain with Master Kang, or if passengers don’t want it, they won’t let it go.

  And the current net about car compliance under the ebb and flow is to make a lot of net about car drivers unsustainable, because of insufficient qualifications or less money, many net about car drivers have changed careers.

  Looking at it this way, it should be that the online car-hailing drivers are wronged. They obviously didn’t see much of the subsidies they received, and they were unwilling to bear the blame for Didi’s huge loss.

  But if you add the cost of ride-hailing compliance to driver subsidies, the bill seems to make sense again.

  The recent December 31, 2018, was once regarded as an important node in the online car-hailing market. In the 2018 online car-hailing rectification, relevant departments required all online car-hailing platforms to clear all unlicensed vehicles before December 31.

  But this "one size fits all" rule may take some time to implement.

  At present, most online car-hailing platforms have not completely stopped sending orders to unlicensed vehicles to respond positively.

  Didi has publicly stated on December 18, 2018 that it will continue and speed up the removal of drivers and vehicles on the platform that do not meet the requirements of the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services, strengthen the guidance of dispatching orders for compliance, and gradually reduce the dispatch of non-compliant personnel and vehicles until it stops.

  But Mr. Cheng also stressed that it would take time and that Didi would "develop phased city-by-city compliance targets", as required by the new policy.

  The first financial reporter learned that Didi has indeed increased its investment in compliance, set up documents to promote special project funds, organized full-time personnel to speed up the application of documents, actively organized driver training, and partners to encourage and guide drivers to handle people’s car permits.

  In order to guide the active compliance of online car-hailing drivers, Didi has increased the subsidy for compliance drivers to a certain extent.

  As of now, online car-hailing drivers with three or more licenses can still take orders on the Didi platform. However, drivers generally report that the platform’s orders will be given priority to online car-hailing cars with three licenses, and the rewards received by different drivers will also vary.

  This is also one of the important reasons why Didi’s losses intensified in the second half of 2018.

  After the murder of the hitchhiker, in September 2018, Cheng Wei rarely announced Didi’s profits in an internal open letter, saying that the company’s overall net loss in the first half of 2018 exceeded 4 billion yuan.

  This 4 billion yuan loss, because Meituan has to increase the cost of subsidies in the corresponding cities because Meituan has stepped into the taxi, and in order to face Meituan takeaway, Didi has invested in the takeaway business.

  But if combined with the data of 2018 full-year loss 10.90 billion, in the second half of 2018 after Meituan stopped taxi investment and Didi takeaway stopped crazy subsidies, Didi’s loss exceeded 6 billion, significantly higher than the first half of the year.

  On the other hand, Didi is also doing something more asset-heavy.

  The reporter learned from people close to Didi that in order to ensure sufficient compliance capacity, Didi has increased its investment in self-operated vehicles in the past two years, in addition to purchasing cars, but also recruiting full-time drivers to operate.

  Investing a large amount of money in self-operated vehicles is actually contrary to Didi’s previous asset-light model of integrating idle capacity.

  "Shut down and transfer" non-main business

  In addition to layoffs, Cheng Wei also emphasized at the above-mentioned monthly meeting that Didi will focus on the most important travel business in 2019, continue to increase safety and compliance investment, and improve efficiency. Therefore, it will "shut down and transfer" non-main businesses.

  It has to be said that Didi’s business expansion speed in recent years has been too fast.

  In mid-February 2015, when Didi announced its merger with Kuaidi, the two companies were only involved in taxis and special cars, but by September 2015, Didi had already owned taxis, special cars, express cars, hitchhiking, and driving on behalf of five mature product lines.

  "Since this year [2015], we have launched a business every two months, and within a month of each business launch, we have become the absolute leading brand and the number one in the industry," Cheng Wei explained in an interview with China Business News.

  Before the killing of Hitch, Didi maintained a record of six years of business valuation of 80 billion dollars. Throughout the development of China’s Internet, it seems that few Internet companies have such an amazing growth history as Didi.

  In 2014, the sharing economy blew the wind and waves penetrated all walks of life, but the sharing industry needs to burn money and throw money. In this industry where the profit model is not yet clear, hundreds of companies become members of the death list every year. So much so that sometimes, Cheng Wei himself can’t help but sigh to Liu Qing, president of Didi Chuxing, "We are a company in a sea of swords and fire".

  In the past six years, there have been 20 to 30 business units operating within Didi, with many successful experiences and many lessons learned from failures.

  Half a month before the murder of a hitchhiker in Yueqing, Cheng Wei said at the Lenovo Star 10th Anniversary Conference about starting a business that entrepreneurs are the most difficult group of people, like pushing open a door, it is dark outside, and the road is not clear. It is necessary to constantly explore, understand, and correct.

  Only this time, what Didi needs is a major correction.

  On December 5, 2018, Didi announced an important corporate organizational restructuring.

  In the above organizational restructuring, Didi’s core business and multiple departments will be merged and adjusted, including the merger of the express business group, the establishment of the online car platform company, the merger of the original Xiaoju car service and the automotive asset management center (AMC), the upgrade to new car service, and the establishment of a car owner service company.

  "This structural adjustment is mainly for the safety of online car-hailing, to facilitate compliance management." A Didi insider told the First Financial Reporter that Cheng Wei has set a high profit target for the newly established online car-hailing platform company in 2019.

  It is worth mentioning that while "shutdown and transfer" and layoffs, internationalization is still a key area of Didi. In key areas such as safety technology, products and offline driver management and internationalization, Didi will continue to recruit 2,500 people in 2019. The goal is that the total number of employees by the end of 2019 will be the same as 13,000 at the end of last year.

  In 2017, Uber, which had been making great strides in globalization, had to reluctantly cut the meat. First, it decided to merge its mobility business with its Russian rival Yandex NV, ceding the ride-hailing business in six countries: Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. Then it announced that it would suspend its ride-sharing business in Macau.

  Compared with Uber, whose overseas territory has been shrinking, Didi has blossomed in overseas investment business one after another. A few days after announcing its pursuit of Grab, which is known as Didi in South East Asia, Didi has successfully extended its hands to Eastern Europe and Africa, investing in Taxify, a mobile transportation company focusing on Europe and Africa.

  In 2018, Didi’s globalization began to grow more and more intense.

  On February 9, 2018, Didi and SoftBank announced plans to form a joint venture to enter the Japanese taxi market. A month earlier, Didi also acquired Brazilian ride-hailing service 99, which had previously invested $100 million.

  In fact, before 2018, Didi preferred to enter other overseas markets through equity investment, rather than directly expanding into the local market like Uber.

  In response, Didi’s president, Jean Liu, has publicly said that the company will evaluate which new markets it should enter, possibly partnering with or competing with existing local ride-hailing companies. If Didi believes that local companies are not strong enough, it may compete with them. That is to say, Didi may not only enter overseas markets through various forms of grafting, but will also take a similar approach to Uber, directly entering the local market to provide taxi services.

  But once you go overseas to open up territory, how to adapt to local policies and face competition with local competitors, these problems that have tested Uber need to be confronted by Didi one by one.

  And the expansion of these international territories requires Didi to spend real money to open up the market.

  Capital "change face"

  The First Financial Reporter learned from Didi insiders that Cheng Wei emphasized at the conference that there will be long-term uncertainties in the future of capital, and that Didi will operate more finely in the future.

  Didi, which merged quickly and acquired Uber’s China business, is the luckiest of the wave of mobile Internet travel startups.

  And in this series of challenges, Didi’s ultimate move is to defeat its opponents many times through financing.

  In terms of capital markets, Liu Qing was definitely a hero of Didi.

  In 2002, Liu Qing joined the investment banking department of Goldman Sachs (Asia) Group in charge of "analyst work". In 2004, she moved to the direct investment department. In 2008, she was promoted to executive director. In 2012, after being promoted to managing director of Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC Asia Pacific, Liu Qing became one of the youngest managing directors in the history of Goldman Sachs.

  In September 2013 and June 2014, Liu Qing approached Didi Dache twice as an investor. The final result was that on July 28, 2014, Liu Qing was confirmed to join Didi Dache as the chief operating officer (COO). In February 2015, Liu Qing was promoted to the president of Didi.

  With Liu Qing joining, news of Didi’s financing continues to spread.

  In 2016, Didi Chuxing raised $7 billion in a funding round, gaining a number of powerful allies, including Apple, to fend off Uber’s competition in China at the time.

  "Peace is made, not negotiated!" Zhu Xiaohu, an early investor in Didi, said that the chips for negotiating peace are getting higher and higher, and without these chips, there is no qualification to negotiate peace, so the team’s financing ability is extremely important.

  In Cheng Wei’s opinion, Didi is building a mobile transportation ecosystem, which is something that no one has ever done before. It requires a large amount of capital to support the development of technology and various business lines.

  "There will always be competition in various segments of personal mobility, but in the one-stop present on all major platforms, no one can do this except Didi. Not everyone has the confidence to shout’I want to do one-stop present on all major platforms’, and one of the confidence is capital. Without capital, it is difficult to shout out to be the world’s largest one-stop platform." Liu Qing explained in an interview with China Business News.

  "Whether we will continue to raise money is still a question mark," Ms. Liu said during a critical period of competition with Uber. "We need to see if we can spend it or not, and the money is not bad. But we will recruit some investors, not for financing, but for strategic cooperation."

  It is impressive that whether it is a special car, an express car, a hitchhiker or a bus, Didi is actually a latecomer to these markets. With the blessing of capital, Didi is more accustomed to opening the road with massive subsidies, squeezing out competitors, and then starting to work intensively.

  The business behind this cannot escape the requirements of capital. The capital that keeps betting needs to tell one story after another in order to support the increasingly high valuation plate.

  Now, the problem left to Cheng Wei and Liu Qing is that there will be long-term uncertainties in the future of capital, and Didi, which relies on capital to run wild, must now tighten its purse strings.

  Didi’s old rivals Uber and Lyft are both actively planning to go public in the first quarter of this year, and Didi’s listing demand has become urgent.

  But the current embarrassment is that due to the series of rectification storms triggered by the hitch safety incident, Didi has missed the listing boom of Xiaomi and Meituan last year.

  Although Didi is currently actively planning to re-launch its ride-hailing business, the market is not optimistic about the future of Didi’s listing, which has lost its lead, despite the loss of two lives due to the loss of ride-hailing.

BYD Song L: A One-step Choice for Quality Family

On December 15th, Song L, the B-class pioneer hunting SUV—— of BYD Dynasty Network, was officially launched. The new car has launched four rear-drive models and one four-wheel drive model, and the official guide price is 189,800 yuan-249,800 yuan. In addition, there are six listed rights and interests, including the pleasure of enjoying financial gifts and the pleasure of rejuvenating new gifts.

As a high-end model of the Song family, Song L is "fully equipped at the beginning", with full face value, control, space, safety and intelligence, and a very competitive listing price, which leads the new value standard of B-class pure electric SUV.

With a full face value, you can enjoy the most beautiful hunting SUV.

Yan value is justice! Song L won the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV" as soon as he appeared. The moderately advanced style accurately hits the aesthetics of mainstream quality families.

You want a low dive posture, yes! The dragon face design you want, there is! You have all the frameless doors, adaptive electric tail fins and wide tires! It is a visual feast!

Too high a face value often makes people ignore their strength, but Song L perfectly combines avant-garde design and functionality to truly achieve "beauty" and "material": the frameless door adopts double-layer laminated glass, and Fuyao’s top-grade steel glass technology brings better airtightness and quietness; The adaptive electric tail can rise and fall with the speed, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, which is of great significance for improving endurance and handling performance; The standard tires with narrow front and wide back make it difficult for Song-L expressway to swing its tail when changing lanes, ensuring the safety of emergency avoidance.

It is both a Yan value school and a strength school. Wherever Song L goes, it must be the focus of the audience!

Control is full, and the three stars are full of technology.

Not all B-class SUVs can be called Song L! Once upon a time, the car circle defaulted that cars under 200,000 were not worthy of handling, and the listing of Song L made this sentence history!

You want to speed up super fast, yes! You want ultra-low energy consumption, yes! You want e-platform 3.0, CTB, and Yunqi -C, all of which are available!

Song L is based on E platform 3.0, with a maximum output power of 380kW, a peak torque of 670N·m and a zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds. The efficient eight-in-one electric powertrain makes the energy consumption of Song L’s 100-kilometer driving as low as 12.8kW·h, and the longest cruising range can reach 662 km, which not only drives fast, but also saves energy.

What really makes Song L leave the same class far behind is its ultimate control. CTB battery body integration technology makes the body torsional stiffness reach 40,400 N m/,which is comparable to a million-level luxury SUV;; Yunqi -C breaks the long-standing monopoly of luxury brands on active body control system technology, allowing drivers and passengers to enjoy driving while taking into account comfort; Coupled with iTAC intelligent torque distribution system, it helps Song L’s upper control limit to be further improved.

Song L met the strict requirements of users "both necessary and desirable" with hard-core power, high efficiency and energy saving, and extreme control.

Full space, luxury, width and five seats.

Comfort is the "hard currency" of B-class cars, and Song L is also the ultimate.

You want the big five seats, there are! The long wheelbase you want, there is! You want the soft interior, fragrance, massage chair, panoramic canopy, HiFi-class Dana audio, all of which are available!

What is the concept of wheelbase of Song L 2930mm? Better than the popular player Model Y, the vertical size can be called a B-class ceiling. The spacious and comfortable five-seat space supports 4:6 leveling in the back row, and the volume of the front trunk and trunk can be expanded to 1101L, which can hold the happiness of a quality family.

Not only the space is large, but also the materials are sufficient. Electronic unlock door button, double-layer silver-plated panoramic canopy, ventilation and heating of front seats become standard, which is easy to get started and full of advanced feeling; The leather steering wheel is equipped with heating function, the main and co-pilot seats are integrated with electric adjustment and massage function, and the intelligent interactive atmosphere lights can change colors according to different scenes, creating a unique riding experience; In addition, high-end configurations such as dual-temperature zone automatic air conditioning, co-pilot boss key, active fragrance system, 12-speaker HiFi-class customized Dana audio and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging have also reshaped consumers’ expectations and cognition of this price segment.

Safe and fully equipped, protection goes deep into the "bone"

"Safety is the greatest luxury of electric vehicles". When the industry is still addicted to simple stacking and rolling, Song L not only does a good job of active and passive safety, but also starts from the structure and engraves safety into the "bone" to provide a real full-dimensional protection.

Blade battery, yes! CTB, yes! High-strength materials, yes! DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system, too!

CTB technology combines the blade battery with the body floor. The battery is both an energy body and a structural part, which provides natural "structural safety" and endows Song L with the underlying logic of structural safety. Song L is built according to the global five-star safety standards, with ultra-safe cage-type passenger cabin structure, three-stage body design, 11 airbags and 83.5% "high-strength steel, high-strength aluminum and composite materials" to ensure the safety of the passenger cabin to the greatest extent; Song L’s active safety is also online. DiPilot intelligent driver assistance system has up to 24 sensors in the whole vehicle, and has more than 30 safety assistance functions such as DMS driver monitoring assistance to prevent problems before they happen.

Enjoy full intelligence, and the whole department is equipped with an intelligent cockpit.

In the digital age, technology is a must for pioneers to travel. Song L is equipped with three intelligent systems: DiLink Intelligent Cockpit, DiPilot Intelligent Driver Assistance System and Intelligent Entry System. With mature technology and pragmatic functions, it creates a more mature and convenient intelligent travel experience for users.

The advanced chip you want, there is! You want to rotate the big screen and head-up display, there is! You have all the continuous voice calls, automatic parking and UWB keys you want!

Song L adopts the industry-leading 6nm process chip and integrates 5G baseband technology, with a running score of over 550,000, and its comprehensive performance is far ahead, allowing the car to experience "longitudinal silky"; 15.6-inch high-definition central control panel, 10.25-inch full LCD instrument, 50-inch head-up display and 5.8-inch rear air conditioning control panel form a "2+1+1" smart multi-screen, allowing users to enjoy intellectual convenience; Full-scene intelligent voice integrates more than 1000 vehicle control functions, which can be said as soon as it is visible, and the wake-up response time is as fast as 400 milliseconds, which can realize accurate recognition of four-tone zone and continuous multi-command recognition, greatly improving driving convenience; Automatic parking, so that the "dilemma" of narrow parking spaces and the "dilemma" of crowded alleys can be removed with one button; Equipped with UWB digital key, it realizes non-inductive entry and completely liberates hands. FACE ID facial recognition, 3D holographic transparent images and other functions have also enabled Song L to gain the scientific and technological charm of the digital age.

What is the most worthwhile B-class SUV in 200,000? Song L handed in an impeccable answer sheet with the beauty of face value, large space, strong technology, stable control and excellent intelligence, so that users can get a high-value pioneer experience from 189,800 yuan.

Song L can be called the most beautiful, strongest, "emboldened" and most worthwhile B-class SUV within 200,000 years. BYD has shot, and the deep-water bomb has been dropped. What kind of reshuffle will the B-class SUV market usher in? We will wait and see.

Source: Correspondent Feng Wei

Editor: Gao Jie

Proofreading: Xiong Xiangning

Audit: Cang Shujun

"The Wandering Earth 2" vs "Nameless"! Watch Andy Lau fight in the ring

1905 movie network feature With the May 1st file that was rumored to have airborne the Spring Festival file, the 2023 Spring Festival file pattern was finally finalized, respectively, and the animated movie "Bear Haunt · Accompanying Me" Bear Core ".

Every year is the "strongest Spring Festival file", and this year is "stronger than the mandatory update". From the director to the main creator, the three generations of old, middle-aged and young people are not absent. The charm of film inheritance once again exudes a unique charm in this schedule. Perhaps, the Spring Festival file has the opportunity to gather this "out-of-print cast lineup".

Compared with the PK of "regular" actors, and the "ring" in the same period, it can be said that it has been a long time since I saw it.

Both of them were filmmakers who entered the entertainment industry in the early 1980s. After 40 years, they have long been the benchmark. Even their names have long become an unavoidable ink in the modern history of Hong Kong cinema in China.

The similar development paths of the two, especially on the road of film and television, are almost the same trajectory. When the two meet, there is a sense of destiny between Liu Jianming and Chen Yongren.

Coming from the "Wireless Five Tigers" of the past, the "fight" between the two actors can be described as "grandmaster" level. If they meet again this Spring Festival, what will be the spark?

Schedule "Ring"

As we all know, the terms "New Year films" and "Spring Festival" originated from Hong Kong movies in the golden age. For a long time, the most popular Hong Kong films were released either during the summer or at the end of the year. After all, for people who were busy visiting during the Spring Festival to pay New Year’s greetings, how could they have time to watch movies?

For a long time, he was the main box office of the New Year’s film, and their films could almost become box office miracles. Tony Leung and Andy Lau, who entered the film industry in the 1980s, were actors in the early days and became rising stars at that time. Later, the two gradually found their own style.

Andy Lau developed a multi-disciplinary development and moved in various crews; Tony Leung was almost tied up, and the number of works was relatively stable, but there were also some classic Hong Kong-style urban comedies.

In 1999, it was of great significance to the Hong Kong film market. Jackie Chan and Stephen Chow took on the responsibility of bailing out the market that year, and even held an "anti-piracy" press conference before the release. At that time, Chow Xingchi played a later work, and Jackie Chan was a "literary film" different from the previous action blockbusters.

Tony Leung, as the second male lead, starred in "Glass Bottle". In this group comedy, Jackie Chan was still the key, and eventually won 27.54 million Hong Kong dollars, becoming the second runner-up in the Hong Kong box office market that year. The champion was Chow’s "King of Comedy".

At that time, Andy Lau had become the focus of the hearts of thousands of girls, and the glory of the "Four Heavenly Kings" brought more fame and attention. Also on February 13, he jointly produced the New Year’s film Gold Medal and brought the movie.

However, the film’s success did not make the public pay, and the final box office was less than 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

It was years before Andy Lau rarely spoke of the film’s creation as a work of "regret," when he took on the high-paying film without even reading the script in order to repay the company’s debt.

In the 2000 New Year’s Eve, the two actors once again brought their own New Year’s films. Although they were not released in one day, there were also many hidden battles during the back-to-back period.

On January 28th, Tony Leung starred in the movie, which was also the best work for the director to transform from a photographer to a director. The whole story was written by the operator, and in terms of the overall fluency, it could be said to be the best in this series, which also opened the first of its kind. The film combined comedy, action, love and other hit elements.

There were many actors,,, and other hottest stars in the Hong Kong circle at that time, and went to Japan to shoot live scenes, for which the investment was as high as 100 million Hong Kong dollars. "Tokyo Raiders" won 28 million Hong Kong dollars.

The following week, Andy Lau produced a similarly large-scale costume action movie. The same drama featured some of the most box office stars of the time, and it cost 40 million Hong Kong dollars. The movie was promoted by claiming that the finale of the movie was filmed in Tiananmen Square, but also to capture the mildest moment of the morning sun.

In the end, "The Top of Forbidden" earned 21.33 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, ranking fifth in the Chinese film of the year. It was released in the mainland three months later and earned 15 million yuan.

The "fire of war" between the two in 2002 was moved from the New Year to the summer vacation.Both of them were urban comedies, and the most interesting thing was that they collaborated with actorsCheng Xiuwen

At the beginning of the month, Tony Leung won 18.23 million Hong Kong dollars; at the end of the month, Andy Lau won 40.43 million Hong Kong dollars, only the box office of "Shaolin Football" ranked second in the box office of Hong Kong that year.

In the eyes of many audiences, Tony Leung seemed unable to perform a good comedy, but in 2003, Leung Chaowei brought Zedong’s alternative comedy "Unparalleled in the World". This film was also the most invested co-production by Shanghai Film Group at that time. It cost 20 million yuan to build the "Daming Palace" in the film.

As a typical New Year comedy, the film was released almost simultaneously in the mainland and Hong Kong, and finally won 23 million RMB and 13.05 million Hong Kong dollars respectively.

Andy Lau’s two-film New Year’s Eve, a group comedy, and a romantic comedy. The former won 19.21 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, while the latter was released in two places, winning 23 million yuan and 12.80 million Hong Kong dollars respectively.

At this time, Hong Kong filmmakers were heading north one after another, and co-productions ushered in the most prosperous era. As the backbone, Tony Leung and Andy Lau naturally did not miss it. But it is obvious that the number of movies is gradually decreasing.

In 2009, the epic blockbuster "Red Cliff 2" was released, and both the cast and the topic were frequent headlines at the time.

In the early stages of the movie, there were endless topics about the actors. John Woo originally planned to cast Andy Lau or Tony Leung as Zhuge Liang, who quit because of too many lines. After quitting the role of Zhou Yu, he went around and decided on the role of Leung Chaowei as Zhou Yu.

The sequel was released in January and received 251 million yuan and 23.71 million Hong Kong dollars.

Compared with the big production, Andy Lau brought the small and medium-cost romantic comedy "Dragon and Phoenix", although the reputation of this romantic comedy controversy, but behind the prototype of the topic of attention, so that the work won over 100 million box office in the mainland, became one of the works with relatively high return on investment that year. In Hong Kong, the harvest is 12.61 million Hong Kong dollars.

Subsequent to this, the creative trajectories of the two gradually changed. Tony Leung threw himself into the shooting of Wong Kar-wai, and the number of works was not too expensive; Andy Lau went further and further in the road of supporting new directors.

The two met again in 2016.Andy Lau participatedZhang Yimouco-productionThe Great Wall.Tony Leung, as the first brother of Zedong Film, starred in the production of Wong Kar WaiThe Ferryman.

Regardless of whether the outside world expresses sincere "I like" to these two films, the former made the first 1 billion film in Zhang Yimou’s film history, while the latter took nearly 500 million box office.

Perhaps this is just the beginning of an important encounter between the two actors in the mainland.This year, the two of them each brought "Wandering Earth 2" and "Nameless", both of which have released important materials one after another. From the temperament point of view, the audience is no longerChangqingClear and unambiguous.

In "The Wandering Earth 2", we can still see Andy Lau’s performance style in recent years. In the grand story, he shows meticulous emotional details. I believe this character has allowed us to experience the taste of tears in shock.

As for the latter, although Tony Leung has acted in other themes such as the Republic of China, his return to this theme a few years later can also be said to have aroused the expectations of many fans.


If the PK of "Nameless" and "Wandering Earth 2" is just a schedule battle, then it is planned to meet the audience this year, and the movie co-starring the two stars is a more direct "ring match".

This is a collaboration between the two since 2002’s Infernal Affairs, more than 20 years later.

As the "Wireless Five Tigers", the two have cooperated in various ways from dramas to movies, and the number of times is far more than 10.

These collaborations also seem to allude to their identity as both good and evil in Infernal Affairs, like shadows and old enemies.

In 1984, Wireless filmed the costume drama "Lu Ding Ji". At that time, Andy Lau was already a hit, and he was widely recognized for his films. But at the same time, his contract dispute with his owner was delayed. In a fit of anger, Wireless executives downgraded the original plan for him to play the male lead role to Kangxi and let Liang Chaowei play Wei Xiaobao.

Later, the two collaborated on the drama "Yang Jiajiang". At this time, the "Wireless Five Tigers" faced the problem of contract renewal with the wireless station. Andy Lau, Tony Leung,,, and five people had agreed to advance and retreat together, but they did not expect the wireless station to crack at Tony Leung, and then defeated them one by one, and finally decided to hide Andy Lau.

During this period, "Wireless Five Tigers" co-starred in the directed film. The title also seems to be an annotation to their story in the TV industry.

Although the two are often described as "old enemies" by the Hong Kong media, the two have collaborated on several films since 1991, up to the "Infernal Affairs" series.

The two were not like the rumors that "the king does not see the king". In the future "Goldfinger", the two "play" with each other, and I don’t know if they will leave a classic like the rooftop of "Infernal Affairs".

As an audience, watching their works become more and more refined, who wouldn’t look forward to the enjoyment of this kind of performance interaction?

Sui Hongbo, Secretary of Yichun Municipal Party Committee, Meets with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group

On August 16, Sui Hongbo, Secretary of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee, met with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group, and the two sides had in-depth exchanges on cooperation in cultural tourism and other fields. On behalf of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Sui Hongbo welcomed Wang Jianlin and his party and briefly introduced the economic and social development of Yichun. He said that Yichun is a key state-owned forest area and a national key ecological function area. It has excellent ecological resources and rich red culture, and is known as the "forest capital of the motherland" and the "hometown of red pine". In recent years, Yichun City has strengthened ecological protection and restoration, continued to deepen the reform of key state-owned forest areas, resolutely shouldered the important task of maintaining national ecological security, and firmly took the road of ecological priority and green development. At present, in accordance with the provincial party committee’s deployment of building "six Longjiang" and promoting "eight rejuvenation", we are adhering to the development orientation of "ecological city and tourism strong city", accelerating the construction of "1234" modern ecological industry system, promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and solidly promoting the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Yichun. Wanda Group is a large-scale enterprise group focusing on modern service industry. It hopes to give full play to the comprehensive advantages of planning, operation and platform, and plan in-depth cooperation with Yichun in the fields of cultural tourism industry and other fields to promote the realization of high-level mutual benefit and win-win situation. The Yichun Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will make every effort to ensure service, give full play to the main role of Yichun Forest Industry Group, strengthen communication and docking between the two sides,

Wang Jianlin expressed his gratitude to the Yichun Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their attention and support to enterprises. He said that Yichun is rich in resources, has distinct seasons, and has huge development space and potential. Wanda Group will give full play to the successful experience in the development of the cultural and tourism industry accumulated over the years of practice, rely on Yichun’s valuable resources and the upcoming high-speed rail era, actively plan cooperation between the two parties, strengthen planning and design on "ice and snow", and do a good job of innovative articles, so as to contribute to the high-quality transformation, development and modernization of Yichun.

Sales of new energy vehicles rose 654.1% year-on-year in January.

  On February 1, Cyrus released its production and sales report for January 2024. Data show that Cyrus sold 36,838 new energy vehicles in January, an increase of 654.1% year-on-year.

  "In January 2024, AITO delivered 32,973 new cars, an increase of 34.76% compared with the previous month, of which more than 1,000 were delivered in a single day in 24 days." The relevant person in charge of Sailis revealed to reporters, especially the delivery of AITO’s new M7 reached a new high, with 31,253 new cars delivered in a single month. For the first time, the monthly delivery exceeded 30,000, opening a new chapter in the delivery speed.

  As a vehicle partner with the deepest cooperation with Huawei, the widest range and the largest vehicle loading volume, the AITO series under Cyrus has emerged in the automotive industry since 2023, demonstrating strong competitiveness. Since September 2023, AITO’s new M7 and M9 models have been launched one after another, helping to rapidly increase sales.

  The above-mentioned person in charge told reporters: "At present, the cumulative size of AITO’s new M7 has exceeded 140,000, and the order growth and delivery efficiency will accelerate together."

  The company’s recently released 2023 performance forecast shows that it is expected to achieve operating income of 35.50 billion yuan to 36.50 billion yuan during the reporting period, an increase of 4.09% to 7.02% year-on-year; in addition, although the company expects net profit attributable to the parent to still lose money, it has improved compared with the same period in 2022.

  "Continued high growth in sales performance also means that Cyrus’ profit improvement expectations for Quarter 1 in 2024 have been greatly improved, and with continued revenue growth and supply chain cost reduction, battery cost reduction, etc., it is expected that the company’s Quarter 1 net profit margin will be significantly improved." Market analysts believe.

  The industry also generally believes that, from the delivery data released by Sailis, this wave of sales in January is still based on the large-scale delivery of AITO’s new M7. The M9 listed at the end of 2023 has not been delivered in large quantities, but Dading has exceeded 30,000 units. It is foreseeable that the revenue growth rate of Sailis in the first half of 2024 will be very impressive.

  The latest research report of Cinda Securities pointed out that the further volume of AITO M9, a high-priced and high-margin model, is expected to further improve the profitability of Cyrus. In addition, research reports released by a number of brokerages predict that although the company’s performance is still under pressure, with the help of products and channels, the company is expected to start making profits in 2025.

  In the context of intensified competition in the new energy vehicle market, Cyrus actively explored digital and intelligent transformation when it started its third business in 2016, started the construction of smart factories, and continued to increase R & D investment over the years. It is understood that Cyrus’s three smart factories have a total of more than 5,000 robots, and the automation rate of welding workshops and spraying workshops is as high as 100%. A car can be rolled off the production line in 30 seconds.

  In addition, in terms of integrated die-casting technology, the Sailis Automotive Smart Factory has also achieved the production of 9000T, and the produced rear car body can be integrated into one of 87 parts, effectively improving the vehicle’s endurance, energy-saving efficiency, and body stiffness.

  Regarding the future development of the company, the above-mentioned person in charge emphasized that the company’s positioning is very clear, and it is a technology-based manufacturing enterprise with new energy vehicles as its core.

  "Whether it is a new energy vehicle or a smart car, in the final analysis, it is still a manufacturing industry. Having core technology only completes half of the work, and at the same time having high-quality production and delivery capabilities can be considered a closed loop." The above-mentioned person in charge said that only by establishing a system and capabilities for self-research and manufacturing can it become a "leader" in the transformation of new energy vehicles.

  "The cooperation with Huawei, coupled with the accumulation of its own technology research and development and intelligent manufacturing, is a factor in the sharp increase in sales of Cyrus cars," Zhang Xiang, director of the New Energy Vehicle Technology Research Institute of Jiangxi New Energy Technology Vocational College, told Securities Daily. "If we can maintain stable cooperation with Huawei for a long time, then the future development prospects of Cyrus are still very impressive."

  Our reporter, Feng Yuyao

Fresh e-commerce has made new moves, live broadcast "bringing goods" and creating "explosions"

  Recently, fresh e-commerce has entered Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County, Kunming, Yunnan Province every day, and launched a mobile phone live broadcast in the fields through its social platform "Daily Good Goods", which not only allows consumers to see the whole process of farmers’ labor with their own eyes, but also helps farmers "bring goods" to promote income and prosperity and help rural revitalization. Statistics show that through live broadcast, 520,000 Jin of Yunnan Plateau Yacon was sold in three days on the daily good goods platform. Up to now, 2 million Jin of Yunnan Plateau Yacon has been sold, radiating 172 farmers.

  Since its inception, short videos and live broadcasts have become powerful weapons to help the sales of agricultural products every day. Webcasts of Internet experts on major videos and social platforms not only promoted poverty alleviation products, but also excavated rich content resources behind the products, which quickly enhanced the visibility of poverty alleviation products.

  The unique communication advantage of short video can realize decentralized communication, break the communication barrier between urban and rural areas, bridge the gap between urban and rural areas and reach more users. Especially in the 5G era, rational use of the resources and advantages of short videos and social e-commerce platforms can tap the digital productivity and creativity of rural users and bring new kinetic energy to the countryside.

  At the beginning of 2019, the new retail field of video socialization was laid out every day, which successfully hatched the daily good goods of fresh e-commerce service providers all over the world, and the daily good goods were jointly broadcast with the video platform, providing professional e-commerce service system and valuable content for the live broadcast people. According to reports, the daily good goods adopt a discovery supply chain to reverse customize products according to users’ needs.

  Up to now, Daily Good Goods has signed cooperation agreements with 2,000 talents of seven video platforms, including Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker and Volcano, to train talents and provide professional e-commerce service system; At the same time, we will establish a live broadcast base in the country’s fruit origin, and take online celebrity to "live broadcast" in the fields.

  Short videos and live broadcasts have achieved remarkable results. In less than a year, Daily Good Goods has become the head brand of fresh products suppliers in Tik Tok and Kuaishou. Up to now, the daily turnover of good goods in Tik Tok has increased by 40% to 50% month-on-month, showing an explosive growth trend. For example, mango in Panzhihua, Sichuan, yacon and ginseng fruit in Yunnan are all cases of "explosion" of good goods every day. "Among the explosions of agricultural products in Tik Tok today, the top three are our products." Wang Zhe, the person in charge of Daily Good Goods, said that the growth and production scenes of many agricultural products are very strange to urban people, and this freshness and novelty is also an important reason why fresh products are sold on short video and live broadcast platforms.

  In practice, Wang Zhe summed up a set of rules for doing fresh e-commerce with short video live broadcast. For example, "sales ability" is the core competitiveness of the platform’s live broadcast experts. Therefore, Daily Good Goods has discovered a group of sales talents and cultivated them into "fruit bloggers". "We either go to the country of origin or cooperate with big suppliers to ensure the scale of agricultural products, as well as the best quality and lowest price." Wang Zhe introduced. Daily Good Goods set up a small shop with the prefix "Daily Good Goods" on seven short video platforms, and bloggers with the ability to bring goods can choose products from the small shops with daily good goods for sale. If users open a shopping cart in Tik Tok, they can choose products from the "select alliance" when adding goods, in which the daily good goods play the role of goods provider. In the mode of cooperation, almost all good goods every day are delivered by one button, and bloggers only need to be responsible for "bringing goods" instead of worrying about logistics and after-sales.

  "Bloggers don’t have to worry about contacting farmers or sellers to choose good products, logistics and after-sales, as well as accommodation and time arrangement at the place of origin, and even don’t have to worry about infrastructure such as local networks and shooting venues, because we have all built it." Wang Zhe said that this standardized service capability is also the advantage of the platform that Good Goods is building every day.

  At present, there is still great potential in the fields of agricultural products and fresh food. On the one hand, compared with offline supermarkets or online timely distributors, the price of live e-commerce is lower; On the other hand, because users’ purchasing habits have not been fully cultivated, objectively, there is still an opportunity to switch from offline to online. Wang Zhe’s goal is very ambitious. He wants to build the daily good goods into a global fresh e-commerce service provider, and establish a national fresh e-commerce service network with people without me, people with me and people with me. (Reporter Zhou Mingyang)

The cost performance is very high, BYD Han DM is 9.3 fold nationwide, and it is expected that the price will fluctuate next month.

At present, the car ownership tends to be saturated, and the production capacity of the production line that was vigorously laid out in previous years cannot be digested in time, so the supply exceeds the demand. When the sales volume declines and the market is depressed, it will become a common phenomenon for merchants to fight price wars to win over customers, so it will be relatively cost-effective to buy a car this year. Let’s take a look at the national real transaction price of the hot-selling models collected by this website for everyone, so that everyone can understand the car purchase market. Let’s take a look at BYD Han DM recommended for everyone today!

This site collected the real transaction price of BYD Han DM in the past year. The lowest transaction price of BYD Han DM in the country in the past month was 235,300 yuan, the highest cash discount for new cars was 14,800 yuan, and the maximum discount for new cars reached 9.27 fold! The price is for reference only, and the actual transaction price is subject to the local dealer.

Choose a car to buy a car? The difficulty of choosing a good car is almost catching up with the college entrance examination to fill in the volunteers! But in fact, it is not difficult to choose a car. It really depends on the sales volume. What everyone likes can’t be worse. Byd Han DM sold 9,720 vehicles in the past month, which can be seen from the sales trend chart below that the new car is recognized by consumers in the market.

When we buy a car, we will pay attention to all aspects of this model in advance, especially the posts and word-of-mouth posted by car owners in major forums and vertical websites. Apart from the navy, there are still some car owners’ real car experience that is worth learning. Let’s take a look at BYD Han DM’s word-of-mouth score. The comprehensive score of BYD Han DM is 4.76, and the result is not bad, so BYD Han DM can be considered.

If you have seen the above, you still have doubts about whether BYD Han DM is worth buying, then you can also look at the performance of competing products of BYD Han DM. Among the following competing products, BYD Han EV sold the most last month, with 8717 vehicles, so there is always one for you.

If the price of BYD Han DM is suitable in the near future, then the friends will hurry! Linkage promotion in many places across the country, and there are even more discount models as low as 30%.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Fenghuang net automobile real shot Huawei has already proved itself in the commercial market, and in recent years it has been rude in the civilian market. Only Huawei can compete with Apple in the high-end mobile phone market in China, and it can be considered as the first national mobile phone. In the automotive industry, Huawei’s AITO is also making efforts, surpassing the ideal in February this year. Huawei’s AITO is attacking the ideal L9 of China luxury large SUV.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

At present, the M9 has exceeded 60,000 sets, which is not easy for a large SUV that has just been on the market for about 2 months and the unit price exceeds 450,000 yuan.

Now, let’s go into the store to see the details of this China brand top large SUV product. How did it win many consumers who were originally BBA medium-sized SUVs?

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

There are six models on the market in the world, with the price range of 469,800-569,800 yuan. It can be said that there are four extended-range hybrid models and two pure electric models, which are more abundant than the ideal L9 power selection model.

Wenjie M9 adopts the brand’s latest design language, and its appearance is highly recognizable. The vehicle has smooth lines, huge size and a sense of strength. Wenjie M9 adopts a bold front face design, with a unique programmable LED headlight group and air intake grille, which is full of science and technology.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The measurements (length, width and height) of the bound M9 reach 5230x1999x1800mm, and the wheelbase is 3110 mm. The size of the bound M9 has reached the level of a full-size large SUV, and compared with the Mercedes-Benz GLS, it is full of momentum. The line design of the whole car is horizontal, even and vertical, which is very consistent with the aesthetics of China people. The contrast color design of the car paint highlights a luxurious temperament.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The taillight of Wenjie M9 not only adopts the through-going integrated design, but also adopts the elements of Chinese knot, which perfectly integrates traditional elements and technology.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Wenjie M9 has achieved full selection of auxiliary driving equipment, equipped with 1 overhead 192-line laser radar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 high-definition visual perception cameras and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can realize full scene and all-weather perception of moving and static targets (including alien objects).

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

On the software level of assisted driving ability, there are not only three levels of assisted driving packages, but also an expansion package. It can realize LCC cruise assistance, NCA high-speed and urban navigation assistance, intelligent parking and parking sentry mode. In the future OTA update, M9 will gradually improve these functions.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

In terms of wheels, the M9 is also unambiguous. The basic configuration is a 21-inch wheel rim. For another 15,000 yuan, you can get a 22-inch wheel rim with Pirelli P ZERO tires with 265/285 mixed tire widths. Coupled with the red fixed calipers of the first 6 pistons, both the vision and the performance are excellent, which is very suitable for the tonality of the M9 high-end luxury SUV.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

When I came to the interior, the space was released without scruple with the equipment of the M9 big six seats. The most noteworthy thing is the true zero-gravity seat in the second row and the Queen’s co-driver. It is only possible for a full-size SUV like M9 to combine two seats that occupy a lot of space into one car.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The zero-gravity seat in the second row supports one-button reclining. After reclining, the seat is like a bed, and passengers can be completely immersed in it, and the whole body can get extremely even support. It is definitely a weapon for long-distance riding.

Here in the Queen’s co-driver, the co-driver has a push and a foot pallet, and even in the co-driver, you can enjoy the ride experience like the back row of a luxury car.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

In addition to the comfortable riding experience in the first two rows, the third row of the M9 is spacious, reaching the point of long-distance riding, and it also supports electric adjustment of the front and back of the seat cushion and backrest pitch. It is also equipped with three-speed seat heating and 18W TYPE-C charging port, which is luxurious in the third row of seats. In addition, the third row of seats supports electric reclining, and there are buttons for seat fore-and-aft adjustment and reclining in the trunk. During the reclining process of the seat, the two adjustments can also be operated in linkage.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

When I came to the second row, there was no shortage of "big sofas for refrigerators and color TVs" in M9. I just talked about sofas, and now let’s talk about "color TVs". The M9 innovatively uses the projector to display the rear images. Compared with the LCD screen, it can make a larger display area without occupying too much overhead space. As long as there is no strong light, the display effect is actually good.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Not only is there a lot of space, but the storage design of the M9 in the world is also a must. The car refrigerator with a temperature of 5-50 degrees Celsius was designed in the second row of the M9, and a retractable cup holder was set at the armrest. When I came to the front row, the M9 set up openable storage boxes under the two sides of the center console, which effectively replaced the traditional glove box. On the center console, the M9 supports dual 50W wireless fast charging.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

There are almost no physical buttons on the entire center console, and the OneGlass triple screen design +HarmonyOS 4 system ensures the intelligent cabin experience of the vehicle.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The screen display effect of the border M9 is very delicate, and the four corners are chamfered, which makes the vision friendly. HarmonyOS system has been installed on M7 and M5, and the optimization of user experience is very mature, logical, smooth and easy to use.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The M9 not only has a traditional dashboard, but also has an AR-HUD display equivalent to 75 inches. The display effect is exquisite and the color gamut performance is good. You can even watch the video directly, which is very exaggerated!

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

In terms of power, the M9 has two versions: extended range and pure electricity. The peak power of the front and rear drive motors of the pure electric version is 160kW and 230kW respectively, and the acceleration of 100 km only takes 4.3s s.. The battery capacity is 100kWh and the cruising range is 630km.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

The extended-range hybrid version uses H15RT 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 112kW. It is matched with double motors, with the maximum power of 165kW and 200kW respectively, and the acceleration of 100 km is 4.9s s.. The battery capacity is 42kWh or 52kWh, and the pure battery life is 225km or 275km under CLTC conditions.

Static Analysis of the M9 Real Shot of the Flagship of Huawei Family Bucket with the Strongest Surface

Conclusion:After M5 and M7 established their position in the new energy vehicle market, M9 took advantage of the situation and got a relatively smooth parking space. For the media, consumers now have brand awareness, the product strength of the model is very strong, and Huawei’s endorsement, the M9′ s hot sale seems to be logical.

China’s new forces, such as Wen Jie and Ideality, are rapidly subverting the BBA traditional SUV market of 400,000-500,000 with new energy vehicles blessed by China Science and Technology. In fact, from the product point of view, it seems that this trend is very clear. If you don’t reject this brand of new power, who will you choose when you are faced with the choice of medium-sized traditional SUV or full-size smart SUV with the same budget?

Helping 800+ smart cities to build, Huawei Cloud AI innovation empowers high-quality development of cities.

On December 20th, "Huawei Cloud City Summit Xiangyang" was held. The theme of the summit is "Cultivate wisdom deeply and make beauty happen", which brings together representatives from all walks of life, such as Zheng Industry-University-Research, to talk about the new direction of smart city construction, smart industry development and ecological construction. Zhang Pingan, managing director of Huawei and CEO of Huawei Cloud, delivered a speech at the meeting, saying: "At present, AI technology is developing rapidly, and innovative applications of large models are constantly emerging, which is accelerating the reshaping of thousands of industries. We will continue to join hands with Xiangyang to seize the development opportunities of AI and draw a beautiful blueprint for smart Xiangyang. "

Zhang Pingan, Managing Director of Huawei and CEO of Huawei Cloud

Embrace the wave of AI development and consolidate the "cloud base" of the digital economy

With the continuous deepening of the digital economy, the demand for artificial intelligence in many industries is increasing, and the importance attached to artificial intelligence at the national level is also increasing. Various localities have made strategic arrangements around the innovation and development of the AI industry. In this context, AI has accelerated the pace of reshaping thousands of industries. As the development trend of the AI era, the new model of deep integration with the real economy is constantly emerging, setting off a new wave of industrial transformation and urban upgrading.

Since 2019, Huawei has invested in the research and development of AI big models, and is committed to giving more value to various industries and societies. In July this year, Pangu Big Model 3.0 was officially released. Pangu Big Model has a three-layer architecture of "basic big model, industry model and scene model", which can provide basic big model capabilities such as natural language, vision, multimodal, prediction and scientific calculation, laying a solid foundation for promoting artificial intelligence to "go deep into reality" and "application innovation".

It is worth mentioning that in addition to providing Pangu big model, the Ascending AI cloud service launched by Huawei Cloud also provides an efficient, stable and well-supplied computing cloud base for open source and tripartite big models, leading the new trend of artificial intelligence technology and becoming the mainstream cloud service of artificial intelligence innovation. It is understood that the number of domestic large models is still on the rise, and all walks of life in the industry are accelerating the layout of AI large models. With the opportunity of the vigorous development of large models, Huawei Cloud has also ushered in new development opportunities.

As the key infrastructure of digital economy, "cloud" is becoming an important engine to help Chinese modernization, and "cloud service" has also become an inevitable choice for digital upgrading of enterprises. Since its establishment, Huawei Cloud has been committed to becoming the "cloud base" and "enabler" of the intelligent world, and is committed to providing users with one-stop cloud computing infrastructure services.

In the new digital era, accelerating the integration and innovation of digitalization, networking and intelligence is also the key point to promote Chinese modernization. In order to build a solid base of intelligent computing power, Huawei adheres to the strategy of All Intelligence to help industry innovation and accelerate the intelligent transformation process of thousands of industries. In terms of smart city construction, Huawei has empowered the construction of urban agents through large models, opened up the Ascending AI cloud service area, large model development tool chain and solution component ecology, and joined hands with government customers and technical partners to accelerate the application innovation of large models in government services, government offices, urban governance and other scenarios through the "Huawei Pangu Government Model Joint Innovation Action".

Help the construction of "city +AI" and promote the high-quality development of smart cities.

Taking Xiangyang as an example, in July 2013, Xiangyang Municipal Government and Huawei signed the Cooperation Agreement on Cloud Computing Data Center in Xiangyang City, which started the journey of building digital government infrastructure together. In the past ten years, the two sides have made concerted efforts and actively explored, and successfully built the leading cloud-native government cloud infrastructure in China, helping Xiangyang to comprehensively carry out information and innovation in the smart city construction system. In terms of smart government affairs, Xiangyang has deployed more than 95% of municipal government affairs applications to Xiangyang Cloud, involving more than 400 business systems run by more than 90 bureaus. The two sides have also cooperated closely in application innovation and industrial development, actively introducing partners, and creating a cloud industry ecology to help Xiangyang’s digital economy industry flourish.

Not only Xiangyang, but also Huawei Cloud has joined hands with many cities to complete the "ten-year long-distance running", deeply cultivating the construction of smart cities and leading the intelligent upgrading of cities. Up to now, Huawei Cloud has served digital projects in more than 800 cities around the world, and built "One City, One Cloud" with more than 160 cities across the country. At the same time, Huawei Cloud has also maintained rapid growth in the field of government affairs. According to IDC statistics, with its advantages in technical solutions, operational services, practical experience and ecology, Huawei Cloud has maintained the first place in the infrastructure market in government cloud, China for six consecutive years, and its innovative capabilities such as cloud native, big data and AI have been obtained.

Nowadays, the arrival of AI big model era has promoted the ecological prosperity of artificial intelligence industry, and "city +AI" has become an important part of smart city construction. Facing the new opportunity of AI big model and the new trend of "city +AI", Huawei Cloud will actively build digital people, digital cities and digital brains through four innovations of "computing power innovation, data innovation, model innovation and scene innovation" and two upgrades of "promoting security system and operation service system", which will give wings to urban business innovation, accelerate the city to a new stage of intelligence, and take "cloud +AI" as a total. This year, Huawei Cloud upgraded "One Cloud in the City 3.0" to help the city accelerate towards intelligence. Facing the future, Huawei Cloud will adhere to the core concept of "everything is service" and join hands with government customers and technology partners to go to the smart city in the new decade.

Longnan Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is on sale! The latest offer is 137,800 yuan, so act quickly.

Recently, car home Longnan preferential promotion channel has brought heavy good news to riders! The model is in hot promotion, and the discount range is as high as 15,000 yuan! The minimum starting price of this model is 137,800 yuan, which is sure to bring a lot of surprises to your car purchase budget. If you want to know more about the discount, you can easily get more discount information by clicking "Check the car price" in the quotation form. Act quickly and seize this excellent opportunity to buy a car!


Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is an SUV with a modern and scientific sense, and its design is full of fashion and dynamic. The front face is decorated with a large area of chrome, and the air intake grille is designed with a hexagon, which highlights the sporty atmosphere of the vehicle. The body lines are smooth, the overall style is magnificent and highly recognizable. In addition, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris also adopts a unique LED daytime running light design, which is not only beautiful, but also can provide better lighting effect when driving and improve driving safety. The side lines of the car body are simple and smooth, and with large-size rims, it shows the strength of the whole car. Generally speaking, the appearance design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is fashionable and dynamic, which meets the aesthetic needs of modern young consumers.


The side design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris car series is full of power and dynamic feeling. The length, width and height of the car body are 4781*1920*1671mm, the wheelbase is 2815mm, the front tread is 1641mm and the rear tread is 1642mm respectively. The car is equipped with 235/55 R19 front tires and 235/55 R19 rear tires, which are quite standard in tyre size. The body lines are smooth, full of strength, and elegant at the same time. The fashionable rim style highlights the sporty atmosphere of the car. The overall design is very attractive and it is a very recognizable model.


The interior design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is full of modernity and made of high-quality materials. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and supports manual adjustment up and down and back and forth, so that the driver can find the most comfortable position. The 12.3-inch central control screen is large and clear, and supports voice recognition control system, including multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, skylight and window. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces for easy charging. The front row also provides mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front-back adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the auxiliary seat supports front-back adjustment and backrest adjustment. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, providing more space flexibility. The overall interior design is simple and elegant, and the details are exquisite, which brings a comfortable driving experience for drivers and passengers.


Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. The engine adopts a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, which can provide a smooth shift experience and efficient fuel economy. This engine provides powerful power, but also has excellent acceleration performance and excellent driving experience. No matter on urban roads or highways, Starway Eta Ursae Majoris can easily cope with all kinds of driving conditions and bring you excellent driving experience.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he spoke highly of the exterior design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris. The overall appearance is fashionable, the front of the car is sharp and powerful, and the shape of the headlight group is also unique, which makes the whole vehicle look very recognizable and luxurious. The side lines of the car body are smooth, and the waistline extends from the front fender to the taillights, giving people a dynamic feeling. The tail design is simple and generous, and the penetrating taillights increase the sports atmosphere of the whole vehicle. These design details make Starway Eta Ursae Majoris stand out from many models and become a unique model that people can notice at a glance. Thanks to car home car owner @ Wenzhou Cheyou 4313847 for sharing his experience with us. I believe more car owners will also be attracted by the appearance design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris.